Installation Manual

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Installation Instructions
Krystal Multi-Channel Upgrade
This document explains how to upgrade a single channel Krystal Video Processor to a
multi-channel Video Processor and install the channel into a multi-channel Krystal
If you purchased a new multi-channel Krystal system, you will not have to upgrade
the hardware. The correct modules will have been installed in the proper locations at
the factory.
The Multi-Channel Upgrade kit consists of:
One Video Processor I/O Module (#066237)
Control cables
Installation Instructions (this document #071016500)
Tools and Materials Required for Installation
Anti-static work surface
#15 Torx or straight blade screwdriver
The following module from the single channel Video Processor Frame:
Effect Manager (#066224-00S or higher).
Note If your Effect Manager is no revision S or higher, we strongly recommend you
contact Tektronix/Grass Valley Products customer service for an upgrade.
Serial Outputs module (#066227-00L or higher). Versions earlier
than revision L are
Note If you have incompatible modules, contact Tektronix/Grass Valley Products
customer service for an upgrade.
Krystal Multi-Channel Upgrade 1
complatible for combining.