GE HEALTHCARE Ettan DALTsix User Manual

GE Healthcare
Ettan DALTsix Electrophoresis System
User Manual
Important user information
All users must read this entire manual to fully understand the safe use of Ettan DALTsix Electrophoresis System.
The WARNING! sign highlights instructions that must be followed to avoid personal injury. It is important not to proceed until all stated conditions are met and clearly understood.
The CAUTION! sign highlights instructions that must be followed to avoid damage to the product or other equipment. It is important not to proceed until all stated conditions are met and clearly understood.
The Note sign is used to indicate information important for trouble-free and optimal use of the product.
CE Certifying
This product meets the requirements of applicable CE-directives. A copy of the corresponding Declaration of Conformity is available on request.
The CE symbol and corresponding declaration of conformity, is valid for the instrument when it is:
– used as a stand-alone unit, or
– connected to other CE-marked GE Healthcare instruments, or
– connected to other products recommended or described in this manual, and
– used in the same state as it was delivered from GE Healthcare except for alterations described in this manual.
This symbol indicates that the waste of electrical and electronic equipment must not be disposed as unsorted municipal waste and must be collected separately. Please contact an authorized representative of the manufacturer for information concerning the decommissioning of your equipment.
This is a Class A product. In a domestic environment this product may cause radio interference in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures.
Connect the instrument to a properly grounded electrical outlet.
The safety lid must be firmly in place before power can be applied.
Turn off the power to the gels before opening the safety lid.
Do not connect the heat exchanger to a water tap or any other water source with unregulated pressure that may exceed 82 kPa (12 PSI).
Rinse and flush the tank and pumping system with distilled or deionized water before and after use.
Always disconnect the power cord before servicing.
Do not run the circulation pump if the electrophoresis tank is empty.
Do not operate with buffer temperature above 40 ºC. All plastic parts are rated for 40 ºC continuous duty.
Turn the buffer circulation pump on during electrophoresis to minimize uneven heating even if not connected to a thermostatted circulator.
Connect the heat exchanger to an external thermostatted circulating bath. Overheating will cause irreparable damage to the unit.
Do not autoclave or boil this unit or any of its parts.
Use care when lifting and moving the electrophoresis unit. It is best to move the unit when empty.
The casting unit, when filled with glass plates and gel solutions, is very heavy. Use caution when trying to move or lift the caster.
The protection provided by the equipment may be impaired if this equipment is used in a manner not specified by the manufacturer.
Only accessories and parts approved or supplied by GE Healthcare may be used for operating, maintaining and servicing this product.
Unpacking, inventory, and set-up
Unwrap all packages carefully and compare contents with the packing list , making sure all items arrived. If any part is missing, contact your local sales office. Inspect all components for damage that may have occurred while the unit was in transit. If any part appears damaged, contact the carrier immediately. Be sure to keep all packing material for damage claims or to use should it become necessary to return the unit.
Heat exchanger
The heat exchanger is built into the base of the separation tank. The white alumina ceramic heat exchange surface is fragile and the user should avoid dropping anything directly on surface.
When connected to a circulator bath, coolant passes through a serpentine chamber beneath the ceramic plate. The thin ceramic permits rapid heat exchange between the coolant and the buffer in the electrophoresis tank. The ceramic plate is attached with silicone rubber adhesive. The heat exchanger tubing connectors are 13-mm o.d.
The heat exchanger is rated to a maximum of 0.8 atmospheres above ambient (12 psig). Do not connect it to a water tap. Connect only to coolant sources with regulated pressure.
To connect the coolant tubing lines to the tank, remove the lid and the an ode rack from the tank and lay the tank fill-label (front) side down. Guide the free ends of the coolant tubes through the holes in the tank base and slip them onto the plastic connector fittings, then pull the collector collar onto the tubing to lock it in place. The end of the tubing can be lubricated with glycerol or a mix of glycerol:water to ease the fit.
Wichtige informationen
Schliessen Sie das Gerät ausschliesslich an eine geerdete Steckdose an.
Der Sicherheitsdeckel muss korrekt sitzen bevor die elektrische Span­nung angelegt werden kann.
Schalten Sie die elektrische Verbindung zu den Gelen ab bevor Sie den Sicherheitsdeckel öffnen.
Schliessen Sie den Wärmetauscher niemals an eine Wasserleitung oder eine unkontrollierbare Druckquelle an, welche 82 kPa (12 PSI) übersteigen kann.
Vor und nach jedemGebrauch: Waschen und spülen Sie den Puffertank und das Pumpensystem mit destilliertem oder entionisiertem Wasser.
Vor Reinigung oder Reparatur der Kammer: Entfernen Sie stets das Stromkabel vom Netz.
Betreiben Sie die Pumpe nie bei leerem Puffertank.
Verwenden Sie das Gerät nie mit einer Puffertemperatur über 40 ºC. Alle Plastikteile sind für Temperaturen unter 40 ºC spezifiziert.
Lassen Sie während der Elektrophorese die Pufferumwälzpumpe auch dann laufen, wenn die Kammer nicht an einen Kühlthermostaten an­geschlossen ist: Dies minimiert eine ungleichmässige Temperatur­verteilung.
Verbinden Sie den Wärmetauscher mit einem externen Kühlthermo­staten. Überhitzung verursacht eine irreparable Schädigung des Gerätes.
Autoklavieren Sie niemals das Gerät oder Teile davon.
Üben Sie Vorsicht wenn Sie das Gerät anheben und transportieren. Am besten transportieren Sie das Gerät nur im leeren Zustand.
Die Gelgiesseinheit ist sehr schwer, wenn sie mit Glasplatten und Gellö­sung gefüllt ist. Üben Sie Vorsicht, wenn Sie versuchen die Giesseinheit anzuheben oder zu transportieren.
Der Sicherheitsschutz des Gerätes kann unter Umständen nicht funk­tionieren, wenn das Gerät in einer Weise benützt wird, für die es vom Hersteller nicht spezifiziert wurde.
Nur Originalzusatzteile und Ersatzteile, die vom GE Healthcare geneh­migt oder geliefert wurden, dürfen zum Betrieb, zur Erhaltung und zur Reparatur dieses Produktes verwendet werden.
Renseignements importants d'utilisation
Brancher l'appareil à une prise de courant électrique correctement reliée à la terre.
Le couvercle de sécurité doit être parfaitement en place avant de mettre l'appareil sous tension.
Eteindre le générateur et débrancher les prises avant d'enlever le cou­vercle de sécurité
Ne pas connecter l'échangeur de chaleur (vertical) à circulation d'eau à un robinet ou quelque source d'eau dont la pression est non regulée et pourrait dépasser 82 kPa (12PSI).
Rincer et vider la cuve d'électrophorèse et le système de pompage avec de l'eau distillée ou déionisée avant et après utilisation.
Débrancher toujours la prise avant tout entretien.
Ne pas allumer la pompe de circulation lorsque la cuve d'électro­phorèse est vide
Ne pas utiliser avec un tampon à une température au dessus de 40 °C. Toutes les pièces en plastique sont prévues pour résister à une température constante de 40 °C.
Allumer la pompe de circulation du tampon pendant l'électrophorèse afin de réduire au minimum un échauffement non uniforme, même si non reliée à un bain à circulation d'eau et à thermostat.
Relier l'échangeur de chaleur (vertical) à circulation d'eau à un bain à circulation d'eau et à thermostat. La surchauffe endommagera l'unité de façon irréparable.
Ne pas autoclaver ou faire bouillir cet appareil, ni aucunes de ses pièc­es détachées.
Soulever et déplaçer l'unité d'électrophorèse avec beaucoup de soin. Il vaut mieux déplacer l'unité une fois vide. L'unité de coulage des gels, une fois remplie de plaques de verre et de solutions de gel, est très lourde. Sou lever et déplacer l'un ité de coulage des ge ls avec beaucoup d'attention.
La protection fournie par cet équipement peut etre altérée si l'équipe­ment est utilisé d'une façon non indiquée par le constructeur.
Seuls les accessoires et piéces detachées approuvés ou fournis par GE Healthcare sont recommandés pour l'utilisation, l'entretien et rép­aration de cet appareil.


1 Ettan DALTsix Electrophoresis
System function and description
1.1 Ettan DALTsix Electrophoresis System function and description ............................................................................7
1.1.1 Electrophoresis Unit ........................................................................................................................................................7
1.1.2 Gel Caster .............................................................................................................................................................................7
1.1.3 Gel Casting Cassettes .....................................................................................................................................................8
1.1.4 Gradient Maker ..................................................................................................................................................................8
2 Specifications
2.1 Ettan DALTsix Electrophoresis Unit ........................................................................................................................................9
3 Preparing the Ettan DALTsix Gel Caster ....................................................................................11
4 Casting homogeneous gels .........................................................................................................................................13
5 Casting gradient gels
5.1 Preparation for gradient gel casting ..................................................................................................................................15
5.2 Gradient casting setup ..............................................................................................................................................................15
5.3 Pouring gel solutions for gradient gels ..............................................................................................................................16
6 Unloading the gel caster ................................................................................................................................................19
7 Using Ettan DALTsix for electrophoresis
7.1 Preparing second dimension gels: equilibration and loading ................................................................................21
7.2 Preparing the electrophoresis unit ......................................................................................................................................22
7.2.1 Unloading the gels and cleaning the unit ..........................................................................................................24
7.3 Recommended running conditions ..................................................................................................................................... 24
8 Recipes ..................................................................................................................................................................................................25
9 Troubleshooting ........................................................................................................................................................................29
10 Care and maintenance
10.1 Cleaning ...........................................................................................................................................................................................33
10.2 Replacement of components ................................................................................................................................................ 33
10.3 Recycling .........................................................................................................................................................................................33
11 Customer service information
11.1 Technical service and repair ..................................................................................................................................................35
Ettan DALTsix Electrophoresis System User Manual 80-6492-49 Edition AC 5
6 Ettan DALTsix Electrophoresis System User Manual 80-6492-49 Edition AC
1 Ettan DALTsix Electrophoresis
System function and description

1.1 Ettan DALTsix Electrophoresis System function and description

In 2-D electrophoresis, proteins are separated according to isoelectric point by isoelectric focusing, most reliably on Immobiline™ DryStrip immobilized pH gradient (IPG) gel strips using the IPGphor™ or Multiphor™ II IEF Systems. The second-dimension electrophoresis separates the proteins on the basis of their molecular mass using sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). The Ettan™ DALTsix Electrophoresis System is designed to handle large second-dimension gels in a simple, efficient, and reproducible manner.

1.1.1 Electrophoresis Unit

The Ettan DALTsix Electrophoresis Unit accommodates up to six 25.5 × 20.5 cm slab gels, either 1 mm or 1.5 mm thick, in a common tank under identical conditions. A sample, focused in an IPG strip, is placed on the cathodic (upper) surface of a slab gel and sealed in place with agarose. Up to six gel cassettes are inserted into the electrophoresis unit and any unused slots are filled with blank cassette inserts. The Upper Buffer Chamber/Buffer Seal (UBC) is pushed down over the cassettes, holding the gel cassettes in slots flanked by a double rubber gasket.
Ettan DALTsix Electrophoresis System function and description 1
Power is supplied to the unit by an external source such as an EPS 601 Power Supply. The unit is capable of handling 600 V, 400 mA, or 100 W.
A pump mounted under the lower buffer chamber circulates the buffer, pumping it up into the chamber on the right-hand side, between the cassettes, down the left side, and over the internal heat exchanger before returning to the pump. The pump starts when it is plugged in. For temperature control, the heat exchanger located in the bottom of the unit must be connected to a MultiTemp™ III or similar circulating water bath.

1.1.2 Gel Caster

The Ettan DALTsix Gel Caster holds up to six 1-mm or 1.5-mm gel cassettes, with separator sheets, for casting homogenous or gradient gels. When desired, fewer gels can be cast at one time by using blank cassette inserts to occupy any unneeded volume. The removable faceplate and separator sheets simplify loading and unloading the casting unit. The groove in the back of the caster provides the channel through which the gel solution is
poured into the caster unless gradients are being the cast by displacement through the lower tubing fitting.
Lid with leads
Safety interlock
Upper buffer chamber
Anode assembly/ cassette carrier
Ettan DALTsix System components
Six slot vertical slab electrophoresis unit
Gel caster
Gel casting cassettes
•Gradient maker
Lower buffer chamber
Ceramic heat exchager
Buffer circulation pump
Fig 1-1. Exploded view of Ettan DALTsix Electrophoresis Unit. Fig 1-2. Ettan DALTsix Gel Caster for casting 1.0 and 1.5 mm large format gels.
Ettan DALTsix Electrophoresis System User Manual 80-6492-49 Edition AC 7
1 Ettan DALTsix Electrophoresis System function and description

1.1.3 Gel Casting Cassettes

The Ettan DALTsix System uses the same cassettes as the Ettan DALTtwelve Electrophoresis System (see Fig 1-3). The gel casting cassettes are preassembled. Two glass plates are joined along one edge by a hinge strip of silicone rubber, and the vinyl side spacers (1.0 mm or 1.5 mm thick) are glued in place. To complete assembly, close the two plates like a book and press the plates together over the length of the spacer. Gels are removed by opening the book after the run and carefully lifting out the gel slab. Care must be taken to ensure that the gel does not adhere to the spacers and tear during removal. The cassette is cleaned as a unit and can be stood upright to dry. The cassettes can be cleaned in an automatic dishwasher. Cassettes are 27 × 22 cm and produce a gel about 25.5 × 20.5 cm. A 1.0-mm thick gel has a volume of approximately 52 ml and a 1.5-mm thick gel has a volume of approximately 78 ml.
Fig 1-3. Gel Casting Cassettes.

1.1.4 Gradient Maker

The Ettan DALTsix Gradient Maker is designed for producing linear gradients of aqueous solutions ranging in volume from 200–2 000 ml. The gradient maker can be used to form convex and concave exponential gradients with the addition of a one-holed rubber stopper, a piece of rigid tubing, and a piece of flexible tubing.
Fig 1-4. Ettan DALTsix Gradient Maker.
8 Ettan DALTsix Electrophoresis System User Manual 80-6492-49 Edition AC

2 Specifications

2.1 Ettan DALTsix Electrophoresis Unit

Maximum voltage 600 V DC
Maximum current 400 mA
Maximum power 100 W
Gel capacity 6 gels
Electrophoresis buffer volume 5.5 l
Dimensions (h × w × d) 40.3 × 54.2 × 16.0 cm
Weight (empty) 11.1 kg
Maximum temperature 40 ºC
Environmental operating conditions Indoor use, 4–40 ºC
Installation category II
Pollution degree 2
115 V~ model 104–127 VAC, 60 Hz, 8 W
230 V~ model 207–264 VAC, 50 Hz, 7 W
Compliance with standards The declaration of conformity is valid for the instrument
Specifications 2
Humidity up to 90% Altitude to 2000 m
only if it is:
used in laboratory locations
used in the same state as it was delivered from GE Healthcare except for alterations described in the User Manual
connected to other CE labelled GE Healthcare modules or other products as recommended.
Safety standards This product meets the requirement of the Low Voltage
Directive (LVD) 73/23/EEC through the following harmonized standards:
EN 61010-1
IEC 61010-1
CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 61010-1
Ettan DALTsix Electrophoresis System User Manual 80-6492-49 Edition AC 9
2 Specifications
2.1 Ettan DALTsix Electrophoresis Unit
EMC standards This device meets the requirements of the EMC Directive 89
Ettan DALTsix Gel Caster
Gel capacity 6 gels, 1.0 mm or 1.5 mm thick
Acrylamide solution volume (total) 425 ml for 1.0 mm thick gels,
Dimensions (h × w × d) 27 × 37 × 8 cm
Weight (empty) 3.6 kg
1.0 mm Gel Casting Cassette
Cassette dimensions (w × h × d) 27.6 × 21.7 × 0.70 cm
Slab gel dimensions (w × h × d) 25.5 × 20.5 × 0.10 cm
1.5 mm Gel Casting Cassette
Cassette dimensions (w × h × d) 27.6 × 21.7 × 0.75 cm
Slab gel dimensions (w × h × d) 25.5 × 20.5 × 0.15 cm
Ettan DALTsix Gradient Maker
Volume 1000 ml
Weight 0.73 kg
336/EEC through the following harmonized standards:
EN 61326 (emission and immunity)
EN 55011, GR 1, Class A (emission)
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules (emission). Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
1 This device may not cause harmful interference.
2 This device must accept any interference received,
including interference that may cause undesired operation.
550 ml for 1.5 mm thick gels
10 Ettan DALTsix Electrophoresis System User Manual 80-6492-49 Edition AC

3 Preparing the Ettan DALTsix Gel Caster

Set up the gel caster near a sink, in a tray, or on a drainboard so that any liquid that overflows, spills, or drains out of the unit during pouring or disassembly can be easily contained.
The Ettan DALTsix Gel Caster accommodates up to six 1-mm or 1.5-mm gel cassettes with separator sheets (0.5 mm) between them. If you are not planning to cast a full set of gels, use the blank cassette inserts (purchased separately) with separator sheets between them to occupy the extra space.
Gel labels, for easy indexing of gels and samples, can be placed in the cassettes at any time during the assembly of the caster.
1 Check that the caster is level. Remove the faceplate and lay the caster on its back. If casting gels by the
displacement method, remove the triangular wedge in the V-shaped base.
2 Fill the gel caster starting with a separator sheet against the back wall. The separator sheets make it easier
to remove the cassettes from the unit after polymerization. Fill the caster by alternating cassettes with separator sheets. The rubber hinge should be on the left side of the caster, with the matching ends of the cassette down. End with a separator sheet then use the thicker filler sheets (1.0 mm) to bring the level of the stack of cassettes and spacers even with the edge of the caster.
Preparing the Ettan DALTsix Gel Caster 3
3 Remove the gray foam seal from the groove in the faceplate and lubricate it with a light coating of GelSeal
compound to help ensure a liquid-tight seal. Place the gasket back in the groove on the faceplate. Avoid stretching the gasket by seating it from the ends first, working toward the middle.
4 Turn two black knobbed screws into the two threaded holes across the bottom until they are well engaged
(two to three full turns). Carefully place the faceplate onto the caster with the bottom slots resting on their respective screws. Clamp both sides of the faceplate with six spring clips and tighten the screws. Be sure the sealing gasket is compressed evenly by the faceplate and forms a tight seal with the caster. Do not overtighten the screws.
5 If casting using the filling channel in the back plate of the caster, be sure to plug the barbed fitting in the
faceplate. If casting using the displacement method, attach the tubing from the peristaltic pump to the barbed fitting.
filler sheets
filling channel
separating sheets
gel cassette
cassette hinge
spring clamp (6)
faceplate and sealing gasket
filler port and cap
clamp screw
Fig 3-1. Gel caster with parts labelled.
Ettan DALTsix Electrophoresis System User Manual 80-6492-49 Edition AC 11
3 Preparing the Ettan DALTsix Gel Caster
12 Ettan DALTsix Electrophoresis System User Manual 80-6492-49 Edition AC
+ 28 hidden pages