Genius Step User Manual

1) ATTENZIONE! È importante per la sicurezza delle persone seguire attentamente tutta l’istruzione. Una errata installazione o un errato uso del prodotto può portare a gravi danni alle persone.
Leggere attentamente le istruzioni prima di iniziare l’installazione del prodotto.
4) Conservare le istruzioni per riferimenti futuri.
5) Questo prodotto è stato progettato e costruito esclusivamente per l’utilizzo indicato in questa documentazione. Qualsiasi altro utilizzo non espressamente indicato potrebbe pregiudicare l’integrità del prodotto e/o rappresentare fonte di pericolo.
6) GENIUS declina qualsiasi responsabilità derivata dall’uso improprio o diverso da quello per cui l’automatismo è destinato.
7) Non installare l’apparecchio in atmosfera esplosiva: la presenza di gas o fumi infiammabili costituisce un grave pericolo per la sicurezza.
8) Gli elementi costruttivi meccanici devono essere in accordo con quanto stabilito dalle Norme EN 12604 e EN 12605. Per i Paesi extra-CEE, oltre ai riferimenti normativi nazionali, per ottenere un livello di sicurezza adeguato, devono essere seguite le Norme sopra riportate.
9) GENIUS non è responsabile dell’inosservanza della Buona Tecnica nella costruzione delle chiusure da motorizzare, nonché delle deformazioni che dovessero intervenire nell’utilizzo.
10) L’installazione deve essere effettuata nell’osservanza delle Norme EN 12453 e EN 12445. Il livello di sicurezza dell’automazione deve essere C+D.
11) Prima di effettuare qualsiasi intervento sull’impianto, togliere l’alimentazione elettrica e scollegare le batterie.
12) Prevedere sulla rete di alimentazione dell’automazione un interruttore onnipolare con distanza d’apertura dei contatti uguale o superiore a 3 mm. È consigliabile l’uso di un magnetotermico da 6A con interruzione onnipolare.
13) Verificare che a monte dell’impianto vi sia un interruttore differenziale con soglia da 0,03 A.
14) Verificare che l’impianto di terra sia realizzato a regola d’arte e collegarvi le parti metal­liche della chiusura.
15) L’automazione dispone di una sicurezza intrinseca antischiacciamento costituita da un controllo di coppia. E' comunque necessario verificarne la sogli di intervento secondo quanto previsto dalle Norme indicate al punto 10.
16) I dispositivi di sicurezza (norma EN 12978) permettono di proteggere eventuali aree di pericolo da Rischi meccanici di movimento, come ad Es. schiacciamento, convogliamento, cesoiamento.
17) Per ogni impianto è consigliato l’utilizzo di almeno una segnalazione luminosa nonché di un cartello di segnalazione fissato adeguatamente sulla struttura dell’infisso, oltre ai dispositivi citati al punto “16”.
18) GENIUS declina ogni responsabilità ai fini della sicurezza e del buon funzionamento dell’automazione, in caso vengano utilizzati componenti dell’impianto non di produzione GENIUS.
19) Per la manutenzione utilizzare esclusivamente parti originali GENIUS.
20) Non eseguire alcuna modifica sui componenti facenti parte del sistema d’automazione.
21) L’installatore deve fornire tutte le informazioni relative al funzionamento manuale del sistema in caso di emergenza e consegnare all’Utente utilizzatore dell’impianto il libretto d’avvertenze allegato al prodotto.
22) Non permettere ai bambini o persone di sostare nelle vicinanze del prodotto durante il funzionamento.
23) Tenere fuori dalla portata dei bambini radiocomandi o qualsiasi altro datore di impulso, per evitare che l’automazione possa essere azionata involontariamente.
24) Il transito tra le ante deve avvenire solo a cancello completamente aperto.
25) L’Utente utilizzatore deve astenersi da qualsiasi tentativo di riparazione o d’intervento diretto e rivolgersi solo a personale qualificato.
26) Non mettere in corto circuito i poli delle batterie e non tentare di ricaricarle con alimen­tatori diversi dalle schede Master o Slave.
27) Non gettare le batterie esauste nei rifiuti ma smaltirle utilizzando gli appositi contenitori per consentirne il riciclaggio. I costi di smaltimento sono già stati pagati dalla casa costruttrice.
28) Tutto quello che non è previsto espressamente in queste istruzioni non è permesso
1) ATTENTION! To ensure the safety of people, it is important that you read all the following instructions. Incorrect installation or incorrect use of the product could cause serious harm to people.
2) Carefully read the instructions before beginning to install the product.
3) Do not leave packing materials (plastic, polystyrene, etc.) within reach of children as such materials are potential sources of danger.
4) Store these instructions for future reference.
5) This product was designed and built strictly for the use indicated in this documentation. Any other use, not expressly indicated here, could compromise the good condition/ operation of the product and/or be a source of danger.
6) GENIUS declines all liability caused by improper use or use other than that for which the automated system was intended.
7) Do not install the equipment in an explosive atmosphere: the presence of inflammable gas or fumes is a serious danger to safety.
8) The mechanical parts must conform to the provisions of Standards EN 12604 and EN 12605. For non-EU countries, to obtain an adequate level of safety, the Standards mentioned above must be observed, in addition to national legal regulations.
9) GENIUS is not responsible for failure to observe Good Technique in the construction of the closing elements to be motorised, or for any deformation that may occur during use.
10) The installation must conform to Standards EN 12453 and EN 12445. The safety level of the automated system must be C+D.
11) Before attempting any job on the system, cut out electrical power and disconnect the batteries.
12) The mains power supply of the automated system must be fitted with an all-pole switch with contact opening distance of 3mm or greater. Use of a 6A thermal breaker with all­pole circuit break is recommended.
13) Make sure that a differential switch with threshold of 0.03 A is fitted upstream of the system.
14) Make sure that the earthing system is perfectly constructed, and connect metal parts of the means of the closure to it.
15) The automated system is supplied with an intrinsic anti-crushing safety device consisting of a torque control. Nevertheless, its tripping threshold must be checked as specified in the Standards indicated at point 10.
16) The safety devices (EN 12978 standard) protect any danger areas against mechanical movement Risks, such as crushing, dragging, and shearing.
17) Use of at least one indicator-light is recommended for every system, as well as a warning sign adequately secured to the frame structure, in addition to the devices mentioned at point “16”.
18) GENIUS declines all liability as concerns safety and efficient operation of the automated system, if system components not produced by GENIUS are used.
19) For maintenance, strictly use original parts by GENIUS.
20) Do not in any way modify the components of the automated system.
21) The installer shall supply all information concerning manual operation of the system in case of an emergency, and shall hand over to the user the warnings handbook supplied with the product.
22) Do not allow children or adults to stay near the product while it is operating.
23) Keep remote controls or other pulse generators away from children, to prevent the automated system from being activated involuntarily.
24) Transit through the leaves is allowed only when the gate is fully open.
25) The user must not attempt any kind of repair or direct action whatever and contact qualified personnel only.
26) Do not short-circuit the poles of the batteries and do not try to recharge the batteries with power supply units other than Master or Slave cards.
27) Do not throw exhausted batteries into containers for other waste but dispose of them in the appropriate containers to enable them to be recycled. Disposal costs have already been paid for by the manufacturer.
28) Anything not expressly specified in these instructions is not permitted.
1) ATTENTION! Il est important, pour la sécurité des personnes, de suivre à la lettre toutes les instructions. Une installation erronée ou un usage erroné du produit peut entraîner de graves conséquences pour les personnes.
2) Lire attentivement les instructions avant d'installer le produit.
3) Les matériaux d'emballage (matière plastique, polystyrène, etc.) ne doivent pas être laissés à la portée des enfants car ils constituent des sources potentielles de danger.
4) Conserver les instructions pour les références futures.
5) Ce produit a été conçu et construit exclusivement pour l'usage indiqué dans cette documentation. Toute autre utilisation non expressément indiquée pourrait compromettre l'intégrité du produit et/ou représenter une source de danger.
6) GENIUS décline toute responsabilité qui dériverait d'usage impropre ou différent de celui auquel l'automatisme est destiné.
7) Ne pas installer l'appareil dans une atmosphère explosive: la présence de gaz ou de fumées inflammables constitue un grave danger pour la sécurité.
8) Les composants mécaniques doivent répondre aux prescriptions des Normes EN 12604 et EN 12605. Pour les Pays extra-CEE, l'obtention d'un niveau de sécurité approprié exige non seulement le respect des normes nationales, mais également le respect des Normes susmentionnées.
9) GENIUS n'est pas responsable du non-respect de la Bonne Technique dans la construction des fermetures à motoriser, ni des déformations qui pourraient intervenir lors de l'utilisation.
10) L'installation doit être effectuée conformément aux Normes EN 12453 et EN 12445. Le niveau de sécurité de l'automatisme doit être C+D.
11) Couper l'alimentation électrique et déconnecter la batterie avant toute intervention sur l'installation.
12) Prévoir, sur le secteur d'alimentation de l'automatisme, un interrupteur omnipolaire avec une distance d'ouverture des contacts égale ou supérieure à 3 mm. On recommande d'utiliser un magnétothermique de 6A avec interruption omnipolaire.
13) Vérifier qu'il y ait, en amont de l'installation, un interrupteur différentiel avec un seuil de 0,03 A.
14) Vérifier que la mise à terre est réalisée selon les règles de l'art et y connecter les pièces métalliques de la fermeture.
15) L'automatisme dispose d'une sécurité intrinsèque anti-écrasement, formée d'un contrôle du couple. Il est toutefois nécessaire d'en vérifier le seuil d'intervention suivant les prescriptions des Normes indiquées au point 10.
16) Les dispositifs de sécurité (norme EN 12978) permettent de protéger des zones éventuellement dangereuses contre les Risques mécaniques du mouvement, comme l'écrasement, l'acheminement, le cisaillement.
17) On recommande que toute installation soit doté au moins d'une signalisation lumineuse, d'un panneau de signalisation fixé, de manière appropriée, sur la structure de la fermeture, ainsi que des dispositifs cités au point “16”.
18) GENIUS décline toute responsabilité quant à la sécurité et au bon fonctionnement de l'automatisme si les composants utilisés dans l'installation n'appartiennent pas à la production GENIUS.
19) Utiliser exclusivement, pour l'entretien, des pièces GENIUS originales.
20) Ne jamais modifier les composants faisant partie du système d'automatisme.
21) L'installateur doit fournir toutes les informations relatives au fonctionnement manuel du système en cas d'urgence et remettre à l'Usager qui utilise l'installation les "Instructions pour l'Usager" fournies avec le produit.
22) Interdire aux enfants ou aux tiers de stationner près du produit durant le fonctionnement.
23) Eloigner de la portée des enfants les radiocommandes ou tout autre générateur d'impulsions, pour éviter tout actionnement involontaire de l'automatisme.
24) Le transit entre les vantaux ne doit avoir lieu que lorsque le portail est complètement ouvert.
25) L'Usager qui utilise l'installation doit éviter toute tentative de réparation ou d'intervention directe et s'adresser uniquement à un personnel qualifié.
26) Ne pas mettre en court-circuit les pôles des batteries et ne pas tenter de les recharger avec d'autres platines d'alimentation que les platines Maître ou Esclave.
27) Ne pas jeter les batteries épuisées à la poubelle, mais les éliminer dans les conteneurs spécifiques pour le recyclage. Les coûts d'élimination des déchets ont déjà été payés par le constructeur.
28) Tout ce qui n'est pas prévu expressément dans ces instructions est interdit.
STEP Automated system
These instructions apply to the following model:
The STEP automated system automates residential sliding gates with leaves of up to 5 m in length and 300 kg in weight. It consists of non-reversing electro-mechanical gearmotor, powered by a 12 Vdc battery coupled to a control board that recharges the battery. The board can be programmed and is used to set the following: function logics, work times (by self­learning) and pause times, leaf speed, anti-crushing sensitivity, and partial opening width. The non-reversing system guarantees the gate will automatically lock when the motor is not operating. A release system enables the gate to be moved by hand in case of trouble.
The STEP automated system was designed and built for controlling vehicle access. Do not use for any other purpose.
MODEL STEP Power supply 12Vdc Rated absorbed power (W) 48 Max. static torque (Nm) 13.5 Max linear load-free speed (m/min.) 15 Static force (N) 560 Use frequency (cycles/hour) 5 Consecutive cycles on charged battery max. 15 Battery recharge time 10' for each completed cycle Operating ambient temperature -20 ÷ +55 °C Operator Weight (Kg) 5,3 Protection class IP 44 Leaf max length (m) 5 Leaf max weight (Kg) 300 Operator overall dimensions LxHxD (mm) see fig. 2
Step operator
햲햲 햳햳
Protective side panels
햳햳 햴햴
햴햴 햵햵
Manual release
햵햵 햶햶
Foundation plate
햶햶 햷햷
Control board
햷햷 햸햸
Battery and transformer support
햸햸 햹햹
햹햹 햺햺
Transformer (Optional)
햺햺 햻햻
Hand guards
햻햻 햽햽
Antenna (Optional)
Dimensions in mm
Fig. 1 Fig. 2
3. ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT (standard system)
2x1,5 mm + (230Vac)
Step operator with equipment.
햲햲 햳햳
햳햳 햴햴
Key operated push-button
햴햴 햵햵
Flashing lamp
햵햵 햶햶
Radio receiver
Notes: 1)To lay electric cables, use adequate rigid and/or
flexible tubes.
2)Always separate low voltage connection cables from
those operating at 230 Vac. To prevent any interference whatever, use separate sheaths.
Fig. 3
To ensure safety and an efficiently operating automated system, make sure the following conditions are observed:
The structure of the gate must be suitable for it to be automated. In particular, wheel diameter must be in relation to the weight of the gate to be automated, and dimensions and weight must match those indicated in the technical specifications.
Make sure that the gate slides without any inclination.
Make sure that the gate moves uniformly and correctly, without any irregular friction during its entire travel.
The soil must permit sufficient stability for the expansion plugs securing the foundation plate.
Check if the upper guide and travel limit mechanical stops are installed.
We advise you to have any metalwork carried out before the automated system is installed.
Dimensions in mm
*Use the dimensions according to type of rack.
Galvanised rack 30x6 = 36.5 Galvanised rack 30x12 = 39.5 Nylon rack 30x20 = 41.5
Dimensions in mm
*Use the dimensions according to type of rack.
Galvanised rack 30x6 = 36.5 Galvanised rack 30x12 = 39.5 Nylon rack 30x20 = 41.5
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
Fig. 6
Fit the 4 supplied caged nuts, as shown in figure 4, in the 4 square holes of the plate.
The foundation plate must be located as shown in figure 5 (right closing) or figure 6 (left closing) to ensure the rack and pinion mesh correctly.
Secure the foundation plate to the floor, using adequate expansion plugs (fig. 7) and provide one or more sheaths for routing the electric cables. Using a spirit level, check if the plate is perfectly level.
Lay the electric cables for connection to the accessories and power supply as shown in figure 3. To facilitate making the connections, allow the cables to project by about 20 cm from the hole (Fig.5-6 ref. ) of the foundation plate.
Fig. 7
Position the operator on the plate, using the supplied screws as shown in figure 8.
Fig. 8
Adjust the distance of the operator from the gate by referring to fig. 9.
Secure the gearmotor to the foundation plate, tightening the screws as in Fig.10.
Prepare the operator for manual operating mode as described in chapter 13.
4.4.1. STEEL RACK TO BE WELDED (Fig. 11)
1) Place the three threaded pawls on the rack element, positioning them at the top of the slot. In this way, the slot play will enable any adjustments to be made.
2) Manually take the leaf into its closing position.
3) Lay the first piece of rack at appropriate level on the pinion and weld the threaded pawl on the gate as shown in figure 14.
4) Move the gate manually, checking if the rack is resting on the pinion, and weld the second and third pawl.
5) Bring another rack element near to the previous one, using a piece of rack (as shown in figure 15) to synchronise the teeth of the two elements.
6) Move the gate manually and weld the three threaded pawls, so proceeding until the gate is fully covered.
1) Manually take the leaf into its closing position.
2) Lay the first piece of rack at the appropriate level on the pinion and place the spacer between rack and gate, positioning it at the top of the slot.
3) Mark the hole position on the gate. Drill a Ø 6.5 mm hole and thread with a Ø 8 mm tap. Screw the bolt.
4) Move the gate manually, checking if the rack is resting on the pinion, and repeat the operations at point 3.
5) Bring another rack element near to the previous one, using a piece of rack (as shown in figure 15) to synchronise the teeth of the two elements.
6) Move the gate manually and carry out the securing operations as for the first element, proceeding until the gate is fully covered.
Fig. 11
Fig. 12
Fig. 9
Fig. 10
1) Manually take the leaf into its closing position.
2) Lay on the pinion the first piece of rack at the appropriate level and mark the hole position on the gate; make a hole with a 4 mm bit and screw the 6x20 mm self­tapping screw with reinforcing plate.
3) Move the gate manually, checking if the rack is resting on the pinion, and repeat the operations at point 2.
4) Bring another rack element near to the previous one, using a piece of rack (as shown in figure 15) to synchronise the teeth of the two elements.
5) Move the gate manually and carry out the securing operations as for the first element, proceeding until the gate is fully covered.
Fig. 13
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