States of America.
This do cument m ay not be copied i n whole o r in part , or other wise repr oduced
except as sp ec ifi ca ll y permit ted under U. S. copyri gh t law , wi th out the prior writ ten
consent of Grass Valley Group Inc., P.O. Box 59900, Nevada City, California
TrademarksGrass Valley, GRASS VALLEY GROUP, Profile and Profile XP are either
registe red trad em arks or trad ema rk s of Gras s Va ll ey Gr oup in the Uni ted Stat es
and/or other countries. Other trademarks used in this document are either
registered trademarks or trademarks of the manufacturers or vendors of the
associ ated pro du ct s. G rass V a lley G ro up prod uc ts ar e co ver ed by U .S. an d f or eig n
patents, issued and pending. Additional info rmation regarding
Grass Valley Grou p's tradem arks and oth er propri etary right s may be fou nd at
DisclaimerProduct options and specifications subject to change without notice. The
informati on in this manual is furnished fo r informat ional use only, is sub ject to
chang e witho ut notic e, an d shou ld not b e con strued a s a com mitme nt by G rass
Valley Group. Grass Valley Group assumes no responsibility or liability for any
errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this publicatio n.
U.S. Government
Restricted Rights
Revision Status
Use, duplication, or disclosure by the United States Government is subject to
restrictions as set forth in s ubparagraph (c )(1)(ii) of t he Rights in Tech nical Data
and Comp ut er Sof twa re clau se at DFA RS 25 2.277 -7 013 or in su bpara gra ph c(1 )
and (2) of the Comm ercial Co mputer So ftware Re stricte d Rights cl ause at FAR
52.227-19, as applicable. Manufacturer is Grass Valley Group Inc., P.O. Box
59900, Nevada City, California 95959-7900 U.S.A.
Rev Date Description
December 1995Original Issue; Manual Part Number 070-9510-00
May 1997Revised Con fi gur at ion t o ref l ec t SMC onl y. Rol le d P/ N
to 070-951 0-01
November 2000Revised Product Support contact information.
Part Number 071-8070-00.
Grass Valley Group Pr oduct Support .............................. ........................... 5
General Safety Summary ........................................................................... 6
Service Safety Summary ............................................................................ 8
Certifi ca t io ns an d Complian ce s ...... .. ........ .. ... ....... .. ... ....... .. ... ....... ... .. ....... .. 9
Review the following safet y precautions to avoid personal injur y
and prevent damage to this product or any products c onnected to
Only qualified personne l should perform service procedures.
While using this product, you may need to access other parts of the
system. Read the ge neral sa fety summary in ot her system manuals
for warnings and cautions related to operating the system.
Injury Precautions
Do Not Operate
Without Product
Covers in Place
Do Not Operate in
Do Not Opera te i n an
Avoid Exposed
To avoid electric shock or fire hazard , do not operate this prod uct
with covers or panels removed.
To avoid electric shock, do not operate this product in wet or damp
To avoid injur y or fire h azar d , do no t operat e this pr oduct in an
explosive atmosphere.
To avoid injury while serving, remove jewelry such as rings,
watches, and other metallic objects. Do not touch exposed
connections and components when power is present.
6Profile LAN Upgrade I nstallation
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