GE PEB7226SF1SS, PEB7226EH1ES, PEB7226DF1WW, PEB7226DF1BB Owner’s Manual

Safety Instructions ........ 2-9
Operating Instructions
Oven Features .............. 10-12
Power Levels ................... 13
Time Features ............... 14-18
Convenience Features ....... 19-21
Other Features ................. 22
Microwave Terms .............. 23
Consumer Support
Consumer Support ...... Back Cover
Warranty ...................... 27
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® Write the model ond seriul
numbers here: Model # Seriol #
Youcan find them on a label inside the
49-40696 06-15 GE
To reduce risk of burns, electric shock, fire, personal injury or exposure to excessive microwave energy.
(e) Do Not Attempt to operate this oven with the door
open since open-door operation can result inharmful exposure to microwave energy. It is important not to
defeat or tamper with the safety interlocks.
(b) Do Not Piece any object betweenthe oven front
face and the door or allow soilor cleaner residueto accumulate on sealingsurfaces.
(c) Do Not Operate the oven ifit isdamaged. It is
particularly important that the oven door close properly and that there isno damage to the:
(!) door (bent), (2)hinges and latches(brokenor loosened), (3)door sealsand sealing surfaces.
(d) TheOvenShould Not be adjusted or repairedby
anyone except properly qualified servicepersonnel.
Use this appliance only for its intended purpose as described in this Owner's Manual. When using electrical appliances basic safety precautions should be followed, including the following:
[] Read and follow the specific precautions in the
[] Thisappliance must be grounded. Connectonly to a properly
grounded outlet. Seethe GROUNDINGINSTRUCTIONSsection on page 8.
[] Install or locate thisappliance only in accordance with the
provided installation instructions.
[] Becertain to place the front surface of the door 3" or more
back from the countertop edge to avoid accidental tipping of the appliance innormal usage.
[] Thismicrowave oven isnot approved or tested for marine use. [] Do not mount this appliance over a sink. [] Do not mount the microwave oven over or near any portion
of a heating or cooking appliance.
[] Do not operate this appliance if it hasa damaged power
cord or plug, if it isnot working properly, or if it has been damaged or dropped.
[] Do not cover or block any openings on the appliance. [] Usethis appliance only for itsintended useasdescribed in
this manual. Donot use corrosive chemicals or vapors in this appliance. Thismicrowave oven isspecificallydesigned to
heat, dry or cook food, and is not intended for laboratory or industrial use.
[] Do not store this appliance outdoors. Do not usethis
product near water-for example, in a wet basement, near a swimming pool,near a sink or in similar locations.
[] Do not let cord hang over edge of table or counter. [] Do not store anything directly on top of the appliance when
it is in operation.
Keep power cord away from heated surfaces.
Do not immerse power cord orplug in water.
Toreduce the riskof fire in the oven cavity: Do not overcook food. Carefully attend appliance when
paper, plastic or other combustible materials are placed insidethe oven while cooking.
Removewire twist-ties and metal handlesfrom paper or plastic containers before placing them in the oven.
Do not use the ovenfor storage purposes. Do not leave paper products, cooking utensils or food inthe oven when
not in use. If materials insidethe oven ignite,keepthe oven door closed,
turn the oven off and disconnect the power cord, or shut off power at the fuse or circuit breaker panel.If the door is
opened,the fire may spread.
Seedoor surface cleaning instructions in the Care and cleaning of the microwave oven section of this manual. Do
not use cleaners with ammonia or alcohol on the microwave oven. Ammonia and alcohol can damage the appearance of
the microwave.
[] GEdoesnotsupport any servicingofthis microwaveoven,
exceptasdescribedbythe ConsumerSupportsectionsof this manual. Donot attempt to servicethe microwave oven
yourself. Ifserviceisdesired,this applianceshould beserviced
onlyby qualifiedservicepersonnel.Contact the nearest authorizedservicefacility for examination,repairor adjustment.
[] Thisappliance must onlybe servicedbyqualifiedservice
personnel.Contactthe nearestauthorizedservicefacility for examination,repairor adjustment.
[] Aswith anyappliance,closesupervisionis necessarywhen
Par su seguridad, la informacidn contenida en este manual debe seguirse para minimizar el riesgo de incendio, explosidn, descarga eldctrica, exposicidn a energfa microondas.
(a) No Intente operar este homo con la puerta abierta ya
que esto podr[a resultar en una exposici6n a energ[a
microondas dahina. Esimportante no cancelar ni manipular de forma indebida losdispositivosde
(b) No Sit_e ning0n objeto entre la parte frontal del homo
y la puerta nipermita que seacumule suciedad o
residuos limpios en las gomas de cierre herm6tico.
_c) No Use el homo siestc_da_ado. Esespecialmente
importante que la puerta del homo secierre correctamente y que no se dahe:
(!) la puerta (doblada), (2)bisagras y pasadores (rotoso sueltos),
(3)sellosde la puerta y gomas de cierre herm6tico.
_d) El homo no deberia ajustarse ni repararse par nadie
que no sea personal de servicioadecuadamente calificado.
Use este electrodomdstico s6!o para su propdsito origina!, coma se describe en e! Manua! de! Propietario.
AI usar artefactos eldctricos se deberdn seguir los precauciones bdsicas de seguridad, incluyendo Io siguiente:
m Leayobedezcalasprecaucionesespecfficasenlasecci6nde
[] Esteelectrodom@sticodebeestarconectadoatierra.Con@ctelo
[] tnstaleo coloqueesteelectrodom@sticosiguiendos61olas
[] Aseg0resedecolocarlasuperficiefrontaldelapuerta3"o m6s
atr6sdelextremodela base,a fin deevitarcaidasaccidentalesdel electrodom@sticoduranteunusanormal.
[] Estehornomicroondasnoest6aprobadonievaluadoparausa
[] Nomonteelelectrodom@sticosabreunlavabo. [] Nomonteel microondasocercade ningunaporci6ndeuna
calefacci6nococinadela aplicaci6n.
[] Nousaresteelectrodom@sticosielcabledecorrienteoelenchufe
bansufridoalgOnda_o,sinofuncionacorrectamenteo siha resultadodar_adoo seha cafdo.
[] Nobloqueenicubracualquieraberturadelelectrodom@stico. [] D@aesteelectrodom@sticoelusaparaelcualfuedise_ado
secaro cocinarcomida,y noparausaindustrialoenlaboratorio.
[] Nouseesteproductocercadelagua;parejemplo,en uns6tano
h0medo,cercade unapiscina,cercadeunlavabooen ubicaciones
[] Nopermitaqueelcablesesostengasabreelextremodela
[] Noguardenadadirectamentesabrela superficiedelhomo
[] Noguardeesteelectrodom@sticoal airelibre. [] lvlantengaelcabledecorrientealejadodesuperficiescalientes.
[] Parareducirelriesgodeincendioenla aperturadelhomo:
- Nococinedemasiadolacomida.Presteatenci6ncuidadosaal electrodom@sticocuandosecolocapapel,pl6sticou otromaterial
combustibleenelhomo mientrassecocina.
- Quitelascintasdecierreconmetaly lasasasmet61icasdelos recipientesdepapelo pl6sticoantesdeintroducirlosenel homo.
- Noalmacenecosasenelhomo.Nodejeproductosdepapel, utensiliosdecocinarnicomidaenel homomientrasnoIoest@
- Siseincendiaraalg0nmaterialdentro,mantengalapuertadel homocerrada,apagueel homoydesconecteelcabledecorriente
el@ctrica,oapaguelacorrienteenelfusibleopaneldeldiferencial. Siseabrelapuertaelfuegopodriaexpandirse.
[] Lealasinstruccionesde limpiezadelasuperficiedela puertaen
lasecci6ndeCuidadoy limpiezadelhomomicroondasdeeste
manual.Nouselimpiadoresquecontenganamonfacoso alcohol enel homomicroondas.Elamonfacoo elalcoholpuedenda_arel aspectodelhomo microondas.
[] GEnorespaldaning0nserviciot@cnicosabreestehomo
microondas,exceptocomasedescribeen lasseccionesde SoportealConsumidordeestemanual.Nointentereparar
el homomicroondasustedmismo.Siesnecesariorepararel electrodom@stico,entonceselserviciodeber6serrealizadopar
unapersonacalificadadelserviciot@cnico.Comunfquesea una sucursalautorizadadelserviciot@cnicopararealizarcualquier control,reparaci6noajuste.
[] $61opersonalcualificadodeberepararesteaparato.P6ngaseen
contactoconelcentrode mantenimientoautorizadom6scercano encasodenecesitarrevisi6n,reparaci6no ajuste.
[] AIigualqueconcualquierelectrodom@stico,sedeber6realizaruna
If you see arcing, press the Cancel/Off pad and correct the
Arcing isthe microwave term for sparksin the oven.Arcing is caused by:
[] Metal or foil touching the sideof the oven. [] Foilnot molded to food.
[] Do not pop popcorn in your microwave oven unless in a special
microwave popcorn accessory or unlessyou use popcorn labeled for usein microwave ovens.
[] Some products such as whole eggs and sealedcontainers-for
example,closedjars-are able to explode and should not be heated in this microwave oven. Such use of the microwave
oven could result in injury.
[] Do not boil eggs in a microwave oven. Pressurewill build up
insideegg yolk and will cause it to burst, possiblyresulting in injury.
[] Operating the microwave with no food insidefor more than a
minute or two may cause damage to the oven and could start a fire. It increasesthe heat around the magnetron and can
shorten the life of the oven.
[] Foodswith unbroken outer "skin" such as potatoes, hot dogs,
sausages,tomatoes, apples, chicken liversand other giblets and egg yolks should be pierced to allow steam to escape
during cooking.
[] Avoid heating baby food inglassjars, even
with the lid off. Make sureall infant food isthoroughly cooked. Stirfood to distribute the heat evenly.Be careful to prevent
scalding when warming formula. The container may feel cooler than the formula really is.Always test the formula before
feeding the baby.
[] Don'tdefrost frozenbeverages in narrow-necked bottles
(especiallycarbonated beverages).Evenifthe container is opened, pressurecan build up. This can cause the container to burst, possiblyresulting in injury.
[] Metal, such as twist-ties, poultry pins or gold-rimmed dishes,in
the microwave.
[] Recycledpaper towels containing small metal pieces being
usedin the microwave.
Liquids,such as water,coffeeor tea are able to be overheated beyondthe boiling point without appearingto beboiling.Visible
To reducethe riskof injury to persons:
- Do not overheat the liquid.
- Stir the liquid both before and halfway through heating it.
- Do not usestraight-sided container with narrow necks.
- After heating, allow the container to stand in the microwave oven for ashort time before removing the container.
- Useextreme care when inserting a spoon or other utensil
into the container.
Hot foods and steam can cause burns. Becareful when opening any containers of hot food, including popcorn bags,
cooking pouches and boxes.To prevent possibleinjury, direct steam away from hands and face.
[] Do not overcook potatoes. Theycould dehydrate and catch
fire, causing damage to your oven.
Cookmeat and poultry thoroughly-meat to at least an INTERNALtemperature of 160°Fand poultry to at least
an INTERNALtemperature of 180°F.Cookingto these
temperatures usually protects against foodborne illness.
Sive que seforman areaseldctricos,presione el bot6n Cuncel/Off (borrar/apagado)y resuelvael problema. Arco eldctricoesIoque,en la terminologia de losmicroondas, [] Ha},algOnmetal, coma cintas de cierrecon metal, pinchos de
describelaschispasen el homo. polio,o platos con decoraci6n de oro dentro del microondas. [] Ha},un metal o papel de aluminio tocando ellateral del horno. [] Seest6 usando papeltoalla recicladoque contienen pequeBas
[] Elpapel de aluminio no est6 envolviendo bien la comida, porciones de metal en el microondas.
[] Nohagarosetasopalomitasdemaizenelmicroondasa noser
queest@usandounaccesorioespecialparaprepararlaso queest@ empleandorosetaso palomitasdemaizqueindiquenserv61idas
[] Algunos productos tales coma huevos enteros y envases
sellados - par ejemplo: tarros de victriocerrados - pueden explotar y par esto no se deben calentar en el homo microondas. Dicho usa del horno microondas podr6 producir
[] Nohiervahuevosdentrodeunhomo microondas.Segenerar6
presi6ndentrodelayemadelhuevoquecausar6queexpiate pudiendo,posiblemente,da_araalguien.
[] Siseponeenmarchael microondassintenercomidaensuinterior
par m6sdeun minutoo dospodriancausarseda_osal homo
y podriaempezarun fuego.Estohaceaumentarla temperatura
alrededordelmagnetr6nypuedereducirelperiododevida0tildel homo.
[] Lascomidascocinadasen Ifquidos(comala pasta)puedentener
ciertatendenciaa hervirm6sr@idamentequelosalimentos quecontenganmenoshumedad.Siestoocurre,revisela secci6n deCuidadoy limpiezadelhomomicroondasdondeencontrar6
instruccionesencuantoa la limpiezadelinteriordelmicroondas.
[] Nocalientela comidadelbeb@enjarrasde cristal,inclusosiest6n
destapadas.Aseg0resedequelosalimentosdelos ni_osest@nbien cocinados.Remuevalacomidaparadistribuirelcalor deforma pareja.Tengacuidadodequeel ninonosequemealcalentarla lechedef6rmula.Elcontenedorpuedeparecerm6sfriode Ioque
realmenteest6laf6rmula.Pruebesiemprelaf6rmulaantesde d6rselaalbeb@.
Liquidos,talescomaagua,cold,o td,sepodrfansobrecalentarmds did de/puntodeebullicidnsinparecerqueestdnhirviendo.Nosiempre
habrdburbujaso evidenciadequeelIfquidoestdhirviendocuandose extraeelenvaseconelIfquidode/microondas.ESTOPODRfARESULTAR ENLfQUfDOSMUYCALIENTESDEREPENTECOMENZANDOAHERVIRY
- Nosobrecalientelosliquidos.
- Muevaelliquidotantoantescomaa mediadosdeltiempode calentamiento.
- No useenvasesdeladosrectosconcuellosestrechos.
- Despu@sdelcalentamiento,permitaqueel envasepermane7caenel microondasparuntiempocortoantesderemoverelenvase.
- Usecuidadoextremocuandoinserteunacucharauotto utensilioen elenvase.
[] Losalimentoscalientesy elvaporpuedencausarquemaduras.
Tengacuidadoalabrircualquiercontenedorconcomidacaliente, inclusobalsasderosetasopalomitasdemaiz,balsaso cajasde cocinar.Paraprevenirposiblesdar_ospersonales,mantengaelvapor
alejadodesusmanosy rostra.
[] Nococinedemasiadolaspapas.Podrfandeshidratarseeincendiarse,
causandodar_osa su homo.
Cocinelacamey elpoliopar completo-la came hastaquealcance unatemperaturaminimaINTERIORde 160°F,y elpoliohastauna temperaturatNTERNAminimade 180°F.Cuandosecocinana
estastemperaturasse evitalacontracci6ndeenfermedadespar intoxicaci6n.
[] Nodescongelebebidascongeladasenbotellasde cuelloestrecho
(especialmentebebidascarbonatadas),tnclusoconelcontenedor abierto,podrfagenerarseun aumentodepresi6n.Estopuedecausar queelcontenedorexpiate,IocualpodriaproducirdaBospersonales.
Hake sureall cookwure used inyour microwave oven is suitable for microwuving. Host glass casseroles,cooking dishes,
measuring cups,custard cups, pottery or china dinnerware which does not have metallic trim or glazewith a metallic sheen can be
used.Somecookwure is labeled "suitable for microwuving." [] Ifyou are not sure if u dish is microwave-safe, usethis test:
Placein the oven both the dishyou are testing and u glass measuring cup filled with I cup of water-set the measuring
cup either in or next to the dish. Microwave 30-/45secondsat high. Ifthe dish heats,it should not beused
for microwuving. If the dish remains cool and only the water inthe cup heats,
then the dishis microwave-safe.
[] Ifyou use u meat thermometer while cooking, make sure it is
safe for use in microwave ovens.
[] Do not use recycled paper products. Recycledpaper towels,
napkins and waxed paper can contain metal fleckswhich may cause arcing or ignite. Paper products containing nylon or
nylon filaments should be avoided, us they may alsoignite.
[] Some foam trays (likethose that meat is packaged on)
have a thin strip of metal embedded inthe bottom. When microwaved, the metal can burn the floor of the oven or ignite
a paper towel.
[] Do not usethe microwave to dry newspapers. [] Not all plasticwrap issuitable for usein microwave ovens.
Checkthe package for proper use.
[] Papertowels, waxed paper and plastic wrap can be usedto
cover dishes in order to retain moisture and prevent sputtering. Besure to vent plastic wrap so steam can escape.
[] Cookwure may become hot becauseof heat transferred from
the heated food. Potholders may be needed to handlethe cookwure.
"Bailable"cooking pouches and tightly closed plastic bags should be slit,piercedor vented usdirected by package. If they
are not, plastic could burst during or immediately after cooking,
possiblyresulting in injury.Also,plastic storage containers
should be at least partially uncovered because they form a tight seal.When cooking with containers tightly covered with
plasticwrap, remove covering carefully and direct steam away
from hands and face.
Usefoil only usdirected in this guide. TVdinners may be microwuved infoil trays lessthan 3//4"high; remove the top
foil cover and return the tray to the box.When using foil in the
microwave oven, keep the foil at least 1"away from the sides
of the oven.
Plasticcookwure-Plustic cookware designed for microwave
cooking isvery useful,but should be used carefully. Even
microwave-safe plastic may not be us tolerant of overcooking
conditions us are glass or ceramic materials and may soften or char if subjected to short periods of overcooking. Inlonger
exposuresto overcooking, the food and cookwure could ignite.
Follow these guidelines.
1. Usemicrowave-safe plastics only and use them in
strict compliance with the cookware manufacturer's
2. Donot microwave empty containers.
3. Donot permit children to use plastic cookware without complete supervision.
WARNING-/mproperuseof the grounding plug can resultin a riskof electricshock.
Thisappliance must be grounded. Inthe eventof an electrical short circuit, grounding reduces the riskof electric shock by
providing an escapewire for the electric current.
Thisappliance isequipped with a power cord having a grounding wire with a grounding plug.The plug must be plugged into an
outlet that is properly installed and grounded. Consult a qualified electrician or service technician ifthe
GROUNDINGINSTRUCTIONSare not completely understood, or if doubt exists asto whether the appliance is properly grounded.
If the outlet isa standard 2-prong wall outlet, it isyour personal responsibility and obligation to have it replaced with a properly
grounded 3-prong wall outlet. Do not under any circumstances cut or remove the third (ground)
prong from the power cord. We do not recommend using an extension cord with this
appliance. If the power cord is too short, have a qualified electrician or servicetechnician install an outlet near the
appliance. (SeeEXTENSIONCORDSsection.) Forbest operation, plug this appliance into its own electrical
outlet to prevent flickering of lights,blowing of fuse or tripping of circuit breaker.
Aseg0resedequetodoslosutensiliosdecocinaqueuseensuhomo seanaptosparamicroondas.Puedenusarselamayorfadelascazuelas, platosparacocinar,tazasdemedir,tazasdeflanesy botesdecristal,o lasvajillasdeporcelanaquenotienendecoracionesmet61icaso barnices
conbrillometcilico.Algunosutensiliostienenlasiguienteinscripci6n: "puedeusarseenmicroondas."
[] Sinoest6segurodequeunplato puedausarseenelmicroondas,
hagaestaprueba:Coloqueel platoqueest@probandoy unvasode medircon 237ml (1taza)deaguaenelhomo- pongalatazade
medirdentrooal ladodelplato.Pongaelmicroondasenmarcha,a m6ximapotencia,durante30-45segundos.Sielplato secalientano
deberiausarseen elmicroondas. Sielplatosemantienefrioy s61osecalientalataza,entonceselplato
[] Siusa unterm6metrodecamealcocinarcon microonda4aseg0rese
dequeseaaptopara serusadoenmicroondas.
[] No useproductosdepapelreciclado.Elpapeltoalla,lasservilletas
yelpapelde cerarecicladospuedencontenermotasmet61icas quepodriancausarlaformaci6ndearcosel@ctricoso incendiarse.
Losproductosdepapelquecontengannil6nofilamentosdenil6n tampocodeberianusarseya quese podrianincendiardeigualmodo.
[] Algunasbandejasde pl6stico(comoenlasqueseempaqueta
lacame)tienenunacintafinademetalincrustadaenelplato.AI ponerseenel microondas,elmetalpuedequemarelsuelodelhomo
o incendiarunpapeltoalla.
[] No useel microondas parasecarperi6dicos. [] Notodofilmpl6sticopuedeusarseenhornosmicroondas.Reviseel
[] Algunasbandejasde pl6stico(comoenlasqueseempaqueta
lacame)tienenunacintafinademetalincrustadaenelplato.AI ponerseenel microondas,elmetalpuedequemarelsuelodelhomo o incendiarunpapeltoalla.
[] Podrfancalentarselosutensiliosporelcolortransferidoporlos
alimentoscalientes.Puedenecesitarusarmanoplascecocinapara manejarlosutensilios.
AIutilizarconelmicroondasbolsasdecocinar"quepuedanhervir', asicomocualquierbolsadepl6sticofirmementecerrada,deber6n
cortarse,perforarseo proveercualquiertipodeventilaci6nseg0n indiqueelpaquete.Encasocontrario,elpl6sticopodriaexplotar
mientrassecocinao despu@s,pudiendocausardafiosfisicos. Adem6s,losrecipientesde pl6sticodeberianpermanecer,al menos,
parcialmentedestapadosyaquepuedensellarsefuertemente. Cuandococinecon recipientesfirmementecubiertosconfilm pl6stico,
retirelacubiertaconcuidadoy mantengaelvaporalejadodesus manosyrostro.
Usepapeldealuminios61odelaformadetalladaenestemanual. Cuandousealuminiodentrodeun homomicroondas,mantengael
aluminio,almenos,aunapulgadadedistanciadeloslateralesdel homo.
Utensiliosde pl6stico-Losutensiliosdepl6sticodise_adospara suusoenmicroondassonmuypr6cticos,perodebenusarsecon
cuidado,tnclusoaquellosutensiliosautorizadosparasuusoen microondaspodriannosertan tolerantescomoelcristalolos
materialesdecer6micaencondicionesdesobrecalentamiento ypodrianablandarseocarbonizarsealsometerlosa periodos
cortosdesobrecalentamiento.Enexposicionesm6slargasa sobrecalentamiento,lacomiday losutensiliospodrianincendiarse.
1. Usesolamentepl6sticosaptosparamicroondasy0selos
2. Nointroduzcaenelmicroondasrecipientesvacios.
3. Nopermitaquelosnifiosusenutensiliosdepl6sticosincompleta
siguiendoestrictamentelasrecomendacionesdelfabricantede losutensilios.
kiA DVERTENCIA! Elu,oindebido del enchufe de tierra puede resultar en riesgo de descarga el_ctrica..
Esteelectrodom6stico debe estar conectado a tierra. Sise produjera un cortocircuito, la toma de tierra reduce el riesgo
de descarga el_ctrica al proveer un cablede escape para la corriente el6ctrica.
Esteelectrodom6stico est6 equipado con un cable de corriente que disponede un hilo para toma de tierra con un enchufe con
toma de tierra. Elenchufe debe estar conectado a una toma de corriente que est6 debidamente instalada y con salida a tierra. Consultecon un electricista cualificado o un t6cnico de reparaciones sino entiende completamente lasinstrucciones
sobre la toma de tierra, o situviese alguna duda sobre si su aparato est6 debidamente conectado a tierra.
Sila toma de corriente es un modelo est6ndar de dos clavijas,es
su responsabilidad personaly su obligaci6n el reemplazarla por una toma adecuada para tres clavijascon conexi6na tierra.
Bajoninguna circunstancia debe cortar o quitar la tercera clavija
(tierra)del cable de corriente.
Nouse un enchufe adaptador con este electrodom6stico. Nouse un cable extensor de corriente con
este electrodom6stico. Siel cable de corriente esdemasiado corto, haga que un electricista cualificado o un t6cnico
de reparaciones instalen una toma de corriente cerca del electrodom6stico.
Paraun mejor funcionamiento, enchufe este electrodom6stico
en una toma de corriente exclusiva para evitar parpadeos de luz, fusiblesquemados o que salte el diferencial.
Usage situations where appliance's power cord will be disconnected infrequently.
Becauseof potential safety hazards under certain conditions, we strongly recommend against the use of an adapter plug. However, if you stillelect to
use an adapter, where local codes permit, a TEMPORARYCONNECTIONmay be made to a properly grounded wall receptacle bythe use of a ULlisted adapter which isavailable at most
local hardware stores.
(Adapter plugs not permitted in Canada)
Alignlarge r_,,,w_ prongs/slots _ _'_ j
Thelarger slot in the adapter must be aligned with the larger slot in the wall receptacle to provide proper polarity inthe connection of the power cord.
CAUTION: Attaching the adapter ground terminal to the wall receptacle cover screw does not ground the appliance unless the cover screw is metal, and not insulated, and the wall receptacle is grounded through the house wiring.
Youshould havethe circuit checked by a qualified electrician to make sure the receptacle is properly grounded. When disconnecting the power cord from the adapter, always holdthe adapter with one hand. If this is not done,the adapter ground
terminal isvery likelyto break with repeated use.Should this happen, DONOT USEtheappliance until a proper ground has again been established.
_ _'_J_ Ensure proper
TEMPORARY ground and firm
connection before
Usage situations where appliance's power cord will be disconnected frequently.
Do not use an adapter plug in these situations becausefrequent disconnection of the power cord placesundue strain on the adapter
and leadsto eventual failure of the adapter ground terminal. You should have the 2-prong wall receptacle replaced with a 3-prong (grounding) receptacle by a qualified electrician before using the appliance.
Host pacemakers are shielded from interference from electronic products, including microwaves. However, patients with pacemakers may wish to consult their physicians if they have concerns.
A short power supply cord isprovided to reducethe risksresulting from becoming entangled in or tripping over a longer cord.
Extensioncords may be used if you are careful in usingthem.
If an extension cord isused-
1. The marked electrical rating of the extension cord should be at least asgreat asthe electrical rating of the appliance;
2. Theextension cord must be a grounding-type 3-wire cord and it must be plugged into a 3-slot outlet;
3. Theextension cord should be arranged so that it will not drape overthe countertop or tabletop where it can be pulled on by children or tripped over unintentionally.
Ifyou usean extension cord, the interior light may flicker and the blower sound may vary when the microwave oven ison.Cooking
times may be longer,too.
Situaciones de usa en que el cable de corriente del electrodom6stico ser6 desconectado con poca frecuencia.
Debidoo los posiblesriesgos sabre Io seguridad bojo ciertos condiciones,recomendamos (Enchufesadaptadoresno enf_ticamente no usar adaptadores de enchufe. Sinembargo, sio0nelije usor un odoptodor,
cuondo los c6digos localesIo permiton, se podrc_reulizoruno CONEXlONTEtdPORARIAo un tomocorriente de pored de 2 enchufes odecuodomente conectodo o tierro, utilizondo un
oduptodor que figure en Iolisto de ULque seencuentre disponible en Io moyor[o de loslocales de repuestos.
Lo ronuro mc_slargo del odoptodor deber6 estor olineodo con Ioronuro mc_sIorga en el tomocorriente de pored,o fin de brindor Io poloridod odecuodo en Ioconexi6n del cable de
corriente. PRECAUCION:Conector Ioterminal del odoptodor con conexi6n o tierro oltornillo de Io cubierto
del tomocorriente no conecto el electrodom6stico o tierro, o menos que el tornillo de Io cubierto seade metal,y noest6 oislodo,y que eltomocorriente est6 conectodo otierro otrov6s delcobleodo del hogor.
Controte o un electricisto colificodo poro que controle el circuito, o fin de oseguror queel tomocorriente est6 correctomente conectodo o tierro.
Cuando desconecte el cable de corriente del adaptador, siempre sostenga el adaptador con una mano. Encaso de no hacer esto, esmuy probable que la terminal del adaptador con conexi6n a tierra se rompa con el usa repetido. Siesto sucede, NO USEel
electrodom6stico hasta que se haya establecido una conexi6n a tierra adecuada nuevamente.
Situaciones de usa en que el cable de corriente del electrodom_stico ser_ desconectado con frecuencia. No use un adaptador de enchufe en estas situaciones, ya que una descone×i6n frecuente del cable de corriente representa un
esfuerzo e×cesivo sabre el adaptador y conduce finalmente a una folio de la terminal del adaptador con cone×i6n a tierra. Deber(_ solicitor a un electricista calificado el reemplazo del tomacorriente de 2 cables par uno de ] cables (con cone×i6n a tierra), antes de
usar el electrodom6stico.
permitidos en Canad6) Alineelaspatas/ _ \_ :
ranuras largas _-_q ",, _/_
_¢_J !
Asegure una
METODO antesdelusa
La mayorfa de Ioas marca pasos estc_nprotegidos contra la interferencia de aparatos electr6nicos, incluyendo los microondas. Sin embargo, cuando tengan alguna duda, los pacientes con marca pasos deben consutar con su m6dico.
Sebrindo un cable de corriente corto o fin de reducir riesgosde enredo o tropiezos con uncable mdslargo. Sepodrc_nusor prolongodores siempre que setengo el debido cuidodo.
Sise usa un prolongodor-
1. Logroduoci6n el6ctrico del prolongodor deber[o ser par Iomenos tun omplio coma Iogroduoci6n el6ctrico del electrodom6stico;
2. Elprolongodor deber6 cantor con ] cables con conexi6n o tierro y estor enchufodo o un tomocorriente con :3ronuros;
3. Elprolongodor no sedeberc_colocor o Io largo de Iomesodo o mesa,de modo que puedo ser empujodo par ni_os o que se puedo tropezor con 6ste de formo no intencionol.
Si usa un prolongodor, lu luz interno podrc_porpodeor y el sonido del colefoctor podrd vorior cuondo el homo microondos est6 encendido. Lostiempos de cocci6n podrdn set mds largos tombi6n.
About the features of your microwave oven.
Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model.
1100 Watts
Featuresof the Oven
Door Latches.
Window with Metal Shield. Screen allows cooking
to be viewed while keeping microwaves confined in the oven.
Convenience Guide.
Touch Control Panel Display.
Door Latch Release. Press latch release to open
Removable Turntable. Turntable and support
must be in place when usingthe oven.The turntable may be removed for cleaning.
Removable Turntable Support. The turntable support must be in placewhen using the oven.
NOTE:Ratingplate, oven vent(s)and ovenlight are located on the insidewalls of themicrowave oven.
Optionol Accessories
Available at extra cost from your GEsupplier. Choosethe appropriate Installation Kit to concert this oven to a built-
in wall oven.
Model PEB7226DFWW
Model PEB7226DFWW
About the features of your microwave oven.
You can microwave by time or with the convenience features. Not all features on all models.
Express Cook
Add -_
30 Sec .J
Timer ]
On!Off J
Popcorn )
L egetoMe
r coo,]
G] G] G]
Clock DisplGy
Cooking Controls
Check the Convenience Guide before you begin.
Time Features
Press Cook Time
Defrost Weight/Time Press twice (Time Defrost)
Express Cook Press number pGds (1-6)
Add 30 Sec
Power Level
Convenience Features Press Enter
Popcorn Starts immediately! Beverage Starts immediately!
Reheat Starts Immediately! Pototo Starts Immediately!
Vegetables Starts Immediately!
Pressonce(freshvegetobles) Presstwice(frozenvegetobles)
Pressthreetimes(connedvegetobles) Defrost Weight/Time Enter food weight
Pressonce (Weight Defrost) MyPIote Enter pad to select Food Code
Amount of cooking time Amount of defrosting time
Starts Immediately!
Starts Immediately!
Power level I to 10
Clock Display
Changing the Power Level
The power levelmay be entered or changed
immediately after entering the feature time for Cook Time or ExpressCook. the power level
may also be changed during the cooking.
1. Press Cook Time and enter cooking time.
2. PressPower Level and select power level
3. Press Start/Pause.
Variable power levelsadd flexibility to microwave
cooking.The power levelson the microwave oven can be compared to the surface units on a range.
Eachpower levelgivesyou microwave energy a certain percent of the time. Power level 7 is
microwave energy 70% of the time. Power level
3 isenergy30% of the time. Mostcooking will be
done on HI which givesyou 100% power. Power Level10 will cook faster but food may
need more frequent stirring,rotating or turning over.A lower setting will cook more evenly and
need lessstirring or rotating of the food. Somefoods may have better flavor, texture or
appearance if one of the lower settings is used. Usea lower power levelwhen cooking foods that
have a tendency to boilover, such asscalloped potatoes.
Restperiods(whenthe microwave energy cycles off) give time for the food to "equalize"or transfer
heat to the insideof the food. An example of this isshown with power level 3-the defrost cycle.If
microwave energy did not cycle off, the outside of the food would cook before the insidewas
Hereare some examplesof usesfor various power levels.
Power Level10: Fish,bacon,vegetables,boiling liquids.
Power Level 7: Gentlecooking of meat and poultry; baking casserolesand reheating.
Power Level5: Slowcooking and tenderizing for stews and lesstender cuts of meat.
Power Level3: Defrosting;simmering; delicate sauces.
Power Level1: Keepingfood warm; softening butter.
About the time features.
Clock Dis@ay
Cook Time !
Allows you to microwave for any time up to 99
minutes and 99 seconds. Power level !0 (high)is automatically set, but
you may change it for more flexibility.
!. PressCook Time.
2. Enter cooking time.
3. Change power level if you don't want full power. (PressPower Level. Select a desired power level !-!0.)
4. Press Start/Pause.
You may open the door during Cook Time to check the food. Close the door and press
Start/Pause to resume cooking.
Cook Time I!
Lets you change power levels automatically during cooking. Here's how to do it:
i. PressCook Time.
2. Enter the first cook time.
Change the power level if you don't want full power. (PressPower Level,Select a desired power level !-!0.)
Press Cook Time again.
Enterthe second cook time.
Change the power level if you don't want full power, (PressPower Level.Select a desired power level !-!0.)
7. Press Start/Pause.
At the end of Cook Time I, Cook Time II counts down.
Cooking Guide for Cook Time
NOTE:Use power level 10 (High) unless otherwise noted.
Vegetable Amount Time Cornrnents
Asparagus (fresh spears)
(frozen spears)
(fresh green) (frozen green)
(frozen lima)
(fresh, whole)
(fresh cut) (fresh spears)
(frozen, chopped) (frozen spears)
Cabbage (fresh)
(wedges) Carrots
(fresh, sliced) (frozen)
Cauliflower (flowerets) (fresh, whole) (frozen)
Corn (frozen kernel)
Corn on the cob (fresh)
Mixed vegetables
Peas (fresh, shelled) (frozen)
Potatoes (fresh, cubed,
white) (fresh, whole,
sweet or white)
Spinach (fresh)
(frozen, chopped and leaf)
Squash (fresh, summer
and yellow) (winter, acorn
or butternut)
!0-oz. package
! lb.cut in half !0-oz. package
!0-oz. package
! bunch
1 bunch (11Ato 11AIbs.) 1 bunch (11Ato 11AIbs.)
lO-oz, package lO-oz, package
1 medium head (about 2 Ibs.)
!lb. !O-oz. package
! medium head ! medium head
!O-oz. package
lO-oz, package
! to 5 ears
iear 2to 6 ears
!O-oz. package
21bs.unshelled !O-oz. package
4 potatoes (8 oz. each)
1(8 oz.)
2(8 oz. each) 3 4
!Oto 16 oz.
!0-oz. package
! lb.sliced
i to 2 squash (about i lb. each)
5to 8 min., Med-High (7)
4 to 7 min.
10 to 14 min. 4 to 8 min. 4 to 8 min.
16 to 21min.
5 to 9 min.
7 to 10 min.
4 to 7 min. 4 to 7 min.
6 to 9 min.
5 to 9 min.
4 to 8 min. 3 to 7 min.
7 to 10 min.
7 to 14 min.
3 to 7 min.
2 to 6 min.
2-!/4 to 4 min.
per ear
3 to 6 min.
2 to 3 min.
per ear
2 to 6 min.
7 to 9 min.
2 to 6 min.
9 to 11 min.
2 to 4 min. 6 to 7 min. 8 to 9 min.
11 to 12 min.
3 to 6 min. 3 to 6 min.
3 to 5 min.
5 to 9 min.
In !lA-qt. oblong glass baking dish, place 1/4 cup water. Rotate dish after half of time.
In 1-qt. casserole.
In !lA-qt. casserole, place 1/2 cup water. In !-qt. casserole, place 2 tablespoons water.
In 1-qt. casserole, place 1/4 cup water.
In 2-qt. casserole, place 1/2 cup water.
In 2-qt. casserole, place 1/2 cup water. In 2-qt. oblong glass baking dish, place 1/4 cup water.
Rotate dish after half of time. In 1-qt. casserole.
In 1-qt. casserole, place 3tablespoons water.
In 11A- or 2-qt. casserole, place 1/4 cup water. In 2- or 3-qt. casserole, place 1/4 cup water.
In !lA-qt. casserole, place 1/4 cup water. In !-qt. casserole, place 2 tablespoons water.
In 2-qt. casserole, place 1/2 cup water. In 2-qt. casserole, place 1/2 cup water. In 1-qt. casserole, place 2tablespoons water.
In !-qt. casserole, place 2tablespoons water.
In 2-qt. oblong glass baking dish, place corn. If corn is in husk, use no water; if corn has been husked,
add 1/4 cup water. Rearrange after half of time.
Place in 2-qt. oblong glass baking dish.
Cover with vented plastic wrap. Rearrange after
half of time.
In !-qt. casserole, place 5tablespoons water.
In !-qt. casserole, place 1/4 cup water. In !-qt. casserole, place 2tablespoons water.
Peeland cut into ! inch cubes. Place in 2-qt.
casserole with 1/2 cup water. Stir after half of time.
Piercewith cooking fork. Place in the oven, 1 inch
apart, in circular arrangement. Let stand 5 minutes.
In 2-qt. casserole, place washed spinach. In !-qt. casserole, place 5tablespoons water.
In !lA-qt. casserole, place 1/4 cup water.
Cut in half and remove fibrous membranes. In 2-qt. oblong glass baking dish, place squash cut-side-down.
Turn cut-side-up after 4 minutes.
About the time features.
Clock Display
Time Defrost allows you to defrost for a
selected length of time. Seethe Defrosting Guide for suggested times. (Weight Defrost is explained in the Auto Feature section.)
1. Press Defrost twice.
2. Enter defrosting time.
3. Press Start/Pause.
When the oven signals, turn food over and
break apart or rearrange pieces for more even defrosting. Shield any warm areas with small pieces of foil. The oven will continue to defrost if you don't open the door and turn the food.
Power level isautomatically set at 3, but can be changed. You can defrost small items quickly by raising the power level after entering the time. Power level 7 cuts the
total defrosting time in about half; power
level 10 cuts the total time to approximately !/3. However, food will need more frequent
attention than usual.
A dull thumping noise may be heard during
defrosting. This is normal when oven is not operating at High power.
Defrosting Tips
, Foods frozen in paper or plastic can be
defrosted in the package. Closed packages should be slit, pierced or vented AFTER food has partially defrosted. Plastic storage containers should be partially uncovered.
* Family-size, prepackaged frozen dinners can
be defrosted and microwaved. If the food is in a foil container, transfer it to a microwave-
safe dish.
, For more even defrosting of larger foods,
such as roasts, use Defrost Weight. Be sure large meats are completely defrosted before cooking.
, Foods that spoil easily should not be allowed
to sit out for more than one hour after defrosting. Room temperature promotes the
growth of harmful bacteria.
,When defrosted, food should be cool but
softened in all areas. If still slightly icy, return to the microwave very briefly, or let it stand
for a few minutes.
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