Haier HTF 540DGG7 User Manual

User Guide
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Manual de utilizare
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Felhasználói útmutató
WARNING:Risk of fire/flammable ma-
terial. The symbol indicates there is a risk of
re since ammable materials are used. Take care to avoid causing a re by ingiting am­mable material. DE WARNUNG:Brandgefahr/ brennbares Material. Das Symbol weist auf Brandgefahr hin, da brennbare Materialien ver­wendet werden. Verhindern Sie die Entste-
hung von Bränden, die durch entammbare Materialien verursacht werden. FR ATTENTION: Risque d’incendie ou de mati ères inammables. Le symbole montre qu’il y’a le risque de maté riaux inammables sont utilisés. Prendre soin d’éviter de provoquer un incendie en ingérant des matières inammables.
ATTENZIONE: Rischio di incendio/materiale inammabile. Il simbolo indica il rischio di incendio nel caso di utilizzo di materiali in­ammabili. Fare attenzione ed evitare l‘insorgere di incendi a causa della caombustione di materiali inammabili.
Riesgo de incendio o mate rial inamable. El símbolo indica que
existe riesgo de incen dio, dado que se utilizan materiales inama­bles. Se debe procurar evitar incendios medi ante la combustión de materiales inamables. NLWAARSCHUWING: Brandrisico / brand- baar materiaal. Het systeem geeft aan dat er een brandrisico be­staat aangezien brandbaar materiaal wordt gebruikt. Zorg ervoor dat er geen brand wordt veroozaakt door brandbaat materiaal te ont steken.
OSTRZEŻENIE:Ryzyko pożaru/materiał łatwopalny.
Symbol wskazuje, że istnieje ryzyko pożaru, ponieważ używane są materiały łatwopalne. Dbaj o to, aby uniknąć pożaru poprzez zapale nie łatwopalnego materiału.
AVERTISMENT: Risc de incendiu/
material inamabil. Simbolul indică că există risc de incendiu deoa-
rece sunt folosite materiale inamabile. Aveți grijă și evitați incendiile aprinzând mate riale inamabile. CS VAROVÁNÍ: Nebezpečí Požáru/ Hořlavého Materiálu. Symbol označuje riziko požáru, protože byly použity hořlavé materiály. Dbejte na to, aby nedošlo ke vzniku požáru
zapálením hořlavého materiálu.
FIGYELEM: Tűz / gyúlékony
anyag veszélye. A szimbólum azt jelzi, hogy tűzveszély áll fenn, mi-
vel gyúlékony anyagokat használnak. Ügyel jen arra, hogy ne tegyen rá tűzveszélyes gyú lékony anyagot. EL ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ: Κίνδυνος φωτιάς/
εύφλεκτο υλικό. Το σύμβολο υποδεικνύει ότι υπάρχει κίνδυνος φωτιάς επειδή χρησιμοποιούνται εύφλεκτα υλικά. Προσέχετε να αποφεύγετε την πρόκληση φωτιάς από ανάφλεξη εύφλεκτου υλικού.
User Manual
Thank You
Thank you for purchasing a Haier Product.
Please read these instructions carefully before using this appliance. The instructions con­tain important information which will help you get the best out of the appliance and ensure safe and proper installation, use and maintenance.
Keep this manual in a convenient place so you can always refer to it for the safe and proper use of the appliance.
If you sell the appliance, give it away, or leave it behind when you move house, make sure you also pass this manual so that the new owner can become familiar with the appliance and safety warnings.
Warning – Important Safety information
General information and tips
Environmental information
Help protect the environment and human health. Put the packaging in applicable containers to recycle it.
Help to recycle waste of electrical and electronic ap-
pliances. Do not dispose appliances marked with this symbol with the household waste. Return the product to your local recycling facility or contact your municipal oce.
Risk of injury or suocation!
Refrigerants and gases must be disposed of professionally. Ensure that the tubing of the refrigerant circuit is not damaged before being properly disposed of. Disconnect the appliance from the mains supply. Cut o the mains cable and dispose of it. Remove the trays and drawers as well as the door catch and seals, to prevent children and pets to get closed in the appliance.
Old appliances still have some residual value. An environmentally friendly method of dis­posal will ensure that valuable raw materials can be recovered and used again.
Cyclopentane, a ammable substance not harmful to ozone, is used as an expander for the insulationg foam.
By ensuring this product is disposed of corectly, you will help prevent potential negative consequences for the environment and human health, which could otherwise be caused.
For more detailed information about recycling of this product, please contact your local council, your household waste disposal service or the shop where you purchased the pro­duct, handled by the professionals.
Safety information ...........................................................................................................................4
Intended use ...................................................................................................................................... 9
Product description .......................................................................................................................11
Control panel ...................................................................................................................................12
Use .....................................................................................................................................................13
Equipment .......................................................................................................................................20
Care and cleaning ...........................................................................................................................23
Troubleshooting .............................................................................................................................25
Installation ........................................................................................................................................28
Technical data .................................................................................................................................31
Customer service ...........................................................................................................................33
Check the accessories and literature in accordance with this list:
Ice cube tray
2 Egg trays
3 spacers
Warranty card
Safety information
Before switching on the appliance for the rst time read the fol­lowing safety hints!:
Before rst use
Make sure there is no transport damage. Remove all packaging and keep out of children´s reach. Wait at least two hours before installing the appliance in order to
ensure the refrigerant circuit is fully ecient.
▶ Handle the appliance always with at least two persons because it
is heavy.
▶ The appliance should be placed in a well-ventilated place. Ensure a
space of at least 10 cm above and around the appliance.
▶ Never place the appliance in a damp area or location where it
might be splashed with water. Clean and dry water splashes and stains with a soft clean cloth.
▶ Do not install the appliance in direct sunlight or in the near of heat
sources(e.g. stoves, heaters).
Install and level the appliance in an area suitable for its size and use. Keep ventilation openings in the appliance or in the in-built struc-
ture clear of obstruction.
▶ Make sure that the electrical information on the rating plate agrees
with the power supply. If it does not, contact an electrician.
▶ The appliance is operated by a 220-240 VAC/50 Hz power sup-
ply. Abnormal voltage uctuation may cause the appliance to fail to start, or damage to the temperature control or compressor, or there may be an abnormal noise when operating. In such case, an automatic regulator shall be mounted.
Do not use multi-plug adapters and extension cables. Do not locate multiple portable socket-outlets or portable power
supplies at the rear of the appliance.
▶ Ensure that the power cable is not trapped by the refrigerator. Do
not step on the power cable.
▶ Use a separate earthed socket for the power supply which is easy
accessible. The appliance must be earthed.
Only for UK: The appliance’s power cable is tted with 3-cord
(grounding) plug that ts a standard 3-cord (grounded) socket. Never cut o or dismount the third pin (grounding). After the ap­pliance is installed, the plug should be accessible.
▶ Do not damage the refrigerant circuit.
Daily use
▶ This appliance can be used by children aged from 8 years and
above and persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental ca­pabilities or lack of experience and knowledge if they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance in a safe way and understand the hazards involved.
▶ Children aged from 3 to 8 years are allowed to load and unload, but
not allowed to clean or install the refrigerating appliances.
▶ Keep away children under 3 years of age from the appliance unless
they are constantly supervised.
Children shall not play with the appliance. If cool gas or other inammable gas is leaking in the vicinity of the
appliance, turn o the valve of the leaking gas, open the doors and windows and do not unplug a plug in the power cable of the refrig­erator or any other appliance.
▶ Notice that the appliance is set for operation at a specic ambient
range between 10 and 43°C. The appliance may not work properly if it is left for a long period at a temperature above or below the indicated range.
▶ Do not place unstable articles (heavy objects, containers lled with
water) on top of the refrigerator, to ovoid personal injury caused by falling or electric shock caused by contact with water.
▶ Do not pull on the door shelves. The door may be pulled slant, the
bottle rack, may be pulled away, or the appliance may topple.
▶ Open and close the doors only with the handles. The gap between
the doors and between the doors and the cabinet is very narrow. Do not extend your hands in these areas to avoid pinching your ngers. Open or close the refrigerator doors only when there are no children standing within the range of door movement.
Safety information
Safety information
▶ Do not store or use inammable, explosive or corrosive materials
in the appliance or in the vicinity.
▶ Do not store medicines, bacteria or chemical agents in the ap-
pliance. This appliance is a household appliance. It is not recom­mended to store materials that require strict temperatures.
▶ Never store liquids in bottles or cans (besides high percentage
spirits) especially carbonated beverages in the freezer, as these will burst during freezing.
▶ Check the condition of food if a warming in the freezer has taken
▶ Do not set unnecessarily low temperature in the refrigerator com-
partment. Minus temperatures may occur at high settings. Atten­tion: Bottles can burst
Do not touch frozen goods with wet hands (wear gloves). Espe-
cially do not eat ice lollies immediately after removal from the
freezer compartment. There is the risk to freeze or the formation of frost blisters. FIRST aid: keep immediately under running cold water. Do not pull away!
▶ Do not touch the inside surface of the freezer storage compart-
ment when in operation, especially with wet hands, as your hands may freeze onto the surface.
▶ Unplug the appliance in the event of a power interruption or be-
fore cleaning. Allow at least 7 minutes before restarting the appli­ance, as frequent starting may damage the compressor.
▶ Do not use electrical devices inside the food storage compart-
ments of the appliance, unless they are of the type recommend­ed by the manufacturer.
Maintenance / cleaning
▶ Make sure children are supervised if they carry out cleaning and
▶ Disconnect the appliance from the electrical supply before un-
dertaking any routine maintenance. Allow at least 7 minutes be­fore restarting the appliance, as frequent starting may damage the compressor.
Hold the plug, not the cable, when unplugging the appliance. Do not clean the appliance with hard brushes, wire brushes, de-
tergent powder, petrol, amyl acetate, acetone and similar organic solutions, acid or alkaline solutions. Please clean with special re­frigerator detergent to avoid damage.
▶ Do not scrape o frost and ice with sharp objects. Do not use
sprays, electric heaters like heater, hair dryer, steam cleaners or other sources of heat in order to avoid damage to the plastic parts.
▶ Do not use mechanical devices or other means to accelerate the
defrosting process, other than those recommended by the man­ufacturer.
▶ If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manu-
facturer, its service agent or similarly qualied persons in order to avoid a hazard.
▶ Do not try to repair, disassemble or modify the appliance by your-
self. In case of repair please contact our customer service.
▶ Eliminate the dust on the back of the unit at least once in the year
to avoid hazard by re, as well as increased energy consumption.
Do not spray or ush the appliance during cleaning. Do not use water spray or steam to clean the appliance. Do not clean the cold glass shelves with hot water. Sudden tem-
perature change may cause the glass to break.
Safety information
Safety information
Refrigerant gas information
The appliance contains the ammable refrigerant ISOBUTANE (R600a). Make sure the refrigerant circuit is not damaged during transportation or installation. Leaking refrigerant may cause eye injuries or ignite. If a damage has occurred, keep away open re sources, thoroughly ventilate the room, do not plug or unplug the power cords of the appliance or any other appliance. Inform the customer service.
In case of eyes get into contact with the refrigerant, rinse immedi­ately it under running water and call immediately the eye specialist.
Intended use
This appliance is intended for cooling and freezing food. It has been designed exclusively for use in household and similar applications such as sta kitchen areas in shops, oces and other working environments; farm houses and by clients in hotels, motels and other residential type environments as well as in bed-and-breakfast and catering business. It is not intended for commercial or industrial use.
Changes or modications to the device are not allowed. Unintended use may cause haz­ards and loss of warranty claims.
Standards and directives
This product meets the requirements of all applicable EC directives with the correspond­ing harmonised standards, which provide for CE marking.
Intended use
Intended use
When you close the door, the vertical door strip on
the left door should be bent inside (1).
If you try to close the left door and the vertical door
strip is unbent (2), you should bend it rstly, other­wise the door strip will hit the xing shaft or right door. Thus a damage to the door slip or a leak will occur.
There is a heating thread inside the frame. The tem­perature of the surface will rise a little, which is nor­mal and won´t aect the function of appliance.
Product description
Due to technical changes and dierent models, some of the illustrations in this manual may dier from your model.
will be
5 6
A: Refrigerator compartment
1 Bottle holder/Door rack 2 Glass shelves 3 Rating plate
4 Wine rack
5 Humidity box 6 Vertical beam 7 Ceiling lamp
8 Air duct and sensor (behind panel)
9 O.K.-temperature indicator (optional) 10 MyZone slider 11 Air duct (behind drawers) 12 MyZone box
B: Freezer compartment
13 Sliding shelf 14 Freeze box 15 Air duct 16 Adjustable feet
10 11
Control panel
Control panel
A Fridge selector B Freezer selector C Auto Set mode and holiday function selector D Super-Cool selector E Super-Freeze selector F Panel lock selector
a Temperature fridge b Temperature freezer c1 holiday mode
c2 Auto Set mode
d Super-Cool function e Super-Freeze function
f Panel lock
e f
Before rst use
Remove all packaging materials, keep them out of children`s reach and dispose
them in an environmentally friendly manner.
Clean the inside and outside of the appliance with water and a mild detergent before
putting any food in it.
After the appliance has been levelled and cleaned, wait for at least 2-5 hours before
connecting it to the power supply. See Section INSTALLATION.
Precool the compartments at high settings before loading with food. The function
Power- Freeze helps to cool down the freezer compartment quickly.
The refrigerator temperature and freezer temperature are automatically set to 5° C
and -18° C respectively. These are the recommended settings. If desired, you can
change these temperatures manually. Please see ADJUST THE TEMPERATURE.
Sensor keys
The buttons on the control panel are sensor keys, which already respond when lightly touched with the nger.
Switch on /o the appliance
The appliance is in operation as soon as it is connected to the power supply. When the appliance is powered on for the rst time, the actual refrigerator and freezer
temperatures are displayed. The display will ash. If the doors are closed it will switch o after 30 seconds.
Maybe the panel lock is active.
▶ The appliance is preset to the recommended temperature of 5°C (refrigerator) and
- 18°C (freezer). Under normal ambient condition you need not to set a temperature.
▶ When the appliance is switched on after disconnection from the main power supply, it
may take up to 12 hours for the correct temperatures to be reached.
Empty the appliance before switching o. To switch o the appliance, pull the power cord out of the power socket.
Lock/unlock panel
The control panel is automatically blocked against activation if the doors are closed and 30 seconds no button is pressed. For any settings the control panel must be unlocked.
▶ Touch button “F” for 3 seconds to block all panel el-
ements against activation. The buzzer alarms and
the related indicator “f” is now displayed; the light-
ening of the panel is switched o. The icon ashes
if a button will be pressed, when the panel lock is
activated. The change is not running.
▶ For unlocking press again the button.
The display screen turns o automatically 30 seconds after pressing a key. The display will be automatically locked. It lights up automatically when pressing any key or opening any door (Alarm does not light up the display screen).
Select the working mode
You may need to select one of the following two ways to set the appliance:
1) Auto Set mode
Under Auto Set mode, the appliance can automatically adjust the temperature setting ac­cording to the ambient temperature and temperature change in the appliance. If you do not have any special requirements, we recommend that you use Auto Set mode (refer to Auto Set mode later on).
2) Manual adjusting mode:
If you want to manually adjust the temperature of the appliance in order to store a par­ticular food, you can set the temperature via a temperature adjusting button (refer to ADJUST THE TEMPERATURE).
Door opening alarm
When the refrigerator door is opened for more than 1 minute, the door opening alarm will sound. The alarm can be silenced by either closing the door or touching the control panel. If the door is left open for more than 7 minutes, the light inside the compartment and con­trol panel illumination will automatically switch o.
Adjust the temperature
The indoor temperatures are inuenced by the follow­ing factors:
Ambient temperature Frequency of door opening Amount of stored foods
1. 2.
Installation of the appliance
Adjust the temperature for fridge
1. Unlock the panel by pressing button “F” if it is locked.
2. Press button „A“ (Fridge) for select the fridge com­partment. An alarm sounds. The actual tempera­ture in the refrigerator compartment is displayed.
3. Press button “A” to set the fridge tempera­ture. A signal will sound at each key press. The temperature increases in sequences of 1°C from a minimum of 1°C (OF) to a maximum of 9°C, switching to 1°C again when pressing further. The optimum temperature in the refrigerator is 5 °C. Colder temperatures mean unnecessary energy consumption.
If no key is operated in 5 sec., the setting conrms au­tomatically.
Adjust the temperature for freezer
1. Unlock the panel by pressing button “F” if it is locked.
2. Press button “B” (Freezer) for select the freezer compartment. An alarm sounds. The actual tem­perature in the freezer compartment is displayed.
3. Press button “B” (Freezer) to set the freezer tem­perature. A signal will sound at each key press. The temperature increases in sequences of 1°C from a minimum of -14°C to a maximum of
-24°C, switching to -14°C again when pressing further. The optimum temperature in the freezer is -18°C. Colder temperatures mean unnecessary energy consumption.
If no key is operated in 5 sec., the setting conrms au­tomatically.
The temperature in the corresponding compartment cannot be adjusted if any other function (Power-Freeze, Super-Cool, Holiday or Auto Set mode) is activated or the dis­play is locked. The corresponding indicator will ash accompanying with a buzzer.
Auto Set mode
In the Auto Set mode, the appliance can automatically adjust the temperature setting according to the ambi­ent temperature and temperature change in the appli­ance. This function is totally hand free.
1. Unlock the panel by pressing button “F” if it is locked.
2. Press button “C” (Auto Set). An alarm sounds.
3. Indicator “c2” illuminates and the function is acti­vated.
By repeating the above steps or selecting an other function this function can be switched o again.
1. 2.
sec. holiday
3 sec. holiday
Holiday function
This function sets the refrigerator temperature per­manently to 17°C.
This allows to keep the door of the empty refrigera­tor closed without causing an odour or mold - during a long absence (e.g. during holiday). The freezer com­partment is free for your setting.
1. Unlock the panel by pressing button “F” if it is locked.
2. Press button “C” (Auto Set) for 3 seconds.
3. Indicator “c1” illuminates .and the function is acti­vated.
By repeating the above steps or selecting an other function this function can be switched o again.
During the holiday function no goods must be stored in the refrigerator compartment. The temperature of + 17 ° C is too high for storing food.
1. 2.
Super-Cool function
Switch on the Super-Cool function if larger quantity of food should be stored (for example after the pur­chase). The Power-Cool function accelerates the cooling of fresh food and protects the goods already stored from undesirable warming. The factory setting temperature is 0 to +1°C.
1. Unlock the panel by pressing button “F” if it is locked.
2. Press button “D” (Super-Cool).
3. Indicator “d” illuminates and the function is acti­vated.
By repeating the above steps or selecting an other function this function can be switched o again.
This function will be automatically disabled after 3 hours.
Super-Freeze function
Fresh food should be frozen as quickly as possible to the core. This preserved the best nutritional value, ap­pearance and taste. The Super-Freeze function ac­celerates the freezing of fresh food and protects the goods already stored from undesirable warming. If you need to freeze a large amount of food once, it is recommended to set the Super-Freeze function on ahead for 24 h before the usage of frozen room. The function setting temperature is below -24 °C.
1. Unlock the panel by pressing button “F” if it is locked.
2. Press button “E” (Super-Freeze).
3. Indicator “e” illuminates and the function is acti­vated.
By repeating the above steps or selecting an other function this function can be switched o again.
1. 2.
The Super-Freeze function will automatically switch o after 50 hours. The appliance is then operated at the previously set temperature.
Empty the appliance before switching o. Keep the door of the refrigerating compartment open, when Refrigerator o func-
tion is activated, in order to avoid odour or mold..
Tips on storing fresh food
Storing into the refrigerator compartment
Keep your fridge temperature below 5°C. Hot food must be cooled to room temperature before storing in the appliance. Foods stored in the refrigerator should be washed and dried before storing Food to be stored should be properly sealed to avoid odour or taste alterations. Do not store excessive quantities of food. Leave spaces between foods to allow cold
air owing around them, for a better and more homogeneous cooling.
Foods eaten daily should be stored at the front of the shelf. Leave a gap between foods and the inner walls, allowing air owing. In special way
don’t store foods against the rear wall: foods could freeze against rear wall. Avoid di­rect contact of food (especially oily or acidic food) with the inner liner, as oil/acid can erode the inner liner. Clean away oily/acid dirt whenever it is found.
Defreeze frozen food in the fridge storage compartment. This way, you can use the
frozen food to decrease the temperature in the compartment and save energy.
The ageing process of fruit and vegetables such as courgettes, melons, papaya, ba-
nana, pineapple, etc. can be accelerated in the refrigerator. Therefore, it is not advis­able to store them in the refrigerator. However, the ripening of strongly green fruits can be promoted for a certain period. Onions, garlic, ginger and other root vegeta­bles should also be stored at room temperature.
Unpleasant odours inside the fridge are a sign that something has spilled and clean-
ing is required. See CARE AND CLEANING.
Dierent foods should be placed in dierent areas according to their properties:
▶ Please keep the distance more than 10 mm between the food placed and air duct or
sensors to ensure the cooling eect.
1 Butter, cheese, etc. 2 Eggs, cans, canned food, spices, etc. 3 Drinks and bottled foods. 4 Pickled foods, canned food, etc. 5 Meat products, snack foods, pasta, canned
food, milk, tofu, dairy etc. 6 Cooked meat, sausages, etc. 7 My Zone drawer : dry fruits, butter oils, choco-
8 Humidity box drawer: Fruit, vegetables, salad,
1 4
2 5
6 7
Storage into the freezer compartment
Keep the freezer temperature at- 18°C. 24 hours before freezing switch on the Power-freeze function; -for small quantities
of food 4-6 hours are sucient.
Hot food must be cooled to room temperature before storing in the freezer com-
Food cut into small portions will freeze faster and be easier to defrost and cook. The
recommended weight for each portion is less than 2.5 kg
It is better to pack food before putting it into the freezer. The outside of the pack-
aging must be dry to avoid bags sticking together. Packaging materials should be odour-free, airtight, non-poisonous and nontoxic.
In order to avoid expiration of storage periods, please note the freezing date, time
limit and name of the food on the packaging according to the storage periods of dif­ferent foods.
WARNING!: Acid, alkali and salt etc. could erode the internal surface of the freezer.
Do not place the food having these substances (e.g. sea sh) directly on the internal surface. Salt water in the freezer should be cleaned up immediately.
Do not exceed the food storage times recommended by the manufacturers. Only
take the required amount of food out of the freezer.
Consume defrosted food quickly. Defrosted food cannot be re-frozen unless it is
rst cooked, otherwise it may bless edible.
Do not load excessive quantities of fresh food in the freezer compartment. Refer
to the freezing capacity of the freezer – See TECHNICAL DATA or data at the type plate.
Food can be stored in the freezer at a temperature of at least -18°C for 2 to 12
months, depending on its properties (e.g., meat: 3-12 months, vegetables: 6-12 months)
When freezing fresh food, avoid bringing it in contact with already frozen food. Risk
of thawing!
When storing commercially frozen foods, please follow these guidelines:
Always follow manufacturers’ guidelines for the length of time you should store food
for. Do not exceed these guidelines!
Try to keep the length of time between purchase and storage as short as possible to
preserve food quality.
Buy frozen foods, which have been stored at a temperature of –18 °C or below. Avoid buying food which has ice or frost on the packaging – This indicates that the
products might have been partially defrosted and refrozen at some point – temper­ature rises aect the quality of food.
▶ Please keep the distance more than 10 mm between the food placed and air duct to
ensure the cooling eect.
The refrigerator is equipped with a multi-air-ow sys­tem, with which cool air ows are located on every shelf level. This helps to maintain a uniform temperature to ensure that your food is kept fresher for longer.
Adjustable shelves
The height of the shelves can be adjusted to t your storage needs.
1. To relocate a shelf, remove it rst by uplifting its hind edge (1) and pulling it out (2).
2. To reinstall it, put it on the lugs on both sides and push it to the most rearward position until the rear of the shelf is xed inside the slots in the sides
Ensure that all ends of a shelf are level.
My Zone drawer
In this compartment the humidity level is around 45% This drawer is suitable to store dry fruit and other dry food with low water content like like butter, fats and oils or chocolate.
Humidity box drawer
In this compartment the humidity level is around 85%. It is controlled automatically by the system and is suitable to store fruits,vegetables, salads etc.
▶ Do not remove the plastic cover inside the two zones.
They maintain the humidity.
▶ Cold-sensitive fruits like pineapple, avocado, bananas,
grapefruits and vegetables such as potatoes, aubergines, beans, cucumbers, zucchi­ni and tomatoes and cheese should not be stored in these two drawers.
Removable door racks
The door racks can be removed for cleaning: Place hands on each side of the rack, lift it upwards (1)
and pull it out (2). In order to insert the door rack, the above steps are
carried out in reverse order.
OPTIONAL: OK-temperature indicator
The OK-temperature indicator can be used to deter­mine temperatures below +4°C. Gradually reduce the temperature if the sign does not indicate “OK”.
When the appliance is switched on, it may take up to 12 hours for the correct tempera­tures to be reached.
Removable freezer drawer
To remove the drawer out, pull out to the maximum ex­tent (1), lift and remove (2).
In order to insert the drawer, the above steps are car­ried out in reverse order.
2 2
Storing large items
Large items of e.g. frozen food can be stored after:
▶ removing and overturning by 180° the upper freez-
ing tray, or
▶ after removing both upper freezing trays as well as
the middle freezer drawer and storing the food di­rectly on the shelf.
The Light
The LED interior light comes on when the door is opened. The performance of the lights is not aected by any of the appliances other settings.
Energy saving tips
Make sure the appliance is properly ventilated (see INSTALLATION). Do not install the appliance in direct sunlight or in the near of heat sources(e.g. sto-
ves, heaters).
▶ Avoid unnecessarily low temperature in the appliance. The energy consumption in-
creases the lower the temperature in the appliance is set.
Functions like POWER- FREEZE consume more energy. Allow warm food to cool down before placing it in the appliance. Open the appliance door as little and as briey as possible. Do not overll the appliance to avoid obstructing the air ow. Avoid air within the food packaging. Keep door seals clean so that the door always closes correctly. Defreeze frozen food in the fridge storage compartment.
Care and cleaning
Disconnect the appliance from the power supply before cleaning.
Clean the appliance when only little or no food is stored. The appliance should be cleaned every four weeks for good maintenance and to prevent bad stored food odors.
▶ Do not clean the appliance with hard brushes, wire brushes, detergent powder, petrol,
amyl acetate, acetone and similar organic solutions, acid or alkaline solutions. Please clean with special refrigerator detergent to avoid damage.
Do not spray or ush the appliance during cleaning. Do not use water spray or steam to clean the appliance. Do not clean the cold glass shelves with hot water. Sudden temperature change may
cause the glass to break .
▶ Do not touch the inside surface of the freezer storage compartment, especially with
wet hands, as your hands may freeze onto the surface.
In case of heating check the condition of frozen goods.
Always keep the door gasket clean. Clean the inside and housing of the appliance with
a sponge dampened in warm water and neutral de­tergent.
1. Please scrub the interior and exterior of the re­frigerator, including door sealing, door rack, glass shelves, boxes and so on, with a soft towel or sponge dipped in warm water (you may add neu­tral detergent into the warm water).
2. If there is liquid spilled, remove all the contaminated parts, directly rinse with the ow water, dry and place it back into the fridge.
3. If there is spilled cream (such as the cream, melting ice cream), please remove all the contaminated parts, put into the warm water with about 40 °C for some time, then rinse with the ow water, dry and place it back into the fridge.
4. In case some small part or component gets stucked inside of the fridge (between shelves or drawers), use small soft brush to release it. If you could not reach the part, please contact Haier service.
Rinse and dry with soft cloth. Do not clean any of the parts of the appliance in a dishwasher. Allow at least 7 minutes before restarting the appliance as frequent starting may dam-
age the compressor.
The defrosting of the refrigerator and the freezer compartment are done automatically; no manual operation is needed.
Care and cleaning
Replacing the LED-lamps
Do not replace the LED lamp yourself, it must only be replaced by either the manufac­turer or the authorised service agent.
The lamp adopts LED as its light source, featuring low energy consumption and long ser­vice life. If there is any abnormality, please contact the customer service . See CUSTOMER SERVICE.
Parameters of the lamp:
Refrigerator compartment:12 V max 2 W Freezer compartment:12 V max 0,5 W
Non-use for a longer period
If the appliance is not used for an extended period of time, and you will not use only the Holiday-function or the fridge o function for the refrigerator:
Take out the food. Unplug the power cord. Empty and clean the watertank Clean the appliance as described above. Keep the doors open to prevent the creation of bad odours inside.
Turn the appliance o only if strictly necessary.
Moving the appliance
1. Remove all food and unplug the appliance.
2. Secure shelves and other moveable parts in the fridge and the freezer with adhesive tape.
3. Do not tilt the refrigerator more than 45° to avoid damaging the refrigerating system.
Do not lift the appliance by its handles. Never place the appliance horizontally on the ground.
Many occuring problems could be solved by yourself without specic expertise. In case of a problem please check all shown possibilities and follow below instructions before you contact an after sales service. See CUSTOMER SERVICE.
▶ Before maintenance, deactivate the appliance and disconnect the mains plug from
the mains socket.
▶ Electrical equipment should be serviced only by qualied electrical experts, because
improper repairs can cause considerable consequential damages.
▶ A damaged supply should only be replaced by the manufacturer, its service agent or
similarly qualied persons in order to avoid a hazard.
Problem Possible Cause Possible Solution
The compressor
does not work.
The appliance runs frequently or runs for a too long period of time.
The inside of the re-
frigerator is dirty and/ or smells.
Mains plug is not connected in the mains socket.
The appliance is in the defrosting cycle
The indoor or outdoor tempera- ture is too high.
The appliance has been o power for a period of time.
A door/drawer of the appliance is not tightly closed.
The door/drawer has been opened too frequently or for too long.
The temperature setting for the freezer compartment is too low.
The door/drawer gasket is dirty, worn, cracked or mismatched.
The required air circulation is not guaranteed.
The inside of the refrigerator needs cleaning.
Food of strong odour is stored in the refrigerator.
Connect the mains plug.
This is normal for an automatic
In this case, it is normal for the appliance to run longer.
Normally, it takes 8 to 12 hours for the appliance to cool down
Close the door/drawer and ensure the appliance is located on a level ground and there is no food or container jarring the door.
Do not open the door/drawer too frequently.
Set the temperature higher until a satisfactory refrigera­tor temperature is obtained. It takes 24 hours for the refrig­erator temperature to become stable.
Clean the door/drawer gasket or replace them by the cus­tomer service.
Ensure adequate ventilation.
Clean the inside of the refrig-
Wrap the food thoroughly..
Problem Possible Cause Possible Solution
It is not cold enough
nside the appli-
It is too cold inside the appliance.
Moisture formation
on the inside of the
refrigerator com­partment.
Moisture accumu­lates on the refrig­erators outside surface or between the doors/door and drawer.
Strong ice and frost in the freezer com­partment.
The sides of the cabinet and door
strip get warm.
The temperature is set too high.
Too warm goods has been stored.
Too much food has been stored at
one time.
The goods are too close to each other.
A door/drawer of the appliance is not tightly closed.
The door/drawer has been opened too frequently or for too long.
The temperature is set too low.
The Power- freeze function is acti-
vated or is running too long.
The climate is too warm and too-
A door/drawer of the appliance is not tightly closed.
The door/drawer has been opened too frequently or for too long.
Food containers or liquids are left open.
The climate is too warm and too
The door/drawer is not closed tightly. The cold air in the appliance and the warm air outside it con­densates.
The goods were not adequately packaged .
A door/drawer of the appliance is not tightly closed.
The door/drawer has been opened too frequently or for too long.
The door/drawer gasket is dirty, worn, cracked or mismatched.
Something on the inside prevents the door/drawer to close properly.
• - This is normal.
Reset the temperature.
Always cool down goods be-
fore storing them.
Always store small quantities of food.
Leave a gap between several foods allowing air owing.
Close the door/drawer.
Do not open the door/drawer
too frequently.
Reset the temperature.
Switch o the Power- freeze
Increase the temperature.
Close the door/drawer.
Do not open the door/drawer
too frequently.
Let hot foods cool to room
temperature and cover foods and liquids.
This is normal in damp climate
and will change when the hu­midity decreases.
Ensure that he door/drawer is tightly shut.
Always pack the goods well.
Close the door/drawer.
Do not open the door/drawer
too frequently.
Clean the door/drawer gasket or replace them by new ones.
Reposition the shelves, door racks, or internal containers to allow the door/drawer to close.
Problem Possible Cause Possible Solution
The appliance makes abnormal
A slight sound is
to be heard si
The appliance is not located on
level ground.
The appliance touches some ob- ject around it.
• - This is normal.
Adjust the feet to level the ap-
Remove objects around the
to that of owing water.
You will hear an alarm beep.
You will hear a faint hum.
The interior lighting or cooling system
does not work
The fridge storage compartment door is open.
The anti-condensation system is
Mains plug is not connected in the mains socket.
The power supply is not intact.
The LED-lamp is out of order.
Close the door or silence the
alarm manually.
This prevents condensation
and is normal
Connect the mains plug.
Check the electrical supply to
the room. Call the local elec­tricity company!
Please call the service for changing the lamp.
Power interruption
In the event of a power cut, food should remain safely cold for about 12 hours. Follow these tips during a prolonged power interruption, especially in summer:
Open the door/drawer as few times as possible. Do not put additional food into the appliance during a power interruption. If prior notice of a power interruption is given and the interruption duration is longer
than 12 hours, make some ice and put it in a container in the top of the refrigerator compartment.
An inspection of the goods is required immediately after the interruption. As temperature in the refrigerator will rise during a power interruption or other fail-
ure, the storage period and edible quality of food will be reduced. Any food that de­frosts should be either consumed, or cooked and refrozen (where suitable) soon afterwards in order to prevent health risks.
Memory function during power interruption
After restoration of power the appliance continues with the settings that were set before the power failure.
The appliance is heavy. Always handle with at least two persons. Keep all packaging materials out of children´s reach and dispose them in an environ-
mentally friendly manner.
Take the appliance out of the packaging. Remove all packaging materials.
Environmental conditions
The room temperature should always be between 10° C and 43° C, since it can inuence the temperature inside the appliance and its energy consumption. Do not install the appli­ance near other heat-emitting appliances (ovens, refrigerators) without isolation.
Space requirement
Required space when door is opened: W1=1221 mm
W2=1534 mm D1=560 mm D2=1040 mm
max 45°
10 cm
10 cm
Ventilaton cross-section
To achieve sucient ventilation of the appliance for safety reasons, the information of the required venti­lation cross sections must be observed.
10 cm
10 cm
Aligning the appliance
The appliance should be placed on a at and solid sur­face.
1. Tilt the appliance slightly backwards.
2. Set the feet to the desired level. Make sure the distance to the wall on the hinge side is
at least 100 mm for the door to open properly.
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