Greyline Instruments Stingray Operating Manual

Stingray Solution for Flow Monitoring
at Flume Site without Electrical Power
Newton Falls, NY
An operator visits the site periodically and downloads the log file from the Stingray. The level data is used with 'Greyline Logger' software to generate a flow report for the Parshall flume.
The Stingray sensor was installed in the flume using the stainless steel mounting bracket supplied with each meter. A single screw is used to hold the ultrasonic level-velocity sensor in place at the correct position in the approach section of the flume. The electronics enclosure is kept inside an unheated shed beside the flume. The Stingray logger is rated for operation from -20° to +60°C.
Stingray performance demonstration before
installation in a 36" Parshall Flume
Newton Falls Fine Paper needed to monitor discharge of final treated effluent from their plant in New York state. A 36" Parshall Flume was already installed but no electrical power was available at the flume location.
Plant engineers solved the problem with a Greyline Stingray Portable Level-Velocity Logger. They programmed the Stingray to take readings at two minute intervals for operation up to six months on just four standard D-cell Alkaline batteries.
Stingray ultrasonic sensor installed in the
approach section of a Parshall Flume
1 - 2008