Garmin Mobile 10x, Mobile for BlackBerry Set Up And Go Manual

Garmin Mobile
set up and go!
for BlackBerry
GPS receiver with Bluetooth®
wireless technology
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Garmin® is a trademark of Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries, registered in the USA and other countries. Garmin Mobile™, Garmin Online™, myGarmin™, and PeerPoints™ are trademarks of Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries. These trademarks may not be used without the express permission of Garmin.
SiRF, SiRFstar and the SiRF logo are registered trademarks of SiRF Technology, Inc. SiRFstarIII and SiRF Powered are trademarks of SiRF Technology, Inc.
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The RIM and BlackBerry device families of related marks, images, and symbols are the exclusive properties of and trademarks or registered trademarks of Research In Motion Limited—used by permission.
April 2007 Part Number 190-00707-16 Rev. B Printed in Taiwan

Contents of Your Garmin Mobile™ for BlackBerry® Package

GPS 10x receiver with Bluetooth® wireless
3.7 Volt Lithium-ion battery
Belt clip that makes your GPS 10x receiver
completely portable
Vehicle power cable to power and charge the
GPS 10x receiver in your vehicle Purchase certicate with purchase code

Looking at the GPS 10x Receiver

Power LED Bluetooth LED

Install the Navigation Software

Go to
1. Sign in to your myGarmin™ account (or create one
2. if you do not have one) and enter the purchase
code listed on the purchase certicate that came in
the product box. Enter the information for your BlackBerry device,
3. and click Activate.
Write down the activation code that is generated.
Within a few hours, a Web address (link) is sent to your BlackBerry device. As you wait for the Web address, install the battery and follow the rest of the steps in this guide.
Power button
connector for
power cable
Garmin Mobile™ for BlackBerry® set up and go! 1

Install the Battery

WARNING: This product contains a lithium-ion battery. See the
page 9 for important battery safety information.
Locate the black or gray lithium-ion battery that
1. came in the product box.
With your thumbnail, slide the battery cover
2. release tab toward the end of the GPS 10x.
Pull the battery cover off.
Locate the metal contacts on the end of the
4. lithium-ion battery. Insert the battery so the metal contacts on the battery match up with the metal contacts inside the battery compartment. Press the battery down into place.
Replace the battery cover by inserting the tabs into
5. the notches. Press the battery cover closed; the release tab locks the cover in place.
You can use the GPS 10x receiver while you are charging it. It takes about four hours to charge the battery. A fully charged battery lasts about 22 hours.
Release tab
To turn on the GPS 10x receiver, press and hold the Power button on the top of the GPS 10x receiver.

Bluetooth LED Status

Replacement Battery

If you need to replace the battery, use a Garmin 3.7 Volt lithium-ion battery pack (010-10840-00). Purchase a replacement battery at You can also use a compatible cell phone battery, such as a Nokia BL-5C.

Power LED Status

Charge the GPS 10x Receiver

Plug the small end of the power cable into the mini-USB connector on the end of the GPS 10x.
Plug the other end of the power cable into an available power outlet in your vehicle.

Turn On the GPS 10x Receiver

Rapid Flashing Blue: power on, Bluetooth on Slow Flashing Blue: Bluetooth link to your
BlackBerry device established
Flashing Yellow Green: charging in progress Solid Yellow Green: battery is charged Flashing Orange: low battery Solid Orange: faulty battery or system error
2 Garmin Mobile™ for BlackBerry® set up and go!
If the GPS 10x receiver has not established a Bluetooth connection for several minutes, it turns off automatically.
To manually turn the GPS 10x receiver off, press and hold the Power button.
For instructions about pairing and Bluetooth, refer to your BlackBerry device’s documentation.
The GPS 10x receiver and your BlackBerry device automatically connect when they are both turned on and within 10 meters (about 30 feet) of each other.

Pair the GPS 10x Receiver

Bluetooth wireless technology establishes a wireless link between your BlackBerry device and the GPS 10x receiver. Before you can use the GPS 10x receiver, you must “pair” it with your BlackBerry device.
Make sure your BlackBerry device and GPS 10x
1. receiver are turned on and within 10 meters (about 30 feet) of each other.
Enable your BlackBerry device’s Bluetooth
2. component. This might be in Options > Bluetooth or Settings > Bluetooth.
Initiate a search for Bluetooth devices.
3. Select GPS 10x from the list of devices.
4. Enter the GPS 10x receiver’s Bluetooth passkey
5. (1234) into your BlackBerry device.
Garmin Mobile™ for BlackBerry® set up and go! 3
Complete the Software
Follow the link on your BlackBerry device to
1. download the Garmin Mobile software.
Open the Garmin Mobile application on your
2. BlackBerry device.
Follow the on-screen directions to test the
3. Bluetooth connection.
To activate the software, enter the activation code
4. (from step 3 of Install the Navigation Software on page 1) .
If you have lost your activation code, sign in to your myGarmin account at Click
Garmin Mobile for BlackBerry, and then click Regenerate Activation Code

Adjusting Your BlackBerry Device’s Volume

You may have to adjust the volume and/or the prole
settings on your BlackBerry device to maximize the audio output of Garmin Mobile. See your BlackBerry device’s documentation for more details.

Acquire Satellite Signals

Open the Garmin Mobile application. Check that the blue Bluetooth LED on the GPS
10x receiver is slowly ashing,
indicating a wireless connection has been established. Move to an open area, out of parking garages, and away from tall buildings.
Acquiring satellite signals may take a few minutes. Select View Map to open the map. When the status bar displays Ready to
navigate you to your destination.
4 Garmin Mobile™ for BlackBerry® set up and go!
, Garmin Mobile can
Main menu
Ready to navigate

Use Garmin Mobile

Garmin Mobile allows you to nd a destination and
then automatically create a route to it. You can also
view trafc, weather conditions, and fuel prices.

Where To?

The Where To menu allows you to
nd a destination using one of the
categories, such as address, food, lodging, fuel, and attractions.

Find an Address

Select Where To > Address.
1. Select the state/region.
2. Enter the street number and street name, and then
3. select OK.
Select the appropriate address to open the
4. information page.
Select Start Navigating to create a route to this
5. location.
The map opens. Turn-by-turn directions are provided as you drive.
Where To menuWhere To menu
+ 12 hidden pages