GE Healthcare CT660S Brochure

GE Healthcare
Step into the high performance CT
Optima* CT660S
Because you simply want the best for your patients…
It’s no secret that hospitals and clinicians today are faced with having to do more with less. Healthcare reform, market uncertainties and changes in the delivery of patient care including the emergence of Accountability Care Organizations are now driving purchasing decisions. Yet the need for affordable quality patient care at low dose is more important than ever.
Using feedback obtained from customers, we’ve created a CT scanner with a simplifi ed workfl ow for quick and streamlined operation. Workfl ow features like ED mode and auto patient positioning, a user-friendly console and synchronized injection enables users to spend more time focused on patient care and comfort.
The Optima* CT660S is a new generation, scalable Volume CT scanner that brings together diagnostic power and workfl ow effi ciency, enabling fast, high-quality acquisitions at optimized dose. It helps institutions offer exceptional patient care, fi nancial performance, and operational excellence. Our system solution features advanced capabilities in across applications such as cardiac, oncology, angiography and dynamic imaging.
to Use
As providers consider options to manage dose, we created Lower Dose by Design — combining research, training, technology, and clinical practice to achieve high diagnostic image quality at optimized dose. We are committed to helping you deliver the highest quality patient care — with features like ASiR***, ODM, Optidose* and Dose Check.*
The Optima* CT660S also consumes up to 60% less energy than previous GE CT systems and boasts a 15% lower siting requirement compared to other 64-channel detector scanners. Over the life of the product, these features can translate into lower operational costs.
The Optima* CT660S will not only meet your current needs but is also a platform that can meet your future needs. You can pick from a variety of options that works for you today and that will allow you to work within your budget and meet your clinical needs tomorrow.
Because you want the best for your patients, we designed for you the Optima* CT660S.
Scalable platform
to meet your future needs
Traditionally in CT there has been an undesirable trade-off between
at low dose
image performance and low radiation dose levels. While high image performance often requires greater patient exposure to diagnostic radiation, lower dose levels usually mean lower image clarity due to higher noise and more artifacts.
GE Healthcare has taken the next step toward eliminating this trade-off by developing parallel technologies to see smaller details while decreasing the dose.
Giving you profound image clarity
An innovative detector
developed for high spatial and temporal resolutions
The V-Res* detector is optimized for thin-slice, volumetric imaging
with high spatial and temporal resolution. Its design and GE’s patented
HiLight* material composition combine to satisfy the critical-to-quality requirements for primary speed, afterglow, X-ray stopping power, transparency, light-to-electronic signal conversion, z-axis uniformity, and robust performance.
Its exceptional capabilities enable the Optima* CT660S, (scalable to 128-slice) to uniformly and routinely achieve exceptional image performance in a wide array of clinical applications, including cardiac imaging.
ASiR may help clinicians achieve dose reductions of up to 40% while delivering the diagnostic image quality needed for confi dent diagnosis°. It may also improve low contrast detectability+. ASiR, a projection-based iterative reconstruction technology, changes the dose paradigm across many anatomies and patients. Customers using ASiR have demonstrated excellent diagnostic image quality at low dose across exam types and body regions.
Dose reduction with ASiR is combined with GE Healthcare’s proven Optidose technologies that deliver dose reduction at the source. Optidose offers SmartTrack* dynamic collimation that keeps the X-ray beam tightly focused on the active detector cells and Dynamic Z-Axis tracking, which blocks unused X-rays at the beginning and end of a helical scan.
Dose check*
Prior to starting the scan, Dose Check provides tools to notify and alert the operator setting the scan parameters whether the estimated dose index is above user-defi ned notifi cation values. The Dose Check feature is designed to comply with the NEMA XR-25-2010 standard.
In addition to the 3D and ECG mA modulation features, the Optima* CT660S introduces Organ Dose Modulation (ODM)—providing reduction of radiation dose via X-ray tube mA modulation for superfi cial tissues (such as breasts and crystal lenses). Dose reduction at the body surface is up to 40%, while the noise increase of the superfi cial internal structures is less than 10%.
The Optima* CT660S has been designed to
Designed to be simple
to use with a streamlined
be simple to use, so you can focus less on the buttons and more on your patient.
Automated post-processing at your fi ngertips
The Xtream Display shows basic patient information on the gantry monitor. As such, the user can confi rm patient information in the scan room, improving workfl ow and potentially reducing the opportunity for error. Pre-scanning can be accomplished in as few as fi ve touches. For example, the Optima* CT660S exceptional One stop scanning mode** provides streamlined workfl ow, shown on the Xtream Display with phrases such as Patient selection, Protocol selection, and Confi rm.
Enhanced Table: Scan a whole-body trauma without moving the patient
The VT2000** allows patients, weighing up to 227 kg, to be imaged through a long, scannable range. The Default Patient Positioning provides semi-automatic positioning according to the type of exam, reducing manual positioning and streamlining workfl ow. The Xtream Display shows pictures that help operators understand the correct exam position.
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