Grandstream GWN7000 operation manual

Grandstream Networks, Inc.
GWN7000 Enterprise Multi-WAN Gigabit VPN Router
User Manual
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GWN7000 User Manual
©2017 Grandstream Networks, Inc. All rights reserved. Information in this document is subject to change without notice. Reproduction or transmittal of the entire or any part, in any form or by any means, electronic or print, for any purpose without the express written permission of Grandstream Networks, Inc. is not permitted. The latest electronic version of this guide is available for download here:
Grandstream is a registered trademark and Grandstream logo is trademark of Grandstream Networks, Inc. in the United States, Europe and other countries.
GWN7000 firmware contains third-party open source software. Grandstream Open source licenses can be
downloaded from Grandstream web site from here
Changes or modifications to this product not expressly approved by Grandstream, or operation of this product in any way other than as detailed by this guide, could void your manufacturer warranty.
Please do not use a different power adaptor with devices as it may cause damage to the products and void the manufacturer warranty.
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GWN7000 User Manual
Table of Contents
DOCUMENT PURPOSE ............................................................................................... 10
CHANGE LOG .............................................................................................................. 11
Firmware Version ................................................................................................................... 11
Firmware Version ................................................................................................................... 11
WELCOME ................................................................................................................... 12
PRODUCT OVERVIEW ................................................................................................ 13
Technical Specifications ....................................................................................................................... 13
INSTALLATION ............................................................................................................ 15
Equipment Packaging .......................................................................................................................... 15
Connect your GWN7000 ...................................................................................................................... 15
Safety Compliances ............................................................................................................................. 16
Warranty ............................................................................................................................................... 16
GETTING STARTED ..................................................................................................... 17
LED Indicators ..................................................................................................................................... 17
Use the WEB GUI ................................................................................................................................ 17
Access WEB GUI .......................................................................................................................... 17
WEB GUI Languages ................................................................................................................... 19
WEB GUI Configuration ................................................................................................................ 20
Overview Page ............................................................................................................................. 21
Save and Apply Changes ............................................................................................................. 22
ROUTER CONFIGURATION ........................................................................................ 23
Status ................................................................................................................................................... 23
Ports Configuration .............................................................................................................................. 24
WAN Ports Settings ...................................................................................................................... 24
Tunnel ........................................................................................................................................... 25
Global Settings ............................................................................................................................. 26
Port Mirroring ................................................................................................................................ 27
Static Routes ........................................................................................................................................ 27
QoS ...................................................................................................................................................... 29
DDNS ................................................................................................................................................... 31
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SETTING UP A WIRELESS NETWORK ...................................................................... 33
Discover and Pair GWN76xx Access Points ....................................................................................... 33
Network Groups ................................................................................................................................... 36
Create an SSID under a Network Group ...................................................................................... 43
Additional SSID under Same Network Group .............................................................................. 44
CLIENTS CONFIGURATION ........................................................................................ 46
Clients .................................................................................................................................................. 46
Status ............................................................................................................................................ 46
Edit IP and Name .......................................................................................................................... 47
Bandwidth Rules ........................................................................................................................... 48
Block a client ................................................................................................................................. 48
VPN (VIRTUAL PRIVATE NETWORK) ......................................................................... 49
Overview .............................................................................................................................................. 49
OpenVPN® Server Configuration ........................................................................................................ 49
Generate Self-Issued Certificate Authority (CA) ........................................................................... 49
Generate Server/Client Certificates .............................................................................................. 52
Create OpenVPN® Server ........................................................................................................... 59
OpenVPN® Client configuration .......................................................................................................... 63
L2TP/IPSEC Configuration .................................................................................................................. 67
GWN7000 L2TP/IPSec Client Configuration ................................................................................ 67
PPTP CONFIGURATION ..................................................................................................................... 70
GWN7000 Client Configuration .................................................................................................... 70
FIREWALL .................................................................................................................... 73
Basic Settings ...................................................................................................................................... 73
General Settings ........................................................................................................................... 73
Port Forwarding ............................................................................................................................ 73
DMZ .............................................................................................................................................. 74
Inter-Group Traffic Forwarding ...................................................................................................... 75
UPnP ............................................................................................................................................ 76
Traffic Rules Settings ........................................................................................................................... 77
Firewall Advanced Settings .................................................................................................................. 78
General Settings ........................................................................................................................... 78
SNAT ............................................................................................................................................. 79
DNAT ............................................................................................................................................ 80
CAPTIVE PORTAL ....................................................................................................... 82
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Policy Configuration Page ................................................................................................................... 82
Files Configuration Page ..................................................................................................................... 83
Clients Page ......................................................................................................................................... 85
BANDWIDTH RULES ................................................................................................... 86
MAINTENANCE AND TROUBLESHOOTING .............................................................. 88
Maintenance ........................................................................................................................................ 88
Debug .................................................................................................................................................. 89
Capture ......................................................................................................................................... 89
Ping/Traceroute ............................................................................................................................ 90
Syslog ........................................................................................................................................... 92
NAT Table ..................................................................................................................................... 92
LED Schedule ...................................................................................................................................... 93
File Sharing .......................................................................................................................................... 94
SNMP ................................................................................................................................................... 96
UPGRADING AND PROVISIONING ............................................................................ 98
Upgrading Firmware ............................................................................................................................ 98
Upgrading via WEB GUI ............................................................................................................... 98
Provisioning and backup ...................................................................................................................... 99
Download Configuration ............................................................................................................... 99
Configuration Server ..................................................................................................................... 99
Reset and reboot ............................................................................................................................... 100
EXPERIENCING THE GWN7000 ENTERPRISE ROUTER ....................................... 101
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Table of Tables
Table 1: GWN7000 Technical Specifications .............................................................................................. 13
Table 2: GWN7000 Equipment Packaging .................................................................................................. 15
Table 3: LED Indicators ............................................................................................................................... 17
Table 4: Overview ........................................................................................................................................ 21
Table 5: GWN7000 WEB GUIRouterPortWAN Port (1,2)................................................................. 24
Table 6: 6in4 Tunnels .................................................................................................................................. 25
Table 7: 6rd Tunnels .................................................................................................................................... 26
Table 8: aiccu Tunnels ................................................................................................................................. 26
Table 9: GWN7000 WEB GUIRouterPortGlobal Settings ................................................................ 27
Table 10: Port Mirroring ............................................................................................................................... 27
Table 11: IPv4 Static Routes ....................................................................................................................... 28
Table 12: IPv6 Static Routes ....................................................................................................................... 28
Table 13: QoS Basic .................................................................................................................................... 29
Table 14: Upstream QoS ............................................................................................................................. 30
Table 15: QoS Policer ................................................................................................................................. 31
Table 16: Device Configuration ................................................................................................................... 34
Table 17: Basic ............................................................................................................................................ 38
Table 18: Wi-Fi ............................................................................................................................................ 39
Table 19: CA Certificate ............................................................................................................................... 50
Table 20: Server Certificate ......................................................................................................................... 53
Table 21: Client Certificate .......................................................................................................................... 57
Table 22: OpenVPN® Server ...................................................................................................................... 60
Table 23: OpenVPN® Client ....................................................................................................................... 65
Table 24: L2TP Configuration ...................................................................................................................... 68
Table 25: PPTP Configuration ..................................................................................................................... 71
Table 26: Port Forward ................................................................................................................................ 74
Table 27: DMZ ............................................................................................................................................. 75
Table 28: UPnP Settings ............................................................................................................................. 76
Table 29: Firewall Traffic Rules ................................................................................................................... 77
Table 30: Firewall-General Settings ............................................................................................................ 78
Table 31: SNAT ........................................................................................................................................... 79
Table 32: DNAT ........................................................................................................................................... 80
Table 33: Basic Configuration Page ............................................................................................................ 82
Table 34: Bandwidth Rules.......................................................................................................................... 86
Table 35: Maintenance ................................................................................................................................ 88
Table 36: Debug-Capture ............................................................................................................................ 90
Table 37: LED Schedule settings ................................................................................................................ 93
Table 38: Add a New File to Share .............................................................................................................. 95
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Table 39: SNMP Basic Page ....................................................................................................................... 96
Table 40: SNMP Advanced Page ................................................................................................................ 97
Table 41: Network Upgrade Configuration .................................................................................................. 98
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Table of Figures
Figure 1: GWN7000 Front View .................................................................................................................. 15
Figure 2: GWN7000 Back View .................................................................................................................. 16
Figure 3: GWN7000 Web GUI Login Page ................................................................................................. 18
Figure 4: Change Password on first boot .................................................................................................... 19
Figure 5: Setup Wizard ............................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 6: GWN7000 Web GUI Language ................................................................................................... 20
Figure 7: GWN7000 Web GUI Language ................................................................................................... 20
Figure 8: Overview Page ............................................................................................................................. 21
Figure 9: Apply Changes ............................................................................................................................. 22
Figure 10: Router's Status .......................................................................................................................... 23
Figure 11: QoS ............................................................................................................................................ 29
Figure 12: Discover AP ............................................................................................................................... 33
Figure 13: Discovered Devices ................................................................................................................... 34
Figure 14: GWN7610 online........................................................................................................................ 34
Figure 15: locating Access Points ............................................................................................................... 36
Figure 16: Network Group ........................................................................................................................... 37
Figure 17: Add a New Network Group ........................................................................................................ 37
Figure 18: Device Membership ................................................................................................................... 41
Figure 19: Wi-Fi Schedule ........................................................................................................................... 42
Figure 20: Add AP to Network Group from Access Points Page ................................................................. 43
Figure 21: Create an SSID .......................................................................................................................... 44
Figure 22: Additional SSID .......................................................................................................................... 45
Figure 23: Additional SSID Created ............................................................................................................ 45
Figure 24: Clients ........................................................................................................................................ 46
Figure 25: Client's Status ............................................................................................................................ 47
Figure 26: Client's Configuration ................................................................................................................. 47
Figure 27: Client Bandwidth Rules .............................................................................................................. 48
Figure 28: Block a Client ............................................................................................................................. 48
Figure 29: Unban Client .............................................................................................................................. 48
Figure 30: Create CA Certificate ................................................................................................................. 50
Figure 31: CA Certificate ............................................................................................................................. 52
Figure 32: Generate Server Certificates ..................................................................................................... 53
Figure 33: User Management ..................................................................................................................... 55
Figure 34: Client Certificate......................................................................................................................... 57
Figure 35: Create OpenVPN® Server ......................................................................................................... 60
Figure 36: OpenVPN® ................................................................................................................................ 62
Figure 37: OpenVPN® Client ...................................................................................................................... 64
Figure 38: OpenVPN® Client ...................................................................................................................... 67
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Figure 39: L2TP Client Configuration .......................................................................................................... 68
Figure 40: L2TP Client ................................................................................................................................ 70
Figure 41: PPTP Client Configuration ......................................................................................................... 71
Figure 42: PPTP Client ............................................................................................................................... 72
Figure 43: BasicGeneral Settings ............................................................................................................ 73
Figure 44: Port Forward .............................................................................................................................. 74
Figure 45: DMZ ........................................................................................................................................... 75
Figure 46: Inter-group Traffic Forwarding ................................................................................................... 75
Figure 47: Enabling inter-group traffic ......................................................................................................... 76
Figure 48: Traffic Rules Settings ................................................................................................................. 77
Figure 49: portal_default.html page ............................................................................................................ 84
Figure 50: portal_pass.html page ............................................................................................................... 84
Figure 51: Files Settings Page .................................................................................................................... 85
Figure 52: Client Web Page ........................................................................................................................ 85
Figure 53: MAC Address Bandwidth rule .................................................................................................... 87
Figure 54: Bandwidth Rules ........................................................................................................................ 87
Figure 55: Capture Files .............................................................................................................................. 90
Figure 56: IP Ping ....................................................................................................................................... 91
Figure 57: Traceroute .................................................................................................................................. 91
Figure 58: Syslog ........................................................................................................................................ 92
Figure 59: NAT table ................................................................................................................................... 93
Figure 60: LED Schedule ............................................................................................................................ 94
Figure 61: Add a New File to Share ............................................................................................................ 95
Figure 62: File Share Actions ...................................................................................................................... 95
Figure 63: Access File Share ...................................................................................................................... 96
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This document describes how to configure the GWN7000 to manage wired and wireless networks via an intuitive WebGUI. The intended audiences of this document are network administrators. Please visit to download the latest “GWN7000 User Manual”.
This guide covers following topics:
Product Overview
Getting Started
Router Configuration
Setting up a Wireless Network
Clients Configuration
Captive Portal
Bandwidth Rules
Maintenance and Troubleshooting
Upgrading and Provisioning
Experiencing the GWN7000 Enterprise Router
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GWN7000 User Manual


This section documents significant changes from previous versions of the GWN7000 user manuals. Only major new features or major document updates are listed here. Minor updates for corrections or editing are not documented here.

Firmware Version

Added support for Captive Portal [CAPTIVE PORTAL]
Added support for Bandwidth Rules [BANDWIDTH RULES]
Added support for Select Band per SSID [SSID Band]
Added support for selectively enable 802.11b/g/n [Mode]
Added option to enable/disable support for 802.11b devices [Allow Legacy Device(802.11b)]
Added support for custom wireless power [Custom Wireless Power(dBm)]
Added support for AP location using blinking LED [Access Point location]
Added support for limit client count per SSID [Wireless Client Limit]
Added support for better roaming decision [Enable Voice Enterprise]
Added support for LEDs schedule [LED Schedule]
Added support for Wi-Fi schedule [Wi-Fi Schedule]
Added option to enable/disable DHCP option 66 & 43 override [Allow DHCP options 66 and 43

Firmware Version

This is the initial version.
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GWN7000 User Manual


Thank you for purchasing Grandstream GWN7000 Enterprise Multi-WAN Gigabit VPN Router. The GWN7000 is a powerful enterprise-grade multi-WAN Gigabit VPN router. Ideal for the enterprise, small-to-medium business, retail, education, hospitality and medical markets, the GWN7000 supports comprehensive Wi-Fi and VPN solutions that can be shared across one or many different physical locations. It features high-performance routing and switching power and a hardware-accelerated VPN client/server for secure inter-office connectivity. To maximize network reliability, the GWN7000 supports traffic load balancing and failover. The GWN7000 features an integrated controller and automated provisioning master that can setup and manage up to 300+ in-network GWN series Wi-Fi Access Points. This can be easily operated through the product’s intuitive web browser user interface, which also offers a central panel to monitor and control the entire network.
Changes or modifications to this product not expressly approved by Grandstream, or operation of this product in any way other than as detailed by this User Manual, could void your manufacturer warranty.
Please do not use a different power adaptor with the GWN7000 as it may cause damage to the products and void the manufacturer warranty.
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Technical Specifications

Table 1: GWN7000 Technical Specifications
Network Interfaces
2 x autosensing 10/100/1000 WAN Ports
1 x autosensing 10/100/1000 configurable as LAN, WAN or VoIP port
4 x autosensing 10/100/1000 LAN Ports
Static IP
Load balance & failover
Rule based routing
DHCP server
DNS Cache
Multiple zones
Auxiliary Ports
2 x USB 3.0 ports
1 x Reset Pinhole
Routing Performance
Up to 1 million packets/second with 64-byte packet size
Printer sharing
File sharing
Network Protocols
IPv4, IPv6, 802.1Q, 802.1p
Protocols: PPTP, L2TP/IPSec, OpenVPN®
Client, Server or pass through
8 green-color LEDs for device tracking and status indication
Indoor wall mount, Desktop
VLAN, TOS, supports multiple traffic classes, filter by port, IP address, DSCP, and policing
NAT, DMZ, Port Forwarding, SPI, UPnP
Auto Provisioning Capability
Embedded provisioning controller to manage up to 300+ GWN series Wi-Fi APs
Web, CLI
802.3at PoE
Included Power Supply: 12V/2A
Max power consumption: 16W
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Operation: 0°C to 50°C
Storage: -10°C to 60°C
Humidity: 10% to 90% Non-condensing
Unit Dimensions: 200 x 136 x 37mm; Unit Weight: 570g Entire Package Dimensions: 324 x 163.5 x 54mm; Entire Package Weight: 930g
Package Content
GWN7000 Enterprise Router
12V/2A Power Adapter
Quick Installation Guide
GPL License
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Before deploying and configuring the GWN7000, the device needs to be properly powered up and connected to the network. This section describes detailed information on installation, connection and warranty policy of the GWN7000.

Equipment Packaging

Table 2: GWN7000 Equipment Packaging
Main Case
Yes (1)
Power adaptor
Yes (1)
Quick Installation Guide
Yes (1)
GPL License
Yes (1)

Connect your GWN7000

Figure 1: GWN7000 Front View
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Figure 2: GWN7000 Back View
To set up the GWN7000, follow the steps below:
1. Connect one end of an RJ-45 Ethernet cable into the WAN1 or/and WAN2 port(s) of the GWN7000.
2. Connect the other end of the Ethernet cable(s) into a DSL modem or router(s).
3. Connect the 12V DC power adapter into the power jack on the back of the GWN7000. Insert the main plug of the power adapter into a surge-protected power outlet.
4. Wait for the GWN7000 to boot up and connect to internet/network. In the front of the GWN7000 the Power LED will be in solid green, and the WAN LED will flash in green.
5. Connect one of the LAN ports to your computer, the associated LED ports will flash in green.
6. (Optional) Connect LAN ports to your GWN76xx access points or/and other devices, the associated LED ports will flash in green.

Safety Compliances

The GWN7000 Enterprise Router complies with FCC/CE and various safety standards. The GWN7000 power adapter is compliant with the UL standard. Use the universal power adapter provided with the
GWN7000 package only. The manufacturer’s warranty does not cover damages to the device caused by
unsupported power adapters.


If the GWN7000 Enterprise Router was purchased from a reseller, please contact the company where the device was purchased for replacement, repair or refund. If the device was purchased directly from Grandstream, contact our Technical Support Team for a RMA (Return Materials Authorization) number before the product is returned. Grandstream reserves the right to remedy warranty policy without prior notification.
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The GWN7000 Enterprise Router provides an intuitive web GUI configuration interface for easy management to give users access to all the configurations and options for the GWN7000’s setup.
This section provides step-by-step instructions on how to read LED indicators and use Web GUI interface of the GWN7000.

LED Indicators

The front panel of the GWN7000 has LED indicators for power and interfaces activities, the table below describes the LED indicators status.
Table 3: LED Indicators
GWN7000 is powered off or abnormal power supply.
Solid green
GWN7000 is powered on correctly.
WAN (1,2) Flashing green
GWN7000 is connected as a client to another network and data is transferring.
Solid green
GWN7000 is connected as a client to another network and there is no activity.
LAN (1,2,3,4,5) Flashing green
A device is connected to the corresponding LAN port and data is transferring.
Solid green
A device is connected to the corresponding LAN port and there is no activity.

Use the WEB GUI

Access WEB GUI

The GWN7000 embedded Web server responds to HTTPS GET/POST requests. Embedded HTML pages allow users to configure the device through a Web browser such as Microsoft IE, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome.
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Figure 3: GWN7000 Web GUI Login Page
To access the Web GUI:
1. Connect a computer to a LAN Port of the GWN7000.
2. Ensure the device is properly powered up, and the Power, LAN port LEDs light up in green.
3. Open a Web browser on the computer and enter the web GUI URL in the following format: (Default IP address).
4. Enter the administrator’s login and password to access the Web Configuration Menu. The default
administrator's username and password are "admin" and "admin".
Note: At first boot or after factory reset, users will be asked to change the default administrator and user passwords before accessing GWN7000 web interface. The password field is case sensitive with a maximum length of 32 characters. Using strong password including letters, digits and special characters is recommended for security purposes.
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Figure 4: Change Password on first boot
At first login, a Setup Wizard tool will pop up to help going through the configuration setup, or exit to
configure manually. Setup Wizard can be accessed anytime by clicking on while on the web interface.
Figure 5: Setup Wizard

WEB GUI Languages

Currently the GWN7000 series web GUI supports English and Simplified Chinese.
To change default language, select the displayed language at the upper right of the web GUI either before or after logging in.
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Figure 6: GWN7000 Web GUI Language
Figure 7: GWN7000 Web GUI Language

WEB GUI Configuration

GWN7000 web GUI includes 8 main sections to configure and manage the router and check connection status.
Overview: Provides an overall view of the GWN7000’s information presented in a Dashboard style for easy monitoring.
Router: Displays device’s status and used to configure ports settings such as IP configuration for WAN ports, load balancing, failover, static routes, port mirroring, QoS and DDNS.
Access Points: To add, pair and manage discovered access points.
Clients: Shows and manages the list of the clients connected to LAN ports of the GWN7000 and
wireless clients connected via GWN76xx access points.
VPN: Configures OpenVPN® Client/Server, PPTP and L2TP/IPSec client tunnels.
Firewall: Basic and advanced Firewall configuration to securely manage router’s incoming/outgoing
Network Group: To add and manage wireless network groups using paired access points via VLANs.
System Settings: For Maintenance and debugging features, as well as generating certificates and
file sharing.
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Overview Page

Overview is the first page shown after successful login to the GWN7000’s Web Interface. It provides an overall view of the GWN7000’s information presented in a Dashboard style for easy monitoring.
Figure 8: Overview Page
It is used to show the status of the GWN7000 for different items, please refer to the following table for each item:
Table 4: Overview
Shows the number of Access Points that are Discovered, Paired (Online) and Offline. Click on to go to Access Points page for
basic and advanced configuration options for the APs
Shows the total number of connected clients, and a count for clients connected to each Channel. Click on to go to Clients page for
more options.
AP Channel Distribution
Shows the Channel used for all APs that are paired with this Access Point.
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Top AP
Shows the Top APs list, assort the list by number of clients connected to each AP or data usage combining upload and download. Click on
to go to Access Points page for basic and advanced configuration options for the APs.
Shows the Top SSIDs list, assort the list by number of clients connected to each SSID or data usage combining upload and download. Click on
to go to Network Group page for more options.
Top Clients
Shows the Top Clients list, assort the list of clients by their upload or download. Click on to go to Clients page for more options.
Shows the sent/received traffic data speeds on both WAN ports.
Note that Overview page in addition to other tabs can be updated each 15s, 1min, 2min, 5min or Never by
clicking in the upper bar menu (Default is 15s).

Save and Apply Changes

When clicking on "Save" button after configuring or changing any option on the web GUI pages. A message mentioning the number of changes will appear on the upper menu.
Figure 9: Apply Changes
Click on button to apply changes, or to undo the changes.
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This section includes configuration pages for network WAN ports, static routes, QoS and DDNS and shows also the router status.


Status page displays Device Status to check MAC address, Part Number, Firmware related information and Uptime for the GWN7000; and WAN Status showing general information about WAN Ports such as uptime, current throughput, aggregate usage, and IP address.
Router’s Status page can be accessed from Web GUIRouterStatus.
Figure 10: Router's Status
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Ports Configuration

Connect to GWN7000’s Web GUI from a computer connected to a LAN port and go to RouterPort page for Port configuration.

WAN Ports Settings

The GWN7000 has 2 WAN ports configured as DHCP clients by default. Each port can be connected with DSL modem or routers. WAN ports support also setting static IPv4/IPv6 addresses, and configure PPPoE for each WAN port.
Please refer to the following table for basic network configuration parameters on WAN ports for GWN7000.
Table 5: GWN7000 WEB GUIRouterPortWAN Port (1,2)
Choose whether to enable or disable the WAN port.
WAN Address Type
Select "DHCP", "Static" or "PPPoE" mode on the WAN interfaces of GWN7000. The default setting is "DHCP".
DHCP When selected, it will act as a DHCP client and acquire an IPv4 address automatically from the DHCP server.
Static When selected, the user should set a static IPv4 address, Subnet Mask, IPv4 Gateway and adding Additional IPv4 Addresses as well.
PPPoE When selected, the user should set the PPPoE account and password, PPPoE Keep alive interval and Inter-Key Timeout (in seconds).
Preferred IPv4 DNS
Enter the preferred DNS server address (IPv4 address). If Preferred DNS is set, GWN7000 will use it in priority.
Alternate IPv4 DNS
Enter the Alternate DNS server address (IPv4 address). If Preferred DNS is set, GWN7000 will use it in when the Preferred DNS fails.
Native IPv6
Used to enable assigning IPv6 address to GWN7000. Once checked users will be able to configure following fields: “IPv6 Address
Assignment”, “Preferred IPv6 DNS”, “Alternate IPv6 DNS” and “IPv6 Relay to
IPv6 Address Assignment
This option is appearing when enabling “Native IPv6” option. Select "Auto" to get an IPv6 address from DHCP server or "Static" to configure
manually an IPv6 address. If set to Static, the following fields should be configured:
IPv6 Address/Prefix Length Used to set an IPv6 address/Prefix length when using Static IPv6 option Example: fec0:470:28:5b2::1/64
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IPv6 Gateway Used to define the Gateway’s IPv6 address.
IPv6 Prefix/IPv6 Prefix Length Enter the IPv6 prefix and IPv6 prefix length. Example: ::1/64
Preferred IPv6 DNS
This option appears only when “Native IPv6” option is enabled. It is used to set a preferred DNS server address (IPv6 address). If Preferred DNS is set, GWN7000 will use it in priority.
Alternate IPv6 DNS
This option appears only when “Native IPv6” option is enabled. It is used to set an Alternate DNS server address (IPv6 address). If Preferred DNS is set, GWN7000 will use it in when the Preferred DNS fails.
IPv6 Relay to LAN
This option appears only when “Native IPv6” option is enabled. When enabled the GWN7000 will relay IPv6 address to LAN clients
These options are used when both WAN ports are enabled and using Failover feature:
Tracking IP Configures the tracking IP(s). ICMP packets are being used to track the IP(s) address(es). When the tracking fails, the GWN7000 will use the secondary WAN port as failover. Default IP used is
Tracking Timeout (sec) Configures tracking timeout in seconds. Default value is 2.
Tracking Interval (sec)
Configures the track interval in seconds. Default value is 5.
Specifies the bandwidth for the port, e.g: “100k”, “1M” or “100M”.
VLAN Tagging
Used to enable VLAN tagging. If set to “0” the VLAN tagging will be disabled,
otherwise set a VLAN value between 5 and 4093. Default is 0.


Tunnel page is used to set IPv6 tunnels on WAN ports via IPv6 tunnel brokers service providers, this serves the purpose of transferring IPv6 packets over IPv4 Network. It supports creating 6in4, 6rd and AICCU tunnels. Please refer to below tables for each tunnel type.
Table 6: 6In4 Tunnels
WAN Interface
Choose the WAN port on which to setup the 6in4 tunnel.
Set the Maximum Transmission Unit value. The valid range is 64-9000. Default value is 1500.
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6in4 IPv4 Peer Address
Enter the IPv4 tunnel endpoint at the tunnel’s provider.
6in4 Tunnel Endpoint IPv6 Address
Enter the local IPv6 address delegated to the tunnel endpoint. Example: 2001:db8:2222::2/64
6in4 Routed Prefix
Set the routable prefix given by the tunnel provider to allow LAN clients to get addresses from that prefix.
Tunnel ID
Specifies the tunnel’s ID.
Set the username used to login into the tunnel broker.
Set the password (used for endpoint update).
Update Key
Set the update key, it overrides the password used for endpoint update.
Table 7: 6rd Tunnels
WAN Interface
Choose the WAN port on which to setup the 6rd tunnel.
Set the Maximum Transmission Unit value. The valid range is 64-9000. Default value is 1500.
6rd IPv4 Peer Address
Enter the IPv4 Peer address.
6rd IPv6 Address Prefix
Specifies the IPv6 prefix given by the provider. Example: 2001:B000::/32
IPv6 Prefix Length
Specifies the IPv6 prefix length (Value between 1 and 128). Example: 32
IPv4 Prefix Length
Specifies the prefix length of the IPv4 transport address. (Value between 1 and 32).
Table 8: AICCU Tunnels
WAN Interface
Choose the WAN port on which to setup the aiccu tunnel.
Enter the Username (Provided by signing up with SixXS Tunnel Broker)
Enter the Username’s password

Global Settings

This section specifies operating mode for multi-WAN that will be used for enabling/disabling Failover and Load Balancing on WAN ports, and banning MAC addresses.
The following table shows the configuration parameters for Multi-WAN settings
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Table 9: GWN7000 WEB GUIRouterPortGlobal Settings
Three options are available:
Load Balance + Failover
This will disable Multi-WAN feature
If chosen failover will be enabled on WAN ports, admins need to choose the Primary WAN port to be used. When selected, user can set Multi-WAN parameters on WAN ports.
Load Balance + Failover
In addition to failover, load balance will be used on both ports to optimize the resource utilization. Please note that for this feature to work, WAN ports should be connected to different networks. When selected, user can set Multi-WAN parameters on WAN ports.
Banned Client MAC
Shows the list of banned clients MAC addresses, other MAC addresses could be also added by clicking on or removed by clicking on .
MAC Override
MAC Override feature is used to give a virtual MAC address to the GWN7000, in order that any client connected to the Router will be using the entered MAC address. Note: Please make sure to enter the Override MAC address in lower cases.

Port Mirroring

With port mirroring enabled, the GWN7000 will send a copy of all network packets seen on one LAN port to another port, where the packet can be analyzed. Refer to the below table for the available fields to configure.
Table 10: Port Mirroring
Enable Outgoing Mirroring
Check to enable outgoing mirroring for a LAN port. Default is “Disabled”
Enable Incoming Mirroring
Check to enable incoming mirroring for a LAN port. Default is “Disabled”
Mirroring Port
Select which LAN port that will be mirroring traffic. Default is “Disabled”
Mirrored Port
Select which LAN port that will act as mirrored port. Default is “Disabled”

Static Routes

GWN7000 supports setting manually static IPv4 and IPv6 routes as well as displaying routing table entries. Static routes configuration page can be accessed from GWN7000 WebGUIRouterStatic Routes:
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GWN7000 User Manual
Three tabs are available:
- Routes to view routing table entries.
- IPv4 to create, edit or delete static IPv4 static routes.
- IPv6 to create, edit or delete static IPv6 static routes.
Following actions are available in both IPv4 and IPv6 tabs:
To add a new static route, click on
To edit a static route, click on
To delete a static route, click on
Refer to the following tables when editing or creating IPv4/IPv6 static routes:
Table 11: IPv4 Static Routes
Enter the Name of the static route to be configured.
Select whether to enable or disable this static route.
Source Group
Choose the LAN’s Network Group, which will be using this static route.
Target Network/Host
Enter the Network/Host IP address on which to route the traffic to. Example:
Enter the Network/Host Netmask. Example:
Enter the Gateway’s IP address. Example:
Set the metric value. The valid range is 0-255. Default value is 1.
Table 12: IPv6 Static Routes
Enter the Name of the static route to be configured.
Select whether to enable or disable this static route.
Choose the LAN’s Network Group
Target Network/Host
Enter the Network/Host IP address on which to route the traffic to. 2001:db8:3c4d:4::/64
Enter the Gateway’s IP address. fec0:470:28:5b2::1/64
Set the metric value. The valid range is 0-255. Default value is 1.
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GWN7000 User Manual
The GWN7000 offers the possibility to enable and configure QoS on both WAN and LAN interfaces, this will help to manage in more depth the network traffic to define priority and classify different services and protocols in a scheduled manner.
Figure 11: QoS
To activate QoS, check “Enable QoS”. Three tabs are available for configuration:
Basic: Download and upload bandwidth speeds settings on each WAN interface.
Upstream QoS: Upstream QoS allows creating Traffic Classes to prioritize traffic for specific
resources on the network by controlling transmission/upload rate. Note that different classes can be created and assigned as Traffic filters by respecting following conditions:
The total of Upstream bandwidth values of each created class should not exceed the
upstream bandwidth value configured in Basic.
The remaining bandwidth will be lent to the next priority level of class. All filter options are summed together.
Policer: While Upstream QoS is dealing with traffic transmission, Policer is controlling the incoming traffic. Thus, allowing to create rules to specific targets to set priority and received traffic rate, giving the GWN7000 the ability to drop the exceeding traffic when reaching the configured maximum rate.
Refer to the following tables for each tab option:
Table 13: QoS Basic
Check to enable upstream and downstream bandwidth speeds for the selected WAN interface.
Set the Upstream value to specify the upload bandwidth for selected interface, the
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GWN7000 User Manual
value should end with Mbit, Kbit or with no unit if the set value is referring to “bit” unit. Note that the set value will affect and limit the bandwidth values on created classes on QoS Upstream. Examples: 500Mbit
100Kbit 500
Set the Downstream value to specify the download bandwidth speed for selected interface, the value should end with Mbit, Kbit or with no unit if the set value is referring to “bit” unit. Examples: 1000Mbit
100Kbit 500
Table 14: Upstream QoS
Traffic Class
Define a name for the traffic class.
Set the priority of the traffic class, the lower the value, the highest the priority. Valid range is between 1 and 64.
Select the WAN interface from which the traffic will be classified, make sure to enable the desired interface it from QoS Basic in order to appear.
Set Upstream bandwidth value. The value should end with “Mbit”, “Kbit” or with no unit if the set value is referring to “bit” unit.
Note that the sum of created classes should have upstream bandwidth speeds lower than the Upstream bandwidth value configured on QoS Basic. Examples: 100Mbit
100Kbit 500
Traffic Filter
Select a class from created traffic classes using drop-down menu.
Define a Name for the traffic filter rule.
Choose the Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) value from drop-down list. Default is 0.
IP Source Address
Specify the Source IP address from which the traffic filter rule will be applied.
IP Destination Address
Specify the Destination IP address to which the traffic filter rule will be applied.
TCP Source Port
Specify the TCP Source port from which the traffic filter rule will be applied.
TCP Destination Port
Specify the TCP Source port to which the traffic filter rule will be applied.
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