© 2006–2008 Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries
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Garmin® is a trademark of Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries, registered in the USA and other countries.
VIB™ is a trademark of Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries. These trademarks may not be used without the
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Garmin’s standard Limited Warranty applies to this accessory. Refer to the GPS navigator’s owner’s
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Garmin Corporation
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April 2008 Part Number 190-00767-01 Rev. D Printed in Taiwan

GettinG Started
Your VIB 10/11 plays audio from
your Garmin GPS navigator through
your vehicle’s speakers. When you
are navigating a route, the VIB 10/11
mutes the stereo’s audio and plays
the navigation prompts through your
speakers. If a mobile phone with
Bluetooth® wireless technology is
connected to the GPS navigator, calls are
heard through the vehicle’s speakers.
3. Run WebUpdater, and follow the
screen prompts.
After conrming that you want to
perform an update, WebUpdater
automatically downloads the update and
installs it on your GPS navigator.
Mounting Your GPS
1. Plug the power cable from the
VIB into the power connector on
the GPS navigator or cradle.
Updating the GPS
Navigator Software
To operate the GPS navigator with
the VIB, you need to update the GPS
navigator’s software.
1. Go to www.garmin.com/products
/webupdater and download
WebUpdater to your computer.
2. Connect the GPS navigator to
your computer using the miniUSB cable.
VIB 10/11 Reference Guide 1
2. Align the ball on the mount with
the socket on the GPS navigator
or cradle.
3. Snap the GPS navigator or cradle
onto the ball socket.
Refer to your GPS navigator’s
documentation for more information.