GE Healthcare
Designing Ultrasound Systems
to Reduce Occupational Injury
in Sonography.
Vivid S6 Signature Class Ultrasound from GE Healthcare
Product description and ergonomic evaluation by Sound Ergonomics, LLC
An ergonomically designed ultrasound system is important for
avoiding work-related musculoskeletal injuries. Occupational
injury is increasing among sonographers due, in part, to
larger workloads and workforce shortages. According to the
Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonography (SDMS), more than
80% of sonographers are scanning in pain and 20% of these
professionals eventually experience a career-ending injury.
On average, within 5 years of entering the profession,
sonographers experience pain as a result of their work tasks.
GE Healthcare’s commitment to designing ergonomically
friendly ultrasound systems has resulted in the new Vivid™ S6,
which has been extensively evaluated by Sound Ergonomics.
The Vivid S6 is a new Signature Class ultrasound system that
offers many innovative ergonomic features, designed with the
sonographer in mind. The advanced features of the Vivid S6
address the industry standards for the prevention of workrelated injuries. From the monitor to the lightweight design,
the Vivid S6 incorporates simplicity and comfort. After the
ergonomic evaluation by Sound Ergonomics’ consultants,
the Vivid S6 was found to meet or exceed most of the industry
standards for equipment design.
Figure 1
Most common pains described by sonographers.
76% shoulders
74% neck
59% wrist
58% upper back
55% hands/fingers
Regions of the body
Percentage of people reporting pain
Source: Employee Health and Safety Services, An Update
on Ergonomic Issues in Sonography, July 2000.

GE’s Vivid S6 Complete Ergonomic Solution.
Complete innovative design with an ergonomic solution in mind!
Most of the equipment control measures recommended
by the industry guidelines are addressed with the Vivid S6.
The lightweight design of the system provides a small
footprint and simplicity.
It is a small ergonomic system with the comfort of a console!
• The“FlexFit”allowsforeasyupandin,downandout
movement of the keyboard and monitor for flexibility
when standing or sitting while scanning.
• The17"FlatScreenMonitorhaswideanglevisibilityand
incorporates an Auto Sensor feature, which adjusts
appropriate brightness and contrast levels in any lighting
conditions, minimizing eyestrain. The system has the
ability to support a second display setting, optimized for
an external monitor.
• Theswivelfootrestisdesignedtoencourageneutralposition
of the ankle, as recommended by the industry standards.
• CablemanagementoftheVividS6isinnovative–thereare
4 cable hooks for easy access and there is less interference
in the foot area.
• The4PortConnectorsresultineaseofuse,single-handed
use, and minimized strain on the worker.
• Thesystem’sversatilecastersaredesignedformobility
on a variety of floor surfaces, such as tile and carpet.
The system can easily be pushed or pulled will little force,
even with one finger!
• Thelightweightprobes,suchasthe3S,4C,and8L,offer
a more ergonomic balance to minimize torque on the
wrist and facilitate a more comfortable grip.