Grandstream GVR3550 User Manual

Grandstream Networks, Inc.
GVR3550 Network Video Recorder User Manual
GVR3550 User Manual
Firmware Version
WELCOME.................................................................................................................................................... 8
SAFETY COMPLIANCES .......................................................................................................................... 9
FCC CAUTION ........................................................................................................................................ 10
RF EXPOSURE INFORMATION (SAR) .................................................................................................. 10
WARRANTY ............................................................................................................................................ 11
INSTALL GVR3550 .................................................................................................................................... 12
EQUIPMENT PACKAGE CONTENTS .................................................................................................... 12
CONNECTING THE GVR3550 ................................................................................................................ 13
INSTALLING HDD ................................................................................................................................... 13
SYSTEM CONNECTION ......................................................................................................................... 15
NETWOKR CONNECTION ..................................................................................................................... 16
EXTERNAL USB DEVICE ....................................................................................................................... 16
PLUG IN USB MOUSE/KEYBOARD ....................................................................................................... 17
INPUT METHOD ..................................................................................................................................... 18
PLUG IN USB STORAGE DEVICE ......................................................................................................... 19
INSTALLING ESATA ............................................................................................................................... 20
CONNECT HDMI MONITOR ................................................................................................................... 20
CONNECT VGA MONITOR..................................................................................................................... 20
CONNECT ALARM DEVICE ................................................................................................................... 21
EXTERNAL INTERCOM DEVICE ........................................................................................................... 21
PRODUCT OVERVIEW .............................................................................................................................. 22
GVR3550 SPECIFICATIONS .................................................................................................................. 22
GVR3550 FRONT PANEL ....................................................................................................................... 24
GVR3550 BACK PANEL .......................................................................................................................... 26
IR REMOTE CONTROL .......................................................................................................................... 27
LOCAL OPERATIONS ............................................................................................................................... 30
USING THE WIZARD .............................................................................................................................. 30
LOGIN ...................................................................................................................................................... 30
LOCAL VIEW ........................................................................................................................................... 31
VIEW STATUS ........................................................................................................................................ 32
BASIC VIEW OPERATION ...................................................................................................................... 34
IMAGE CONFIG ...................................................................................................................................... 36
PTZ CONTROL ....................................................................................................................................... 36
PRESET .................................................................................................................................................. 38
PATROL .................................................................................................................................................. 39
PATTERN ................................................................................................................................................ 40
RIGHT-CLICK .......................................................................................................................................... 41
SHORTCUT BUTTON ............................................................................................................................. 42
LOCAL PLAYBACK ................................................................................................................................. 43
SEARCH RECORD ................................................................................................................................. 43
SEARCH BY TIME ................................................................................................................................... 43
SEARCH BY TAG .................................................................................................................................... 45
RECORD PLAYBACK ............................................................................................................................. 46
MAIN MENU................................................................................................................................................ 49
CAMERA MANAGEMENT ....................................................................................................................... 50
SEARCH/CONFIGURE CAMERA ........................................................................................................... 50
RECORD MODE CONFIG ....................................................................................................................... 52
CAMERA EVENT SETTINGS.................................................................................................................. 53
ENCODING CONFIG .............................................................................................................................. 55
SCHEDULE CONFIG .............................................................................................................................. 57
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HOLIDAY CONFIG .................................................................................................................................. 60
ALARM CONFIG ..................................................................................................................................... 62
(IO) ALARM CONFIG .............................................................................................................................. 62
ABNORMAL ALARM CONFIG ................................................................................................................ 65
NETWORK SETTINGS ........................................................................................................................... 66
BASIC SETTINGS ................................................................................................................................... 66
ADVANCED SETTINGS .......................................................................................................................... 68
ENABLE DDNS ....................................................................................................................................... 68
ENABLE UPNP ........................................................................................................................................ 68
ENABLE DHCP ....................................................................................................................................... 69
SYSTEM SETTINGS .................................................................................................................................. 70
BASIC SETTINGS ................................................................................................................................... 70
DATE&TIME ............................................................................................................................................ 72
DISPLAY SETTINGS ............................................................................................................................... 73
EMAIL SETTINGS ................................................................................................................................... 74
LOCAL VIEW CONTROL ........................................................................................................................ 75
HDD MANAGEMENT .............................................................................................................................. 76
USER MANAGEMENT ............................................................................................................................ 79
ADDING A USER ..................................................................................................................................... 80
INPUT USER INFO AND EDITING PRIVILEGE ...................................................................................... 80
DELETING A USER ................................................................................................................................. 82
NTP SERVER .......................................................................................................................................... 83
MAINTENANCE ...................................................................................................................................... 83
UPGRADE ............................................................................................................................................... 83
BACKUP .................................................................................................................................................. 85
QUICK BACKUP ...................................................................................................................................... 86
SEARCH BACKUP .................................................................................................................................. 87
RESET & REBOOT ................................................................................................................................. 88
IMPORT & EXPORT ................................................................................................................................ 89
TROUBLESHOOTING ............................................................................................................................ 90
NETWORK DIAGNOSIS ......................................................................................................................... 90
HDD DETECTION ................................................................................................................................... 91
SYSTEM LOG ......................................................................................................................................... 93
STATUS ...................................................................................................................................................... 95
RECORDING INFO ................................................................................................................................. 95
SYSTEM INFO ........................................................................................................................................ 96
NETWORK INFO ..................................................................................................................................... 97
RESOURCE USAGE ............................................................................................................................... 98
ALARM INFO ........................................................................................................................................... 99
HDD INFO.............................................................................................................................................. 100
LOGOUT................................................................................................................................................ 100
WEB MANAGEMENT ............................................................................................................................... 101
OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................................................... 101
SYSTEM LOGIN .................................................................................................................................... 101
WEB PAGE INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 102
LIVE VIEW ............................................................................................................................................. 103
PLAYBACK ............................................................................................................................................ 105
SETTINGS ............................................................................................................................................. 106
BASIC SYSTEM SETTINGS ................................................................................................................. 106
DEBUG LOG ......................................................................................................................................... 107
STATUS - QR CODE ............................................................................................................................. 108
FIRMWARE UPDATE ............................................................................................................................... 109
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DOWNLOAD CONFIGURATION FILE .................................................................................................. 109
CONFIGURING SERVER ..................................................................................................................... 109
CONFIGURING TFTP SERVER............................................................................................................ 110
CONFIGURING HTTP SERVER ........................................................................................................... 112
UPGRADE WITH TFTP SERVER ......................................................................................................... 113
UPGRADE WITH HTTP/HTTPS SERVER ............................................................................................ 113
MANUAL UPGRADE ............................................................................................................................. 113
FACTORY RESET .................................................................................................................................... 114
RESET VIA LOCAL GUI ........................................................................................................................ 114
RESET VIA WEB PAGE ........................................................................................................................ 114
RESET VIA BUTTON ............................................................................................................................ 115
EXPERIENCING GVR3550 ...................................................................................................................... 116
APPENDIX ................................................................................................................................................ 117
FAQS 117
RECORD TIME CALCULATION ........................................................................................................... 120
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FIGURE 1: GVR3550 HDD INSTALLATION .................................................................................................................... 14
FIGURE 2: GVR3550 SYSTEM CONNECTION DIAGRAM ................................................................................................. 15
FIGURE 3: GVR3550 “STATUS “NETWORK INFO PAGE ......................................................................................... 16
FIGURE 4: GVR3550 SYSTEM SETTING PAGE................................................................................................................ 17
FIGURE 5: GVR3550 SOFT KEYBOARD ENGLISH INPUT METHOD .............................................................................. 18
FIGURE 6: GVR3550 SOFT KEYBOARD CHINESE INPUT METHOD .............................................................................. 18
FIGURE 7: GVR3550 SOFT KEYBOARD SYMBOL AND NUMBER ................................................................................. 19
FIGURE 8: GVR3550 SOFT KEYBOARD NUMERIC KEYBOARD ................................................................................... 19
FIGURE 9: GVR3550 HDD MANAGEMENT PAGE .......................................................................................................... 20
FIGURE 10: GVR3550 FRONT PANEL ............................................................................................................................ 24
FIGURE 11: GVR3550 BACK PANEL .............................................................................................................................. 26
FIGURE 12: IR REMOTE CONTROL ................................................................................................................................. 27
FIGURE 13: GVR3550 LOCAL LOGIN PAGE ................................................................................................................... 31
FIGURE 14: GVR3550 LIVE VIEW PAGE RIGHT CLICK MENU .................................................................................... 32
FIGURE 15: GVR3550 BASIC VIEW OPERATION ............................................................................................................ 34
FIGURE 16: GVR3550 IMAGE CONFIG PAGE ................................................................................................................. 36
FIGURE 17: GVR3550 PTZ CONTROL PAGE .................................................................................................................. 36
FIGURE 18: GVR3550 PTZ CONTROL PAGE PRESET .................................................................................................. 38
FIGURE 19: GVR3550 PTZ CONTROL PAGE PATROL ................................................................................................. 39
FIGURE 20: GVR3550 PTZ CONTROL PAGE PATTERN ............................................................................................... 40
FIGURE 21: GVR3550 RIGHT CLICK MOUSE MENU ...................................................................................................... 41
FIGURE 22: GVR3550 VIEW PAGE SHORTCUT BUTTON MENU ..................................................................................... 42
FIGURE 23: GVR3550 RECORD PLAYBACK PAGE ......................................................................................................... 43
FIGURE 24: GVR3550 RECORD PLAYBACK RECORD STATUS TOOLBAR PAGE ........................................................... 44
FIGURE 25: GVR3550 RECORD PLAYBACK RECORD STATUS TOOLBAR PAGE ........................................................... 45
FIGURE 26: GVR3550 TAG MANAGEMENT PAGE.......................................................................................................... 45
FIGURE 27: GVR3550 RECORD PLAYBACK TOOLBAR .................................................................................................. 46
FIGURE 28: GVR3550 SAVE SNAPSHOT FAILED PROMPT .............................................................................................. 47
FIGURE 29: GVR3550 TAGGING MANAGEMENT ........................................................................................................... 47
FIGURE 30: GVR3550 LOCKED RECORDING MANAGEMENT PAGE ............................................................................... 48
FIGURE 31: GVR3550 RECORDING SAVE PATH SETTING PAGE .................................................................................... 48
FIGURE 32: GVR3550 MAIN MENU PAGE ..................................................................................................................... 49
FIGURE 33: GVR3550 CAMERA MANAGEMENT SETTING PAGE .................................................................................... 50
FIGURE 34: GVR3550 MANUAL ADD CAMERA PAGE ................................................................................................... 51
FIGURE 35: GVR3550 RECORD MODE CONFIG PAGE .................................................................................................... 52
FIGURE 36: GVR3550 RECORD MODE SETTING PAGE .................................................................................................. 53
FIGURE 37: GVR3550 CAMERA EVENT SETTING PAGE ................................................................................................. 53
FIGURE 38: GVR3550 ENCODING CONFIG PAGE ........................................................................................................... 55
FIGURE 39: GVR3550 ADD NEW SCHEDULE PAGE ....................................................................................................... 57
FIGURE 40: GVR3550 SCHEDULE CONFIG - ADD NEW SCHEDULE - PAGE .................................................................... 58
FIGURE 41: GVR3550 SCHEDULE DETAILS PAGE ......................................................................................................... 59
FIGURE 42: GVR3550 HOLIDAY CONFIG PAGE ............................................................................................................. 60
FIGURE 43: GVR3550 ADD NEW HOLIDAY PAGE ......................................................................................................... 61
FIGURE 44: GVR3550 ADD NEW HOLIDAY EDITING PAGE ........................................................................................... 61
FIGURE 45: GVR3550 HOLIDAY DETAILS PAGE ........................................................................................................... 62
FIGURE 46: GVR3550 I/O ALARM CONFIG PAGE .......................................................................................................... 63
FIGURE 47: GVR3550 I/O ALARM CONFIG ADD NEW SCHEDULE - PAGE .................................................................. 64
FIGURE 48: GVR3550 ABNORMAL ALARM CONFIG PAGE ............................................................................................ 65
FIGURE 49: GVR3550 NETWORK SETTINGS BASIC SETTING PAGE ............................................................................ 66
FIGURE 50: GVR3550 NETWORK SETTINGS ADVANCED SETTINGS PAGE .................................................................. 68
FIGURE 51: GVR3550 SPECIFY UPNP EXTERNAL PORT PAGE ...................................................................................... 69
FIGURE 52: GVR3550 SYSTEM SETTINGS PAGE BASIC SETTINGS PAGE ..................................................................... 70
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FIGURE 53: GVR3550 SYSTEM SETTINGS PAGE DATE & TIME .................................................................................. 72
FIGURE 54: GVR3550 SYSTEM SETTINGS PAGE DISPLAY SETTINGS .......................................................................... 73
FIGURE 55: GVR3550 SYSTEM SETTINGS PAGE EMAIL SETTINGS ............................................................................. 74
FIGURE 56: GVR3550 SYSTEM SETTINGS PAGE LOCAL VIEW CONTROL ................................................................... 75
FIGURE 57: GVR3550 LOCAL VIEW CONTROL APPLY CAMERA ................................................................................ 76
FIGURE 58: GVR3550 SYSTEM SETTINGS PAGE HDD MANAGEMENT ....................................................................... 76
FIGURE 59: GVR3550 HDD MANAGEMENT ADD NEW VOLUME ............................................................................... 77
FIGURE 60: GVR3550 HDD MANAGEMENT EDIT VOLUME PROPERTY ...................................................................... 77
FIGURE 61: GVR3550 SYSTEM SETTING PAGE USER MANAGEMENT ......................................................................... 79
FIGURE 62: GVR3550 USER MANAGEMENT ADD USER ............................................................................................. 80
FIGURE 63: GVR3550 USER MANAGEMENT EDIT USER ............................................................................................. 80
FIGURE 64: GVR3550 USER MANAGEMENT EDIT NORMAL USER ............................................................................. 81
FIGURE 65: GVR3550 USER MANAGEMENT EDIT OPERATOR USER .......................................................................... 81
FIGURE 66: GVR3550 SYSTEM SETTING PAGE NTP SERVER ..................................................................................... 83
FIGURE 67: GVR3550 UPDATE VIA HTTP ................................................................................................................. 83
FIGURE 68: GVR3550 UPDATE MANUAL UPDATE ..................................................................................................... 84
FIGURE 69: GVR3550 BACKUP PAGE RECORD BACKUP ............................................................................................ 85
FIGURE 70: GVR3550 BACKUP PAGE QUICK BACKUP PAGE ...................................................................................... 86
FIGURE 71: GVR3550 BACKUP PAGE QUICK BACKUP PROGRESS .............................................................................. 86
FIGURE 72: GVR3550 BACKUP PAGE SEARCH BACKUP ............................................................................................. 87
FIGURE 73: GVR3550 RESET & REBOOT PAGE ............................................................................................................. 88
FIGURE 74: GVR3550 IMPORT & EXPORT PAGE ........................................................................................................... 89
FIGURE 75: GVR3550 TROUBLESHOOTING PAGE .......................................................................................................... 90
FIGURE 76: GVR3550 S.M.A.R.T. DETECTION PAGE ................................................................................................... 91
FIGURE 77: GVR3550 HDD BAD SECTOR DETECTION PAGE ........................................................................................ 92
FIGURE 78: GVR3550 SYSTEM LOG PAGE .................................................................................................................... 93
FIGURE 79: GVR3550 RECORDING INFO PAGE ............................................................................................................. 95
FIGURE 80: GVR3550 HDD SYSTEM INFO PAGE .......................................................................................................... 96
FIGURE 81: GVR3550 HDD NETWORK INFO PAGE ....................................................................................................... 97
FIGURE 82: GVR3550 HDD RESOURCE USAGE PAGE .................................................................................................. 98
FIGURE 83: GVR3550 ALARM INFO PAGE .................................................................................................................... 99
FIGURE 84: GVR3550 HDD INFO PAGE ...................................................................................................................... 100
FIGURE 85: GVR3550 WEB PAGE LOGIN ................................................................................................................. 102
FIGURE 86: GVR3550 WEB PAGE SYSTEM MENU .................................................................................................... 102
FIGURE 87: GVR3550 WEB REAL-TIME VIEW PAGE ................................................................................................... 103
FIGURE 88: GVR3550 WEB PLAYBACK PAGE ............................................................................................................. 105
FIGURE 89: GVR3550 WEB PAGE SYSTEM SETTINGS .............................................................................................. 106
FIGURE 90: GVR3550 WEB PAGE MAINTENANCE MENU ......................................................................................... 107
FIGURE 91: GVR3550 WEB PAGE DEBUG LOG ........................................................................................................ 107
FIGURE 92: TFTP SERVER PAGE ................................................................................................................................. 110
FIGURE 93: TFTP DIALOG ........................................................................................................................................... 110
FIGURE 94: TFTP SERVER DIRECTORY SETTINGS ................................ ................................................................ ....... 111
FIGURE 95: CONFIRM MODIFICATION .......................................................................................................................... 111
FIGURE 96: GVR3550 WEB PAGE MANUAL UPDATE ................................ ................................ ............................... 113
FIGURE 97: GVR3550 FACTORY RESET POP-UP PAGE ................................................................................................ 114
FIGURE 98: GVR3550 FACTORY RESET ON LOCAL WEB PAGE ................................................................................... 115
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TABLE 1: GXV3550 PACKAGE LIST: .............................................................................................................................. 12
TABLE 2: GXV3550 OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT LIST: ......................................................................................................... 12
TABLE 3: GXV3550 SOFT KEYBOARD EXPLANATION: .................................................................................................. 19
TABLE 4: GXV3550 SOFTWARE SPECIFICATIONS: ......................................................................................................... 22
TABLE 5: GXV3550 HARDWARE SPECIFICATIONS: ........................................................................................................ 23
TABLE 6: GXV3550 FRONT PANEL EXPLANATION: ....................................................................................................... 24
TABLE 7: GXV3550 BACK PANEL EXPLANATION: ......................................................................................................... 26
TABLE 8: GXV3550 REMOTE CONTROL KEY EXPLANATION: ........................................................................................ 28
TABLE 9: GVR3550 PREVIEW STATUS EXPLANATION: .................................................................................................. 33
TABLE 10: GVR3550 SYSTEM ABNORMAL ALARM SCREEN EXPLANATION: ................................................................. 34
TABLE 11: GVR3550 BASIC VIEW OPERATION EXPLANATION: ..................................................................................... 34
TABLE 12: GVR3550 PTZ CONTROL PARAMETER EXPLANATION: ................................................................................ 37
TABLE 13: GVR3550 RIGHT CLICK MOUSE MENU PARAMETER EXPLANATION: ........................................................... 41
TABLE 14: GVR3550 RECORDING STATUS PARAMETER EXPLANATION: ....................................................................... 44
TABLE 15: GXV3550 RECORD PLAYBACK TOOLBAR EXPLANATION: ........................................................................... 46
TABLE 16: GVR3550 CAMERA PARAMETER SETTING EXPLANATION: ........................................................................... 51
TABLE 17: GVR3550 CAMERA EVENTS SETTOMGS EXPLANATION ............................................................................... 54
TABLE 18: GVR3550 CAMERA ALARM PARAMETER EXPLANATION: ............................................................................ 54
TABLE 19: GVR3550 ENCODING CONFIG PARAMETER EXPLANATION: ......................................................................... 55
TABLE 20: GVR3550 IO ALARM CONFIG PARAMETER EXPLANATION: ........................................................................ 63
TABLE 21: GVR3550 ABNORMAL ALARM PARAMETER EXPLANATION: ........................................................................ 65
TABLE 22: GVR3550 BASIC NETWORK PARAMETER EXPLANATION: ............................................................................ 67
TABLE 23: GVR3550 BASIC SYSTEM SETTING PARAMETER EXPLANATION: ................................................................. 71
TABLE 24: GVR3550 BASIC SYSTEM SETTING DATE & TIME PARAMETER EXPLANATION: ........................................ 72
TABLE 25: GVR3550 BASIC SYSTEM SETTING DISPLAY PARAMETER EXPLANATION: ................................................ 73
TABLE 26: GVR3550 EMAIL TEMPLATE PARAMETER EXPLANATION: ........................................................................... 75
TABLE 27: GVR3550 EDIT VOLUME PROPERTY PARAMETER EXPLANATION: ............................................................... 78
TABLE 28: GVR3550 HDD RAID PARAMETER EXPLANATION: .................................................................................... 78
TABLE 29: GVR3550 HDD MANAGEMENT PARAMETER EXPLANATION: ...................................................................... 78
TABLE 30: GVR3550 UPGRADE PARAMETER EXPLANATION: ........................................................................................ 84
TABLE 31: GVR3550 CONFIG FILE IMPORT & EXPORTPARAMETER EXPLANATION: ..................................................... 90
TABLE 32: GVR3550 NETWORK DIAGNOSE PARAMETER EXPLANATION: ..................................................................... 91
TABLE 33: GVR3550 HDD S.M.A.R.T DETECTION PARAMETER EXPLANATION: ......................................................... 92
TABLE 34: GVR3550 HDD BAD SECTOR DETECTION PARAMETER EXPLANATION: ...................................................... 93
TABLE 35: GVR3550 SYS LOG PARAMETER EXPLANATION: ........................................................................................ 94
TABLE 36: GVR3550 DEVICE STATUS PARAMETER EXPLANATION: .............................................................................. 98
TABLE 37: GVR3550 REMOTE PREVIEW OPERATION EXPLANATION: ......................................................................... 104
TABLE 38: GVR3550 REMOTE PREVIEW CAMERA INFORMATION EXPLANATION: ....................................................... 105
TABLE 39: GVR3550 DEBUG LOG PARAMETER EXPLANATION: .................................................................................. 108
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Thank you for purchasing Grandstream GVR3550 NVR (Network Video Recorder).
The GVR3550 is a NVR product integrating multi-camera preview, playback and intelligent alarm monitoring with epoch-making innovation. It is equipped with great hardware and vigorous supporting system, providing the most advanced network video monitoring technology to meet the requirement for the live view, instant playback and data locking, file security, etc. SMB throughout the world can now use the GVR3550 to meet the productivity needs.
Integrating the leading performance and function in the NVR field, the GVR3550 also features express installation, easy deployment and incomparable reliability.
This user manual is designed to help customers to understand how to configure and manage the GVR3550 with detailed instruction including advanced settings and operating, such as alarm settings and record settings.
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Warning May cause serious injury or death if any of the warnings below are neglected.
Caution Equipment may be damged if any of the following caution messages are neglected.
These instructions are intended to assist users to safely operate the GVR3550, avoid dangerous situations or damage the device.
Input voltage should meet both the SELV (Safety Extra Low Voltage) and the Limited Source with DC 12V according to the IEC60950-1 standard. Please refer to the specifications for more device installed on the wall or ceiling, make sure that it is firmly
Do not use a third-party power adapter or power
When the
Make sure that the power supply voltage is correct before using the
Do not drop the device or expose it to physical Do not expose the device to temperatures outside the range of 0 oC to +50oC when t
Do not expose the device to damp/wet conditions or high electromagnetism To avoid heat accumulation, make sure that your operating environment has
he d
evice is
proper ventilation.
Do not damage the warranty sticker.
A few parts (e.g. electrolytic capacitor) of the equipment shall be replaced regularly average lifetime. The average lifetime varies from the differences between and usage history. Regular maintenance checks are recommended for dealer for more
Grandstream Networks, Inc. GVR3550 User Manual Page 9 of 120
users. Please contact your
to their


Any Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
1) This device may not cause harmful interference.
2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.


This device is designed and manufactured not to be exceeded the emission limits for exposure to radio frequency RF energy set by the Federal Communications Commission of the United States. The exposure standard for wireless devices employing a unit of measurement is known as the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR), and the SAR limit set by FCC is 1.6 W/kg.
This device is complied with SAR for general population/uncontrolled exposure limits in ANSI/IEEE C95.1-1992, and has been tested in accordance with the measurement methods and procedures specified in OET Bulletin 65 Supplement C. This device has been tested, and meets the FCC RF exposure guidelines when tested with the device directly contacted to the body. RF exposure compliance with anybody-worn accessory, which contains metal, was not tested and certified, and uses such body-worn accessory, should be avoided.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the users authority to operate the equipment.
Hereby, Grandstream declares that this device is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC.
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If the GVR3550 was purchased from a reseller, please contact the company where the device was purchased for replacement, repair or refund. If the device was purchased directly from Grandstream, please contact our technical support team for a RMA (Return Materials Authorization) number before the product is returned. Grandstream reserves the right to remedy warranty policy without prior notification.
Changes or modifications to this product not expressly approved by Grandstream, or operation of this product in any way other than as detailed by this User Manual, could void your manufacturer warranty.
Please do not use a different power adaptor with the GVR3550 as it may cause damage to the products and void the manufacturer warranty.
This document is subject to change without notice. The latest electronic version of this user manual is
available for download at:
Reproduction or transmittal of the entire or any part, in any form or by any means, electronic or print, for any purpose is not permitted without the express written permission of Grandstream Networks, Inc.
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Main Case
12V Power Adapter and Power Cord
Ethernet Cable
Remote Control (No Battery)
SATA HDD Power Cable
SATA HDD Signal Cable
Mount Brackets
HDD Installation Screws
Quick Installation Guide
Device Name
Video Display Device
Mornitor, TV (either OK but at least one required) 2
IP Cameras
1 (Minimum)
IP Network Cameras
USB Keyboard
USB Mouse
Hard Disk Driver
1 (Minimum)
Compatible SATA HDD, Max. capacity 4TB.
Audio Device
Audio In/Out Device: Microphone, Speaker.


The GVR3550 package contains:
Table 1: GXV3550 Package List:
To establish a working surveillance system, users have to get following equipment based on own requirement. The following table is for reference only.
Table 2: GXV3550 Optional Equipment List:
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Alarm Device
Alarm In/Out Device: Smoke Sensor, IR Sensor, Megnetic Sensor, Siren, etc.
Recommended using at least 7200rpm HDD. GVR3550 does NOT support HDD hot swap. When GVR3550 is running, plug
the HDD may cause fail to read /write HDD data or unable to identify or access HDD. Grandstream will take no responsibility for the damage caused by wrong operation.


To set up a complete set of monitoring system, user needs to provide your own equipment listed below:
One (1) Display device (could LED monitor or TV) At least one (1) Video Acquisition Processing Equipment (e.g.: IP Cameras) Optional USB mouse Optional USB keyboard At least one (1) HDD (Compatible SATA is required. The maximum capacity is no more than 4T.) Optional Audio Device (Audio input/output device: mono, microphone or pickups, etc.) Optional Alarm Device (Alarm input/output device: smoke detector, infrared detector, siren, etc.)
The GVR3550 contains no HDD with packaging, users need to check the device and install HDD the first time using it.


We suggest to use the recommended HDD by Grandstream (7200 RPM HDD and higher), the dedicated PC HDD is not recommended. Please install the GVR3550 HDD according to the following procedures:
1. Twist four screws gently on the bottom of HDD, do not twist too tight.
2. Remove the fixed screws on the back and side panel of the main case, open the cover plate to find the
HDD installing position.
3. Side put the main case, aims the HDD with four screws at the corresponding round holes on the
baseplate, push the screws to the screw holes to stick them.
4. Twist the screws.
5. Repeat the previous steps to install other HDDs.
6. Connect HDD cables and power cables to the interfaces of the mainboard.
7. Put the cover plate back to GVR and twist the screws.
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Figure 1: GVR3550 HDD Installation

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Please connect the GVR3550 according to the following procedures:
1. Install the GVR3550 HDD by following the steps in chapter Installing HDD.
2. Plug in the cables and connect it to the display device interface.
3. Connect the mouse, keyboard, alarm input and output devices (optional).
4. Power up those optional devices before connecting power cable and power up the GVR3550.
5. Power up GVR3550, the power indicator will solid green; The HDD indicator will blink when it
works; The fn indicator will solid green if user presses function button.

Figure 2: GVR3550 System Connection Diagram

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The USB interface voltage on the front panel of the GVR3550 is a little higher than the one on the rear panel, it is suggested that the USB interface on the rear panel connect to mouse and keyboard while the one on the front panel connect to USB storage devices.
Users could login the Web page with the administrator account after plugging in the network cable to the GVR3550, go to Main Menu ->Status-> Network Status to check the network status including IP address and network send/receive rate as shown in Figure 3. For details, please refer to the chapter Network Info.
Figure 3: GVR3550 “Status” “Network Info” Page


GVR3550 USB interface could be connected to mouse and keyboard, or a USB storage device.
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Users could check whether the mouse and keyboard installation is successful after plugging in them. The mouse or keyboard might be not compatible with the GVR3550 if cannot be detected, please replace the mouse or keyboard and try again.

Figure 4: GVR3550 System Setting Page

When the USB mouse is plugged into the GVR3550, users could make the following operations with the mouse.
Single click the left mouse:
Enter a functional menu. Change the dialog box or dynamic status. Bring up the drop-down list when clicking the combo box. Switch input methods in the input box, tap on the corresponding buttons on the soft keyboard to input
Double click the left mouse:
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Double click on one screen to switch to full screen in multi-screen view mode. Double click again to exit
If in a rare case that the mouse is not detected, the mouse might not compatible with the GVR3550, please replace the mouse.
and go back to the previous multi-screen status.
Single click the right mouse:
Bring up the shortcut menu in real-time monitoring mode. Do not save the menu options and exit the current menu, go back to the preview screen.
Scroll wheel:
Scroll up and down the list box. Mouse Move. Select one control or one entry below it with cursor.


The GVR3550 supports English and Chinese input methods; the input interface is as shown below.

Figure 5: GVR3550 Soft Keyboard – English Input Method

Figure 6: GVR3550 Soft Keyboard – Chinese Input Method

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Input lowercase
Switch Caps Lock
Switch to Numbers & Symbols
Switch to alphabet
Switch to Chinese input method

Figure 7: GVR3550 Soft Keyboard – Symbol and Number

Figure 8: GVR3550 Soft Keyboard – Numeric Keyboard

Table 3: GXV3550 Soft Keyboard Explanation:


Users could click right mouse to check if there is "Uninstall" option in the menu after plugging in the USB device correctly. The option means the USB device is normal for use. Users could also go to Settings­>System Settings->Basic System Settings, click "Refresh" as shown in figure below to check the USB device status.
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Plug in the eSATA cable to the corresponding interface on the rear panel of the GVR3550, power up eSATA or electrify it with USB cable (according to eSATA specific situation).Users could go to Settings­>System Settings->HDD Management to view details like HDD Space, Free Space, HDD Status, HDD Type after installing eSATA. For details, please refer to the chapter HDD Management.

Figure 9: GVR3550 HDD Management Page


Connect one end of the HDMI cable to the port on the rear panel of the GVR3550, and the other end to the corresponding port of the HDMI monitor. Once powered up, one preview screen of the GVR3550 appears on the HDMI monitor. GVR3550 can automatically adapt to HDMI monitor with 1080p and 720p resolution.


Connect one end of the VGA cable to the port on the rear panel of the GVR3550, and the other end to the corresponding port of the VGA monitor. Once powered up, the boot screen of the GVR3550 appears on the VGA monitor.
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VGA does not support automatic resolution matching. There is only one valid output when connect to VGA and HDMI monitor the
same time. HDMI is valid while VGA is not by default. Users can also go to System Settings->Display to set parameters like Screen resolution, brightness, contrast, saturation and hue.


Alarm input/output connection procedures are as follows:
1. Connect the alarm input device to the alarm input port.
2. Connect the alarm output device to the alarm output port.
3. Enter the GVR3550 main menu, set corresponding settings to alarm input/output on the Alarm Settings
page. Alarm serial number 1 corresponds to the first alarm input on the GVR3550 I / 0 port, the following numbers keep to the same matching sequence. Set normally-opened alarm and normally­closed alarm according to the corresponding high /low electrical when alarm.
4. Set alarm output on the Alarm Settings page. Alarm output 1 corresponds to the first alarm output; the
following numbers keep to the same matching sequence.


GVR3550 support web paging and local paging:
1. Connect the audio-input device like microphone or pickups with RCA port to the audio input port on
the rear panel.
2. Connect the audio-output device like speaker or stereo with RCA port to the audio output port on the
rear panel. (The steps above ensure the GVR3550 could input or output audio)
3. Connect the microphone to the audio input of PC, the earphone or stereo to the audio output of PC. Connect the audio input/output device to the compatible cameras.
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Video Recording
Supports synchronous 24 channels 720p (with 1280x720 resolution) record or 12 channels 1080p (with 1920x1080 resolution) record
Recording Rate
Supports up to 48 Mbps recording rate
Recording Mode
Supports continuous record, schedule record ,alarm record and manual record
Video Encoding
H.264 baseline, main or higher
Audio Encoding
G.711 a/u law
Live View
Up to 16 channels of VGA, 4 channels of 720p, or 2 channels of 1080p via HDMI or VGA output
Supports synchronous local or remote 4 channels playback.
Trigger Event Alarm
Trigger modes: manual alarm, schedule alarm, IPC alarm, I/O alarm, event alarm and abnormal alarm
Intelligent Retrieval
Intelligent retrieval modes: retrieval by Date & Time, motion detection
Total Storage
Up to 16TB internally with encryption; additional storage available via external eSATA
Supports RAID 0 and RAID 1
Supports records backup to USB
Layer 2 QoS (802.1Q, 802.1p) and Layer 3 QoS (ToS, DiffServ, MPLS) (Layer 3 QoS coming soon)
Supports HTTP, HTTPS, ONVIF protocol
Network Protocol
TCP/UDP, RTP/RTCP/RTSP, HTTP/HTTPS, ARP, ICMP, DNS, DDNS, DHCP (client and server), NTP (client and server), SSH, PPPoE, LLDP (pending), 802.1X, ONVIF 2.2
IP Camera
Supports all Grandstream GXV36xx series IPC or some ONVIF compatible IPCsl
Security Protocol
Supports HTTPS, 802.1x, SSH


Table 4: GXV3550 Software Specifications:
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1 HDMI interface; 1 VGA interface; 1 x 10/100/1000Mbps auto-sensing RJ45 port; 1 RCA Audio Input & Output interface
Alarm In
Terminal 16 inputs (NO/NC), Vin 2.5V~12V,Iin 2.5mA~30mA
Alarm Out
Terminal 2 outputs (Relay), 0.5A at 125 VAC; 2A at 30 VDC
UPS Management (pending)
USB Interface
Two 2.0 USB interfaces
1 eSATA interface
LED Indicator
Power, LAN Link/Activity, Hard Drive Activity, fn
Remote Control
Supports IR remote control
Supports RTC
Internal HDD
Up to 4 3.5” SATA hard drives with maximum 16TB storage (HDD not included)
Universal Power Supply
Input: 100~240V 50/60Hz; Output: 12V/5A 60W
Operation: 0°C to 50°C Storage: -20°C to 60°C (HDDs not included)
Humidity: 10% to 90% non-condensing
1U rack mount with front brackets
FCC: Part 15 (CFR 47) Class B FCC: Part 15, (CFR 47) Class B CE: EN 55022, EN 55024, EN 61000-3-2, EN 61000-3-3, EN 60950 RCM: AS/NZS CISPR22, AS/NZS CISPR24, AS/NZS 60950 Comply with R & TTE, RoHS & WEEE
Table 5: GXV3550 Hardware Specifications:
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Power indicator
Power indicator will solid Green when GVR powers up.
Network Indicator
When the network is abnormal or the GVR has no access to the network, the indicator does not flicker when alarm; When the network connection is normal the green indicator is normally on; When transmitting data, the indicator flickers green.
HDD Indicator
The indicator will flicker Green if the HDD runs normally. If the HDD capacity is full, GVR will dispaly a warning prompt on screen.
Status Indicator
To indicate whether the numeric buttons features other functions. When press the function button, the numeric buttons would feature as function buttons. The indicator turns green when the numeric buttons are in functional mode while in numeric mode the indicator is dark.
USB Interface
To connect to USB device like mouse, keyboard and USB flash drive.
Numeric / Function Buttons
To input numbers and switch preview. When press the function button, the numeric buttons will be used as function buttons. Number 0-9 are corresponding to the following functions:
Enable PTZ , Start/Pause , Stop , Fast Backward , Fast Forward , Playback , Record , Single Frame ,
Menu , Multiscreen .
Function Button
To switch between numeric mode and function mode. The function status indicator indicates the status of the function

Figure 10: GVR3550 Front Panel

Table 6: GXV3550 Front Panel Explanation:
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Up and Down Direction Buttons
To switch among the activated controls or move up or down.  Revise settings, add or subtract numbers.  Auxiliary Function: Navigate the PTZ menu up or down.
Left and Right Direction Buttons
To switch among the activated controls or move left or right.  Controls the progress bar when playback.  Auxiliary Function: Navigate the PTZ menu left or right.
Cancel Button
Back to the previous menu or cancel operation.  Back to real-time monitoring state when playback.
Confirm Button
Confirm.  Switch to the default button.  Enter menu.  Switch between check box and ON/OFF button.  Pause/Resume auto patrol in the auto patrol preview mode.
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Power Input
Power interface, input 12V DC.
Reset Button
To reboot device or reset factory.
Long press for more than 10 seconds: factory reset.  Press when power on, reset when the GVR is
eSATA Interface
To connect eSATA device
USB Interface
To connect to USB devices, like mouse, keyboard and USB flash drive.
VGA Output
Output analog video signal, connecting to a monitor to view the video.
HDMI Output
HD audio/video output interface, transmit uncompressed HD video and multi-camera audio data to the display device with HDMI interface.
Audio Input
Audio input interface, receiving analog audio signal from microphone and other devices.
Audio Output
Output analog audio signal to device like Speaker
Network Port
10M/100M/1000M adaptive Ethernet interface.
Alarm Input 116
16 alarm input interface, receiving binary signals of external alarm like normally-closed alarm and normally­open alarm.
When electrify the alarm input device with external power, the device should be common-grounded with the GVR.

Figure 11: GVR3550 Back Panel

Table 7: GXV3550 Back Panel Explanation:
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Alarm output 12:
2 sets alarm output interface, output alarm signal to the external alarm device, power supply is required for external alarm device.
Alarm Grounding
Public alarm input grounding interface
For heat dissipation


Figure 12: IR Remote Control

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Table 8: GXV3550 Remote Control Key Explanation:
REC Button
Manual start/stop recording. Use REC button and the direction buttons to select the camera to record in the record control menu.
Playback Button
Enter playback screen
Numeric Buttons
Features the same function as the numeric buttons on the front panel (Only numeric function) and switch review screen.
MENU Button
Enter menu
Multiscreen Button
Switch the display to a single screen or multiscreen
Single-frame back Button
Single frame playback of the record
Single-frame Step Button
Single frame forward of the record
Fast Backward Button
Various fast backward and normal playback modes, the speed would be displayed on the playback screen
Fast Forward Button
Various fast forward and normal playback modes, the speed would be displayed on the playback screen
Skip Button
Switch to skip mode. User SKIP button with the UP&DOWN buttons to decide when to play records.
STOP Button
Stop playing recorded video
Press the button to playback when playback
Press the button to pause playback when
UP & DOWN Direction Buttons
Switch the activated controls to up or down.  Switch cameras to up or down when preview
Auxiliary function (e.g.: Control and operate the
PTZ menu).
LEFT & RIGHT Direction Buttons
Switch the activated controls to left or right.  Switch cameras to left or right when preview.  Control the progress bar when playback record.
Auxiliary function (e.g.: Control and operate the
PTZ menu).
ENTER Button
Confirm operations.  Switch to the default button
PTZ Control Button
Enable/Disable PTZ Control
Cancel Button
Back to the upper level, menu or cancel operations when pressing the function menu button (Close the top-level page or controls).
Function Buttons 1-4
F1, F2, F3 and F4 Function buttons.
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Vol Button +-
Adjust the volume of the cameras when preview or its volume when play back record.
A-I Button +-
Adjust aperture at PTZ control
A-F Button +-
Adjust focus at PTZ control
Zoom Button +-
Electronic zoom adjustment at PTZ control.  Electronic zoom adjustment when one camera.
Playback record at full screen.
The correct way to use IR remote control: Batteries must be installed before use. Please aim the remote control at the IR receiver on the GVR3550 then make operations. If the GVR3550 receives the control’s command, you can use the control to manipulate the GVR3550. If failed, please check whether the following reasons are the causes:
Check the battery polarities Check whether the battery power Check whether the remote sensor is obscured. Check whether a fluorescent lamp is being used nearby. If the remote still cannot function normally beyond the above situations, please change a remote and
try again, or contact the device provider.
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In this chapter, we take using the mouse as an example.


Users could use the wizard for basic configuration once started the GVR3550 to make it work properly.
1. Enter administrator password (The default is "Admin") to log in the GVR. Check to confirm whether to
enable the wizard next time boot up the unit.
2. Click on "Next" to access basic settings page to configure language and display time. Set time zone
and system time.
3. Click on "Next" to access network settings page to set up IP address, subnet mask and gateway.
4. Click on "Next" to access HDD management page to set up HDD array and HDD full strategy.
5. Click on "OK" to finish setup.


Input the username and password to login or click on the menu button in the lower left corner of the page to login. The factory default username is "admin", the password is "admin". Users have to login again if timeout without operations. Password change recommended after initial login. After logging in the GVR3550 local page, users could click right mouse and then select any item in a pop­up menu to bring up the GVR3550 login page.
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+ 90 hidden pages