Harman Kardon MA-362 Service manual

Harman Consumer Group
250 Crossways Park Dr.
Woodbury, New York 11797
Twelve Channel Amplifier
The Audioaccess MA-362 Twelve Channel Amplifier represents a high value approach while providing twelve channels of clean amplifier power for multi-room system applications.
Power to Spare
With a power rating of 50 Watts per channel at 8 Ohms from 20Hz to 20kHz with less than .05% THD, the MA-362 will drive virtually any in-wall loudspeaker to room filling volume. Power into 4 Ohms is even more impressive at 75 Watts per channel. All channels may be bridged if additional power is required. Cool operation is ensured with a design incorporating heat sinks, flow through ventilation and low-noise fans.
After a series of careful evaluations and tests, Madrigal has chosen to imple­ment a conservative and proven design philosophy with the MA-362 with the added benefit of improved sound quality and long component life. Power for each
channel is delivered by a pair of high current output transistors capable of delivering over 200 watts, much higher power than the rated 50 watts per chan­nel. For example, the output transistors for each channel can handle up to 12 amps. At rated power, the MA-362 is drawing only about 3 amps of current per channel, ensuring its reliable performance.
Control Capabilities
Each pair of channels is controlled by a Trigger Source Selector, a three-position switch that selects signal sensing, voltage trigger input or link (to the trigger signal of the zone to the immediate left) as the source for muting control within each individual zone. A two position Signal Link Selector, is also provided and is used to link a zone to the Signal Input connector of the zone to its left.
Installation Flexibility
Ease of installation, a hallmark of all
Audioaccess products is maintained in the new MA-362. An external speaker termi­nation board can be ordered in advance to allow the installing dealer to “pre-wire” all of the loudspeakers in the system before the amplifier is delivered for final installa­tion. Final hook up consists of plugging the speaker termination board into a slot in the rear panel of the amplifier.
The MA-362 features, performance and reliability make it the perfect amplifier choice for a wide variety of multi-room audio system applications.
Simply Ingenious
A Harman International Company
Madrigal Audio Laboratories, Inc.
P.O.Box 781 Middletown, CT 06457-0781 Internet: www.madrigal.com Fax: 860.346.1540 ©2002 Madrigal Audio Laboratories, Inc.
20202AA – SS/MA-362
Rack mountable chassisDiscrete amplifier design for improved
sound quality
Signal Input Connector: six dual RCA jacks,
one per two channel
Four position switch to select Stereo, Bridged
Right, Bridged Left, or mono operation for each zone
Independent level controls for each amp channelTrigger Input, euro-style connector, accepts 3
to 24V AC or DC, to “unmute” amp channels in the zone
Trigger Source Selector: three position switch
to select signal sensing, voltage trigger input or link (to the trigger signal of the zone to the immediate left) to control muting in the zone.
Plug-in Speaker Termination Board, a snap for
advance installations (available separately, not included with the amplifier)
Signal Link Selector: two position switch to
link a zone to the signal input connector of the zone to its left (excluding zone 1)
Power Switch on Front panelBi-color LED Power Indicator
Number of Channels: 12, configured as 6
left/right pairs (zones)
Power Output (Unbridged): 50W @ 8Ω,
75W @ 4, 20 - 20k Hz, All Channels Driven
Power Output (Bridged): 150W @ 8Ω,
20 - 20k Hz, All Channels Driven
THD+Noise: <0.05%, at rated power,
20 - 20k Hz
IMD: <0.05% (SMPTE)Frequency Response: 20 - 20k Hz,
+0/-0.2 dB, at rated power, 4load
Bandwidth: 5 – 75k Hz. +0, -3dB, at rated
power, 4Ω load
S/N: >100dB unweighted (ref: Rated Power),
unbridged into 8
Crosstalk: <-70 dB (ref: Maximum Output)
between any two channels (no audible crosstalk)
Protection: Short Circuit, Over Current, DC,
Muting: Turn on, Turn off, Signal Sensing, and
Triggered per zone
Input impedance: 24kInput Sensitivity: 1.0 Vrms (with input trim at
minimum attenuation)
Input Level Trim Range: 20dBGain: 26dB
Dimensions and weight:
Height: 7" (178 mm)
(4 rack spaces, not including feet)
Width front panel: 19" (483 mm),
Width chassis: 1711⁄16" (450 mm)
Depth: 1711⁄16" (450 mm) ▲ Weight: 60 lb (27.2 kg) (without carton)
Features, specifications and dimensions are subject to change.
Audioaccess TI-501 Speaker Termination Board (Sold separately)
The Audioaccess MA-362 Twelve Channel Amplifi er represents a hi gh v alue approach while provi ding t welve channels of
clean amplifier power for multi-room system applications.
Power to Spare
With a power rati ng of 50 Watts per channel at 8 Ohms from 20Hz to 20kHz with less than .05% THD, the MA-362 will drive virtuall y any i n- wall loudspeaker to room filling volum e. Power into 4 Ohms is even more impressive at 75 Watts per channel. All channels may be bridged if additional power is required. Cool operati on is ensured with a design incorporating heat sinks, flow through v entilation and low-noise fans. Aft er a series of car eful evaluations and tests, Madrigal has chosen to im plement a conservative and proven desi gn philosophy with the MA-362 wit h the added benefi t of improved sound quality and long component lif e. Power for eac h c hannel is delivered by a pair of high current output transistors capable of delivering ov er 200 watts, muc h higher power t han t he r ated 50 watts per channel.
The output transistor s for each channel can handle 12 amps of curr ent. At rat ed power, the MA-362 draws 2.5 amps of current, ensuri ng ample safe operating area headroom and rel iable performance.
Zone Muting Control
Each pair of channel s is contr olled by a three-positi on Trigger Source swit c h to select signal sensing, volt age trigger or link (to the trigger si gnal of the zone to the immediate left).
Unique In put Bussi n g A two position Signal Link switch is also provided for each zone. This allows assignment of direct input to the zone, or to share the source utili z ed by the z one t o its l eft, elim inating the need for Y-cords to di stri bute common inputs to multiple zones.
Installation Flexibility
Ease of installati on, a hallmark of all Audioacc ess products i s maintained in the new MA-362. An exter nal speaker terminati on boar d c an be ordered in advance to allow termination of loudspeakers before the amplifier is delivered for final install ation. At final, simply plug the speaker termination board onto the r ear panel of the amplifier.
The MA-362 features, performance and reliability make it the perfect amplifier choice for a wide variety of multi-room audio system applications.
Number of Channels: 12, c onfigured as 6 left/right pairs (zones)
Power Output (Unbridged): 50W @ 81Ú2,
75W @ 41Ú2, 20 - 20k Hz, All Channels Driven
Power Output (Bri dged) : 150W @ 81Ú2,
20 - 20k Hz, All Channels Driv en
THD+Noise: <0. 05%, at rated power,
20 - 20k Hz
IMD: <0.05% (SMPTE)
Frequency Response: 20 - 20k Hz , + 0/-0.2 dB, at rated power, 41Ú2 load
Bandwidth: 5 — 75k Hz. +0, -3dB, at rated power, 41Ú2 load
S/N: >100dB unweighted ( r ef: Rated Power), unbridged int o 81Ú2
Crosstalk: <- 70 dB (ref: M aximum Output) between any two channels (no audi ble crosstalk)
Protection: S hort Cir c uit, Over Cur r ent, DC, T hermal
Muting: Turn on, Turn off, Signal Sensing, and Triggered per zone
Input impedance: 24k1Ú2
Input Sensitiv ity: 1.0 Vrms (with input trim at minim um attenuat ion)
Input Level Trim Range: 20dB
Gain: 26dB
Dimensions and weight:
Height: 7" (178 mm) (4 rack spaces, not including feet)
Width front panel : 19" ( 483 mm), Wi dth c hassis: 17 1/ 16" ( 450 mm)
Depth: 17 1/16" ( 450 mm). W eight: 60 lb ( 27.2 kg) (without carton)
Features, specifications and dimensions are subj ec t to change.
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