Gorenje GV53315UK User Manual [nl]

With each wash cycle. Compartment For programmes with pre-wash only.
(Follow the user instructions!)
Electric indicator on control panel (if provided).
Check the rinse aid level
If there is no salt warning light in the control panel (for some models), you can estimate when to fill the salt into the softener by the number of cycles the dishwasher has run.
Check the regeneration
salt level
Load the baskets
Select a programme
Turn on the water tap ,close the door . The machine will start working after about 10 seconds.
Running the dishwasher
Switch off the appliance
Turn off the water tap, unload the baskets
Fill the detergent dispenser
Warning: wait a few minutes (about 15 minutes) before unloading the dishwasher to avoid handling the dishes and utensils while they are still hot and more susceptible to break. They will also dry better.Unload the appliance, starting from the lower basket.
Changing the programme
Add forgotten dishes in the dishwasher.
Scrape off any large amount of leftover food. Soften remnants of burnt food in pans, then l oad the baskets. Refer to the dishwasher loading instructions.
Press the programme button until the selected programme lights up. ( See the section entitled Operation instruction )Ā ā
When the working cycle has finished, the buzzer of the dishwasher will sound 8 times, then stop. Turn off the appliance using the On/Off button.
If the appliance is switched off during a wash cycle.
Op en the doo r care f u lly. Hot s t eam may esc ape when t he doo r is o pen e d!
If the appliance is switched off during a wash cycle, when switched on again, please re-select the washing cycle and operate the dishwasher according to the original Power-on state ).
Switch on the appliance Open the door,press the On/Off button to switch on the appliance .
1.Open the door a little to stop the dishwasher.
2.After the spray arms stop working, you can open the door completely.
3.Add the forgotten dishes.
4.Close the door, the dishwasher will start running again after 10 seconds.
For d e tailed operating metho d read the corre sponding conte nt on t he instructio n man ual.
1. A running cycle can only be modified if it has been running for a short time. Otherwise the detergent may have already been released and the water already drained. If this is the case, the detergent dispenser must be refilled.
2. Press the p for more than 3 seconds to cancel the running programme.
3. Select a new programme.
4. Restart the dishwasher.
rogramme button
To review the se c tio n o n tro uble sho oti ng Tips will help you to so l ve some common problems by yourse lf .
Dea r Customer,
Pl e as e care fully r ead th i s m anu al bef or e usin g the dishw a she r, it will h elp y ou to us e an d mainta i n the dishw a she r properl y.
Pa ss it on t o any sub seq uen t owner of the appliance.
This manual c ontains sect ions o n safe ty Instructi o ns, Opera ting I nstructio ns, In sta llat ion I nstructions an d Troublesho otin g Tips, etc.
Th e man ufac tu rer, fo llo wing a polic y of con stant development and u pdating o f the pr oduct, ma y make modifi cat ions with out gi ving prior notice.
Keep it as a refer in the late r days.
If you can not solv e t he problem s by yoursel f , plea se as k f o r the help o f p rofe ssi ona l techn icians.
Th is appliance is in tended t o be used in hou s eho ld an d similar applicati ons such as :
-s t aff kitchen a r ea s in shop s, offices and oth e r working en vir o nme nts ;
-f a rm hous es;
-b y cli ent s in hotels, mo tels and othe r r esidential ty pe environments;
-b ed and b rea k fas t typ e env i ron men t s.
Dishwasher Features.. . ... .... .............. ... . ... ..... ... 3
A Water Soften er.. . ... ......... .... ............. . ... .......4ǃ
Atten tion b efor e or after lo ading the Dishwasher
Baskets. .............. ... . ... ... .............. ... . ... .. .... ......9
Filt eri n g Syst em...... .... ......... .......... . .... ..... . .. . ..13
Ca ring for th e Dish was her.. .. .......... ....... ...... ... 14.
B Loading the S alt in to the Soft ener. ... .... .........5ǃ
C F ill the Rinse Aid Dis pen ser.. ........... ...... . ..... 5ǃ
D Function of Det e rgent .. .. .......... ........... ... .....6
Loadi n g the u p per ...... ............. ... ... ......10Bask et
Loadi ng the Lower . ... . ......... ........... ... ...10Bas k et
Wash Cyc l e Table..... .. . ... ....... ........... .. . .......... . 11
Turnin g on th e Appliance . ...... ... .......... . ...... .....11
Change the Pr o gr amme . ......... ... . ...... .... ..... .12.. ..
At the end o f the Wash Cycle ... ................. ... . ... 12
Be fore c alling for se rvi ce. ... ... . ... ... . .... ... .... . .... .22.
Error codes. ... . ... ... ........... . ..... . ... .... ... . .. ... ... . .23.
Tech n ical information... ...... . .. . ... ... ... ...... . . .. ...24..
Co ntrol Pan el.. .............. ... ... .... ... .............. ... ... ..3
.... .......... . .......... .. . ...... 15Install atio n p rep ara t ion
... 16Ae sthe tic panel's di mensions and instal lati on
........ ......18Tensio n a d justmen t of t he door sprin g
........... .... .............. . 18Co nne cti on of dr ain ho s es
........... .... ......... . 19Dishwash er i nst allation ste ps
About E lectri city Connect ing. ........... .... ..... .... ..20
Co ld Wate r C onn ecti on .... ....... ... .......... . .... ..... 21
Keep children away from detergent and rinse aid, keep child away from the open door of the dishwasher, there could still be some detergent left inside.
Do not abuse, sit on, or stand on the door or dish rack of the dishwasher.
Do not touch the heating element during or immediately after use. (This instruction is only applicable to machines
with a visual heating element.)
Do not wash plastic items unless they are marked dishwasher safe or the equivalent. For plastic items n
ot so marked, check the manufacturer's
Us e only det e rge nt and rinse addi tives designed for an au tom ati c dishwasher. Neve r u se soa p, laundr y dete rgent, or h and wash i ng detergent in you r dishwasher. Keep thes e pro d ucts o u t of the reach of children.
During inst all atio n, the p ower suppl y mus t n ot be exce s siv e ly or d angero usly b e nt or f l attened.
Do not tamper with controls.
Do not place any heavy objects the door when it is open. The appliance could tip forward.
on or stand on
When loadin g items t o be washed :
1) L oca te sha rp items so that they a re not like ly to dama ge the door seal;
2 Warni ng : Kniv es and o ther u tensils with
sh arp po ints m ust b e l oade d in th e basket with th e ir poi nts down or p lace d in a ho riz onta l posi tion.
When us i ng your d ish w asher, yo u shou ld preve nt plast ic it e ms from com ing into contact wit h the h e ati ng element.( T his inst ruct ion is only appli c abl e to mac hines with a v isual heatin g element.)
If the supply co rd is da mag ed, it m ust b e repla ced by the man ufa ctur er or its service a gen t or a simi larly q uali fied person in order to avoid a hazar d.
Plea se dispose of pa ckin g m ater ials pro per ly. Use the dishwasher only for its intended function.
Remove the door to the washing compartment when removing an old dishwasher from service or discarding it.
Dishw ash er deter gents are strongly alk alin e, th ey can be extrem ely da nge rous if s wallowe d. Avoi d conta ct wit h ski n a nd eyes and keep ch ildren aw a y from t he dishwasher whe n t he door is ope n.
Check that th e deterge nt com parment i s emp ty after com p letion of th e wash c ycl e.
Th e applian c e is to be conn ected to the water mains u s ing new hose sets and th at old ho se- set s should not be reused. Th e max imum nu mb e r of pl ace settings t o be washed i s . Th e max imum p e rm i ssi ble inlet wa ter pressure is 1Mpa. Th e minimum permiss i ble inlet w ater p ress ure is
0.04M pa.
Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.
This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge ,unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety.
When using your dishwasher, follow the precautions listed below:
Th e door shou l d not be left o pen, si nce this could increase the ri s k of tripping.
Do not operate your dishwasher unless all enclosure panels are properly in place. Open the d oor very carefully if the dishwasher i s operating, there is a risk of water squirting out.
This appliance must be earthed. In the event of a malfunction or breakdown, earthing will reduce the risk of anelectric shock by providing a path of least resistance of electric current. This appliance is equipped with a cord having an equipment­earthing conductor and a plug. The plug must be plugged into an appropriate outlet that is installed and earthed in accordance with all local codes and ordinances.
Improper connection of the equipment-earthing conductor can result in the risk of an electric shock. Check with a qualified electrician or service representative if you are in doubt whether the appliance is properly earthed. Do not modify the plug provided with the appliance; If it does not fit the outlet. Have a proper outlet installed by a qualified electrician.
Dispo s e of the dishwasher pac kag i ng material correctl y. All pa ckag ing materials ca n be recycled. Pl ast i c part s are ma rked w ith th e standar d inte rnation al abb rev i ations:
PE fo r polyeth yle n e, e.g. s heet wra ppin g m ateria l PS fo r polysty ren e, e. g. paddin g m a ter ial
POM polyox ymethyl e ne , e.g . plastic clips
PP po lypr opylen e , e.g . Salt fill er
ABS Acryl onitrile Butadie ne Sty ren e, e.g. Control Pa nel .
Pa cka ging materia l could be dangerous for chil dren ! Fo r disposing of pa cka ge and the appliance ple ase go to a re cyc ling c en tre. T he r e for e cut off the power s u pp l y cable a nd make the door closing dev ice unusable . Car db o ard packaging is manufactured fro m r ec y cle d paper and should be di s pos ed in the waste paper collection for re cycling . By en surin g t his pr odu c t is dispose d of correctly, you wil l hel p prevent po ten t ial n e gat ive co n se q ue nce s for the e nvi r onm ent and hum an health, w hic h c ould otherwise be caused by inappro p ria t e waste han dling of this product. Fo r m ore de ta iled informat ion a bou t rec ycli ng of this pro d uc t , plea se con tact you r loc a l ci ty of fice a nd your househ o ld wast e di s pos a l ser vice.
DISP OSAL : Do not dispose this product as unsorted muni cipal waste. Collec tio n of such waste s epar a te ly for s pecial treatm ent is n eces sar y.
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before us ing it fo r the first tim e.
To g et t he be st p erformance from y o ur dishwas her, read all operat ing i nstruction s
Ba ck View
4 5
Front view
Lowe r basket
Sa lt co nta iner
Cu p shel f
Sp ray arms
Filt er ass embl y
Inle t pipe conne cto r
Drain pipe
Upper basket
Cutlery ra ck
Top spray arm
Inner pipe
5 6
7 8
Ad juster
2.Ext ra dry ing funct i on choose Button: To ch oos e Extra dryi ng f unction
No te: o nly i nte nsi ve,n ormal,E CO,glass 1hour
pr ograms hav e e x tra dryin g fu nct ion
3. Alt Button: Du al zon e was h f unc tio n, P re ss th e
bu tto n t o sele ct ei the r upp er ba s ket or lower b asket loaded.
4.Delay But ton : To pr ess the bu tton to delay.
5.Program Butt on : To press the butt on to se lec t a
wash Pr o gra m.
6.O n/off Button:
and the resp o ns e indi cato r will light.
1. Display scr ee n : to show the er ror code,delay time etc .
Prog ram indicators :
Delay time or e rror cod es in dica t or:
Alt functio ns in d ica tor:
Ri nse Aid indicator: In dica tes when the disp en s er needs to be r e fille d.
Ad d salt indi cator: In dica tes when the disp en s er needs to be r e fille d.
Ex tra dr yin g indicators :
The wat er so ften er must be set m anually, usin g the wa ter hard nes s dial. The wat er so ften er is designed to r emove mine ra l s and sa lts fr om the wate r, w hich woul d have a detr imental or adve rse effect on the o peration of the appli ance. The higher t he content o f these min e rals and salts, the har der your water i s . The so ftener sho uld be a dj usted acco rdin g to the hard nes s of t he wa ter in y our ar ea. Your local Water A uthority can ad vise y ou on the hardness o f the wat er in yo ur ar ea.
Adjusting Salt Consumption
The dishw asher is designed to al l ow for a dju s tment in the amou nt of sa lt co nsu med bas ed on the hardness o f the wa ter used. This is intended t o optimise and customise the level o f salt consumption.
WATER SO FTENER The har dne ss of the wa ter v arie s from place to plac e. I f hard water is used i n the di s hwa she r, de po sits w ill form on the dishes a nd utensi ls. The applian ce is eq ui pped with a sp eci al softener tha t u ses a salt container speci fic ally des ign ed to elimina te lime an d minera ls fr om the wate r.
Contact you r local water boar d for i nfor mation on the har dne s s of your wat er su p ply.
If your m odel doe s not have any water so ften e r, you may skip this secti on.
Clark: Bri tish degre e
fH : French degre e
dH: G e rman d egr ee
dH=1.2 5 Clark=1.78 fH= 0 .178mm o l/l
Th e manufactory s etting : H4 (EN 50242)
Befo re using you r dishwas her for the first time :
A. Set the wat er sof tener
B. Add 1. 5Kg dishw ash er salt and then full fill the sal t c onta iner w ith w ate r
C. Fill t he ri ns e aid dis p enser
D. Fill i n detergent
mm ol/l
0~0.9 4
6- 11
1.0- 2 .0 H2 9
21-3 0
12-17 2.1- 3.0
7-1 4
15-2 1
Clar k
Selecto r Posi tion
Sa lt con su m pt io n
(gr a m/cycle )
18-2 2 31-40 22-2 8 3. 1-4 .0
41-6 0
23-34 4.1- 6.0
29-4 2
35-5 5 61-98 43-6 9 6. 1-9 .8
1. Open the door ,Sw itch on the ap pl iance;
2. Press th e Pro gram button for more tha n 5 seco nds to star t t he water softe ner set m odel wit hin 60se c onds a fte r t he appli a nce was swit ched on( Th e Salt a nd Ri nse ai d war ning ligh ts will be on periodically when it get in the se t model );
3. Press th e Pro gram butt on to selec t the pro per se t acc ord ing to yo ur loca l en vironment, th e s ets w ill chang e in the follo wing sequ ence: H1- >H2- >H3 - >H4->H 5-> H6;
4. Press the P ow er button to end the se t up model.
Please fol low th e ste ps bel o w for adjustment in sa l t consumpt ion.
1. The s alt conta i ner must only be r efil le d w hen the salt warn ing light in t he control pan el com es on. Depending on how w ell the s alt diss o lve s, the s a lt warnin g light may st ill be o n even t hough the salt co nta iner is filled. If there is no salt w arning ligh t i n the con tr ol panel (fo r some M ode ls) ,you c an est imate when to f ill the salt into the so ftener by th e cyc les that the di shw ashe r has run.
2. If th ere are spi lls of the salt , a soa k or a rapid program shoul d be run to remo ve the exce ssiv e salt.
Alway s use the sal t i ntended for use wi th dishwashe r. The salt contain e r is loc ated beneath the lowe r bas k et and should be fill ed as exp lained in t he follow ing :
Only us e salt specifically des i gne d f or the use in di shwashers! E very other t ype of salt n o t s pecifically de sig ned fo r t he use in a d ishwa s h er, especially tab le s alt, will damage the wat er softener. In ca se of d a mages caused by t he use o f unsuitable salt t he ma nuf act urer does not give any wa rranty no r is liab le for a ny da mage s caused.
Only fill wi th sal t just b efore sta r tin g one of th e co mplete washing p rograms. This wi ll prevent any grains of salt o r salty wate r, which ma y have been sp illed, remaining on the bottom of the machi ne for any period of time , which m ay ca use corrosi on.
Th e rinse aid is rel ease d d uri ng th e final rins e to prevent wate r fro m forming droplets on yo ur dis hes, whic h can leave spots a nd streak s. It also improv e s dr y i ng by all owing wate r t o rol l off the dishes . Your d ish washer is designed to u se liquid rins e aids. The ri n se a id dispenser is lo c ated i nside the door next to the d etergen t dis p enser. To fi l l the di spenser, ope n the cap and po ur the rinse ai d int o the dispenser until t he level ind icator tu rn s c o mplete ly black. The v olume of the rinse aid con tainer i s a bout 110m l .
Rinse Aid Dispenser
Function of Rinse Aid
Rinse aid is automatically add ed during the las t rins e, ensuring thorough rin sing , and spot an d s t reak free dryi ng.
Only u se branded rinse aid fo r dishwas h er. Never f ill th e rin s e aid dispense r with a n y o ther sub sta nces
(e.g . Dishwas her clean ing ag ent, liq u id deterg e nt ) . Th is wou ld da mage t he app lia nce .
Fu ll f ill the s alt cont aine r with water,It is nor m al for a small a mount of wa ter to come out o f the sal t containe r.
A After the lower b asket has be en removed, unscrew and remove the cap from t he sal t containe r.
B Place the en d o f the fu nnel ( sup p lie d) int o the hole an d intr oduce about 1.5kg of di shw asher sal t.
Afte r f il ling the container , sc rew th e cap tightly bac k clockwise.
E The sal t wa rning l igh t will stop be ing afte r the sa lt co ntain er has be en fill ed wit h sa lt.
F Immediat ely a fter f illing the s alt in to the sa lt co ntainer, a washing program s ho uld be start ed
program Otherwi se th e filt er sys tem , p ump or other i mportant parts of the machine may be dam aged
by sa lty wate r. This is o ut of warranty.
(W e su ggest to use a shor t
To open t he dispen s er, tur n the cap to the "open" (left ) arrow and lift it out .
Po ur the rinse aid int o the dispe nser, being careful not to overfi ll. Re place the cap by inse rti ng it ali gned with "open" ar row and t urn ing it t o t he cl osed ( righ t) arrow.
Adjusting Rinse Aid Dispenser
Th e rinse aid dispe ns er has si x o r fou r s ett i ng s. Always sta r t with t he dis pe nser set on "4". If sp ots and p oo r dr yin g are a p rob lem, i ncrease t he amo unt of r i nse aid dis p ensed by removing th e disp enser lid an d rot atin g the d i al to "5" . If the dish es stil l are no t dryi ng properly or are show s pots , adj ust th e dial to t he ne xt high e r leve r un til your dis h es ar e spot-f ree. The recom m en d ed setting is "4". (Fact ory va lue is "4". )
Increase th e dose i f there are d r ops of w at e r o r lime spots on the d i shes a fte r wash ing . Re duce i t if there are stick y whit is h stains on your dish es or a bl uish f ilm on g las s ware or kn ife bl ad e s .
1 2 3
As the ri nse aid d iminis hes, the si z e o f th e blac k dot on the rinse aid level ind icator ch ang e s, as illustra ted b elo w.
Ful l 3 / 4 full 1 / 2 full 1 / 4 full - Sho uld re fil l to e liminate sp o tti ng Empty
When to Refill the Rinse Aid Dispenser
If there is no rinse- ai d warning light in the control p ane l, you can es t imate th e amount fro m the co lour of the op tica l l ev el ind i cat or C loc a ted ne xt to the cap. Whe n the ri n se-aid conta i ner is full, the wh ole indi c at o r wil l be dark . As the r inse -aid diminishes, t h e size of the dark do t decr eases . You should n eve r l et the rinse aid l ev e l fall 1 / 4 full.
du rin g the nex t wash.
Don't forget t o re pla c e the cap before you clo s e dis hwa she r door.
Clean up any rinse aid spi l led w hil e dur ing fi ll in g wit h an abs orb e nt cl oth to a void exc ess i ve foamin g
Dete rgents with its chem i c al ingr edie nts are ne cess ary to remove di r t, crus h dirt and tr ans port it out of the dish was he r. Most of th e commercial qu ali ty deterge nt s a re su i ta ble for this purpos e.
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Prop er Use of Dete rgent Use only det erg e nt spe cifical ly made for the use i n d ishwashers . Keep your d et er gen t fr es h and dry. Don't put po wde red det erg ent into th e dispe nser u ntil you 're re ady to w ash dish es.
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