GE D20, D200 Technical Overview

Version 3.00 Revision 10
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Grid Solutions
D20/D200 Technical Overview
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PRPI-019-3.00-10 GE Information
GE Grid Solutions
D20/D200 Technical Overview
About this Document .....................................................................................................................1
Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 1
Who Should Use this Document? ............................................................................................... 2
Additional Documentation .......................................................................................................... 2
Product Support .............................................................................................................................3
GE Grid Solutions Web Site ....................................................................................................... 3
GE Technical Support Library .................................................................................................... 3
Contact Technical Support .......................................................................................................... 3
What’s New.....................................................................................................................................4
D20ME II Main Processor .......................................................................................................... 4
D20EME (Ethernet/Memory Expansion) ................................................................................... 5
New D20/D200 I/O Peripherals .................................................................................................. 5
D20AC, AC Analog Input Peripheral ..................................................................................... 5
D20 High-Voltage Peripherals ................................................................................................ 6
D20K4Z Termination Module ................................................................................................ 6
New Power Supplies ................................................................................................................... 6
Multiple Language Support ........................................................................................................ 7
1. System Overview ........................................................................................................................8
1.1 System Architecture ............................................................................................................ 9
1.2 Hardware Design ................................................................................................................ 9
1.3 D20/D200 Product Comparison ........................................................................................ 10
1.4 D20 RTU Platform ............................................................................................................ 10
1.5 D200 Substation Automation Platform ............................................................................. 13
1.5.1 D200 Features .............................................................................................................. 13
1.6 D20/D200 RTU Hardware ................................................................................................ 16
1.6.1 Chassis ......................................................................................................................... 16
1.6.2 Main Processor ............................................................................................................. 17
1.6.3 Ethernet/Memory Expansion (EME) Kit ..................................................................... 19
1.6.4 Power Supplies ............................................................................................................. 19
1.6.5 Modems ........................................................................................................................ 20
1.7 I/O Peripherals .................................................................................................................. 20
1.8 Auxiliary Equipment ......................................................................................................... 21
1.9 Communications ............................................................................................................... 21
1.10 Firmware ........................................................................................................................... 22
1.11 Configuration and Maintenance Software ........................................................................ 22
GE Information PRPI-019-3.00-10
D20/D200 Technical Overview
GE Grid Solutions
1.12 System Documentation ..................................................................................................... 22
2. Detailed Technical Description ...............................................................................................25
2.1 Mechanical Design and Packaging ................................................................................... 25
2.1.1 General ......................................................................................................................... 25
2.1.2 Enclosure ...................................................................................................................... 26
2.1.3 Chassis ......................................................................................................................... 26
2.1.4 Peripheral I/O Module Assembly ................................................................................ 28
2.1.5 Environmental .............................................................................................................. 29
2.2 Main Processor.................................................................................................................. 30
2.2.1 Hardware ...................................................................................................................... 30
2.2.2 D20/D200 Main Processor Specifications ................................................................... 31
2.2.3 Firmware ...................................................................................................................... 32
2.2.4 Time Synchronization .................................................................................................. 34
2.3 Ethernet/Memory Expansion (EME) Kit .......................................................................... 36
2.4 I/O Peripheral Modules ..................................................................................................... 37
2.4.1 Types of I/O Peripherals .............................................................................................. 37
2.4.2 Termination Types ....................................................................................................... 38
2.4.3 Hardware ...................................................................................................................... 40
2.4.4 Firmware ...................................................................................................................... 41
2.4.5 I/O Processing .............................................................................................................. 43
2.4.6 D20S Digital Input Peripheral ..................................................................................... 44
2.4.7 D20A Analog Input Peripheral .................................................................................... 48
2.4.8 D20K Control Output Peripheral ................................................................................. 53
2.4.9 Interposing Relay Panel ............................................................................................... 57
2.4.10 D20C Combination I/O Peripheral ............................................................................ 59
2.4.11 D20AC, AC Analog Input Peripheral ........................................................................ 62
2.5 D20/D200 Power Supplies and Chargers ......................................................................... 64
2.5.1 D20 Power Supply Specifications ............................................................................... 65
2.5.2 D20 Battery Chargers .................................................................................................. 66
2.6 D20 Modems ..................................................................................................................... 67
2.6.1 WESDAC 202/V.23 Modem Specifications ................................................................ 68
2.7 Communications ............................................................................................................... 69
2.8 D.20 Link .......................................................................................................................... 70
2.8.1 Designing a Distributed D20 Network......................................................................... 71
2.8.2 D.20 Communication Interface .................................................................................... 72
2.8.3 Adapter Modules .......................................................................................................... 73
2.8.4 D.20 Fiber Optic Splitter .............................................................................................. 73
2.8.5 Communication Cables ................................................................................................ 74
2.8.6 Power Requirements .................................................................................................... 75
2.9 Redundancy....................................................................................................................... 75
2.9.1 D20/D200 Redundancy ................................................................................................ 76
2.9.2 D.20 Link Redundancy ................................................................................................ 77
2.10 Auxiliary Equipment ......................................................................................................... 78
2.10.1 Universal Protocol Converter .................................................................................... 78
2.10.2 Data Display Panel ..................................................................................................... 79
PRPI-019-3.00-10 GE Information
GE Grid Solutions
D20/D200 Technical Overview
2.10.3 Fiber Optic Interfaces................................................................................................. 79
3. Configuration and Maintenance Software ............................................................................80
3.1 SGConfig .......................................................................................................................... 80
3.2 LogicLinx .......................................................................................................................... 80
3.3 WESMAINT ..................................................................................................................... 80
3.4 PROMAINT ...................................................................................................................... 81
3.5 68K Monitor...................................................................................................................... 81
4. Application Software ...............................................................................................................82
4.1 User Programmable Logic ................................................................................................ 82
4.2 Generation, Transmission, and Feeder Bay Automation Applications............................. 82
4.3 Distribution Automation Applications .............................................................................. 82
4.4 Communication Services Applications ............................................................................. 83
4.5 Data Logging / Storage Applications ................................................................................ 83
4.6 Data Reduction and Summarizing Applications ............................................................... 83
4.7 Data Conversion Applications .......................................................................................... 84
4.8 Other DTAs ....................................................................................................................... 84
5. Frequently Asked Questions ...................................................................................................85
5.1 What is the performance of the D20 and D200?............................................................... 85
5.2 What is the difference between the D20 and the D200? ................................................... 85
5.3 Will VME cards work with my non-VME systems? ........................................................ 85
5.4 What is the I/O capacity of a D20 system? ....................................................................... 86
5.5 What is the I/O capacity of a D200 system? ..................................................................... 86
5.6 What are the added features of the ME II Main Processor over the ME Main Processor? 86
A. Specifications and Supported Standards ..............................................................................87
B. Supported Host Protocols .......................................................................................................90
C. Supported IED Protocols........................................................................................................91
D. Power Consumption – D20 Modules .....................................................................................92
E. D20/D200 Main Processor Compatibility .............................................................................93
F. D.20 Link Installation .............................................................................................................94
GE Information PRPI-019-3.00-10
D20/D200 Technical Overview
GE Grid Solutions
Figure 1 D20ME II Main Processor.............................................................................................. 4
Figure 2 D20EME (Ethernet/Memory Expansion) ....................................................................... 5
Figure 3 GE Integrated Substation Control System ...................................................................... 8
Figure 4 D20 System Architecture ............................................................................................. 11
Figure 5 Example D20 Rack Layout .......................................................................................... 12
Figure 6 D200 Substation Automation Platform ........................................................................ 13
Figure 7 D200 System Architecture ........................................................................................... 14
Figure 8 Example D200 Rack Layout ........................................................................................ 15
Figure 9 D20 Perspective Drawing ............................................................................................. 16
Figure 10 D200 Perspective Drawing ......................................................................................... 17
Figure 11 D20ME II Main Processor.......................................................................................... 18
Figure 12 D20EME (Ethernet/Memory Expansion) ................................................................... 19
Figure 13 D20/D200 Chassis Mounted Power Supplies............................................................. 19
Figure 14 D20A I/O Peripheral................................................................................................... 20
Figure 15 D20 Chassis (non-VME version) ............................................................................... 27
Figure 16 D20 Chassis (VME version) ....................................................................................... 27
Figure 17 D200 Chassis .............................................................................................................. 28
Figure 18 D20 Peripheral I/O Module ........................................................................................ 29
Figure 19 D20ME Block Diagram .............................................................................................. 30
Figure 20 D20/D200 Time Synchronization............................................................................... 35
Figure 21 Demodulated IRIG B Signal ...................................................................................... 35
Figure 22 D20EME (Ethernet/Memory Expansion) ................................................................... 36
Figure 23 D20 I/O Peripheral - Compression Termination ........................................................ 38
Figure 24 D20 I/O Peripheral – DB25 Termination ................................................................... 38
Figure 25 D20 I/O Peripheral – Disconnect Termination ........................................................... 39
Figure 26 D20 I/O Peripheral – Barrier Termination ................................................................. 39
Figure 27 D20 Peripheral I/O Block Diagram ............................................................................ 40
Figure 28 D20S Digital Input Peripheral .................................................................................... 44
PRPI-019-3.00-10 GE Information
GE Grid Solutions
D20/D200 Technical Overview
Figure 29 D20S Digital Input Peripheral Block Diagram .......................................................... 45
Figure 30 D20A Analog Input Peripheral ................................................................................... 48
Figure 31 D20A Analog Input Peripheral Block Diagram ......................................................... 49
Figure 32 Analog Conversion Process ........................................................................................ 49
Figure 33 Three-point Linearity Correction ............................................................................... 51
Figure 34 D20K Control Output Peripheral................................................................................ 53
Figure 35 Interposing Relays ...................................................................................................... 58
Figure 36 D20 Power Supply ...................................................................................................... 64
Figure 37 D200 Power Supplies ................................................................................................. 65
Figure 38 D.20 Link Example Configuration ............................................................................. 71
Figure 39 D.20 Communications Interface ................................................................................. 72
Figure 40 D.20 Communication Interface .................................................................................. 72
Figure 41 DCI Modes of Operation ............................................................................................ 73
Figure 42 D.20 Fiber Optic Splitter ............................................................................................ 73
Figure 43 D.20 Fiber Optic Splitter ............................................................................................ 74
Figure 44 D200 Redundancy ...................................................................................................... 76
Figure 45 Single D20/D200 with Loop Redundancy ................................................................. 77
Figure 46 Single D20/D200 with Redundant LAN .................................................................... 78
Figure 47 Data Display Panel ..................................................................................................... 79
GE Information PRPI-019-3.00-10
D20/D200 Technical Overview
GE Grid Solutions
Table 1 D20/D200 Power Supply Replacements.......................................................................... 6
Table 2 D20/D200 Product Comparison...................................................................................... 10
Table 3 D20/D200 Power Supplies............................................................................................. 20
Table 4 D20/D200 Main Processor Specifications ..................................................................... 31
Table 5 D20/D200 Ethernet Media Types .................................................................................. 36
Table 6 D20/D200 I/O Peripherals ............................................................................................. 37
Table 7 I/O Processing ................................................................................................................. 43
Table 8 D20S Specifications ....................................................................................................... 47
Table 9 D20S Options ................................................................................................................. 47
Table 10 D20A Specifications .................................................................................................... 52
Table 11 D20A Options .............................................................................................................. 53
Table 12 D20K Specifications .................................................................................................... 56
Table 13 D20K Options .............................................................................................................. 57
Table 14 D20KI Options ............................................................................................................. 58
Table 15 D20C Daughter Boards ................................................................................................ 59
Table 16 D20C Specifications .................................................................................................... 60
Table 17 D20C Options .............................................................................................................. 61
Table 18 D20AC Features and Specifications ............................................................................ 62
Table 19 D20AC Options ........................................................................................................... 63
Table 20 D20/D200 Power Supplies........................................................................................... 65
Table 21 D20/D200 Battery Chargers ........................................................................................ 66
Table 22 D20/D200 Modems...................................................................................................... 67
Table 23 WESDAC 202/V.23 Modem Specifications ............................................................... 68
Table 24 D20/D200 Communications Links .............................................................................. 69
Table 25 D20/D200 Fiber Optic Links ....................................................................................... 79
PRPI-019-3.00-10 GE Information
GE Grid Solutions
D20/D200 Technical Overview
GE Information
About this Document
This document provides a technical overview of the D20/D200 Remote Terminal Unit (RTU). The document is organized as follows:
What’s New: This section highlights recent additions and enhancements that have been
made to the D20/D200 product line.
1. System Overview: This section provides an overview of the D20/D200 system hardware
and software.
2. Detailed Technical Description: This section provides a detailed description of the
D20/D200 hardware, software and operation.
3. Configuration and Maintenance Software: This section describes utilities and
applications that are available to help you configure, manage and maintain your D20/D200 system.
4. Application Software: This section describes some of the substation automation and
SCADA applications that are available for the D20/D200.
5. Frequently Asked Questions: This appendix presents answers to frequently asked
questions about the D20/D200.
A. Specifications and Supported Standards: This appendix lists key industry
specifications with which the D20/D200 complies.
B. Supported Host Protocols: This appendix lists SCADA host protocols supported by the
C. Supported IED Protocols: This appendix lists IED protocols supported by the
D. Power Consumption – D20 Modules This appendix lists nominal power consumption
for D20 components, for use in power calculations.
E. D20/D200 Main Processor Compatibility: This appendix shows the compatibility of
D20 processors with the D20/D200 chassis.
F. D.20 Link Installation: This appendix provides guidelines on planning and installing a
D.20 Link.
D20/D200 Technical Overview
GE Grid Solutions
Who Should Use this Document?
This document is a helpful resource for utility customers or GE partners who are purchasing or evaluating a remote terminal unit or substation control system. It is intended for readers who have knowledge of substation automation equipment and applications.
Additional Documentation
For further information about the D20/D200 product family, refer to the following documents:
D20/D200 Installation and Operation Guide (994-0078)
D20, D25, iBOX Automation Applications (PRPI-048)
PRPI-019-3.00-10 GE Information
GE Grid Solutions
D20/D200 Technical Overview
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GE Information PRPI-019-3.00-10
D20/D200 Technical Overview
GE Grid Solutions
What’s New
GE Grid Solutions is pleased to announce the following additions to the D20/D200 product family:
D20ME II Main Processor
The D20ME II, the fifth generation of D20/D200 processors, builds on the increased memory, performance and communication port speed introduced with the D20ME. Where the D20ME supports up to eight RS-232 serial ports (one of which is reserved for the maintenance port), the D20ME II supports:
Seven serial ports, each of which can be configured as either RS-485 or RS-232, and
One RS-232 maintenance port.
Each D20ME II RS-485 port can communicate with up to 32 devices and operate over distances up to 4000 feet, without the use of repeaters (see note below). The D20ME II is backwards compatible with VME and non-VME versions of the D20 chassis, and with the D200 chassis. For more information, see section 2.2, Main Processor.
Note: The RS-485 port on the D20ME II provides no isolation and offers limited built-in transient suppression. If you are using the D20ME II in an environment where longer cable runs with larger transients are expected, installation of an external transient suppression device is recommended to protect the RTU. In addition, GE recommends the installation of an external transient suppression device when the RS-485 communication cable must be run to devices located outside of the RTU cabinet containing the D20ME II. Contact Customer Service for additional information.
Figure 1 D20ME II Main Processor
PRPI-019-3.00-10 GE Information
GE Grid Solutions
D20/D200 Technical Overview
D20EME (Ethernet/Memory Expansion)
The D20EME is a VME-based module that combines Ethernet support and global memory expansion.
Figure 2 D20EME (Ethernet/Memory Expansion)
The D20EME allows VME-based D20 and D200 systems to be connected directly to any 10 MB Ethernet-based network. Available configurations of the D20EME module include:
Ethernet only
Memory only
Ethernet and Memory
For more information, see section 2.3, Ethernet/Memory Expansion (EME) Kit.
New D20/D200 I/O Peripherals
Several new I/O peripherals have been added to the D20/D200 product family.
D20AC, AC Analog Input Peri phe ra l
The D20AC, AC analog input peripheral provides AC analog computing and monitoring. It has the following features:
Up to 132 analog values and 18 accumulator values
Direct AC analog inputs from current and voltage transformers for up to three 3-phase
circuits, eliminating the need for transducers and/or metering IEDs
Integrated key substation functions such as metering, analog processing and power quality
3-element and 1-element (balanced system) metering
Meter calculations include kW, kVArs, kVA, power factor, frequency, kWh, kVARh, kVAh
and symmetrical components.
Power quality data: %THD (total harmonic distortion), 21st harmonic For more information, see section 2.4.11 , D20AC, AC Analog Input Peripheral.
GE Information PRPI-019-3.00-10
D20/D200 Technical Overview
GE Grid Solutions
D20 High-Voltage Peripherals
D20 high-voltage peripherals provide an extra level of protection for your system. They are packaged similar to the standard D20 I/O peripherals, but the input and output circuits are conditioned to handle higher voltages. For instance, the high-voltage version of the D20S, the D20 SZ, supports ON thresholds of up to 220 VDC. For more information, see section 2.4, I/O Peripheral.
D20K4Z Termination Module
The WESTERM D20K4Z is the termination panel for the D20K4Z high-voltage control output module. As well as providing outputs that can withstand higher voltages, all of the control relays on the D20K4Z termination module are 4-pole, momentary contact, so that both sides of an interposer coil can be switched for additional control security. For more information, see section
2.4, I/O Peripheral.
New Power Supplies
GE Grid Solutions has introduced several new D20/D200 power supplies that provide additional capacity and improved standards compliance. The new power supplies are designed to be drop-in replacements for the existing D20 power supplies. As shown in the following tables, each of the existing power supplies has two possible replacements, one with a 24 V isolated output, and one with a 48 V isolated output. For more information, see section 2.5, D20/D200 Power Supplies and Chargers.
Part Number
Input Voltage Range
+5 V Current
+12 V Current
-12 V Current ISO V/I
Table 1 D20/D200 Power Supply Replacements
Supply Phased Out Drop In Replacement
580-0240 580-2006 580-2007
90-135 VAC
5 A 7 A 7 A 1 A 2 A 2 A
½ A 1 A 1 A
24 V/3 A 24 V/3 A 48 V/1½ A
100-300 VDC or
85-264 VAC
100-300 VDC or
85-264 VAC
PRPI-019-3.00-10 GE Information
GE Grid Solutions
D20/D200 Technical Overview
Part Number
Input Voltage Range
+5 V Current
+12 V Current
-12 V Current ISO V/I
Part Number
Input Voltage
+5 V Current
+12 V Current
-12 V Current
Supply Phased Out Drop In Replacement
580-0241 580-2006 580-2007
100-150 VDC
5 A 7 A 7 A 1 A 2 A 2 A
½ A 1 A 1 A
24 V/½ A 24 V/3 A 48 V/1½ A
Supply Phased Out
100-300 VDC or
85-264 VAC
Drop In
580-0296 580-2004 580-2005
20-60 VDC 20-60 VDC 20-60 VDC
5 A 7 A 7 A 1 A 2 A 2 A
½ A 1 A 1 A
100-300 VDC or
85-264 VAC
Part Number
Input Voltage
+5 V Current
+12 V Current
-12 V Current ISO V/I
24 V/½ A 24 V/3 A 48 V/1½ A
Supply Phased Out
Drop In
580-0297 580-2007 580-2006
100–300 VDC or
90–265 VAC
100-300 VDC or
85-264 VAC
100-300 VDC or
5 A 7 A 7 A 1 A 2 A 2 A
½ A 1 A 1 A
48 V/1½ A 48 V/1½ A 24 V/3 A
85-264 VAC
Multiple Language Support
To meet the needs of our international customers, GE Grid Solutions has added multiple language support to many of our software products that complement the D20/D200, including PowerLink, SGConfig and WESMAINT. These products can be supplied in other languages by request so that end users, such as system operators, can work efficiently in their native language. Contact GE Grid Solutions for details.
GE Information PRPI-019-3.00-10
D20/D200 Technical Overview
GE Grid Solutions
1. System Overview
This section provides an overview of the D20/D200 system hardware and software. More detailed technical information can be found in 2. Detailed Technical Description.
The D20/D200 is the heart of GE Grid Solutions’s iSCS (Integrated Substation Control System), as illustrated in Figure 3.
The D20/D200 provides substation server functionality in a mission-critical, substation-hardened package. The D20/D200 has a distributed architecture for gathering data from, and controlling, substation equipment.
The D20/D200 is available with a broad range of:
SCADA host protocols (see C. Supported Host Protocols)
IED protocols (see D. Supported IED Protocols)
Communication options (see section 2.7, Communications)
Input/output (I/O) peripheral modules (see section 2.4, I/O Peripheral)
Operation and maintenance utilities (see 3. Configuration and Maintenance Software)
Substation automation applications (see 4. Application Software)
Figure 3 GE Integrated Substation Control System
PRPI-019-3.00-10 GE Information
GE Grid Solutions
D20/D200 Technical Overview
1.1 System Architectur e
The D20/D200 is based on a distributed processing architecture that consists of one or more main processors, peripheral I/O modules, termination panels, power supplies and communications equipment.
The main components of a D20/D200 system are:
D20/D200 main chassis, equipped with processor(s), power supply, RS-232/485 ports
Input/output peripheral modules
Auxiliary equipment
Communications interfaces
Application firmware
Configuration and maintenance software
User manuals
The main processor communicates with I/O peripherals over proprietary high-speed D.20 communications links. General-purpose RS-232 and RS-485 serial ports provide communications with a variety of external devices, including substation equipment (IEDs, for example), local printers, operator terminals, and SCADA computers.
Field data acquired by the D20/D200 is maintained in the system database, where it can be accessed and processed by different application programs.
1.2 Hardware Design
The D20 and D200 hardware designs are based on:
Distributed processing architecture which permits the sharing of I/O data processing between
the main processor and I/O peripheral processors
CMOS logic devices for low power consumption, noise immunity and high reliability
Advanced 32-bit Freescale™ 68030 (D20ME and ME II) and 68HC11 (D20 I/O peripherals)
single-chip microcontrollers
Programmable logic devices (PLD) to provide flexibility and reliability, and to reduce the
physical space taken up by logic circuits
9600-baud maintenance port
D.20 HDLC link over a shielded cable or a glass/plastic fiber optic cable
The modular design of the D20/D200 allows for easy expansion when you need additional processing power or communication ports.
GE Information PRPI-019-3.00-10
D20/D200 Technical Overview
GE Grid Solutions
1.3 D20/D200 Product Comparison
Table 2 summarizes the key differences between the D20 and the D200.
Table 2 D20/D200 Product Comparison
Maximum Processor Boards
Maximum I/O Boards
VME Backplane Maximum Serial Ports
Base Software Applications Software
Typical Number of Applications *
1 - non-VME chassis 3 - VME chassis
31 (without repeaters) 120 (with repeaters) Optional Standard
7 + 1 Maintenance Port – Non-VME chassis 21 + 3 Maintenance Port – VME chassis Standard D20 Base, CCU Base CCU Base
Full suite of GE Grid Solutions automation application software and protocols
5 - 7 * 5 - 7 per node *
D20 D200
124 (without repeaters) 480 (with repeaters)
49 + 7 maintenance ports
Full suite of GE Grid Solutions automation application software and protocols
* Each D20/D200 application has specific memory and processing requirements. The number
of applications that can be supported is therefore system-specific, and this will be determined during system engineering. If the applications you require are particularly processor or memory-intensive, the number that can be supported may be less than that shown in Table 2. Likewise, if the applications are not particularly processor or memory­intensive, the number that can be supported may be higher than that shown. Contact GE Grid Solutions for further information.
1.4 D20 RTU Platform
There are two types of D20 RTU masters:
Single-slot (or non-VME) – One processor
Five-slot VME – Up to three processors plus Ethernet
The D20 hardware consists of a rack-mountable chassis containing one or more processor boards, power supplies and modems. As shown in Figure 4, the D20 interfaces with substation equipment either through peripheral I/O modules, or directly through RS-232, RS-485, or Ethernet links.
PRPI-019-3.00-10 GE Information
GE Grid Solutions
D20/D200 Technical Overview
The D20 can support up to:
Two D.20 ports, each supporting up to 31 I/O peripherals, without repeaters, and 120 I/O
peripherals, with repeaters
21 RS-232 or RS-485 ports (7 per processor board)
Two Ethernet channels
Figure 4 D20 System Architecture
GE Information PRPI-019-3.00-10
D20/D200 Technical Overview
GE Grid Solutions
Optional second 7 COM port
(with 7 COM ports)
An example of a D20 rack layout is shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5 Example D20 Rack Layout
PRPI-019-3.00-10 GE Information
GE Grid Solutions
D20/D200 Technical Overview
1.5 D200 Substation Automation Platform
The D200 has the computing power and expandability needed to provide substation automation in larger substations. This is achieved through an innovative design that employs multiple D20 processors, communicating over a VME bus.
Figure 6 D200 Substation Automation Platform
The D200 has the processing power to monitor and control thousands of I/O points. It can run sophisticated automation applications, such as our LogicLinx* programmable logic control, without compromising performance.
GE Grid Solutions has installed D200 systems with point counts exceeding 80,000. Contact GE Grid Solutions for further information on engineering large systems.
1.5.1 D200 Features
RS-232/RS-485 ports support large numbers of host systems and IEDs
VME bus architecture provides high scalability and performance for adding serial ports,
LAN options, and memory
Data is integrated and coordinated, so different applications access a single, real-time
Optional redundant configuration for high reliability at critical sites (see section 2.9,
Hardened to perform critical control functions in the substation environment, in accordance
with applicable IEEE® and IEC® standards
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D20/D200 Technical Overview
GE Grid Solutions
D200 hardware is similar in design to the D20 hardware, but it has significantly more physical capacity. Based on a 9-slot VME chassis, the D200, illustrated in Figure 7, can support up to:
4 D.20 ports, each supporting up to 31 I/O peripherals, without repeaters, and 120 I/O
peripherals, with repeaters
49 RS-232 or RS-485 ports (seven per D20ME or D20ME II Main Processor)
Two Ethernet channels
Figure 7 D200 System Architecture
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GE Grid Solutions
D20/D200 Technical Overview
An example of a D200 rack layout is shown in Figure 8.
Figure 8 Example D200 Rack Layout
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D20/D200 Technical Overview
GE Grid Solutions
D20ME or D20ME II
Main Processor (up to 2)
D20EME Ethernet
Memory Expansion
Power Supply
Media Interface
5.25 in
8.5 in
19.0 in
1.6 D20/D200 RTU Hardware
1.6.1 Chassis
The D20 and D200 chassis feature a VME/Eurocard design for mounting plug-in D20 modules:
Main Processor
Power Supplies
Ethernet/Memory Expansion Module
Media Interface Card
For convenience, maintenance ports, test points, indicators and power switches are brought out to the front of the chassis. With VME versions of the D20 and D200 chassis, external connections are provided through rear-mounted termination panels. D20 Chassis
The D20 chassis is available in a single-slot Eurocard version, or a five-slot VME version. The single-slot chassis provides one horizontal double-size Eurocard slot for mounting the D20 processor card. It is equipped with an integral D20 termination board for customer power and field connection, and for serial-port access.
The VME chassis is equipped with five horizontal expansion slots for use with VME compatible printed circuit boards. A separate termination board is required with the full VME chassis. The VME D20 chassis can support up to:
Three D20 processor cards
Two D.20 ports, each supporting up to 31 peripherals without repeaters or 120 I/O
peripherals with repeaters
Twenty-one RS232 or RS-485 ports (seven per main processor)
Two Ethernet ports
Figure 9 D20 Perspective Drawing
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D20/D200 Technical Overview
Power Switch / Fuse Panel
D20EME Ethernet Memory
Expansion Module
Media Interface Card
Modem Slots (seven if M IC
installed, eight otherwis e)
D20ME or D20ME II
Main Processors
(up to seven)
Up to four Power Supplies
10.5 in
19 in.
14 in. D200 Chassis
The D200 chassis is a nine-slot VME chassis that can support up to:
Seven D20 processor cards
Four D.20 ports supporting up to 124 peripherals without repeaters and 480 I/O peripherals
with repeaters
49 RS-232 or RS-485 ports (seven per main processor)
Two Ethernet ports
1.6.2 Main Processor
The design of the D20 main processor has evolved with improvements in processor performance and electronic packaging technology. Previous versions of the D20 main processor (D20M, D20M+ and D20M++), although no longer available, are still operating at many locations. The current versions of the D20 main processor (D20ME and D20ME II) are described below. For a detailed description of the main processors, see section 2.2, Main Processor.
Compatibility of the different versions of the D20/D200 main processors and chassis is listed in E. D20/D200 Main Processor Compatibility.
Figure 10 D200 Perspective Drawing
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D20/D200 Technical Overview
GE Grid Solutions
Figure 11 D20ME II Main Processor D20ME
The D20ME Main Processor:
Concentrates data from substation equipment, then processes and forwards this data to the
SCADA Master
Receives control actions from the SCADA Master and forwards these actions to substation
Depending on the application software supported on the unit, initiates control actions based
on the status of the substation equipment
Processes maintenance commands received through the WESMAINT port. The D20ME interfaces with substation equipment through:
D20 I/O Peripherals
RS-232 ports (eight RS-232 ports per D20ME, one of which is the maintenance port)
Ethernet ports (two per D20/D200) D20ME II
In addition to the D20ME functionality described above, the D20ME II main processor can be configured to support RS-485 communications on any of seven serial ports (the eighth is reserved for the RS-232 WESMAINT port). Through each of the RS-485 serial ports, the D20/D200 can communicate point-to-multipoint with large numbers of end devices, out to a distance of 4000 feet.
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GE Grid Solutions
D20/D200 Technical Overview
1.6.3 Ethernet/Memory Expansion (EME) Kit
The D20EME is a VME-based module that combines Ethernet support and global memory expansion.
Figure 12 D20EME (Ethernet/Memory Expansion)
The D20EME allows VME-based D20 and D200 systems to be connected directly to any 10 Mbps Ethernet-based network. Available configurations of the D20EME module include:
Ethernet only
Memory only
Ethernet and Memory
For more information, see section 2.3, Ethernet/Memory Expansion (EME) Kit.
1.6.4 Power Supplies
The D20 switch-mode power supply, installed in the D20 chassis, provides power to the units that are installed in the chassis, and up to five D20 I/O peripherals depending on the hardware configuration. For larger systems with more than five I/O peripherals, an external power supply is always required. D200 power supplies provide power to multiple processors and are configured as separate +12 and 5 V supplies.
Figure 13 D20/D200 Chassis Mounted Power Supplies
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D20/D200 Technical Overview
GE Grid Solutions
Several types of power supplies are available for D20/D200 systems:
Table 3 D20/D200 Power Supplies
Power Supply Type Features
Standard chassis­mounted
External Required for large numbers of I/O peripherals or modems. Redundant Provides fail-over protection and delivers continuous power to the D20 modules and
Switch-mode converters
Provides power for all modules in the chassis, including the main processor, VME
cards, modems.
For a listing of available power supplies, refer to section 2.5, D20/D200 Power Supplies and Chargers.
1.6.5 Modems
GE Grid Solutions offers a wide range of D20/D200 modems to provide communication between the D20/D200 and SCADA host computers or remote devices, including proprietary WESDAC modems and third-party modems from vendors such as Telenetics® and Westermo. For more information, see section 2.6, D20 Modems.
1.7 I/O Peripherals
A range of I/O peripherals is available to provide expandable input/output functionality for the D20/D200.
The following types of I/O peripherals meet various input/output requirements.
D20A – 32-channel DC analog input module
D20K – 32 control relay module
D20KI – 8 interposer relay module (up to four D20KIs per D20K)
D20S – 64-channel digital input module
D20C – Combination of 16 digital inputs and 8 digital outputs. Optional 16 analog inputs, or
8 analog inputs and 8 analog outputs.
Figure 14 D20A I/O Peripheral
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GE Grid Solutions
D20/D200 Technical Overview
D20AC – Up to 15 direct AC inputs and 1 DC analog input For a detailed description, see section 2.4, I/O Peripheral.
D20 I/O peripherals are available in standard and high-voltage versions. The high-voltage versions of the peripherals are electrically more robust than the standard versions, and meet a broader range of industry standards. These standards, which include IEC standards for electrostatic discharge, RFI susceptibility, electrical stress, and vibration, are described in A. Specifications and Supported Standards.
1.8 Auxiliary Equipment
GE Grid Solutions offers a selection of auxiliary equipment to support specific substation applications, including:
Interposing relay panels for applications requiring heavy-duty control ratings
Universal protocol converter to interface with devices that use synchronous protocols
Data display panel to view any data point on a built in LCD screen
Fiber optic interfaces
For more information, see section 2.10, Auxiliary Equipment.
1.9 Communications
The D20/D200 interfaces with peripherals and external devices over several types of communications facilities:
D.20 Link
For a detailed description, see section 2.7, Communications.
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D20/D200 Technical Overview
GE Grid Solutions
1.10 Firmware
The D20/D200 software is based on a core set of software modules, collectively referred to as the base system. The base system is programmed into the D20/D200 on-board flash memory as firmware. Processing and data acquisition functionality is distributed between the I/O peripheral processors, which have similar but smaller base systems, and the D20 main processor. The base system for the D200 is commonly referred to as the CCU base system. For a detailed description, see section 2.2.3 , Firmware.
D20/D200 base systems have the following features:
System calls are available for user-generated software
D20 peripheral firmware and processes
Support of libraries and processes for a wide range of I/O devices
Database manager facility (WESDAC Interface Node)
Background system diagnostics
Comprehensive diagnostic and maintenance facility support (WESMAINT)
1.11 Configuration and Maintenance Software
The D20/D200 is equipped with a range of maintenance utilities to assist the user in configuring, testing and monitoring the system:
SGConfig, a PC-based tool for configuring D20/D200 hardware and software remotely over
a network or locally through the maintenance port.
LogicLinx, an IEC 61131-3 compliant soft logic automation tool comprising a executor
running in the D20/D200 firmware and PC-based editor for creating PLC-like programs.
WESMAINT is a maintenance facility that resides on the D20 and D200 accessed through a
simple terminal to view collected data and system status and, for some applications, make changes to the configuration.
68K Monitor, an on-board advanced diagnostic tool accessed thorough a terminal interface
and used for troubleshooting, including memory examination, dumping and editing, setting break points, and CPU usage and process profiling.
For a detailed description, see 3. Configuration and Maintenance Software.
1.12 S ystem Doc um entation
A full suite of D20/D200 user documentation is provided with each system:
Hardware Manual, consisting of:
Hardware installation, operation and maintenance guides
Software Manual, consisting of:
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