Grandview GPCN-E User Manual

Details of installation
Height A djustme nt
Adj us t t he main b ar (2 -1 ) to re qu ir ed height after ta ki ng apart th e f ro nt ornament bo ar d (2 -3 ) an d lo os en in g th e front positioning screw. And the n, re- in st al l th e front p os it io ni ng scr ew and th e front o rn am en t boa rd ( 2- 3) , fi gu re 11. (The h ei gh t of GPCN-E200 ca n no t be adj us te d )
figur e 11
Angle Ad justmen t
1.V ertic al adjustment: r ot at e th e adjusting b ut to n (3 -3 ) for vertical angle , figur e 12
2. Hor izont al ad jus tm ent : r ota te th e a dju sting but ton (3 -2) fo r hor izont al angle, fig ure 13
3.H or iz on ta l rota ti on adjustment: loos en the rotation ad ju st in g screw (3- 4), th e i ns ta ll at io n base ca n b e r ot at ed by 3 60 °; fa st en th e rotation adj us ti ng s cr ew ( 3- 4) a ft er d ec id in g th e an gl e, fi gu re 1 4
Installation of main bar
1.Firs tly , plea se con firm how many install ati on hol es the proje cto r has? 3 or 4
2.If th ere are 3 h oles, the insta lla tion a rms (4-3) need to be taken apart from I nstallat ion bracket fir stly. Connec t 3 i nst allation arms(4-3) t o the projec tor , and the n conne ct the in sta llati on arms ( 4-3 ) to the install ati on base (4- 6) However ,the insta llation ba se needs to be t he center of projec tor . Figure 15.
3.Conn ect the in stallati on arms to th e project or conver sely i f the dis tance of i nstal latio n hole s is less than 120mm . Co nn ect the instal lation ar ms ( 4-3) to the insta llation b ase (4- 6) via s lidin g instal lat ion button ( 4-3) as figu re 16
4.Rota te th e adjus tab le screw (4- 4) for adjus ting the hei ght of instl lation arms (4- 3) if t he inst all ation hole s are not at the s ame level as f igure 17
5.The fro nt or ba ck of adjus ter must be pa ralle l to the surfa ce of projec tor a s figure 18
figur e 15
Scope of adjustment: 10mm
Instruction Manual
Projector Ceiling Mount
Applicable Model
Please read before using
Thank you for purc hasing our products. Please r ead the instruction manual carefu lly in order to ensure this projector lift is suitabl e for your projection eq uipment .
figur e 12 figur e 13
figur e 14
The n agle of hor izont al tilt :±8°
The a ngle of ver tical t ilt:±15°
Rot ation :360°
figur e 16 figur e 17
The front or back of adjuster must be parallel to the surface of projector
Grandview Crystal Screen Canada Ltd.
#11- 3751 N orth F rase r Way, Marin e Way Bus ines s Cent re, Burna by, BC, Ca nada V 5J 5G4 Tel: 1-604- 412- 9777 Fax: 1- 604- 412- 9796 Websi te: ww w.gran dvie wscr een. ca
figur e 18
Guangzhou Grandview Crystal Screen Co., Ltd.
P.O. 511400 Fede ral In d. Zon e No. 36 3, Yushan Wes t Road ,Shi qiao , Pany u Distr ict, G uang zhou , Guan gdon g, Chi na Tel: +8620- 8489 -949 9 Fax: +8 620- 8480 -334 3 Websi te: ww w.gran dvie wscr een. com
Do not take apart
Pleas e do not incline t he p roje ctor ext reme ly.
Please do not take apart the accessories of projector ceiling mount.
Steps of installation
GPCN-E is combined by GPCN and GPE
GPCN Main Bar Overview 1-1 Top Cap 1-2 Fixation 1-3 Sliding Adjusting Hole 2-1 Main Bar 2-2 Subsidiary Bar 2-3 Front Ornament Board 2-4 Back Ornament Board of Main Bar 2-5 Back Ornament Board of Subsidiary Bar 2-6 Moving Button
GPE Adjusting Overview 3-1 Adjuster 3-2 Horizontal Adjusting Button 3-3 Vertical Adjusting Button 3-4 Rotation Adjusting Screw 4-1 Installation Bracket 4-2 Installation Arm 4-3 Adjustable Screw 4-4 Sliding Installation Button 4-5 Installation Base
Acces sories: ① 6x50 Wo od Screw (4pc s) ② M5x16 P hilips Scre w (6pcs) ③ M5x8 Ph ilips Screw ( 6pcs) ④ M3x8 Ph ilips Screw ( 4pcs) ⑤ M4x8 Ph ilips Screw ( 4pcs) ⑥ M5x8 Ph ilips Screw ( 4pcs) ⑦ 6x25 Ta pping Screw ( 4pcs)
4-4 4-5
Scope f or ins tall ation (Installation hole of projector): Maxim um sco pe for i nsta llation:390mm diameter Minim um sco pe for i nsta llation:20mm diameter
Note: C onnec t the installa tion arms to the p rojector con versely for di fferent inst allat ion holes o f proje ctor.
Scope f or ins tall ation (H is the distance between ceiling and projector) The H of GPCN-E200 is 2 50mm The H of GPCN-E3540 i s 350m m~40 0mm The H of GPCN-E4560 i s 450m m~60 0mm
GPC N- E2 00 GPC N- E3 54 0 GPC N- E4 56 0
Steps of installation
Insta ll t he fixation on t he cei li ng (screws of ac ce ss or y ①or ⑦ ) a s
fig ur e 1, and the fixation also can be inst al le d on the ceiling which angle is less t ha n 15°as f ig ur e 2. GPCN-E ca n be in st al le d to th e con crete-roof with cei li ng or with ou t ceiling, such as f ig ur e 3 a nd fig ur e 4.
Perpendicular to the ground
figur e 1
figur e 2
Connect the ad ju st er to G PC N Ma in Bar Ov er vi ew , an d then fa st en the screws ( ac ce ss or y ② ) as figure 5 . Afterward, slide t he Adj us tm en t Ove rv ie w (projecter has been inst al le d) to adjuster, and the fa sten th e s cr ew s (accessory ③) as fi gu re 6.Finally install the t op ca p to th e main ba r, and th en invaginate t he sp ri ng . as fig ur e 7
figur e 5
figur e 6
figur e 6
figur e 7
Details of installation
Wires co llectio n
If the v ol um e of po we r w ir e is le ss th an diameter of main bar ( 2- 1) that ple as e put t hi s po we r cord in side t he main bar d ir ec tl y. B ut if t he v ol um e is greater tha n the dia me te r, please tak e apar t back orma ne nt board (2-4 a nd 2- 5) and positioning but to n ( 2- 6) from mai n b ar (2 -1 )a s fig ur e8 . And t he n st ay t he power w ir e in to t he main ba r (2 -1 )a s figure 9. Fin ally, re-install the bac k ornament board (2-4 ) from the othe r end, and t he n in st al l po si ti on in g bu tt on (2-6 ) an d ba ck orna me nt boar d (2 -
5), f igure 1 0.
Maxim um diameter : 390mm Minim um diameter : 20mm
figur e 4figur e 3
figur e 8 figur e 9 figur e 10