2. Working Environment ................................................................................................................................................... 3
2.2Command Area .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
3.1Generic Toll Set .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
3.2Advance Tool Set ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
3.3Object Tool Set ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
4. General Operation ....................................................................................................................................................... 7
4.1Creating First Label..................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
4.2Open an Existing File .................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
4.5Select Label Size and Media Type ............................................................................................................................................................. 12
4.7Text Setup - Key in a Text into the Label ................................................................................................................................................... 16
4.8Using the Fonts Provided by Windows ..................................................................................................................................................... 19
4.9 Create a Barcode ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
4.10Drawing Line, Rectangle and Circle .......................................................................................................................................................... 35
5.1 Command Format ................................................................................................................................................................................... 42
5.2 Using Serial Number ................................................................................................................................................................................ 43
5.3 Using Variable .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 46
5.4 Date Time setting .................................................................................................................................................................................... 49
5.6 Printer with LAN Port .............................................................................................................................................................................. 54
5.8 USB Disk Access Function ........................................................................................................................................................................ 62
6.1 EAN-128 / GS1 Databar with AI ............................................................................................................................................................... 68
7. Further Advance To ol Set .......................................................................................................................................... 71
7.1Printer Control ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 71
Click [Begin] on Windows Desk and select “GoLabel” software program to run it. Or, just click the Iconon
the Windows desk, and start to execute GoLabel program.
1.2 Main Display Screen
There are three tool sets and two working areas on GoLabel main display screen when it startup:
1) Tool Set :
Either on the top - Generic tool set and Advance tool set
Object tool set on the left side
2) Working Area:
Label Design area
Command area
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2. Working Environment
2.1 General
With the friendly design, user clicks the icon to open a new file for label design and editing. There are two
working pads on the screen. The left pad is for label design area, right side of pad is for command area. In label
design area, user can design, edit, delete and then save label as a file name with “ezpx” file type (GoLabel always
save the file name with file type “ezpx”). In command area, user can export the label on the left working pad to the
command area with the printer’s command format (on the right working pad).
2.2 Command Area
The labels exported to the Command Area in “TEXT/ASCII” format and can be editing and saving as a “TEXT/ASCII” file
on PC. Thus, in DOS mode, user may work on this file with DOS commands - COPY, PRINT, TYPE, etc. to manipulate
this TEXT/ASCII file and then send/print it to the printer directly. Besides, the commands in the Command Area are
exported direct from the Label Design Area. For certain high level application, GoLabel provides these quickly and
convenient of operation tools for SI engineer and software designer.
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3. GoLabel Tool Sets
3.1 Generic Toll Set
Being user-friendly software, GoLabel provides following graphic icons in the Tool Sets that displays on the top of screen. User
may click either icon of Tool Set to design labels and editing commands. The icons on Generic, Advance and Object Tool Set, and
its functional description are itemized and shown as below for user reference.
Generic Tool Set
Page Setup
Printer Setup
Move To Front
Send To back
Align Left
Align Right
Select All
Database Select
Copy Label To Clipboard
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Unselect All
3.2 Advance Tool Set
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Advance Tool Set
IP Setting
Set Alarm Parameters
Set Alert Message
Search GoDEX Printer
Printer Control
Virtual Terminal
Calibration Sensor
Printer Date/Time Setting
Download Object To Printer
Delete Printer Object
Synchronize Printer And
GoLabel Object Record
Style Settings
Enable/Disable Cross Hair
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3.3 Object Tool Set
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Object Tool Set
Horizontal Line
Vertical Line
Oblique Line
Filled Rectangle
Rounded Rectangle
Pdf 417
Maxi Code
Data Matrix
QR Code
Micro PDF
Bar Code
GS1 Date Bar Code
Window Text
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4.1 Creating First Label
Open and save a label file
Open a new label file
Click the icons in the Generic tool set
Save a Label file
Click either icons “SAVE” or “SAVE AS” to save the label files to disk. It’s required to key-in file
name when a dialog of SAVE AS is popping up (Don’t key-in, the file type “ezpx”, which is added by GoLabel itself
in automatically), after file name key-in, please click SAVE icon in the dialog to save the label file with the file
name you key-in.
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4. General Operation
In case, who want to save label with “TEXT/ASCII” format, please click icon
TEXT/ASCII format to the command area. The “TEXT/ASCII” format in command area is able to editing manually
by user.
If these labels have some unloaded objects, such as graphics, Fonts or non GoDEX EZPL printer’s commands
(such as sphercial or round coner, GoLabel will reminding the total amount of illegal object unloading yet,
marking white color on the fill-in columns and asking to user for key-in and download. Please follow instruction
to key-in the appropriate object names then. (the names must be alphabetical and numbers only).
Please clcik the icon
in command area that will save the label in “TEXT/ASCII” format to PC.
to transform the label as
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4.2 Open an Existing File
Click the icon “Open” on Generic Tool Set
To open an existing file is able be previewing when cursor select to it, and click “Open” icon in the dialog
to open it (or just double click the file name for instead). Only file type “ezpx” created by GoLabel is able
be opened properly.
Be noted 1: The file type “ezp” created by Qlabel is able be opened by GoLabel but may not 100%
workable unless the file created in Qlabel and save it in “Qlabel Command Area” as the file type of “cmd”
format, such as “Test.cmd”. Although, these files can be retrieved by GoLabel but if these files have any
graphic, photo, picture and curvature objects that created in Qlabel are still not be able to reproduce on
GoLabel properly.
Be noted 2: Only the “Text/ASCII” format of EZPL commands in the file type of “ezp” and “cmd” are
retrievable by GoLabel but the inside of download objects (graphic, photo, picture and curvature shape)
will be missed, that needs to recreate on GoLabel.
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4.3 Change Printer Setting
Click the icon on the Generic Tool Set, or just click the right key of mouse on the “Label Design Area” and
select “Printer Setup”
Key-in the relevant parameters in the “Printer Setup” dialog
Please select the model name of GoDEX barcode printer in the dialog first. If you don’t know it clearly,
please check the model name to the printer’s bottom side that stuck a label with sufficient information.
All the items are able be setting unless these items are not supported by this model of barcode printer
Tear-off position: It’s a printer stop position (after a label print out) that can be adjusting forth and back
(+/- value, unit: mm). Key-in bigger adjusting value (number) in the dialog is meant that the next labels
will move forward or backward longer. The setting value should not large or equal to label high. Every
model of barcode has an own setting value and limitation of Tear-off position, please refer to the
description of the EZPL command (^E) that states in the user or programming manual.
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4.4 Setup Database Printing
If Database has been created and saved in the printer internal or external memory; it can be either: click icon
on the Generic Tool Set, or just click the right key of mouse on the “Label Design Area” and then select “Printer
Click the icon “USE DATABASE”, and then choose which row of database going to using; the selected database will
show up at the column field of “Data Record to Print” then.
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The value in the fields of “Copies of Label” and “Number of Labels” are selectable to print more labels with copy or
counting number during “Use Database” function.
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4.5 Select Label Size and Media Type
Click the icon on the Generic Tool Set
The label parameters are definable, included “page width”, “Page Height”, ”Left/Right Margin” and
“Top/Bottom Margin”
The label can be saved as a “self-defined label” by key-in the label name in the column field of
“Description” and click “Save as Template” then. In next times when GoLabel startup, user can
select the previous saved ““self-defined label” in the pull down column field of “Template Page
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Select Media Type
Label with gaps, a sticking label with liner, every label has a gap in between, called gap length.
Continuous, like a fax using paper roll. Due to its continuous, it must set a “Feed Paper Length” if who want has
a printing gap in between label and label
Label with Mark: A label roller, it has a strip (or block) of black mark pre-printed on the back of liner. It needs
setting the black mark’s Width, Position and Zsign.
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Choose Media Layout
Print Order: Label Printing Order is selectable by Copy, Left to Right or Top to Bottom
Horizontal: Label is divided and making them in horizontal layout
Vertical: Label is divided and making them in vertical layout
Horizontal Gap/Pitch: to define the horizontal gap width between the labels
Vertical Gap/Pitch: to define the vertical gap width between the labels
Label Shape: Three Label outer shape is selectable
Move cursor to inside of “Label Ordering Preview” area and click it, then the label shape and order can be
changed immediately for user preview one by one.
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4.6 Printer Interface Setup
Printer interface: USB, LAN, LPT and Serial Ports are selectable as follow:
Click the icon
select “Printer Setup” and Choose “Printer Interface”
Please select the port and set the parameter where the printer connected, such as USB, LAN, LPT and Serial Port.
User can select “Driver Port” and click the icon
is connected to those ports. Or, user who choose “Auto Detect Connected Printer on Startup” in the dialog, then
GoLabel will always auto detect the connecting printer on next time when program re-startup.
on Generic Tool Set, or just click the right key of mouse on the “Label Design Area” and then
for instead, this will automatic detect which model of printer
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4.7 Text Setup - Key in a Text into the Label
The Fonts include internal font, download font, and external Font on CF card or USB Stick Memory
Select “Text” in left side of screen, and then click the icon
Move cursor to where the text will be located and click left key again.
There are three icons showing on the “Text Setup” dialog, “Text”, Font Type”, “Data Source”
1) In the sub-dialog “Text”, the “Horizontal Expand”, “Vertical Expand” and “Size in Dot” are definable by
In the right part, it has “Rotation” for Text angle selection, “Text Data” for text key-in and a Preview
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2) In the sub dialog “Font Type”, user may choose and define the parameters for the “Internal Font”, “Asian
Font”, “Download Font” and “True Type Fonts
Internal Fonts are built-in on the printer’s F/W, only alphabetical text and numbers are existed.
Asian Font, user can choose some Asian font and download it to the printer Flash or USB memory
True Type Font (TTF), this new feature provides for user to download TTF file and define its
parameters, which also supports to Multi-Language
Below dialogs will be popped up when select “True Type Font” and click “Download True Type
Font”; then choose either of TTF file and download it to printer.
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3) In the sub dialog “Data Source”, user can select where the text data going to come from - “General” or
General: it select data source of text is coming from a pop up “self-defining table” that user can
setup the text stream with serial number, variable, data and time then.
Database: There are six databases (SQL, Access, Oracle, Excel, Txt, DBF) can be adopting when user
selected database in “Data Source” sub-dialog. In fact, it also can be created by the icon
“Database Query” in “Generic Tool Set”.
The detail of how to define serial number, variable and database, please refer to both paragraphs
“Variable and Serial Number” and “Database” in the chapters 5.2 to 5.5
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4.8 Using the Fonts Provided by Windows
GoLabel supports Windows Fonts but has some limitations due to these fonts is created truly by dot-matrix not
like other fronts that built-in on printer. So, it may print slowly if selected too many Windows Fonts in the
labels. Besides, the text stream on the label with these Windows Fonts is not be able linking to database, serial
number for counting and variable for calculation, etc.
Select “Tex t ” in left side of screen, and then click icon
location that “Window Text” will be located and click left key again.
In the “Window Text Setup” dialog, click the “Font” it will pop up a sub-dialog for the font type and size
selection. It also can be rotated, and changed (converted) to graphic.
In case it “Changed to Graphic”, then the text will convert to “Graphic Object” and then download to
printer memory. This will helpful speed up the put-through-time, but it can’t be editing anymore when it
has been changed to Graphic.
in the “Object Too Set”, move cursor to the
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In the sub dialog “Data Source”, user can select where the text data going to come from - “General” or
General: it select where the “Data Source” of text is coming from, which will pop up a “self-defining
table” that user can define the text stream with serial number, variable, data and time.
Database: There are six databases (SQL, Access, Oracle, Excel, Txt, DBF) can be adopting when user
selected database in “Data Source” sub-dialog. In fact, it also can be created by the icon
“Database Query” in “Generic Tool Set”.
The detail of how to define serial number, variable and database, please refer to both paragraphs
“Variable and Serial Number” and “Database” in the chapters 5.2 to 5.5
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4.9 Create a Barcode
4.9.1 Create 1D Barcode
1) Symbology
GoLabel On-line Help
Select “Barcode” in the left side of screen, and then click the icon
cursor to the location that “1D Barcode” will be located and click left key again.
There are four sub-dialogs in the “Barcode Setup” – Symbology, Human Readable Style, Font and Data
In the Symbology sub-dialog, choose barcode type first and then define its Height, Narrow, Width, and
Width/Narrow Ratio. Be sure to design a corrective barcode for scanner reading.
The barcode also can be rotated from 0, 90, 180- and 270 degree. A field of “Bar Code Data” may key-in
by users themselves.
After the completed of definition the Barcode, please click “Refresh Preview” to preview the designing
Barcode, or press “Enter Key” while you key-in the data to the field of “Bar Code Data”
There are many documents on the web or book story can be reference if someone is no idea how to
design the 1D barcode.
of the “Object Too Set”, and move
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2) Human Readable Style
Click and enter to sub-dialog “Human Readable Style”, to select “Position Alignment” and “Offset” that
decides where the position of “TEXT” to be alignment, which also will update the display on “Preview”
3) Font
Click and enter into sub-dialog “Font”, to define the font size, type and font, etc.
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