GE DPI 620 Instruction Manual

User Manual Druck DPI620 Genii
GE Measurement & Control
Druck DPI 620 Genii
Advanced Modular Calibrator K0541
© 2014 General Electric Company. All Rights Reserved. Specifications are subject to change without notice. GE is a registered trademark of General Electric Company. Other company or product names mentioned in this document may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies, which are not affiliated with GE
User Manual Druck DPI620 Genii
1 Overview ................................................................................................................... 9
1.1 Equipment in the Box ........................................................................................ 9
1.2 Optional Items ................................................................................................ 10
1.3 Observance of the User Manual .................................................................... 10
1.4 General Safety Precautions ............................................................................. 11
1.5 General Warnings ........................................................................................... 12
1.6 Electrical warnings .......................................................................................... 13
1.7 Pressure Warnings .......................................................................................... 16
1.8 Preparing the Instrument ............................................................................... 17
1.9 Install the Battery ............................................................................................ 17
1.10 Charge the Battery .......................................................................................... 19
Battery Charging Times ........................................................................... 19 1.10.1
1.11 Basic Modes .................................................................................................... 20
Power On ................................................................................................ 20 1.11.1
Power Off ................................................................................................ 20 1.11.2
Power up from Standby Mode ................................................................ 21 1.11.3
1.12 Druck DPI 620 Genii, Modes ........................................................................... 22
Dashboard navigation ............................................................................. 23 1.12.1
Set Date, Time and Language ................................................................. 24 1.12.2
Themes .................................................................................................... 24 1.12.3
Druck DPI 620 Genii Manual ................................................................... 24 1.12.4
Alarm Status ............................................................................................ 24 1.12.5
................................................................................................................................ 24
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To View Alarms select: ................................................................................................ 25
1.13 Software and Firmware Upgrades .................................................................. 26
Viewing Software Revision ...................................................................... 26 1.13.1
Upgrading the Software .......................................................................... 26 1.13.2
1.14 Maintenance ................................................................................................... 31
Cleaning ................................................................................................... 31 1.14.1
1.15 Instrument Return .......................................................................................... 32
Returned Material Procedure for USA .................................................... 32 1.15.1
Returned Goods Procedure for Europe .................................................. 33 1.15.2
Instrument Disposal in the European Union ........................................... 34 1.15.3
1.16 Packaging for Storage or Transportation ........................................................ 35
Environment............................................................................................ 35 1.16.1
1.17 Marks and Symbols ......................................................................................... 35
............................................................................................... 36
2.1 Basic Calibrator Operation .............................................................................. 36
Saving Tasks ............................................................................................ 37 2.1.1
Electrical Tasks ........................................................................................ 38 2.1.2
Favourites ................................................................................................ 40 2.1.3
Custom Task ............................................................................................ 41 2.1.4
2.2 Set the Function Utility Options ...................................................................... 44
Max/Min ................................................................................................. 44 2.2.1
Switch Test .............................................................................................. 45 2.2.2
Relief Valve.............................................................................................. 46 2.2.3
2.3 Measurement Display Options ....................................................................... 48
2.4 Example Procedure: Measure or Source Current ........................................... 50
2.5 Example Procedure: Measure DC Voltage ...................................................... 51
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2.6 Example Procedure: Measure AC Voltage (CH1), 0 to 20 Vrms Only ............. 52
2.7 Example Procedure: Measure AC Voltage (CH1) with the AC Probe .............. 53
2.8 Example Procedure: Source DC Voltage (CH1) ............................................... 54
2.9 Example Procedure: Measure or Source Current with 24V Loop ................... 55
Example Procedure:
Measure or Source Frequency
........................... 57
2.11 Example Procedure: Measure/Simulate a Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD) 59
2.12 Example Procedure: Measure or Simulate a Thermocouple (TC) ................... 61
2.13 Example Procedure: Switch Test ..................................................................... 63
2.14 Measure Pressure: IDOS Option ..................................................................... 66
IDOS Option Assembly Instructions ........................................................ 67 2.14.1
IDOS Function Procedures ...................................................................... 68 2.14.2
2.15 Error Indications .............................................................................................. 69
3 Pressure Indicator Operation (MC620) ................................................................... 70
3.1 Parts and Assembly ......................................................................................... 71
Assembly Instructions ............................................................................. 73 3.1.1
3.2 Pressure Connections ..................................................................................... 74
Procedure (Attaching External Equipment) ............................................ 74 3.2.1
3.3 Procedure Overview ....................................................................................... 76
3.4 Set up a Leak Test ........................................................................................... 79
3.5 Set the Pressure Module to Zero .................................................................... 81
3.6 Error Indications .............................................................................................. 82
4 Data Logging Operation .......................................................................................... 83
.............................................................................................................. 85
4.2 Operation ........................................................................................................ 87
4.3 File Review ...................................................................................................... 87
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4.4 Chart View ....................................................................................................... 88
4.5 File Management ............................................................................................ 89
Transfer ................................................................................................... 89 4.5.1
Erase ........................................................................................................ 90 4.5.2
Memory Status ........................................................................................ 90 4.5.3
4.6 Data
Format .................................................................................................... 91
5 Documentation ....................................................................................................... 92
5.1 Analysis ........................................................................................................... 92
.............................................................................................................. 94
Define the Reference Channel ................................................................ 95 5.2.1
Define each Input Channel ...................................................................... 96 5.2.2
5.3 Analysis Function ............................................................................................ 98
5.4 Run Procedure ................................................................................................ 99
Sequence to Upload and Download File ............................................... 100 5.4.1
6 HART® Operations ................................................................................................. 101
6.1 HART® Menu Operations .............................................................................. 101
6.2 Start-up ......................................................................................................... 102
6.3 HART® Connections....................................................................................... 103
6.4 Power Supply from the Calibrator ................................................................ 103
6.5 External Loop Power ..................................................................................... 104
6.6 Communicator Attached to a Network ......................................................... 105
6.7 Use of Test Connections ............................................................................... 105
6.8 Viewing Primary Variables ............................................................................ 106
Device Polling ........................................................................................ 106 6.8.1
Viewing HART® Configuration ............................................................... 107 6.8.2
6.9 Start HART® SDC Application ........................................................................ 107
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6.10 HART® Toolbar .............................................................................................. 110
6.11 Data Display .................................................................................................. 111
6.12 Editing Values ................................................................................................ 112
6.13 Executing Methods ....................................................................................... 114
Method Example - Self-test .................................................................. 115 6.13.1
Method Example - Analog Trim ............................................................ 116 6.13.2
6.14 Preferences ................................................................................................... 118
6.15 Failed to find Device ..................................................................................... 119
7 HART® Offline ........................................................................................................ 120
7.1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 120
7.2 Start-up ......................................................................................................... 120
7.3 Start HART® Offline ....................................................................................... 121
7.4 Create an Offline Configuration .................................................................... 122
Connected Configuration ...................................................................... 123 7.4.1
Disconnected Configuration ................................................................. 124 7.4.2
7.5 Edit an Offline Configuration ........................................................................ 125
7.6 Saving the Configuration ............................................................................... 127
7.7 Uploading the Configuration ........................................................................ 128
7.8 Working with Saved Configurations ............................................................. 128
Open HART Config ................................................................................. 128 7.8.1
Upload Config to Device ....................................................................... 128 7.8.2
Copy HART Config to USB ..................................................................... 128 7.8.3
Delete HART Config ............................................................................... 129 7.8.4
7.9 Further Operations ....................................................................................... 129
Delete All Configuration Files ................................................................ 129 7.9.1
Import Configuration Files from USB Memory stick ............................. 129
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8 Foundation™ Fieldbus ........................................................................................... 130
8.1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 130
8.2 Start up .......................................................................................................... 130
8.3 FOUNDATION™ Fieldbus Toolbar ................................................................. 133
8.4 Scanning For Devices .................................................................................... 135
Context Sensitive Menu ........................................................................ 137 8.4.1
Troubleshooting .................................................................................... 139 8.4.2
8.5 Device Focus View ......................................................................................... 140
8.6 The Navigation Menu Tree ........................................................................... 142
7.6.1 Block Header bar .......................................................................... 143 8.6.1
8.7 Functional Group View ................................................................................. 144
Displaying Parameter Help.................................................................... 146 8.7.1
Refreshing Data ..................................................................................... 147 8.7.2
Editing Values ........................................................................................ 148 8.7.3
Methods ................................................................................................ 149 8.7.4
8.8 Function Finder ............................................................................................. 150
8.9 Exporting Data to Main Genii Application .................................................... 152
Viewing Exported Variables in Channel Window .................................. 154 8.9.1
8.10 My Block ........................................................................................................ 155
8.11 Application Settings ...................................................................................... 157
Device Library ........................................................................................ 157 8.11.1
Options .................................................................................................. 158 8.11.2
Advanced .............................................................................................. 159 8.11.3
9 Calibration Procedures ......................................................................................... 160
9.1 Before Starting .............................................................................................. 160
9.2 Procedures (CH1/CH2): Current (measure) .................................................. 163
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9.3 Procedures (CH1/CH2): Current (source) ..................................................... 166
9.4 Procedures (CH1/CH2): DC mV/Volts (measure) .......................................... 168
9.5 Procedures (CH1): DC mV/Volts (source) ..................................................... 170
9.6 Procedures (CH1): Frequency (measure/source) ......................................... 172
9.7 Procedures (CH1): Frequency Amplitude (source) ....................................... 178
9.8 Procedures (CH1): Resistance measure) ....................................................... 180
9.9 Procedures (CH1): True Ohms (measure) ..................................................... 182
9.10 Procedures (CH1): Resistance (source) ......................................................... 183
9.11 Procedures (CH1): TC mV (measure or source) ............................................ 185
9.12 Procedures (CH1): Cold Junction (TC method) and CJ (measure) ................. 187
9.13 Procedures (CH1): AC mV/Volts (measure) .................................................. 190
9.14 Procedures: Pressure Indicator Modules (PM 620) ...................................... 192
9.15 Procedures: IDOS UPM ................................................................................. 195
10 General Specification ........................................................................................ 196
10.1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 196
11 Manufacturer .................................................................................................... 199
12 Display Icons ..................................................................................................... 200
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User Manual Druck DPI620 Genii

1 Overview

The Druck DPI620 Genii is a battery-powered instrument for electrical measure and source operations and HART® communications. The Druck DPI620 Genii also supplies the power and user interface functions for all optional items. The touch-screen displays up to six different parameters.
This version of the manual is applicable to software revisions DK420 v2.01 and above.

1.1 Equipment in the Box

The following items are supplied with the Druck DPI 620 Genii:
DC power supply
Li-polymer battery
• Set of six test leads
• AC Probe
Quick Start Guide
• Stylus
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1.2 Optional Items

The items that follow are optional items which can be used with the Druck DPI 620 Genii:
Pressure Module Carrier, MC 620, this attaches directly
to the Druck DPI 620 Genii to make a fully integrated pressure instrument.
Pressure Module, PM 620, this attaches to the pressure
module carrier (MC 620) or a Pressure Station (PV 62X) to enhance the pressure measurement functionality.
Pressure Stations, PV 62X, if the Druck DPI 620 Genii is
installed in a Pressure Station, it becomes a fully integrated pressure calibrator.

1.3 Observance of the User Manual

This manual contains safety and battery installation information for the Druck DPI 620 Genii. It is the responsibility of the customer, to make sure that all personnel operating and maintaining the equipment are correctly trained and qualified. Before operating or using the equipment read and obey all sections, including all WARNINGS and CAUTIONS given in the Quick Start Guide.
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1.4 General Safety Precautions

Read and obey all the operator's local Health and Safety regulations and Safe Working Procedures or Practices. When doing a procedure or task:
Use only the approved tools, consumable materials
and spares to operate and maintain the equipment.
Read and obey all applicable WARNING signs.
• Make sure that:
All work areas are clean and clear of unwanted tools, equipment and materials.
All unwanted consumable materials are discarded in accordance with local health and safety and environmental regulations.
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1.5 General Warnings

It is dangerous to ignore the specified limits for the
instrument or its related accessories. This can cause injuries.
If the equipment is used in a manner not specified
by the manufacturer, the protection provided by the equipment may be impaired.
Do not use the instrument in locations with explosive gas,
vapour or dust. There is a risk of an explosion.
Make sure all equipment is serviceable.
Use equipment only for the purpose for which it is
Wear all applicable Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
Do not use sharp objects on the touch-screen.
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1.6 Electrical warnings

To prevent electrical shocks or damage to the instrument,
do not connect more than 30V CAT I between the terminals, or between the terminals and the ground (earth).
External circuits should have appropriate insulation to
the mains.
To prevent electrical shocks, use only the GE specified
AC probe (Part: IO620-AC) to measure AC voltages that are more than 20 Vrms. Do not connect more than 300V CAT II between the IO620-AC leads, or between the leads and the ground (earth). Attach it to the specified connections only.
This instrument uses a Lithium-Polymer (Li-Polymer)
battery pack. To prevent an explosion or fire, do not short circuit, do not disassemble, and keep it safe from damage.
To prevent an explosion or fire, use only the GE
specified battery (Part: 191-356), power supply (Part: 191-339) and battery charger (Part: IO620-CHARGER).
To prevent battery leakage or heat generation, only
use the battery charger and power supply in the temperature range 0°C to 40°C (32°C to 104°F).
The power supply input range is 100 – 240Vac, 50 to 60Hz,
250mA, installation category CAT II.
Position the power supply so not to obstruct the supply
disconnecting device.
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Note that the operating and storage temperature range
of the mains PSU does not match that of the DPI620. Mains PSU operating temperature range 0°C to +40°C, storage temperature range -40°C to +70°C.
The DC input to the DPI620 Genii is rated at 5V (+/-5%).
Maximum current 2 Amps.
To make sure the display shows correct data,
disconnect the test leads before power is set to on or changing to another measure or source function.
Make sure the power is OFF before connecting or
disconnecting the probe.
Keep the probe and leads free from all contaminants
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Overvoltage category I has the least severe
Overvoltage category II describes an electrical
The following summary of installation and measurement overvoltage categories are derived from IEC61010-1. The overvoltage categories indicate the severity of overvoltage transients
overvoltage transients. Generally CAT I
equipment is not designed to be directly
connected to the mains supply. Examples of CAT I
equipment are process loop powered devices
installation where typically single phase
equipment is connected. Examples of such
equipment are appliances and portable tools
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1.7 Pressure Warnings

Some liquid and gas mixtures are dangerous. This
includes mixtures that occur because of contamination. Make sure that the equipment is safe to use with the necessary media.
To prevent a dangerous release of pressure, isolate
and bleed the system before disconnecting a pressure connection.
To prevent a dangerous release of pressure, make
sure that all the related pipes, hoses and equipment have the correct pressure rating, are safe to use and are correctly attached.
To prevent damage to the Druck DPI 620 Genii, only
use it within the specified pressure limits.
Do not exceed the maximum pressures stated in the
appropriate component manual for the unit under test.
Reduce pressure at a controlled rate when venting to
Carefully de-pressurize all pipes to atmospheric
pressure before disconnecting and connecting to the unit under test.
• Observe cleanliness when using the instrument.
Severe damage can be caused if equipment
connected to this instrument is contaminated.
Connect only clean equipment to the instrument. To
avoid any contamination, an external filter is recommended.
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1.8 Preparing the Instrument

On receipt of the instrument check the contents in the box, listed in section 1.1. It is recommended to retain the box and packaging for future use.

1.9 Install the Battery

1. Remove the five Pozidriv screws (A) (Ref: Figure 1-1).
2. Remove the battery cover.
3. Check the connections on the battery line up with the connections in the battery compartment.
4. Place the battery in the battery compartment.
5. Replace the battery cover.
6. Secure the cover with the five Pozidriv screws.
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Figure 1-1
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1.10 Charge the Battery

1. Connect the DC power supply into the +5V DC connection on the side of the unit (Ref: Figure 1-3).
2. The battery can also be charged using the USB connections (Ref: Figure 1-3).
3. The unit can be On or Off when charging. Charging times may be longer if charging when the unit is switched on.

Battery Charging Times 1.10.1

Charging Connection Charge Time
DC Power Supply 6.5 hours External Battery Charger 6.5 Hours
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1.11 Basic Modes Power On 1.11.1

From OFF – momentarily press the power button until the display flashes (Ref: Figure 1-3) .

Power Off 1.11.2

Press and Release the Power Button:
The POWERDOWN OPTIONS window will be displayed
Figure 1-2 Powerdown Options
SWITCH OFF – Full power down of Druck DPI 620 Genii – recommended if unit is not going to be used for several hours (Requires full reboot on next power up)
STANDBY – DPI620G placed in standby mode – reduced power consumption from operating mode – recommended if unit is to be inactive for short periods. (Druck DPI 620 Genii has fast turn on from STANDBY mode).
Note: SWITCH OFF can also be achieved by pressing and holding the power button until the screen is blank.
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Power up from Standby Mode 1.11.3
When powered-up from standby mode the instrument always opens the last screen shown before going into standby mode.
Figure 1-3
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1.12 Druck DPI 620 Genii, Modes

The Druck DPI 620 Genii can be used as follows:
Calibrator (with independent functions on each of six
- Data logging capabilities
- Documenting capabilities
• HART® Communicator.
Foundation Field-bus Communicator.
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Dashboard navigation 1.12.1

The Dashboard is navigated by swiping a finger from top to bottom while touching the screen. Functions screens are navigated by swiping a finger from right to left while touching the screen.
Figure 1-4 Dashboard
Note: Fieldbus is not installed on all units
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Set Date, Time and Language 1.12.2

To access Date, Time and Language menus select:

Themes 1.12.3

Two themes are available: Dark and Light; select the correct theme for the light level. Select:

Druck DPI 620 Genii Manual 1.12.4

Select the Help icon on the Dashboard to access the manual. All the information required to operate the Druck DPI 620 Genii, is in the Help section of the Dashboard which is accessed by selecting:
Alarm Status 1.12.5
An Alarm Status is indicated on the DASHBOARD with a Red LED on the Status button and on the Home button on other screens.
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To View Alarms select:

Figure 1-6 Alarm State
Selecting the Alarm will clear the indication until the next power down.
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1.13 Software and Firmware Upgrades Viewing Software Revision 1.13.1

The software revisions running on the Druck DPI 620 Genii can be viewed by selecting:
Note: If the software revision number is highlighted red then an upgrade is available.

Upgrading the Software 1.13.2

Follow the website instructions to download the files onto a USB flash memory device.
1. Select:
2. Enter the calibration PIN: 5487
3. Select the button.
4. Select:
5. Continue with one of these operations:
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Upgrade the Application software and SDC625
1. Copy the ‘AMC’ application folder into the root of
a USB flash memory device.
2. Put the USB flash memory device in the USB
type A connector.
3. Select:
4. Follow the on-screen instructions.
Note: The SDC625 HART® Application can only be
upgraded as part of an application upgrade.
Upgrade the Operating System and Bootloader
1. Create a folder named ‘OS’ in the root of a USB
flash memory device.
2. Copy the files ‘DK418.nb0’ and ‘DK419.nb0’ into
the ‘OS’ folder.
3. Put the USB flash memory device in the USB
type A connector.
4. Select:
5. Follow the on-screen instructions.
Note: The bootloader can only be upgraded as part of
an operating system upgrade.
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Upgrade the HART processor Application and Boot
1. Create a folder named ‘HART’ in the root of a
USB flash memory device.
2. Copy the files ‘DK416.s19’ and ‘DK417.s19’ into
the ‘HART’ folder.
3. Put the USB flash memory device in the USB
type A connector.
4. Select:
5. Follow the on-screen instructions.
Note: The HART bootloader can only be upgraded as
part of an HART application upgrade.
• Upgrade the CH1 FPGA
1. Create a folder named ‘FPGA’ in the root of a
USB flash memory device.
2. Copy the files ‘DK413.bin’’ into the ‘FPGA’ folder.
3. Put the USB flash memory device in the USB
type A connector.
4. Select:
5. Follow the on-screen instructions.
Note: The CH2 cannot be remotely upgraded .
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• Upgrade the HART Device Library
By default the HART device library is stored on the micro SD Card.
1. Set the DPI620 Genii USB client port to Storage
Device mode by selecting:
2. Locate the self-extracting file
3. Connect DPI620 Genii Client USB port to PC
USB port. Device will connect to PC as a Removable Disk.
4. Run ‘DPI620_DD_library_20**_*.exe’ and
extract files to the Removable Disk (this will take several minutes due to the large file size).
**_* indicates the DD release version from the HART foundation.
The required directory structure on the micro SD card is shown in Figure 1-7 Hart DD Directory Structure.
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Figure 1-7 Hart DD Directory Structure
If a mistake is made during upgrade and there are
no files to upload, follow the on-screen instructions and complete the procedure.
When an upgrade completes normally, the initial
operation of the touch screen may be slower (a period of approximately 30 seconds).
To make sure the upgrade completed correctly,
use the Status menu.
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