Garmin GPS 18x 5Hz, GPS 18x PC, GPS 18x USB, GPS 18x LVC Declaration Of Conformity

Issued: 21/12/2007 Revised: Page: 1 of 1
Application of Council Directive: 1999/5/EC, 2006/95/EC
Standard to which Conformity is Declared: EN 55022:1998, A1:2000, A2:2003 Information Technology
Equipment:: Radio Disturbance Characteristics EN 55024:1998, A1:2001, A2:2003 Information Technology
Equipment: Immunity Characteristics EN 60950-1:2001 Safety of Information Technology
Olathe, Kansas 66062 Shijr, Taipei County, U.S.A TAIWAN, R.O.C.
Street No.68, Jangshu 2ndRd.,
Authorised Representative: GARMIN (Europe) Ltd
Liberty House, Hounsdown Business Park, Southampton, Hampshire, SO40 9RB, U.K.
Type of Equipment: Information Technology Equipment (Global Positioning System Receiver)
Model Number(s): GPS 18x PC
GPS 18x USB GPS 18x 5Hz GPS 18x LVC
The undersigned does hereby declare that the equipment complies to the above Directives
Paul Morrow Quality Manager GARMIN (Europe) Ltd Date: 21
December 2007