States of America.
This do cument m ay not be copied i n whole o r in part , or other wise repr oduced
except as sp ec ifi ca ll y permitt ed un de r U. S. co py r i gh t law, withou t the prior wr it ten
consent of Grass Valley Group Inc., P.O. Box 59900, Nevada City, California
TrademarksGrass Valley, GRASS VALLEY GROUP, Profile and Profile XP are either
registe red trad em arks or trad ema rk s of Gras s Va ll ey Gr oup in the Uni ted Stat es
and/or other countries. Other trademarks used in this document are either
registered trademarks or trademarks of the manufacturers or vendors of the
associated products. Grass Valley Group products are covered by U.S. and foreign
patents, issued and pending. Additi onal information regarding
Grass Valley Grou p's tradem arks and oth er propri etary right s may be fou nd at
DisclaimerProduct options and specifications subject to change without notice. The
informati on in this manual is furnished for informatio nal use only, is subjec t to
chang e witho ut notic e, an d shou ld not b e cons trued as a com mitme nt by G rass
Valley Group. Grass Valley Group as sumes no res ponsibility or liability f or any
errors or inaccuracie s that may appear in this publication.
U.S. Government
Restricted Rights
Revision Status
Use, duplication, or disclosure by the United States Government is subject to
restrictions as set forth in s ubparagraph (c )(1)(ii) of t he Rights in Tech nical Data
and Comp ut er So ftwa re clau se at DFA RS 25 2.277 -7 013 or in su bpara gra ph c(1 )
and (2) of the Comm ercial Co mputer So ftware Re stricte d Rights cl ause at FAR
52.227-19, as applicable. Manufacturer is Grass Valley Group Inc., P.O. Box
59900, Nevada City, California 95959-7900 U.S.A.
Rev Date Description
February 1997Initial Issue, Manual P/N 070-9674-00.
September 1997Move user information, roll P/ N to 070-9674-01.
November 2000Revised Product Support contact information.
Part Number 071-8072-00.
Grass Valley Group Product Support ............... ............ ............ ............ ......... ............ .. 7
General Safe ty Su mm ary............................... ........................................... .................. 8
Certifications and Compliances................................................................................... 11
WARNING: These instructions are for use by qualified
service personnel only. To avoid personal injury, do not
perform any servicing unless you are qualifie d to do so.
Refer to all safety summaries before performing service.
Review the following safety precautions to avoid personal
injury and prevent damage to this product or any products
connected to it.
While using this product, you may need to access other parts
of the system. Read the general safety summary in other
system manuals for warnings and cautions related to
operating the system.
Injury Precautions
Do Not Service
Disconnect PowerTo avoid electric shock while servi cing, disconne ct the main
Use Care W h en
Ser vicin g Wit h
Power On
Do not perform inte rnal se rvice or a dju stment of this product
unless another person capable of render ing first aid and
resuscitation is pres ent.
power by means of the power cord.
Dangerous voltages or currents may exist in this product.
Disconnect power and remove battery (if applicable) before
removing protective panels, soldering, or replacing
Avoid Exposed
Do Not Operate
Without Product
Covers in Place
8PDR 100 Fibre Channel Inst allation
To avoid injury while servicing, remove jewelry such as
rings, watches, and other metallic objects. Do not touch
exposed connections a nd compone nts when p ower is pres ent.
To avoid electric shock or fire hazard, do not operate this
product with covers or panels removed.
Product Damage Precautions
Do Not Operate in
Do Not Opera te i n an
To avoid electric shock, do not op erate this pr oduct in we t or
damp conditions.
To avoid injury or fire hazard, do not operate this pro duct in
an explosive atmosphere .
Product Damage Precautions
Use the Proper
Voltage Setting
Provide Proper
Do Not O p er ate If
You Suspect
Product Failures
Ensure that the line selec tor is in the proper position for the
power source before applying power.
Prevent product overhea ting by providing proper vent ilation.
If you suspect there is damage to this product, have it
inspected by qualifie d servic e personnel.
Safety Terms and Symbols
Terms in This
These terms may appear in this manual:
WARNING: Warning statements identify conditions or
practices that can result in personal injury or loss of life.
CAUTION: Caution statements identify conditions or
practices tha t can result in damage to the equipment or other
PDR 100 Fibre Channel Installation9
PDR 100 Fibre Channel Installation
Terms on the
Symbols on the
These terms may appear on the product:
DANGER indicates a personal injury hazard imme diately
accessible as you read the marking.
WARNING indicates a personal injury hazard not
immediately accessible as you read the marking.
CAUTION indicates a hazard to property, including the
The following symbols may appear on the product:
DANGER high voltage
Protective ground (eart h) ter minal
ATTENTION – refer to manual
10PDR 100 Fibre Channel Install ation
Certifications and Compliances
Certifications and Compliances
FCC Emission
Canadian EMC
Notice of
This equipment has bee n tested and found to co mply with the
limits for a Class A digital de vice, pursuant to Part 15 of the
FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable
protection against ha rmful interference when the equipment
is operated in a comm ercial environment. This equip m en t
generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and,
if not installed and used in accordance with this installation
manual, may cause harmful interf erence to radio
communications. Oper ation of t his equipment in a residential
area is lik ely to cause harmful interference in which case the
user will be requi red t o corr ect the interference at his or her
own expense. Changes or modifications not expressly
approved by Grass Valley Group can affect emission
compliance and could void the user’s author ity to operate this
This digital appar atus does not exceed the Class A limits f or
radio noise emissions from a digital apparatus set out in the
Radio Interferenc e Regulations of the Canadian Department
of Communications.
Le présent appareil num érique n’émet pas de bruit s
radioélectriques dépassant les li mites applicables aux apparei ls
numériques de la classe A préscrites dans le Règlement sur le
brouillage radioélectrique édicté par le ministère des
Communications du Canada.
EN55022 Class A
For products that comply with Class A. In a domestic
environment, this product may cause radio interference , in
which case the user may be required to take adequate
PDR 100 Fibre Channel Installation11
PDR 100 Fibre Channel Installation
SafetyDesigne d /te s te d fo r co m p liance with:
UL1950– Sa fety of Inf ormation Technolo gy Equipm ent, in cluding E lectric al
Business Equipment (Third Edition, 1995)
IEC 950 – Safety of Information Technology Equipment, including
Electrical Business Equipment (Second edition, 1991)
CAN/CSA C22.2, No. 950-95 – Safety of Information Technology
Equipment , including Electrical Business Equipment
EN60950 – Safety of Information Technology Equi pm ent, inclu ding
Electrical Business E quipment (includes Appendix ZB)
12PDR 100 Fibre Channel Install ation
PDR 100 Fibre Channel Installation
Fibre Channel adds high speed video networking capability to Profile systems,
allowing clips to be transferred between Profile systems. This manual contains
instructions on how to install the Fibre Channel kit in your PDR100. The
instructions include:
• Related documents.
• System Requirements.
• Receiving inspecti on of the Fibre Channel Kit.
• Kit Contents.
• Installation Proc edure
• Configuring the system for Ethernet.
• Verifying that the Fibre Channel is correctly installed.
Once you have installed the Fibre Channel upgrade, your Profile system must be
configured t o use the F ibre C hannel network. Se e the Pr ofile Family User Manual
for Fibre Channel configuration and use information.
NOTE: The Fibre Channel upgrade should only be installe d by qualified
Related Documents
Profile Rele ase N o tes
Profile Family User Guide
PDR100 Installation Manual
PDR100 Service Manual
PDR 100 Fibre Channel Installation13
PDR 100 Fibre Channel Installation
System Requirements
The system requirements for installing and using the PDR100 Fibre Channel
upgrade are:
• Window NT operating system V3.51 or higher.
• Profile System Software V2.1 or higher.
• An Ethernet LAN board.
Tools Required
Tools required, but not supplied, to install the kit are:
• Torx screwdriver with T10 and T15 tips.
• Static discharge wri st strap.
14PDR 100 Fibre Channel Install ation
Receiving Inspection of the Kit
Receiving Inspection
After receiving the Fibr e Channel upgrade kit, carefully inspect the container. If
any damage is noted, contact the shipping agent immediately.
Unpacking Inspection
Grass Valley Group has made every effort to ensure that you receive a complete
and intact kit. Carefully unpack the kit and check the contents against the invoice
or shipping manifest. If any discrepancies are found, notif y your Grass Valley
Group representative immediately.
Inspect each component for any signs of damage. Especially note that cables are
not kinked and that con nector pins are not br oken or bent. I f any damage i s found,
notify your Grass Valley Group representative immediately and DO NOT
proceed further unless instructed to do so.
Receiving Inspection of the Kit
PDR 100 Fibre Channel Installation15
PDR 100 Fibre Channel Installation
Fibre Channel Upgrade Kits
There are two Fibre Channel upgrade kits f or the PDR100: one for a 4-channel
Profile system and the other for a 2-channe l Profile system.
The Fibre Channel upgr ade kit for a 4-channe l Profile syste m consists of the items
listed in Table 1 and shown in Figure 1.
Fibre Channel Board672-1462- X X
Master EDR Board671-3795-X X
Slave EDR Board671-3757-XX
10/100 Base T Ethernet Boar d118-9403- X X
PCI Interconnect Board671-3794-XX
Front Panel Cable Assy w/Fer rite Bead174-3459- XX
LED Cable Assy w/F errite Bead174-3471-X X
Gasket, EMI Foam348-1543-XX
5M Fibre Channel Copper Cable174-3629-X X
5.49M Ethernet 10/100 BaseT Cable174-3738- XX
Standard Sticker Set334-8982- X X
Fibre Channel Sticker Set334-9461- X X
Installation Manual070-9674-XX
The 2-channel upgr ade kit consists of all the items listed in Table 1 and shown in
Figure 1 except the EDR Slave board.
16PDR 100 Fibre Channel Install ation
Fibre Channel Upgrade Kits
Enhanced Disk
Recorder Boards
PCI Board
Fibre Channel
5 meter Fibre
Channel Cable
5.49 meter
Ethernet Cable
LED Cable
Front Panel Cable
EMI Gasket
Label Sets
10/100 Base T
Figure 1. 4-Channel Fibre Channel Kit Contents
PDR 100 Fibre Channel Installation17
PDR 100 Fibre Channel Installation
Fibre Channel Kit Description
The Fibre Channel upgr ade provides for connect ivity and high speed data t ransfers
between Profile systems. A LAN network (or Ethernet hub) and a Fibre Channel
hub are required to connect groups of grea ter than two Profile systems and, in
general, one set of hu bs is requ ired fo r each g roup of Profile systems to be
Fibre Cha nn e l Boa r d
The Fibre Channel (FC) board is a networkin g device which uses the Fibre
Channel Arbitrated Loop ( FCAL) protocol. The FC board is compatible with the
Peripheral Component I nterc onnect (PCI) local bus. With the on-boar d Gigabau d
Link Module (GLM), the FC board provides the functionality to network
numerous Profile systems.
Master Enhanced Disk Recorder Board
The Master Enhanced Disk Recorder (MEDR) board provides high bandwidth
data transfe rs from disk to and from video channels and the Fibre Channel board.
Additionally the i960 enhancements include a Global PCI, a Local PCI (LPCI),
and the i960 processor.
Slave Enhanced Disk Recorder Board
The Slave Enhanced Disk Recorder (SEDR) board is the same as the MEDR with
the following exceptions:
• It does not have the i960 processor section.
• Arbitration, interrupt, and clock lines are from the MEDR.
10/100 BaseT Ethernet Board
This board provides the Ethernet connection for the Profile system.
PCI Interconnect Board
This is a passive 3-conne ctor boa rd which provi des local bus connection betwee n
the Master ED R bo ard , the Slav e EDR , an d the FC board. It is attached to
connectors on the top edges of these boards.
18PDR 100 Fibre Channel Install ation
Front Panel Cable Assembly
This is a r eplac ement c able wit h an at tached ferr ite bea d to in sur e that your Profi le
system remains EMI compliant. Replacement of this cable is only necessary on
Profile systems with serial n umbers lower than B041685.
LED Cable
This is a r eplac ement c able wit h an at tached ferr ite bea d to in sur e that your Profi le
system remains EMI compliant. Replacement of this cable is only necessary on
Profile systems with serial n umbers lower than B041685.
EMI Foam Gas ket
This is EMI foam gasket is ins talled to insure that yo ur Profile system remains EM I
compliant. Installation of this gasket is onl y necess ary on Profile sys tems with
serial numbers lower than B041685.
Fibre Cha nn e l Cab le
The cable connecting the Profile system to a Hub is a 5 meter, copper wire cable
with a DB-9 connect or on each end. Note that other lengths of cable are available
from your Grass Valley Group representative. Also note that for distances greate r
than 25 meters, quality will begin to deteriorate and a fiber-optic cable with
copper-to-fi ber adapters is then recommended.
Front Panel Cable Assembly
NOTE: Minimum cable distances should be used to redu ce signal degradation
and error rates.
PDR 100 Fibre Channel Installation19
PDR 100 Fibre Channel Installation
Ethernet Cable
The Ethernet cable is a 5.49 mete r standard Ethe rnet cable with RJ-45 connectors
on each end.
Sticker Sets
A standard set of stic kers and a Fibre Channel set of stickers are provided so that
your Profile board IDs at the back of the chassis can be updated after the
installation of the Fibre Channel kit.
20PDR 100 Fibre Channel Install ation
A Profile Video Network requires a n Etherne t Local Ar ea Network (LAN) to
communi cate co m mand and status info rm at ion b et ween s ystems. If your Profile
systems are not connected to an existing LAN, Grass Valley Group recommends
Ethernet connecti on to a LAN hub or switch.
Similarly, connecting more than two Profile systems to a Fibre Channel Network
requires the use of a Fibre Channel hub or switc h. In addit ion, each Profil e s ystem
more than 25 meters f rom the Fibr e C hannel hub, switch o r an other P rofil e syst em
needs a fiber-optic cable and copper-to-fiber cable adap ters. Figure 2 shows an
example of connecting Profile systems up to and more than 25 meters apart.
Up to 25m
(use copper cable)
Fibre Channel Hub
From 25m to 500m
(use fiber-optic cable)
Figure 2. Example - Profile System Fibre Channel Connections
The hubs, switches, and the adapters are not part of this Fibr e Channel kit, but m ay
be purchased separate ly by contac ting your Grass Valley Group representative.
Figure 3 shows the two hubs and Figure 4 shows a copper-to-fiber cable adapter.
Table 2 lists the Hub and Adapte r part numbers.
PDR 100 Fibre Channel Installation21
PDR 100 Fibre Channel Installation
Fibre Channel Hub
Figure 3. Fibre Channel and Ethernet Hubs
Figure 4. Copper-to-Fiber Cable Adapter
Ethernet Hub
CAUTION: The laser diode in the Copper-to-Fiber Cable Adapter is made
from Gallium-Aluminum-Arsenide. Check with your local environmental
authorities for proper disposal of a malfunctioning adapter.
Table 2. Fibre Channel Netw orking Accessories
NamePart Number
Ethernet HubPNETHUB
Fibre Channel HubPNFCHUB
Cable Ada pter, Co pper- to-Fi ber PNF0MIA
22PDR 100 Fibre Channel Install ation
Networking Overview
This section contain s information about networking Profile systems and Ethernet.
Network Configurations
Ethernet and Fibre Channel provide two types of networking. Etherne t provides a
path for command and status signals from one device to another. It also allows
Windows NT file transfers between devices.
Fibre Channel provide s connectivity for high speed media data transfers between
Profile system s .
Using Fibre Channel to network groups of greater than two Profile systems
requires an existing Ethernet network (LAN) or an Ethernet hub and a Fibre
Channel hub.
Network Models
The following discusses two example s of Ethernet and Fibre Channel networking.
The first example shows connect ion of several Profile systems with an Etherne t
hub (or existing Ethernet network) and a Fibre Channel hub. The second example
of Ethernet and Fibre Channel networking shows connection of several hubs.
Networking Overview
PDR 100 Fibre Channel Installation23
PDR 100 Fibre Channel Installation
Networking Several Profile Systems
Hubs provide an easy and efficient method for the connection and disconnection
of machines without rewiri ng. I f you want to connect more than two Profile
systems togethe r for video ne tworking, you will need t o connect each sys tem to an
Ethernet hub or an existing Ether net network and a Fibre Channel Hub. Figure 5
shows an example of this networking.
Ethernet Hub
Figure 5. Basic Hub Connections
Fibre Channel Hub
24PDR 100 Fibre Channel Install ation
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