GE XRD Tubes Brochure

Measurement & Control Solutions
X-ray Diffraction Tubes
SEIFERT Analytical X-ray
SEIFERT Analytical X-ray oers a wide array of X-ray Tube types and anode materials to deliver the appropri­ate wavelength (λ) and match a variety of user applica­tion requirements.
The choice of anode material can be determined by the desired wavelength and uorescence radiation of the components under investigation (Table 3). Appropriate Filters, necessary to cut out K-beta radiation, are listed in Table 2.
SEIFERT Analytical X-ray tubes are available with Fine, Long Fine, Normal or Broad Spot focus. Micro focus is available upon request.
Fig. 1 point focus / line focus
Tubes have four Beryllium windows with a diameter of 14 mm and a thickness of just 300 µm.
Two windows deliver point focus and two deliver line fo­cus for maximum versatility (Fig. 1). Five dierent spot sizes are available.
A Broad focus tube is preferred if intensity is the only major requirement. However, in most powder diractom­etry applications both high diraction line resolution and high intensity are required. In this case, a Long Fine focus tube is ideal because it combines the focal width of the Fine focus tube with the length of the Broad focus tube.
Technical Data
Table 2
Table 1 General Information
Weight 1,5 kg (short anode), 1,8 kg (long anode)
Temperature +5°C ... +40°C (operation), - 40°C ... +70°C (storage)
Cooling Water Flow 3,5 ... 6 l / min
Temperature > dew point ... 35°C / 95°F
Pressure max. 8 bar
Table 3 Characteristics of anode materials
Material Wavelength K
Applications Fluorescence radiation from sample
Mo λ = 0,70930 A Heavily Absorbing Samples, High Penetration Depth Y, Sr, Rb
Cu λ = 1,54056 A Standard Powder Analysis and HR XRD Co, Fe, Mn
Co λ = 1,78897 A Ferrogenious Samples and/or Stress Analysis Mn, Cr, V
Fe λ = 1,93604 A Minerals Cr, V, Ti
Cr λ = 2,28970 A Large Lattice Constants and/or Stress Analysis Ti, Sc, Ca
W λ = continuous Laue Exposures ---
Tube Types
(Other tube types available upon request)
Normal Focus
optical focal spot at 6° take-off angle: 0.1 x 10 (line), 1 .0 x 1.0 (spot) [mm2]
Tube type
Part- No. short a node
Part- No. long ano de
DX-Cu 10 x1-y 200 0 W 9365700 9365710
DX-Cr 10x1-y 1800 W 9365800 9365810
DX-Mo 10x1-y 2400 W 9365740 9365750
DX-Co 10x1-y 1800 W 9365760 9365770
DX-Fe 10x1-y 1500 W 9365780 9365790
DX-W 10x1-y 2400 W 9365720 9365730
DX-Ag 10x1-y 2000 W 9365820 9365830
y = S (short a node) or y = L (long ano de)
Broad Focus
optical focal spot at 6° take-off angle: 0.2 x 12 (line), 2.0 x 1.2 (spot) [mm2]
Tube type
Part- No. short a node
DX-Cu 12x2-y 2700 W 9365840 9365850
DX-Cr 12x2-y 2700 W 9365940 9365950
DX-Mo 12x2-y 2700 W 9365880 9365890
DX-Co 12x2-y 2700 W 9365900 9365910
DX-Fe 12x2-y 2200 W 9365920 9365930
DX-W 12x2-y 2700 W 9365860 9365870
DX-Ag 12x2-y 2700 W 9365960 9365970
y = S (short a node) or y = L (long ano de)
Material and Transmission
Material Transmission Kβ-Filter
Part- No. long ano de
98% Zr
94% Ni
92% Fe
89% Mn
82% V
Fine Focus
optical focal spot at 6° take-off angle: 0.04 x 8 (line), 0.4 x 0.8 (spot) [mm2]
Tube type
Part- No. short a node
DX-Cu 8x04-y 1500 W 9365560 9365570
DX-Cr 8x04-y 1300 W 9365660 9365670
DX-Mo 8x04-y 2000 W 9365600 9365610
DX-Co 8x04-y 1200 W 9365620 9365630
DX-Fe 8x04-y 900 W 9365640 9365650
DX-W 8x04-y 2000 W 9365580 9365590
DX-Ag 8x04-y 1500 W 9365680 9365690
y = S (short a node) or y = L (long ano de)
Part- No. long ano de
Long Fine Focus
optical focal spot at 6° take-off angle: 0.04 x 12 (line), 0.4 x 1.2 (spot) [mm2]
Tube type
DX-Cu 12x04 -y 2200 W 9365420 9365430
DX-Cr 12x04 -y 1900 W 9365520 9365530
DX-Mo 12x04 -y 3000 W 9365460 9365470
DX-Co 12x04 -y 1800 W 9365480 9365490
DX-Fe 12x04-y 1000 W 9365500 9365510
DX-W 12x 04-y 3000 W 9365440 9365450
DX-Ag 12x04-y 2200 W 9365540 9365550
y = S (short a node) or y = L (long ano de)
Part- No. short a node
Part- No. long ano de
Cooling Head DX / CX - short anode for changing line to point focus 9380650
Service Kit for DX Tube - one of each: O-ring short + long, filter, nozzle for short- and longanode
Cooling Head DX short anode 9408770
Extension Set DX for changing from shor t to long anode 9408560
Disposal is available for X-ray Tubes (FK, DX, CX) not purchased from GE Sensing & Inspection Technologies GmbH.
GEIT-30212EN (10/11)
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Contact: GE Sensing & Inspection Technologies GmbH, Bogenstrasse 41, 22926 Ahrensburg, Germany, T +49 (0)4102 807 0