Measurement & Control Solutions
X-ray Diffraction Tubes
SEIFERT Analytical X-ray
SEIFERT Analytical X-ray oers a wide array of X-ray
Tube types and anode materials to deliver the appropriate wavelength (λ) and match a variety of user application requirements.
The choice of anode material can be determined by the
desired wavelength and uorescence radiation of the
components under investigation (Table 3). Appropriate
Filters, necessary to cut out K-beta radiation, are listed in
Table 2.
SEIFERT Analytical X-ray tubes are available with Fine,
Long Fine, Normal or Broad Spot focus. Micro focus is
available upon request.
Fig. 1 point focus / line focus
Tubes have four Beryllium windows with a diameter of
14 mm and a thickness of just 300 µm.
Two windows deliver point focus and two deliver line focus for maximum versatility (Fig. 1). Five dierent spot
sizes are available.
A Broad focus tube is preferred if intensity is the only
major requirement. However, in most powder diractometry applications both high diraction line resolution and
high intensity are required. In this case, a Long Fine focus
tube is ideal because it combines the focal width of the
Fine focus tube with the length of the Broad focus tube.
Technical Data
Table 2
Table 1
General Information
Weight 1,5 kg (short anode), 1,8 kg (long anode)
Temperature +5°C ... +40°C (operation), - 40°C ... +70°C (storage)
Cooling Water Flow 3,5 ... 6 l / min
Temperature > dew point ... 35°C / 95°F
Pressure max. 8 bar
Table 3
Characteristics of anode materials
Material Wavelength K
Applications Fluorescence radiation from sample
Mo λ = 0,70930 A Heavily Absorbing Samples, High Penetration Depth Y, Sr, Rb
Cu λ = 1,54056 A Standard Powder Analysis and HR XRD Co, Fe, Mn
Co λ = 1,78897 A Ferrogenious Samples and/or Stress Analysis Mn, Cr, V
Fe λ = 1,93604 A Minerals Cr, V, Ti
Cr λ = 2,28970 A Large Lattice Constants and/or Stress Analysis Ti, Sc, Ca
W λ = continuous Laue Exposures ---
Tube Types
(Other tube types available upon request)
Normal Focus
optical focal spot at 6° take-off angle: 0.1 x 10 (line), 1 .0 x 1.0 (spot) [mm2]
Tube type
Part- No.
short a node
Part- No.
long ano de
DX-Cu 10 x1-y 200 0 W 9365700 9365710
DX-Cr 10x1-y 1800 W 9365800 9365810
DX-Mo 10x1-y 2400 W 9365740 9365750
DX-Co 10x1-y 1800 W 9365760 9365770
DX-Fe 10x1-y 1500 W 9365780 9365790
DX-W 10x1-y 2400 W 9365720 9365730
DX-Ag 10x1-y 2000 W 9365820 9365830
y = S (short a node) or y = L (long ano de)
Broad Focus
optical focal spot at 6° take-off angle: 0.2 x 12 (line), 2.0 x 1.2 (spot) [mm2]
Tube type
Part- No.
short a node
DX-Cu 12x2-y 2700 W 9365840 9365850
DX-Cr 12x2-y 2700 W 9365940 9365950
DX-Mo 12x2-y 2700 W 9365880 9365890
DX-Co 12x2-y 2700 W 9365900 9365910
DX-Fe 12x2-y 2200 W 9365920 9365930
DX-W 12x2-y 2700 W 9365860 9365870
DX-Ag 12x2-y 2700 W 9365960 9365970
y = S (short a node) or y = L (long ano de)
Material and Transmission
Material Transmission Kβ-Filter
Part- No.
long ano de
98% Zr
94% Ni
92% Fe
89% Mn
82% V
Fine Focus
optical focal spot at 6° take-off angle: 0.04 x 8 (line), 0.4 x 0.8 (spot) [mm2]
Tube type
Part- No.
short a node
DX-Cu 8x04-y 1500 W 9365560 9365570
DX-Cr 8x04-y 1300 W 9365660 9365670
DX-Mo 8x04-y 2000 W 9365600 9365610
DX-Co 8x04-y 1200 W 9365620 9365630
DX-Fe 8x04-y 900 W 9365640 9365650
DX-W 8x04-y 2000 W 9365580 9365590
DX-Ag 8x04-y 1500 W 9365680 9365690
y = S (short a node) or y = L (long ano de)
Part- No.
long ano de
Long Fine Focus
optical focal spot at 6° take-off angle: 0.04 x 12 (line), 0.4 x 1.2 (spot) [mm2]
Tube type
DX-Cu 12x04 -y 2200 W 9365420 9365430
DX-Cr 12x04 -y 1900 W 9365520 9365530
DX-Mo 12x04 -y 3000 W 9365460 9365470
DX-Co 12x04 -y 1800 W 9365480 9365490
DX-Fe 12x04-y 1000 W 9365500 9365510
DX-W 12x 04-y 3000 W 9365440 9365450
DX-Ag 12x04-y 2200 W 9365540 9365550
y = S (short a node) or y = L (long ano de)
Part- No.
short a node
Part- No.
long ano de
Cooling Head DX / CX - short anode for changing line to point focus 9380650
Service Kit for DX Tube - one of each: O-ring short + long, filter,
nozzle for short- and longanode
Cooling Head DX short anode 9408770
Extension Set DX for changing from shor t to long anode 9408560
Disposal is available for X-ray Tubes (FK, DX, CX) not purchased
from GE Sensing & Inspection Technologies GmbH.
GEIT-30212EN (10/11)
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Contact: GE Sensing & Inspection Technologies GmbH, Bogenstrasse 41, 22926 Ahrensburg, Germany, T +49 (0)4102 807 0