Software Reference - FlexColor 4.0 for Camera Backs, Part No 70030035 revision 1.0.
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Hasselblad A/S assumes no responsibility or liability for loss or damage incurred during or as
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Hasselblad, Imacon, FlexColor, Flextight, FlexFrame and Ixpress are trademarks of
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Printed in Denmark.
Software Reference - FlexColor 4.0 for Camera Backs
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
What's in this Manual7
Software compatibility7
FlexColor under Mac OS and Windows7
System Requirements8
The 3f File Format10
FlexColor Menus13
The FlexColor Menu13
The File Menu14
The Edit Menu16
The Modify Menu17
The View Menu18
The Maintenance Menu18
The Window Menu19
The Main FlexColor Window21
Capture and Save Tools21
Color and Exposure Analysis Tools23
Corrections Controls24
Size Controls24
Zoom Controls26
Orientation Controls26
Other Controls27
The Preview28
The Setup Window29
The FlexColor Setup Philosophy30
Managing Setups30
Advanced Setup Management31
Software Reference - FlexColor 4.0 for Camera Backs
Table of Contents
General Tab32
Contrast Tab35
Texture Tab36
CC (Color Correction) Tab37
Auto Tab39
Dot Tab40
ColorSync or ICM Tab41
The Preferences Window47
Scanner Tab47
Camera Tab47
3f Tab50
Output Profiles Tab51
General FlexColor Settings52
FlexColor ICC Profiles55
Generic ICC Output Profiles55
Editing ColorSync Color Profiles56
The Thumbnails Window61
Opening the Thumbnails Window61
Selecting a Thumbnails Folder62
Files and Formats62
Saving Crop and Imaging Settings62
Using the Thumbnails Window63
Printing the Thumbnails69
Ixpress Contents Window71
Using the Ixpress Contents Window71
Transferring Images74
The Info Window75
Using the Info Window75
Software Reference - FlexColor 4.0 for Camera Backs
Table of Contents
The Exposure Window79
Using the Exposure window79
Setting the Exposure80
Custom White Calibration81
The Color Info Window83
Reading Values in the Color Info Window83
Setting Fixed Sample Points84
Active and Reload Buttons85
The Gradations Window87
Using the Sliders88
Using the Gradations Color Picker89
Using the Curve89
Setting the Threshold for Lineart Captures91
The Histogram Window93
The Histogram Display94
The Histogram Color Pickers96
Neutralizing Colors98
Selective Color Correction99
Opening the Color Correction Window99
Using the Color Correction Window99
The Texture Window101
Using the Texture Window102
The Detail Window105
Using the Detail Window106
Software Reference - FlexColor 4.0 for Camera Backs
Table of Contents
The Live Video Window107
Live Video Window Tools108
The Tasks Window111
Background save from 3f111
Keyboard Shortcuts113
Software Reference - FlexColor 4.0 for Camera Backs
What's in this Manual
This manual provides a menu-by-menu, screen-by-screen listing of
controls and settings available with FlexColor.
Topics include:
Summaries of all menu commands
Description of the 3f file format
Information about rotating and mirroring images
Image management from the Thumbnails Window
Full details of all tab sheets in the Setup window
Full details of the Preferences window
Instructions for editing ColorSyncTMprofiles
Brightness and contrast control with the Gradations window
Advanced highlight and shadow settings with the Histogram window,
including color neutralization and control
Advanced color control with the Color Correction window
Sharpening images with the Texture window
What's in this Manual
Software compatibility
The FlexColor software works with the entire range of Ixpress and
FlexFrame digital camera backs and all Flextight scanners except for the
Flextight 4800.
FlexColor under Mac OS and Windows
The CD that came with your digital camera system includes versions of
FlexColor for both Macintosh and Windows-based systems.
The interface is nearly identical on both platforms, with mostly superficial
differences to conform with the interface guidelines of the two systems.
Software Reference - FlexColor 4.0 for Camera Backs
System Requirements
Nearly all of the screen captures shown in this manual were taken from
Mac OS X. Windows users will notice the following differences:
In the Setup window, the color management tab is called ICM instead
of ColorSync
The menus are located at the top of the main FlexColor window instead
of at the top of the screen.
System Requirements
IBM PC-Compatibles
Minimum 233 MHz processor.
Windows 2000 or XP.
System RAM
512 MB or more recommended - when performing micro step captures
we recommend at least 1.5 GB. Ixpress 528C will not function with less
than 2 GB.
Screen resolution of 800 x 600 pixels with true colors (24 bits).
Mouse or other pointing device.
• FireWire interface
SCSI Interface.
Minimum available hard disk space of 10 GB
Minimum Power PC processor.
Mac OS X ver. 10.2.1 or later.
System RAM
512 MB or more recommended - when performing micro step captures
we recommend at least 1 GB.
Screen resolution of 800 x 600 pixels with true colors (24 bits).
FireWire interface
SCSI interface.
Minimum available hard disk space of 10 GB.
Software Reference - FlexColor 4.0 for Camera Backs
System Requirements
OS X Requirements
OS X V 10.2.1 or later is required. We recommend updating to the latest
release available.
Devices can be connected by either SCSI or FireWire. Please note that if
you are connecting a SCSI device through a SCSI to FireWire device it will
be represented as a FireWire device - that is the bus number in the device
window will be 9.
To be recognized by OS X, devices connected to a standard SCSI adapter
must be present when booting the Mac.
A SCSI device connected via a SCSI to FireWire adapter will be recognized
when the adapter is plugged in.
The SCSI device itself must be turned on before connecting the adapter to
FireWire or rebooting.
Software Reference - FlexColor 4.0 for Camera Backs
The 3f File Format
The 3f File Format
When using the Scan 3f function (for scanners) or capturing an image
with a digital camera back, FlexColor stores the image in the unique 3f(flexible file format).
The 3f file is an extended TIFF-file containing
Raw 16-bit image data
A complete history of applied settings
High quality preview image
Custom icons and previews visible in the Finder.
Meta-data (including IPTC tags) to support an image database.
In short this means that when you have scanned or captured your image,
you can crop, resize and color correct an unlimited number of times
You can easily integrate to databases, have fast previews in a number of
applications and always be able to re-create the quality you need - all this
from the same 3f file.
Image Archiving & Availability
Because a 3f file preserves all of the details captured by your scanner or
camera, it is perfect for archiving. Then, for each new job, you will work
with the 3f image in FlexColor and export it to create a new TIFF file in
which your settings are applied - the only change made to the 3f file will
be the addition of a new history record of the settings you used.
By making the 3f files available over your network, you will enable
operators at any workstation to open an image in FlexColor and apply
cropping, correction and conversion just as though they were working
directly on the scanner or camera.
Software Reference - FlexColor 4.0 for Camera Backs
The 3f File Format
Editing 3f Files
FlexColor holds all tools required for making standard image correction
of the 3f files.
If you need to apply pixel-editing to your image, FlexColor has a special
plug-in for Photoshop. When installing FlexColor, this plug-in will be
installed in the appropriate plug-in folder if Photoshop is already
Please note that you will permanently alter your original scanning or
capture data when you save using the plug-in.
To use your images in other image-editing and DTP applications, you
must apply the required settings and then save them as TIFF files. TIFF is
a standard format that is supported by the vast majority of imaging and
DTP programs.
The International Press Telecommunications Council (IPTC) defines a
standard used in the press industry for exchanging meta-information in
news content, including images. The standard associates an object with its
description within the same file. You can embed all kinds of information
in your images, such as a caption, the place you took it, the date and even
keywords and categories etc.
In FlexColor you are able to apply a number of IPTC-tags to your 3f files.
See “The Info Window” on page 65 for details.
An extra copy of the IPTC data is stored in the Adobe Image Resource tag
to enable Extensis Portfolio and other applications extracting metadata
with QuickTime to read the keywords stored in the standard IPTC tag.
Many aspects of managing your images are made easier using the IPTC
standard. Many software programs already exist for doing this, including
Adobe Photoshop. It’s the standard used by professional news agencies
worldwide, and it’s just as useful for others.
Software Reference - FlexColor 4.0 for Camera Backs
Software Reference - FlexColor 4.0 for Camera Backs
FlexColor Menus
The FlexColor Menu
FlexColor Menus
FlexColor commands are available via a standard menu bar. Each of them
is described briefly below. Note that most menu entries also list a
keyboard shortcut to the right of the entry. Try to remember and use these
shortcuts to speed up your work.
The FlexColor Menu
Except for the Preferences entry the FlexColor menu functions are
standard for all applications.
Preferences: Opens the Preferences window, which enables you to
make general flash and shutter settings for your current camera model,
select an application for viewing final images, and typing some default
information for the 3f files.
See "The Preferences Window" on page 47 for more information.
Software Reference - FlexColor 4.0 for Camera Backs
FlexColor Menus
The File Menu
The File Menu
The File menu includes entries that initiate image captures and make
settings for FlexColor.
Capture: Captures an image using your current settings and saves it as
a 3f file (see page 10 for details). A preview of the image will be
displayed in main FlexColor window right away, though rendering of
the image will continue in the background for several seconds
afterwards. You will not be able to view the image in full resolution
until the rendering is finished, though you can make other types of
settings. All setting are previewed using the full 16-bit color depth to
display results.
Save: Saves the image currently shown in the FlexColor window as a
standard TIFF file. All current crop, mode, color and imageenhancement settings will be applied to the saved image.
Close: Closes the currently selected window if possible.
Setup: Opens the Setup window, in which most of the basic settings for
an image capture can be made, saved and loaded.
See "The Setup Window" on page 29 for more information.
Software Reference - FlexColor 4.0 for Camera Backs
FlexColor Menus
The File Menu
Devices: Opens the Devices window.
The window lists all connected devices allowing you to select which
camera or scanner device you want to work with. Click on the one you
prefer and click the Select button. If you have only a single scanner or
camera connected this device is automatically chosen.
The numbers just to the right of the scanner or camera icon in the list
(ex. 0-5) refers to the Bus no. (0) and the SCSI address (5).
Get Info: Opens an Info window, which contains various information
about the currently selected image.
See "The Info Window" on page 65 for a detailed description.
Page Setup.../Print… : Enables you to print the contents of the
Thumbnails window. Make sure you have selected the view by
clicking on an image in the window, then select Print.
Software Reference - FlexColor 4.0 for Camera Backs
FlexColor Menus
The Edit Menu
The Edit Menu
The Edit menu contains entries that enable you to undo multiple actions
that you have made while making settings in FlexColor. It also enables
you to cut, copy and paste text in various windows.
Undo: Reverses your most-recent actions - for example, a crop area
modification or a change in the Setup window. You are able to step
back through a long series of actions.
Redo: Reapplies the last action that you cancelled using the Undo
Cut: If you have selected some text in a text field, then this command
removes the text and saves it on a system-wide virtual clipboard.
Copy: Saves the selected text on the clipboard without removing it.
Paste: Places a copy of the text on the clipboard at the insertion point.
Clear: Removes all text from the clipboard.
Select All: Selects all of the text contained in the field in which the
insertion point is standing. In the Thumbnails window, this selects all
of the icons in the window (see "The Thumbnails Window" on page 61).
Deselect: Removes the cropping of the currently shown image.
Show Clipboard: displays the current contents of the clipboard.
Software Reference - FlexColor 4.0 for Camera Backs
FlexColor Menus
The Modify Menu
The Modify Menu
The Modify menu gives you quick short cuts to functions that are also
available from within the modify dialog in the Thumbnails window (see
page 61 for details).
You have the possibility to select a number of files and choose Process
from the Modify menu. This will add a corresponding number of
processing tasks to the list in the Task window and processing of those
files will take place in the background. Processing tasks will not be
interrupted by new image captures.
Batch Modify
When using the Batch Modify... function to add settings from current
settings the cropping will be maintained in the added settings.
If the images in question have different sizes the cropping will be scaled
Neutralization presets
You have the ability to save and reuse named neutralization presets. This
feature is also accessible from the Modify dialog in the Thumbnails
window (see page 67 for details).
Software Reference - FlexColor 4.0 for Camera Backs
FlexColor Menus
The View Menu
The View Menu
The View menu exposes some of the “secret” short cuts that relate to the
control of grid, overlay and crop mask and to zooming and selection of
The Soft Proof feature combines the ICC color profile of your monitor
with the profiles of your camera back and output device to provide a
simulation of the output colors on your screen. Enable this only when you
are sure about the specific output device you are using. If you are making
a general-purpose RGB capture, then keep this feature unselected.
A small s to the right of the Color Info area in the main FlexColor
window indicates that Soft Proof is enabled.
The Hide Tools item lets you hide all tool windows.
The Maintenance Menu
The Maintenance menu is not available when you use FlexColor with a
digital camera back.
Software Reference - FlexColor 4.0 for Camera Backs
FlexColor Menus
The Window Menu
The Window Menu
The Window menu opens and closes each of the image settings windows
available with FlexColor. Each window that is currently open shows a
check mark to the left of its name. For more information about each of
these windows, see the appropriate section later in this manual:
Gradations window ......... seepage 87.
Histogram window .......... seepage 93.
Color Correction window .... seepage 99.
Texture window ........... seepage 101.
Detail window ............. seepage 105.
Exposure window ........... seepage 79.
Thumbnails window ........ seepage 61.
Color Info window .......... seepage 83.
Live Video window ........ seepage 107.
Tasks window ............. seepage 111.
NOTE! The Batch Scan entry is not available when you use FlexColor
with a digital camera back.
Software Reference - FlexColor 4.0 for Camera Backs
FlexColor Menus
Software Reference - FlexColor 4.0 for Camera Backs
The Main FlexColor Window
The Main FlexColor Window
The main FlexColor window displays your preview images and provides
access to most of the image capturing and editing functions available with
Capture and Save Tools
CaptureCaptures an image using your current settings.
A preview of the image will be displayed in the main
FlexColor window right away.
All settings are previewed using the full 16-bit color depth to
display results.
Software Reference - FlexColor 4.0 for Camera Backs
The Main FlexColor Window
Capture and Save Tools
SaveSaves the image currently shown in the FlexColor window
as a standard TIFF file. All current crop, mode, color and
image-enhancement settings will be applied to the saved
image. The save task is added to the list in the Tasks
window (see page 111 for details) and the actual save task
will take place in the background
Previous/Next Image Buttons: Use these buttons to select
previous or next image from the thumbnails folder.
Ixpress Contents Button: Opens the Ixpress Contents
window displaying thumbnails of all images currently
stored on the Image Bank's hard disk.
Thumbnails Button: Opens the Thumbnails window, which
displays thumbnail images of all of the images saved in the
current folder. See "The Thumbnails Window" on page 61 for
more information.
SetupUse this pop-up menu to choose between any of the
currently available setups. A small + will appear to the right
of the menu to indicate when you have made custom
changes that affect the setup but have not been saved.
TypeUse this pop-up menu to choose the type of capture you
want to make (preview, single-shot, multi-shot or
micro-step). This setting mirrors the Type setting on the
General tab of the Setup window.
See "General Tab" on page 32 for more information.
ModeUse this pop-up menu to set the capture mode (RGB, RGB
16 bit, Grayscale, Grayscale 16 bit, Lineart,orCMYK). This
setting mirrors the Mode setting on the General tab of the
Setup window.
See "General Tab" on page 32 for more information.
Keyboard shortcuts
See "Appendix" on page 113 for related keyboard shortcuts.
Software Reference - FlexColor 4.0 for Camera Backs
Color and Exposure Analysis Tools
The Main FlexColor Window
Color and Exposure Analysis Tools
Exposure button
f-stop pixel value
Color Info button
Exposure-level indicator
Neutralize color picker
Soft Proof enabled
Red, green and blue pixel values
Use the exposure-level indicator to get a rough idea of how bright your
picture is. Ideally, it should be near the top of the green area, but without
entering into the red area, which indicates an overexposure. The indicator
turns yellow to indicate a probably bad exposure and turns white to
indicate a good exposure. Only the part of the image that is inside of your
crop area is measured by this tool, which means that the measurement
will change when you modify the crop area.
The various pixel value displays give you the f-stop and/or color values
for the pixel currently under the mouse pointer in the preview. Use this
tool to evaluate the exposure in particular areas of the captured image.
When you are shooting in RGB mode, then you can read values for each of
the three colors and the f-stop brightness, as shown above. However, if
you are shooting to CMYK, then CMYK pixel values are shown, and no
f-stop value appears. Use the Color Info window to read CMYK and
f-stop values simultaneously (see below).
The Neutralize color picker helps you to obtain a neutral color balance in
your image (see “Neutralizing Colors" on page 98 for details).
Next to the information displays are two buttons, which will open
windows that give you even more information and control. These are:
Exposure Button: Click this button to open the Exposure
window, which enables you to assess your exposure, set
camera aperture, exposure time and ISO sensitivity, and
make a black calibration. See "The Exposure Window" on
page 79 for more information.
Color Info Button: Click this button to read pixel values
from several points in the preview image. See "The Color
Info Window" on page 65 for more information.
Software Reference - FlexColor 4.0 for Camera Backs
The Main FlexColor Window
Corrections Controls
Corrections Controls
Gradation Button: Opens/closes the Gradations window.
See "The Gradations Window" on page 87 for more
Histogram Button: Opens/closes the Histogram window.
See "The Histogram Window" on page 93 for more
Color Correction Button: Opens/closes the Color
Correction window.
See "Selective Color Correction" on page 99 for more
Texture Button: Opens/closes the Texture window.
See "The Texture Window" on page 101 for more
Auto Button: Click this button to apply automatic settings
for highlight and shadow points based on the histogram of
your image.
Reload Button: Click on this button to return all correction
windows (Gradations, Histogram, Color Correction, and
Texture) to the settings saved with the current setup.
Size Controls
WidthThe measured width of the output image. The units used are
set on the General tab of the Setup window. See "General
Tab" on page 32 for more information.
HeightThe measured height of the output image. The units used are
set on the General tab of the Setup window. See "General
Tab" on page 32 for more information.
ZoomThe level of magnification applied when the image is saved.
The Width and Height settings will update to reflect the
setting you make here. Note that if you choose a setting
other than 100%, then FlexColor will interpolate the image to
fit the size you specify.
SizeThe file size of the final image file. This is affected by the
Width, Height, Zoom, and PPI settings.
It is possible to type a desired output file size. This will
adjust the zoom percentage correspondingly (max. 200%).
Software Reference - FlexColor 4.0 for Camera Backs
The Main FlexColor Window
Size Controls
PPIThe output resolution of the final image. The Width and
Height settings will update to reflect the setting you make
Lock Button: The lock button enables you to lock the output
width and height settings. When the lock is closed, then the
output width and height will not change when you modify
the crop area by dragging one of its corners, and the
proportion of height to width will be maintained. Click on
the lock to toggle its setting.
Crop Button: Usually this button is gray, which indicates
that the crop tool is active. When the crop tool is active, you
are able to click and drag on the preview image to create and
manipulate the crop area. However, some tools, such as the
color pickers, change the cursor so that it selects colors
instead of defining a crop area. When one of these tools is
active, the crop button is white. To return to the crop tool,
click on the crop button.
Note the following points about working with the crop and size tools:
When you work with the digital camera, you will typically know the
target output dimensions and resolution. If so, first enter the
dimensions in the Height and Width fields and choose the output
resolution from the PPI pop-up menu. Then click on the lock icon so
that it is closed (this will lock your height and width settings).
You are now able to click and drag the crop area to define the
composition of your image - the Zoom value automatically tracks your
changes without changing the height, width, or PPI of your output
To set the crop area, place the mouse cursor over the preview image.
Click and hold over one corner of the area you wish to capture and drag
the cursor away to outline the area. Release the mouse button to select
the area.
To move the crop area, place the mouse cursor inside the outline, then
click and drag the area. Release the button to drop the area again.
To resize the crop area, place the mouse cursor over one of the sides or
corners. The cursor will change into a double sided arrow. Click and
drag the side or corner to stretch or shrink the area.
Software Reference - FlexColor 4.0 for Camera Backs
The Main FlexColor Window
Zoom Controls
Zoom Controls
Zoom Out: Click this button to make the preview image
Zoom In: Click this button to make the preview image
Fit to Window: Click this button to resize the preview to fit
the window.
Detail: Click this button to open the Detail window. Use this
window to show details of the image and/or a strongly
magnified view of the preview image for reading color
values of a specific pixel in your image. See "The Detail
Window" on page 105 for more information.
Keyboard shortcuts
See "Appendix" on page 113 for related keyboard shortcuts.
Orientation Controls
Rotate Buttons: If you choose to shoot with the camera back
in portrait mode, then your subjects will be rotated so that
they appears sideways in relation to the FlexColor preview
window. If this annoys you, the use the rotate buttons to
rotate the image in 90° steps in either direction. Both the
preview and the final image will be rotated.
Mirror Button: Mirrors the preview and final image.
Orientation Icon: Shows the current rotation/mirroring in
relation to the captured image.
Keyboard shortcuts
See "Appendix" on page 113 for related keyboard shortcuts.
Software Reference - FlexColor 4.0 for Camera Backs
Other Controls
Grab tool: Holding down space activates the grab tool
allowing you to drag the contents of the preview window
Crop mask button: Masks off the area outside the current
Overlay Button: Switches on and off the display of an
overlay over the image in the preview window.
Activating this button without actually having added an
overlay image will display a message describing this.
See page 28 for details about adding an overlay to the image.
Opacity slider: This slider occurs below the overlay button
while the overlay is active. The slider gives you full control
of the overlay image transparency.
Grid Button: Adds a grid over the preview and live video
window. The grid can be useful for aligning objects in your
Holding down the option key while clicking the button
opens the Grid options window:
The Main FlexColor Window
Other Controls
Here you are able to define the number and color of the lines
in the grid.
The number of lines is per the smallest image dimension
(width or height).
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be used in the preview window hold down option key to scroll sideways.
Software Reference - FlexColor 4.0 for Camera Backs
The Main FlexColor Window
It is possible to add an overlay to the preview and live video windows to
help with aligning your setup. All the standard image file types such as
TIFF, JPEG, GIF, and PNG can be used.
The Mac version supports PNG-files with alpha channels giving you full
control of the image transparency.
To add the overlay simply drag the image file into the preview window,
or alternatively if you option-click the Overlay button you are given the
possibility of browsing for the overlay image instead of dragging it into
Once in place you can click and drag the overlay image around to align it
correctly and you can resize it by clicking the borders and dragging.
Clicking the Overlay button (see page 27) will turn the overlay on/off.
The Preview
FlexColor has been designed with the philosophy that when creating
digital images, it is best to judge image quality with your eyes, not based
on point measurements and color lookup tables. This is why we have
drawn so much attention to the screen calibration procedure in the
tutorial, and why we have integrated ICC color profiles to maintain the
color accuracy you see on your screen all the way to print.
To make it easy for you to see and use the preview, FlexColor provides a
large 16-bit image with a zoom function and magnifier window. Because
your monitor can only show 8-bit colors, FlexColor calculates a new 8-bit
image from the 16-bit information each time you apply a highlight,
shadow, gradation, or color setting. This creates a very accurate preview
Software Reference - FlexColor 4.0 for Camera Backs
The Setup Window
The Setup Window
The Setup window shows many settings that affect the image and the way
in which the other tools in the FlexColor application work. All of the
settings displayed in the window can be saved and loaded from your hard
To open the Setup window, type cmd-U or select Setup from the File
Many of the settings, such as sharpness, gradation, and color correction,
are available individually through tool buttons in the main FlexColor
window. All settings you make using the individual tools are also applied
to the Setup window, and vice versa.
The Setup window is divided into several tab sheets to help you find the
setting you want to make.
Software Reference - FlexColor 4.0 for Camera Backs
The Setup Window
The FlexColor Setup Philosophy
The FlexColor Setup Philosophy
In the traditional prepress environment, where photographs are captured
on film and then scanned, the professional scanner operator requires
extensive education and experience to make all of the settings required to
obtain good results. The operator examines each original and, applying
his or her experience, enters a "best guess" of what all the settings should
be for that particular type of original. Then the operator checks the
preview and makes fine tuning adjustments. However, when shooting
directly to digital, the photographer needs to be able to make these same
FlexColor simplifies this process by enabling you to save a library of
setups that you use most frequently. Nearly all FlexColor settings,
including all settings in the Setup, Gradations, Histogram, and Texture
windows, are saved in each setup file.
Each time you make a capture, select the closest setup from the Setup
menu, define the crop, click on the Auto button, and you are 98 to 100% of
the way to a perfect image capture (provided that you have neutralized
the colors of your image - see "Neutralizing Colors" on page 98 for
FlexColor is delivered with several generic setups to get you started
quickly. Use the Setup pop-up menu to choose a setup that is appropriate
for your original. The name of each setup indicates its intended use.
Start by using the generic setups. If you want to develop your own setup
library, begin with the closest of the available generic setups, modify it,
and save it with a new name.
Managing Setups
To create a new setup, click on the New button. A window will appear in
which you can name the new setup. All of the settings currently applied in
the Setup, Gradations, Histogram, and Texture windows will be saved in
the new file.
Software Reference - FlexColor 4.0 for Camera Backs
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