Greyline Instruments DLT-2.0 Specifications

Differential Level Transmitter
with Non-Contacting Sensors
for Mechanical
Greyline DLT 2.0
Displays, Transmits
and Controls
Differential Level
Simple 5-key Calibration
Three 4-20mA Outputs
Two Control Relays
Level Flume Calibration
Displays Up and Downstream Level
Measures Open Channel Flow
Monitors Parshall Flume Submergence
Versatile, Easy to Use
One Instrument Does the
Work of Three
Differential Level and Control
Open Channel Flow Monitoring
with Two Non-Contacting Ultrasonic Sensors
Install one Sensor on each side of a barscreen to continuously monitor, transmit and control level. Use the built-in control relays or 4-20mA outputs to automatically activate the barscreen rake at preset levels.
The DLT 2.0 is a simple solution for barscreen level control at wastewater treatment plant headworks, pump stations and combined sewer systems. It includes two non-contacting ultrasonic sensors to measure level. With sensors positioned above a channel, up and downstream from the barscreen, the DLT 2.0 can display and transmit differential level. The downstream sensor can also be installed above a flume or weir to measure and totalize open channel flow.
Three 4-20mA outputs are configured to transmit upstream level, downstream level (or flow) and differential level. Built-in relays can be calibrated for level control, differential level control or open channel flow.
Multi-function Level Transmitter
Does Two or Three things at once...
so You don’t have to
4-20mA Upstream Level
4-20mA Differential Level
4-20mA Open Channel Flow
4-20mA Upstream Level
4-20mA Downstream Level
4-20mA Differential Level
Barscreen Differential
Open Channel Flowplus
Reduce costs and simplify instrumentation at treatment plant headworks. With a barscreen upstream from a flume, the DLT2.0 can measure both
differential level and flow through the flume with just two ultrasonic sensors and one electronics enclosure.
The DLT 2.0 includes three 4-20mA outputs. It displays flow rate and total flow through the flume, plus upstream level and differential level.
Barscreen Differential
Monitor, transmit and control barscreen level with one instrument. Ultrasonic sensors mount up and downstream from a barscreen. Use the isolated 4-20mA outputs or control relays to activate the screen’s cleaning rake at preset levels or differential level.
4-20mA Tank 1 - Level/Volume
4-20mA Tank 2 - Level/Volume
Two-Tank Inventory
Monitor level in two tanks with one instrument. The DLT 2.0 will alternate display of level in both tanks plus transmit 4-20mA outputs. Use the built-in relays to activate alarms or level controls.
Calibration is easy with the DLT’s built-in keypad and menu system.
Submerged Flow Alarm
Parshall flumes can provide accurate flow measurement with the discharge submerged up to 70% (depending on flume size). Use the DLT 2.0 to measure flow through the flume and to activate an alarm when discharge level reaches critical submergence level.
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