Dear Customer,
Thank you for choosing a Hanna product. This manual will provide you with the necessary
information for the correct use of the instrument. Please read it carefully before using the meter. If
you need additional technical information, do not hesitate to e-mail us at tech@hannainst.com.
This instrument is in compliance with
PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION................................................................................................. 3
GENERAL DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................................ 3
SPECIFICATIONS................................................................................................................... 5
PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION .................................................................................................... 5
FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION................................................................................................... 6
START UP ............................................................................................................................ 7
GUIDE TO DISPLAY CODES ..................................................................................................... 8
TIPS FOR AN ACCURATE MEASUREMENT ............................................................................. 14
MEASUREMENT PROCEDURE .............................................................................................. 14
FUSE REPLACEMENT .......................................................................................................... 16
ELECTRODE CONDITIONING AND MAINTENANCE .................................................................. 16
ACCESSORIES .....................................................................................................................19
Two models are available:
HI 84181-01 - 115 Vac power supply
HI 84181-02 - 230 Vac power supply
All rights are reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the written consent of the
copyright owner, Hanna Instruments Inc., Woonsocket, Rhode Island, 02895 , USA.

Please examine this product carefully. Make sure that the instrument is not damaged. If any
damage occured during shipment, please notify your Dealer.
Each HI 84181 instrument is supplied complete with:
• Reagents set for 20 tests
• One 2000 µL automatic pipette
• Six plastic tips for the 2000 µL automatic pipette
• Two 50 mL beakers
• HI 61014 Potassium half cell
• HI 5315 Reference half cell
• HI 7662-T Temperature probe
• Stir bar (2 pcs)
• Power cable
• HI 7076 Refilling solution (4×30 mL)
• One 1 mL syringe
• One 1 mL pipette
• Instruction sheet
• Instruction manual
Note:Save all packing material until you are sure that the instrument works correctly.
Any defective item must be returned in its original packing.
The HI 84181 is a low cost, easy to use, potassium ISE instrument that performs automatic analysis
with all the necessary calculations assuring to the user a simple and effective interface.
The instrument comes with a powerful and effective built-in algorithm to analyze the shape of the ISE
electrode response and to determine the reaction completion.
By simply pressing the Start key, the instrument performs automatic analysis, all the necessary
calculations and verifications. The result is immediately displayed in convenient units, then the
instrument is ready for another measurement.

Potassium ion (K+) is absorbed in vine from earth. Unlike other essential nutrients potassium
remains in ionic form and passes to the grapes.
Potassium ion is by far the most important ion that can be found in wine with concentrations
between 0.7-2 g/L (ppt) and is mostly deriving from grapes.
Potassium ion is greatly influencing the taste of wine, the absence of potassium ion giving a sour
taste of wine.
The alcohol content and low temperature make potassium to precipitate as potassium bitartrate.
Red wines have an increased content of potassium compared to white wines because the phenols
inhibit the precipitation of potassium bitartrate in the red wine.
The HI 84181 ISE Potassium meter measures the potassium content in wine using an ion selective
electrode. The used method is double standard addition, a simple and rapid method of analysis, and
the result is readily displayed in g/L K+ (ppt).
Above 2.5 g/L the instrument provides information about the approximate potassium content.

Range 0.0 to 5.0 g/L (ppt) K
Resolution 0.1 g/L (ppt) K
Accuracy ±5% of reading (see note)
Sample volume 50 mL
Temperature Compensation Automatic from 0 to 80 °C
Electrodes HI 61014 Potassium half cell
HI 5315 Reference half cell
Temperature Probe HI 7662-T (included)
LOG feature 50 samples
Stirring speed 500 rpm
Environment 0 to 50 °C (32 to 122 °F); max 95% RH non-condensing
Power supply 220V/50Hz; 10VA
Dimensions 208 x 214 x 163 mm (8.2 x 8.4 x 6.4") (with beaker)
Weight 2200 g (77.6 oz.)
Note: Above 2.5 g/L the instrument provides information about the approximate potassium content.
Code Description Quantity/Test
HI 84181-0 ISA 2 mL
HI 84181-1 Standard 1 2 mL
HI 84181-2 Standard 2 2 mL
The determination of potassium concentration is made according to double standard addition method.
This technique enables an unknown concentration and the electrode’s slope factor to be determined
The Automatic Temperature compensation is available using HI 7662-T temperature probe. By
setting the electrode isopotential point and enabling temperature compensation option in Setup
menu, the obtained concentration is temperature compensated.
The accuracy of the obtained result depends on the stability of the mV reading in every step of the
Three selectable stability criteria can be selected in Setup menu. Select Medium or Accurate
criteria in order to have accurate analysis.

1) Graphic LCD
2) Functional keys
3) Keypad
4) Electrode holder
5) Potassium half cell 10) Temperature probe socket
6) Reference half cell 11) BNC electrode connector
7) Temperature probe 12) Power switch
8) Electrode holder 13) Fuse
9) Reference socket 14) Power cable connector