GAI-Tronics SSM110 User Manual

Pub. 42004-669L2E
SSM110 Card Rack Assembly Installation,
Operation, Mai ntenance Manual
Confidentiality Notice.................................................................................................................1
System Overview.........................................................................................................................1
System Design Considerations ...................................................................................................2
Station and Access Panel Power........................................................................................................2
Installing the Card Rack................................................................................................................... 3
Attaching Field Wiring......................................................................................................................4
Installing Plug-in PC Boards.............................................................................................................6
Power .................................................................................................................................................6
Installing SmartSeries Amplifiers..................................................................................................... 7
Setting the Amplifier Address........................................................................................................................7
Operation .................................................................................................................................10
Page Line Priorities......................................................................................................................... 10
Access Panel Operator..................................................................................................................... 10
Paging......................................................................................................................................................... 10
Lamp Te s t Featu re....................................................................................................................................... 10
Field Station User............................................................................................................................ 11
Page Line and Party Line Operation............................................................................................................. 11
Optional Ancillary Equipment.................................................................................................12
Audio Messenger Interface..............................................................................................................12
Building Entrance Protection Barrier.............................................................................................12
System Status and Status Reporting......................................................................................... 13
Status Messages............................................................................................................................... 13
Display History Buffer.....................................................................................................................13
Access Panel Display........................................................................................................................14
System Printer.................................................................................................................................14
Contents of a Status Message.......................................................................................................... 14
Device Fault Messages................................................................................................................................. 15
Device Restore Messages ........................................................................................................ ..................... 15
Page Messages............................................................................................................................................. 15
GAI-Tronics Corporation P.O. Box 1060, Reading, PA 19607-1060 USA
610-777-1374 800-492-1212 Fax: 610-796-5954
Table of Contents Pub. 42004-669L2E
System Startup and Shutdown..................................................................................................16
Cold Starting the System.................................................................................................................16
Warm Starting the System.............................................................................................................. 16
System Shutdown.............................................................................................................................16
The Programming Process.......................................................................................................17
ADVANCE System Files ................................................................................................................. 18
The .hot File................................................................................................................................................ 18
The .cfg File................................................................................................................................................ 18
Process Flow ....................................................................................................................................19
General Information........................................................................................................................20
Troubleshooting Guide.................................................................................................................... 20
System Hum or Buzz................................................................................................................................... 20
Static Charges.............................................................................................................................................. 20
Audio Voltage..............................................................................................................................................20
Troubleshooting the Card Rack.................................................................................................................... 21
Master Control Unit (MCU) Status Indicators............................................................................................... 21
Troubles hooting t he MC U............................................................................................................................22
Access Panel Interface (API) Card Status Indicators..................................................................................... 22
Troubles hooting t he AP I C ard...................................................................................................................... 22
Page/Party® Interface Card (PPI) Status Indicators........................................................................................ 24
Troubleshooting the PPI Card.......................................................................................................................24
Access Panel with Display........................................................................................................................... 25
Recommended Spare Parts........................................................................................................................... 26
Reference Material...................................................................................................................26
Electrical..................................................................................................................................................... 26
Environmental............................................................................................................................................. 26
Mechanical.................................................................................................................................................. 26
GAI-Tronics Corporation P.O. Box 1060, Reading, PA 19607-1060 USA
610-777-1374 800-492-1212 Fax: 610-796-5954
Pub. 42004-669L2E
SSM110 Card Rack Assembly Installation,
Operation, Mai ntenance Manual
Confidentiality Notice
This manual is p rovided s olely as an operationa l, insta l lation, and ma int e nance gui de and c ontains sens itiv e business and technical information that is confidential and proprietary to GAI-Tronics. GAI-Tronics retains all intellectual property and other rights in or to the information contained herein, and such information may only be used in connection with the operation of your GAI-Tronics product or system. This manual may not be dis closed i n any f orm, in who le or in part, directly or indirectly, to a ny third part y.
System Ov erview
The SSM110 Card Rack Assembly is the central control device of a SmartSeries system. The SSM110 Card Rack is designed to control a single-zone SmartSeries system and up to eight access panels. This system configuration provides health checking (supervision) for the system’s page line and party line 1 cable, handset/speaker amplifiers, and speakers and access panels. Should a fault be detected, the event may be displayed on the access panel and a printer prints a record of the event.
SmartSeries handset stations and access panels allow personnel to page individuals throughout the system. Additionally, two-way (telephone type) conversation can occur between stations on a party line. Single party line systems and five party line systems are available. Refer to Figure 1 for typical system diagram.
Figure 1. Typical System Diagram
GAI-Tronics Corporation P.O. Box 1060, Reading, PA 19607-1060 USA
610-777-1374 800-492-1212 Fax: 610-796-5954
Pub. 42004-669L2E
SSM110 Card Rack Assembly Installation, Oper ation, Maintenance Manual Page: 2 of 26
System Design Considera tions
Carefully plan the system layout before installation. Install handset stations in locations that allow for convenience, accessibility, and personnel safety. For comprehensive speaker sound coverage, consider the quantity and location of the loudspeakers—particularly in areas of high ambient noise or reverberation.
Also, careful ly plan th e layout to mini mize the am ou nt of c abl e requ ired for ea ch ins tallati on. This is especially important because all SmartSeries stations are wired in a branch configuration. GAI-Tronics can supply multi-conductor cable designed specifically for this system. GAI-Tronics standard cable has 600 V insulation and is Underwriters Laboratory (UL) rated for power cable tray use.
If you need assistance in speaker layout, refer to GAI-Tronics Speaker/Horn Installation Manual (Pub. 42004-135) for layout and speaker placement information.
Capacities/Limi tations
SmartSerie s Sta t ions—A maximum of 200 SmartSeries stations may be connected to the PPI card in the SSM110 Card Rack.
Access Pane ls— A maximum of eight access panels may be connect ed to th e API card of the SSM1 1 0 Card Rack.
Speakers—O nly one speaker can be connected to a SmartSeries station if the station is supervising the speaker. If speaker supervision is not being used, up to four speakers can be connected to a single station in low noise areas. We recommend a maximum of two speakers be connected to a single station in high noise areas.
Access Pane l Cabl e— The recommended maximum cable distance from the card rack to an access panel is 6,560 feet (2000 meters).
GAI-Tronics System Cable—The recommended maximum cable distance from the card rack to a SmartSeries station is 5,250 feet (1600 meters).
GAI-Tronics S peaker Cable—The recommended maximum cable distance from a SmartSeries station to an 8-ohm speaker is 75 feet (22.86 meters). The maximum cable distance from a SmartSeries station to a 16-ohm speaker is 150 feet (45.72 meters).
Station and A ccess Panel P ower
SmartSeries stations require 120 V ac power. GAI-Tronics system cable contains a No. 14 AWG wire triplet for distributing ac power to the SmartSeries stations. This wire can carry a maximum of 15 amps. Each station requires approximately 0.5 amps maximum; therefore, up to 30 SmartSeries stations can be connected to a single power circuit. Additional stations must be powered by additional power circuits.
Access panels are supplied with a modular ac power cord. Plug one end of the cord into the mating receptacle on the rear of the access panel the other end into a standard 15A power receptacle.
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SSM110 Card Rack Assembly Installation, Oper ation, Maintenance Manual Page: 3 of 26
Installing the C ard Rack
The SSM110 Card Rack is designed for wall or surface mounting. Refer to Figure 2 for the card rack outline. Consider the following when deciding on a mounting location:
1. Is adequate space to the right side of the card rack for access to the terminal blocks, ac power cable
and printer ca b l e co nnections pr ovi ded ?
2. Can the mounting surface support the weight of the field cable when it is connected to the card rack?
3. Is a 120 V ac power receptacle located within 6 feet of the card rack? A modular line cord is supplied
with the card rack.
4. If connecting a printer, make sure there is a suitable location to install the printer so that the printer
ca ble will eas il y reach the car d rack.
Figure 2. Card Rack Outline
To mount the card rack, secure the card rack to the mounting surface using the four slotted mounting holes on the rear flanges. Use 0.25-inch diameter screws or bolts to support the weight of the card rack, which is approximately 10 pounds when the plug-in cards are installed.
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Attaching Fiel d Wiring
A 16-terminal plug is provided on the side of the card rack for connecting the GAI-Tronics standard Page/Party
system cable. Remove the plug from the mating receptacle to make cable termination easier.
The locking screws at either end of the plug may need to be unscrewed to remove the plug.
The conductors of the GAI-Tronics standard system cable are terminated as outlined in the following table. The receptacle on the card rack is labeled to indicate the function of each terminal.
Figure 3. Term inal Detail
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Table 1. Connections Wiring
Audio Line
System Cable
System Cable
Color Code
Page Line (L1) 1 Red/blue Page Line (L2) 2 Blue/red Party Line 1 (L1) 3 Red Party Line 1 (L2) 4 Tan/red Party Line 2 (L1) 5 Violet Party Line 2 (L2) 6 Tan/violet Party Line 3 (L1) 11 Blue Party Line 3 (L2) 12 Tan/blue Party Line 4 (L1) 13 Brown
Party Line 4 (L2) 14 Tan/brown Party Line 5 (L1) 15 Yellow Party Line 5 (L2) 16 Tan/yellow
GAI-Tronics 8- or 16-conductor cable is required.
To attach the wires to the plug:
Table 2. Wiring
Access Panel Connections
#1 (+) 1 #5 (+) 9
#1 (-) 2 #5 (-) 10
#2 (+) 3 #6 (+) 11
#2 (-) 4 #6 (-) 12
#3 (+) 5 #7 (+) 13
#3 (-) 6 #7 (-) 14
#4 (+) 7 #8 (+) 15
#4 (-) 8 #8 (-) 16
One No. 18 AWG twisted pair cable is required for
Panel Terminal
each access panel.
1. Turn the plug screws counterclockwise several times to open the terminal.
2. For optimum wire connection, crimp a ferrule on the end of each wire, then insert the ferrule into the
plug. If not using a ferrule, verify that there are no strands
of wire extruding from the plug after the
wire is inserted.
3. Secure the wire by turning the screw clockwise.
4. Gently pull on the wire to verify that the wire is secured tightly in the plug.
5. After all wires are terminated, insert the plug into the receptacle and then tighten the screws on either
end of the pl ug.
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Installing Pl ug-in PC Boards
Remove power before i nse rting or remov i ng t he pl ug -i n printed cir cuit
boards. Failure to adhere to t his war ni ng wi ll r esult in equip me nt d a mage.
Insert each PC board into the card rack by aligning the edge of the board with the card rack guides and pushing the card into the rack until the board’s front bezel is flush with the front of the card rack. Do not force the card into the rack if the card is not aligned properly when pushed into the card rack. Move the card slightly from side to side or up and down until the rear connector is aligned, and then press the card until it is properly seated. Tighten the screws on the top and bottom of each board’s front bezel to secure the board in the card rack. Each board must be installed into the proper card slot as shown in Figure 2.
The following printed circuit boards are included: Master Control U nit (MCU )—Contai ns th e centra l processing t hat c oord inates a ll operations as d efin e d
by its software configuration file. The MCU maintains communication with all other cards in the card rack and with SmartSeries devices located throughout the system. See the MCU card’s publication for additional in for ma tio n o n the MCU’s operatio n and capabilities. A list of publications is found in the Reference Material Section.
card supports up to 200 SmartSeries stations and an unlimited number Page/Party
Interface (PPI)— Interfaces SmartSeries and Page/Party® stations to the system. Each PPI
stations. See the
Reference Material Section for additional information on the operation and capabilities of the PPI card. Access Panel Interface (API)—I nt erfaces the access panels to the system. The API card supports up to
eight ac c es s pa nels. See th e Reference Materi al Sect ion for additi onal i nformat ion on the op eration and capabilities of the AP I c ard.
The card rack contains a plug-in power supply, which is installed in the far right card slot. Each power supply is installed in the same fashion as the plug-in cards mentioned above. A 6-foot modular ac power cord is provided with the card rack. Plug one end of the cord into the mating receptacle on the side of the card rack and plug the other end into a standard 15A power receptacle.
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Installing SmartSeries Amplifiers
Each SmartSeries station requires installation of a handset or a speaker amplifier. Prior to installing the amplifier in the enclosure, set each amplifier’s address. A unique address must be set for each amplifier within a zone. The installer should document each station’s amplifier address, the type of station installed, a description of the station’s location and the speaker level needed. This information is needed during system startup.
Speaker Level
Speaker Level Noise Condition Approximate dB Level
Quiet Office Area 30-60 Normal Production Floor 60-90 Loud Turbine Room 90 & above* No SPKR No Speaker Connected 0
The address is a unique hexadecimal number assigned to a SmartSeries station. All stations connected to the same PPI card must have a unique address.
The type of stations being used at that location. The type could be a Model 701­902 or 701-802 SmartSeries Handset or
a Model 751-901 or 751-801 SmartSeries
Amplifier. This is a brief d es c ription of th e s tation’s locatio n. T his descript ion will appear on
the printer, to help locate the station. The description can be a maximum of 40 characters in length.
This will be used to program the speaker volume. The following is a description of the volume level settings.
*NOTE: In extreme ly no isy a reas a visu al ind i c ator may be re quired.
Setting the Amp lifier Address
Two switches are used to set the station address: low address setting and high address setting. Each switch contains 16 settings, labeled 0-F.
The amplifier address is determined by the high address setting followed by the low address setting. For example, to assign an address of 05, the high station address is set to 0 and the low station address is set to 5.
1. Locate the low station setting and the high station setting on the left side of the amplifier.
For Models 701-802, 701-804, and 751-801: Refer to designators 2 and 3 on Figure 4 for a speaker ampl ifier or designators 7 a nd 8 on Figure 5 for a hands et amplifier.
For Models 701-902, 701-904, and 751-901: Refer to designators 2 and 3 on Figure 6 for a speaker amp lifi er or Figure 7 desi gnators 2 and 3 f or a handset a mplif ier.
2. Rotate the high switch and the low switch to set the desired address. A small arrow on each switch indicates the setting. Valid address settings are 05 to FE.
OTE: Do not adjust any ot her controls o n the amplifier. These controls are fac to ry s et a nd wi ll
N affect station perfor manc e i f improperly adjusted.
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