Hardware Installation
Always turn off your computer before you connect or disconnect your keyboard, unless you’re using the USB keyboard
in Windows 98.
Plug the keyboard connector firmly into the AT/PS2/USB port on the computer.2.
Turn on your PC.3.
Software Installation
Make sure the keyboard is connected to the computer.1.
Put the Setup disk (or CD) into the disk drive.2.
From Windows 95/98, click on Start/ Run.3.
Specify the disk drive and type setup. For example, type e:\setup if you are using drive E.4.
Follow the instructions on the screen to finish the software installation.5.
Internet & Multimedia hot keys
Rewind: Previous track of audio or video CD’s
Play & Pause: Play and pause of audio or video CD’s2.
Stop: Stop play of audio or video CD’s3.
Forward: Next track of audio or video CD’s4.
Eject: Eject audio or video CD’s5.
Vol.-&+: decrease or increase volume6.
Mute: Mute volume7.
Screen Saver: Launch screen saver8.
Calculator: Open calculator in Windows9.
E-mail: Open mail folder10.
Back: See last page when viewing the Internet11.
www: Open browser in Netscape or IE12.
Forward: Go to next page when viewing the Internet13.
Sleep: Turn system into sleep mode14.
Wake up: Turn sleep mode into system15.
F23 user manual
file:///C|/KBOARD/PR-M98-manual.html [10/12/1999 2:47:36 PM]