Certificate Number: 510040.001
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Rev Date Description
June 16, 2009Initial release of the K2 Dyno Replay Controller User Manual—
January 29, 2010Changes for 1.5 — 071-8752-00
April 15, 2010Changes for 1.6 — 071-8752-01
4K2 Dyno Controller User Manual15 April 2010
Table of Contents
Table of Contents...............................................................................................5
2. Touch the PLAYLIST tab to display the PLAYLIST screen, and then touch the
event box.
Press the Add PL button.
Button operation
Operation results are the same
The K2™ Dyno™ Controller is a controller that is designed to provide fast and
accurate operations controlling a K2 S ummit™ Prod uction Client o r K2 Solo™
Media Server. Operations include searching, replaying video or scenes, storing
highlights, and creating playlists. The K2 Dyno Controller can control channels
configured for ChannelFlex™ Suite features on the K2 system.
K2 Dyno Controller features are as follows:
• Its simple system configuration en ables comfo rtable operations even in a limited
• The touch panel allows for intuitive operations. For operations that require more
accuracy, you can operate the controller using only the physical buttons.
• Connecting a keyboard, mouse, and second display allows you to set up a more
comfortable operating environment.
• All of the ed ited data (excluding Mark and Scene ) is saved in the K2 Summit
Production Client. Theref ore, you can continue your operation without losin g your
data in the unlikely event of a malfunction in the K2 Dyno Controller.
• The settings of the K2 Dyno Controller , that you set in t he CONFIG screen, can be
exported and imported to anot her K2 Dyno Controller, which en ables you to set up
the same settings easily.
• The controller provides easy mix effect editing. A diss olve effect can be applied t o
a scene switch just by t ouchin g th e panel . In addi tion, thi s can be perfo rmed usi ng
only 1 channel.
How to read this manual
This User Manual contains the operation procedures to use the K2 Dyno Controller,
concerning the editing functions that are often used in a live event broadcast.
Operations can be performed intuitively with the touch panel and buttons. Operation
dures with the touch panel are mainly described; however, button operations are
mentioned together when the same operations can be performed with the buttons. You
can also perform important operations with the physical buttons.
For example, when operations are described as follows, the operation results by
orming step 2 and will be the same.
In addition, if there is eno ugh room in your edit ing spac e, a mouse, keyboa rd, numerica l
d, or second display can be connected to the controller for comfort ab le operations
that suit your preferences. If you are using a controller with a mouse or keyboard
connected, a touch panel operation can be replaced either by a click operation with a
mouse, or by a value entry operation with a keyboard or numerical keypad, unless
otherwise noted.
15 April 2010K2 Dyno Controller User Manual9
This User Manual consists of the following:
Chapter 1, Component
It describes the names and functions of the components and buttons on the K2 Dyno
Controller. For more detailed descrip tion about the individual functions, see the referenced
Chapter 2, Starting Up and Shutting Down:
It describes how to start up and shut down the K2 Dyno Controller.
Chapter 3, Tut
It describes a basic editing operation workflow that is used in a live broadcast, taking a
ecific example.
Chapter 4, Playba
It describes the components in the HOME screen and basic operations, such as live
backs or replays.
Chapter 5, Marking
It describes op er ati ons to mark a point on th e record train a nd c ue it up, to recor d I n and
Out poi
logging information, such as names, keywords or ratings, to the marks.
Chapter 6, High
It describes operations such as storing an important scene as a highlight and managing
ight items in a bin.
nts to create a scene, and to trim a scene. It also explains operations to enter
Names and Functions:
Chapter 7, Edit
It describes editing operations such as creating a playlist, trimming an event, adding
fects, and using the audio split.
Chapter 8, Librar
Items saved in a l ibr ary will remain wit hout be ing deleted even if a session is delete d. I t
ribes operations such as storing items to a library and managing a library.
Chapter 9, Sear
It describe s how to search items.
Chapter 10, Se
It describes information such as various settings of the K2 Dyno Controller and import/
t of your data.
Chapter 11, Connec
You can connect a second display to perform operations in the expansion screen. It
ribes the components in the expansion screen.
Chapter 12, Appe
It provides the operation list when pressing the buttons and the restrictions on the
Rec setting.
ing a Playlist:
y Function:
ch Function:
ting a Second Display:
10K2 Dyno Controller User Manual15 April 2010
Getting more information
The following sections help you find the information you need in product manuals
and elsewhere.
K2 documentation
Read the following descriptions to l ocate the information you need.
K2 Dyno Replay System Quick Start Guide — You receive this guide in the product
packaging with your K2 Dyno Replay Controller. The Quick Start Guide provides
step-by-step ins tallat ion instr uctions f or basic in stall ation and operation of the repl ay
system, which includes the K2 Dyno Replay Controller and the K2 Summit
Production Client.
Getting more information
Release Notes —
The release notes contain the latest information about the software
shipped on your system. There are K2 Release Notes and K2 Dyno Repla y Controller
Release Notes. The information in release notes includes software upgra de instructions,
software specifications and requirements, feature changes from the previous releases,
and any known problems. Because re lease notes contain the la test information, they a re
printed out rather than included in the Documentation CD-ROM.
K2 Documentation CD — Except for the release notes, the full set of support
documentation, including this manual, is available on the Documentation CD-ROM
that you received with your K2 Summit Production Client. The K2 Documentation
CD includes the following documents:
K2 Dyno Replay System Quick Start Guide — As described above.
K2 Dyno User Manual — Describes K2 Dyno applicatio ns and provides i nstructions
for configuring and operating the product.
K2 Dyno Service Manual — Contains information on servicing and maintenance.
K2 Dyno Installation Manual —
Provides instructions for a installing a K2 Dyno Replay
System using a K2 Solo Media Server or a K2 Summit Production Client that is not part
of a Dyno-Pack and has not been previously controlled by a K2 Dyno Controller.
• K2 Summit Production Client Quick Start Guide — The Quick Start Guide provides
step-by-step installation instructions for basic installation and operation of K2
systems, including recording and playing clips.
K2 AppCenter User Guide — Describes K2 applications and provides instructions
for configuring and operating the product.
K2 System Guide — Contains the product specifications and step-by-step
instructions for modifying system settings.
K2 Cabling Guide — Contains diagrams for cabling the devices of the K2 Storage
Area Network.
K2 SAN Installation and Service Manual — Conta ins installa tion, configu ration, and
maintenance procedures for shared storage options.
RAID Instruction Manuals — There is an Instruc tion Manual for each typ e of RAI D
storage device that can be a par t of a K2 system. These manuals contain proce dures
for configuring and servicing the device.
K2 Client Service Manual — Contains information on servicing and maintenance.
15 April 2010K2 Dyno Controller User Manual11
NetCentral documentation
Grass Valley Web Site
The NetCentral product has its own documentation set, described as follows:
NetCentral Quick Star t Guide — Pr ovides an overview o f the i nstalla tion proc ess to
quickly set up and run NetCentral.
NetCentral Installation Guide — Identifies requirements and procedures to correctly
set up servers and devices, as well as provides detailed instructions to install and
configure NetCentral software.
NetCentral User Guide — Describes how to use the NetCentral Manager to monitor
NetCentral Help — From the NetCentral inter face acce ss on-line help. Selec t Help |
NetCentral Help Topics
Also find information about monitoring a specific product in that product’s manuals.
This public Web site contains all the latest manuals and documentation, and
additional support information. Use the following URL.
Grass Valley Product Support
To get technical assi stance, check on the statu s of a question, or to r eport a new issues,
contact Grass Valley Product Support via e-mail, the Web, or by phone or fax.
Web Technical Support
To access support i nformation on t he Web, visit th e product suppo rt Web page on t he
Grass Valley Web site. You can download software or find solutions to problems.
World Wide Web:http://www.grassvalley.com/support/
Technical Support E-mail Address:gvgtechsupport@grassvalley.com
Telephone Support
Use the following information to contact Product Support by phone.
International Support Centers
Our international support centers are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
A local support represen ta ti ve ma y be avai l abl e in your count ry. To locate a support
ter during normal local business hours, refer to the following l i st. This list is
regularly updated on the website for Grass Valley Product Support
After–hours local phone support is also available for warranty and contract
Region County Telephone
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Grass Valley Web Site
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14K2 Dyno Controller User Manual15 April 2010
Chapter 1
Component Names and Functions
This chapter consists of the following :
• "Component names and functions of the K2 Dyno Controller" on page 16
• "Button names and functions" on page 19
15 April 2010K2 Dyno Controller User Manual15
Chapter 1 Component Names and Functions
Component names and functions of the K2 Dyno
Front panel
(1)Touch panel
(2)Operation button
16K2 Dyno Controller User Manual15 April 2010
You can touch the screen directly for data selections or operations.
You can perform many of the more common operations quickly with
these push butto ns. For de scription s of each b utton, see "Button na mes
and functions" on page 19.
A bar for to control playback speed. The 0% and 100% positions o f bar
operations can be fine-tuned. For more information about the setting,
see "Calibration" on page 199.
(4)JOG knob
A knob for frame forward, frame back, fast forward, and rewind
operations. The JOG speed and the idle of the JOG knob can be set to
suit your preferences. See "Playback settings 2 (JOG speed, pre/
post-roll definitions)" on page 169 for details on how to set the JOG
speed setting, and see "Calibration" on page 199 for details on how to
set the JOG knob idle setting.
(1)Stereo jack
(2)Volume control
(3)USB port
Connects to a device such as headphones.
Adjusts the volume.
Connects to a keyboard, mouse, or USB storage device.
15 April 2010K2 Dyno Controller User Manual17
Chapter 1 Component Names and Functions
(4) (5)(6)(3)
(1)Power button
(2)USB port
(3)Cable hook
(4)Power connector
(5)D-sub 15 pin
(6)GigE port
Turns the power to the K2 Dyno Controller on or off.
Connects to a keyboard, mouse, or USB storage device.
You can hook cables such as power cables and VGA cables to prevent
them from being disconnected inadv ertently.
For connecting to the power supply.
Connects to a second display. Displays with 1024 x 768 resolution or
more are supported.
For more information about the components in the expansion screen,
see "Connecting a Second Display" on page 203.
Connects the K2 Dyno Contro ller to the K2 Summit P roduction Cl ient
via Gigabit Ethernet.
The GigE ports can be used for the transfer and co ntrol purposes
For more information, see "Assigning the network ports " on page 200.
NOTE: Be sure to use the cables, such as power cable and other cab les, included in
this product.
18K2 Dyno Controller User Manual15 April 2010
Button names and functions
(1)(2)(3)(4) (6)(7)(10)(8)(9)
Some buttons have function names at the top and bottom. To use a bottom function,
just press the des ired but ton. To use a top functio n (functi ons indi cated by the shade d
area in the table), press the
information on how to use the
page 21.
Shift button, and then press the desired button. For more
Shift button, see "About Shift button operations" on
Button names and functions
(1)New PL
Add PL
(2)Add Lib
Add HL
Creates and displays a new playlist.
Stores the selected item to a playlist.
When a bin is selected, all the items in the bin are stored to a playlist.
Stores the selected item to a library.
When a bin is selected, all the items in the bin are st ored to a library.
Stores the selected item to a highlight.
When a bin is selected, all the items in the bin are stored to a highlight.
Cue Up
When the playback pointer is in a highlight or playlist, press the
Match button to move the playback pointer to the position with the
same timecode on the record train for the current angle.
Cues up to the selected item.
Press this button to perform the functions indicated at the top of the buttons,
or to perform the functions indicated at the top of the menu panels that are
displayed at the bottom of the touch panel. For more information on how to
use the
button, see "About Shift button operations" on page 21.
15 April 2010K2 Dyno Controller User Manual19
Chapter 1 Component Names and Functions
(5)Camera selection
Add Mrk
Switches the camera angles, which are assigned to A, B, C, D, E, or F.
Turns to the function mode. If you press the Fn button and then press
a corresponding button, the button action that is perf ormed may be
different from the normal one. For more information, see the operation
instructions in each chapter.
Switches to the Fast JOG mode. This is toggle switch, so it turns off if
you press this button when it is in Fast mode. The speed for the fast
forward and rewind operations using the JOG knob becomes faster.
The Previous/Next buttons light up in green while in the Fast JOG
You can also set the controller so that the normal JOG m ode an d F ast
mode are switched automatically. For more information, see
"Playback sett ings 4 (operation channel lock)" on page 171.
Plays the item with the 100% sp eed.
Press this while an item is selected to create a new playlist and stores
the item to the playl ist.
Press this while a bin or playlist is selected to open the bin or playlist.
Stops the playback.
Moves the playback pointer. The action after the move depends on the
current condition. For example, if you press this whi le cueing up to an item,
the controller cues up to the In poi nt of the previous/next item, If y ou press
this during an item playback, the controller plays the previous/next item
after the playback p o inter mo v es to the In point of the previous/next i tem.
You are controlling your repl ay in still, slow motion, or norma l playout
mode. The recording of the live video continues while you are in this
You are watching the live video of the s elected channel being
Switches to the Browse mode. In the Browse mode, you can use the
JOG knob to consecutively m ove the p layback pointe r to the previo us
or next items for cueing up.
Adds a mark on the record train.
Switches to the on-air preview or multi-channel mode. For more
information, see "On-air preview mode and multi-channel mode" on
page 73.
While in the on-air preview mode, it switches the operation target
channel. If you press the P1 button, the pr og ram ch anne l ( the c hanne l
for an on-air broadcast) becomes the target for operations. If you press
the P2 button, the preview channel becomes the target for operations.
While in the multi-chann el mode, it switch es the operation t arget to the
annel assigned to the P1/P2 button. In a ddition, pressing the P1 and
P2 buttons at the same tim e while in the multi-c hannel mo de switches
to the Gang mode.
For more information, see "On-air preview mode and multi-channel
mode" on page 73.
20K2 Dyno Controller User Manual15 April 2010
Switches to the Flying M/E mode . Effects are added when switching
angles or changing cue up poin ts during a replay of an item.
Displays the PLAYLIST screen. Press this in the PLAYLIST screen to
perform the following: if a playback pointer is in the playlist, the
controller cues up to the begin ni ng of the playlist, and if playback
pointer is not in the playlist, the playback pointer moves to the point
where the previous playlist stopped its playback.
Copies the selected item to the destinatio n that you set in
"NETWORK" on the CONFIG screen. For more information, see
"Transferring items (SEND function)" on page 113.
Cues up to an item by entering a numbe r .
Press this during an item (Mark, Scene, Highlight, Event, and Library)
playback to cue up to the beginning (or the In point, depending on the
item) of the item retaining the ongoing playback.
Adds the In point of a mark/scene, or changes the In point when
trimming a highlight/event.
Press this during an item
playback to cue up to the end of the item retaining the ongoing playback.
Adds the Out point of a mark/scene, or changes the Out point when
trimming a highlight/event.
Switches to the trim mode.
During a playlist playback, press this butt on to begin the playbac k of
the next event. In a value entry screen, press this to confirm your entry
and return to the previous screen.
While in the trim mode, it exits the trim mode.
If you press this during the on-air preview mode, the item that is put into
standby or being p layed in the pre view chann el will b e loade d and pl ayed
in the program channel. Fo r more information about the on-air preview
mode, see "On-air preview mode and multi-channel mode" on page 73.
About Shift button operations
(Mark, Scene, Highlight, Event, and Library)
About Shift button operations
When a keyboard or display is connected to the K2 Dyno Controller, you can use the
[Shift] key on the keyboard or the
• For operations with the
button on the controller; however, the operations are different for each case.
If you press the
button once, it illuminat es in yel low and t he to p functi ons of
the controller button s and pa nel menu are enab led for only one time. After that , if
you press any bu tton or menu panel you want to per form, the
• For operations with the [Shift] key on the keyboard:
Press the button or menu panel you want to perform while holding do wn the [Shift]
key.While holding down th e [Shift] key, the t op functions o f the control ler buttons
and panel menu are enabled.
• For operations with the
If you press the
button, the button turn s light blue. After tha t, press the butt on
or menu panel you want to perform. In the expansion screen, if the
pressed once, the top functions of the controller buttons and panel menu are
enabled until the
15 April 2010K2 Dyno Controller User Manual21
button is pressed again.
button in the expansion screen instead of pressing
button on the controller:
button turns off.
button in the expansion screen:
button is
Chapter 1 Component Names and Functions
22K2 Dyno Controller User Manual15 April 2010
Chapter 2
Starting Up and Shutting Down
This chapter consists of the following :
• "Starting up" on page 24
• "Shutting down" on page 41
15 April 2010K2 Dyno Controller User Manual23
Chapter 2 Starting Up and Shutting Down
Starting up
Starting up the K2 Dyno Controller
Before starting up th e K2 Dyno Contro ller, tur n on the K2 Summit Producti on Client
to use and start the application software in the Summit.
1. Turn on the K2 Summit Production Client.
2. Login K2 Summit Production Client with username (administrat or) and password
3. Start up AppCenter on the K2 Summit Production Client with user name
dministrator) and password (adminK2).
4. Turn on the K2 Dyno Controller.
• The power button is located on the rear side of the controller.
• T
he K2 Dyno Client software starts up automatically.
• When you start up the controller for th e first time, you need t o perform the init ial
•See "Changing the channel configuratio n for standard channels" on page 25 about
the initial settings, and see "Using the existing sessions" on page 38 about using
the existing sessions.
Creating a new session
NOTE: When you start up the K2 Dyno Controller for the first time, you need to
perform the initial settings. For information about the initial settings, see
"Changing the channel configuration for standard channels" on page 25.
1. Start up the K2 Dyno Controller.
• For information on how to start up th e controller, see "Starting up the K2 Dyno
Controller" on page 24.
24K2 Dyno Controller User Manual15 April 2010
Changing the channel configuration for standard channels
2. Touch NEW.
• A new session for the same channe l configuration as you set for the last t ime is
• The session that wa s used for the las t time ca n be dele ted b y touchi ng
after pressing th e
Shift button. For more info rmatio n on how to delete sessio ns,
see "Deleting a session" on page 39.
• Check if the versions of App Center and K2 Dyno Client software are
- If the K2 Dyno Controller cannot be started up, their major or minor vers ions are
not compatible.
- If a warning message asking you to choose whether or not to start up the K2 Dyno
Controller is displayed, their patch versions are not compatible.
Changing the channel configuration for standard channels
Use this procedure if controlling standard K2 system channels with the K2 Dyno
Replay Controller.
If controlling Multi-Cam, 3D/Video+Key, or Super Slo-Mo channels on the K2
mit Production Clie nt or K2 Solo Med ia Server, use the procedure "C hanging the
channel configuration for ChannelFlex Suite features" on page 31.
When you start up the K2 Dyno Controller for the first time or when you want to
eate a session changi ng the previous channel co nfiguration, you ne ed to perform the
initial settings at the startup screen. Fo r the default settings, you c an set the settings
including the K2 Summit Production Client selection to be used and channel model
setting. On ce the initial s ettings are set, it is not necessary to set them with
CONTINUE from the next time.
NEW or
1. Start up the K2 Dyno Controller.
• For information on how to start up th e controller, see "Starting up the K2 Dyno
Controller" on page 24.
15 April 2010K2 Dyno Controller User Manual25
Chapter 2 Starting Up and Shutting Down
3. Select the Summit you want to use, and then touch
• Only the online Summit(s) are displayed. The Summit that was used for the last
me appears with a red circle.
• Touch and select a Summit name, and then touch
INFO to display the
information for the Summit.
• If there is a ny s ess ion that is being br oad cas ted, its session na me wil l appear in
"Current Session". If there is any K2 Dyno Controller that is connected to the
Summit, their user name(s) will appear in "Connecting Users".
26K2 Dyno Controller User Manual15 April 2010
Changing the channel configuration for standard channels
• Check if the versio ns of App Ce nter a nd K2 Dyno Cli ent so ftware are t he same.
- If the K2 Dyno Controller cannot be started up, their major or minor vers ions are
- If a warning message asking you to choose whether or not to start up the K2 Dyno
Controller is displayed, their patch versions are different.
4. Select "New" from the session list, and then touch NEXT.
• Touching
LOCAL displays the list of sessions created in the local Summit.
NETWORK displays both the list of sessions created in the local
Summit and the list of sessio ns created in the net work Summit. The session th at
was used for the last time appears with a red circle. You can start a previous
session by touching
• Touch and select a sess ion name, and then touch
NEXT after selecting a session.
INFO to display the infor mation
for the session. You can edit a session name and comment in the information
15 April 2010K2 Dyno Controller User Manual27
Chapter 2 Starting Up and Shutting Down
5. Set the use of the channels.
• Assi gn a channel's use by touching the rectangular panels for each channel from
C1 to C4 as follows:
- Single Rec – Standard record channel.
- Player – Standard play channel.
- None – The channel is not controlled by the K2 Dyno Controller. The K2
Summit/Solo channel can be used for other applications.
• The assigned camera angle is displayed for a channel that is set as a record
6. Touch the Angle Assign button.
28K2 Dyno Controller User Manual15 April 2010
Changing the channel configuration for standard channels
The Angle Assign screen opens. Assign camera angles as follows:
Set one camera angle for each of your record channels
7. When camera angles are set, touch NEXT.
NOTE: There are several important restrictions on the channel that is set as
Recorder depending on the codec in use. Be sure to check the release notes of the
K2 Summit Production Client and K2 Dyno Controller before using the product.
15 April 2010K2 Dyno Controller User Manual29
Chapter 2 Starting Up and Shutting Down
8. Assign the P1 or P2 button to the channel that you set as Player. If you want to
perform a LoopRec operation, set the allocation of the record train.
• For more information about the record train and LoopRec setting, see "A
the record train and LoopRec setting" on page 37.
• To perform a LoopRec operation, touch
LOOP REC to turn it on.
• If the LoopRec setting is turned on, you can change the train length allocation
by touching "Length". The maxi mum recording time for each train can be se t by
entering the timecode. Set the length of the Loop Record to match the event's
duration. The Default Factory setting is 3:00:00:00.
• For the player to be used for an on-air live bro adcast, turn on
it to the
P1 button.
P1/PGM and assi gn
NOTE: P1/PGM must be selected.
• For the player to be used for a preview, turn on
P2/PVW and assign it to the P2
• You can assign ei the r one of the
P1 or P2 button to the Player. In addition , you
cannot assign the same button to multiple channels.
• You can specify other vari ous set ti ngs for the K2 Dyno Cont rol l er by t ouch ing
CONFIG. For more information about those settings, see " Settings" on page 163.
NOTE: The Length setti ng only indicat es the maximum re cording time. The actual
lable recording time depends on the remaining space in the Summit.
NOTE: A mark and scene cannot be directly stored to a playlist while LoopRec is
ON. Store
9. Touch
them in a highlight and then store the highlight in a playlist.
• A session for the channel configuration you set is created.
30K2 Dyno Controller User Manual15 April 2010
+ 192 hidden pages
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