Pub. 42004-135H
Speaker/Horn Installation for
GAI-Tronics Communication Systems
Confidential ity Notice
This manual is provided solely as an operational, installation, and maintenance guide and contains
sensitive business and technical information that is confidential and proprietary to GAI-Tronics.
GAI-Tronics retains all intellectual property and other rights in or to the information contained herein,
and such information may only be used in connection with the operation of your GAI-Tronics product or
system. This manual may not be disclosed in any form, in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, to any
third party.
General Information
Correct mounting and orientation of speakers are critical to the performance of GAI-Tronics
communication systems. Paging speakers used in these systems fall into one of three categories:
Horns supplied with separate drivers and separate, optional mounting assemblies (for the most
accurate orientation)
Horns with internal drivers and optional mounting assemblies
Cone speaker assemblies for wall or ceiling mounting
Speak er Mounting and Wiring
Correct speaker location and orientat ion are cru cia l to ensur e com prehe nsiv e soun d distr ibu tio n in
operating areas. The following are some guidelines:
1. Mount horn-type speakers approximately 8 to 10 feet (2.5 to 3 meters) above the floor and fasten to a
suitable support structure.
2. Do not position speakers so that they are facing each other unless they are more than 50 feet apart.
3. Orient the speaker so that a person standing in the center of the coverage area can sight directly along
its axis of projection. Adjust the orientation of horn-type speakers installed with GAI-Tronics
speaker mounting assemblies vertically and horizontally after the entire assembly is permanently
mounted and wired. Adjust the vertical orientation using the two locking nuts on the U-bracket of the
speaker. Adjust the horizontal orientation using the locknut on the pipe nipple assembly supporting
the mounting bracket adapter.
4. If two speakers are connected to GAI-Tronics SmartSeries and ICS SmartSeries stations, the speakers
should be located in areas with the same ambient nois e level.
GAI-Tronics Corporation 400 E. Wyomissing Ave. Mohnton, PA 19540 USA
610-777-1374 800-492-1212 Fax: 610-796-5954

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Speaker/Horn Installation for GAI-Tronics Communications Systems Page 2 of 8
5. Adjust the speaker output to be 6 to 10 dB louder than the surrounding noise level. It is critical that
the speaker be placed as close as possible to the noise source for the following reasons:
As you move away from a sound source, the sound pressure level drops (attenuates)
approximately 6 dB each time you double your distance from the source. Therefore, if the
loudspeaker and the noise source are close together, both loudspeaker output and noise source
will attenuate at the same rate, maintaining the proportional signal-to-noise ratio.
If the loudspeaker is mounted in an area away from the noise source, the audio will be too loud
near the loudspeaker but not loud enough near the noise source.
GAI-Tronics drivers and mounting assemblies are shipped separately from the horns. See the
accompanying Figure 1, Figure 2, and Figure 3 for mounting assembly details. Also refer to Table 2,
“Mounting Assembly Application Chart” for the correct assembly to be used with each GAI-Tronics
speaker horn.
General Wiring Guidelines
GAI-Tronics recommends its 60021-301 cable where No. 18 AWG wire is acceptable for speaker wiring.
With a maximum outside diameter of 0.285 inches (7.3 mm), it is suitable for conduit, duct, and cable
tray use. It contains a BK/W insulated conductor for the (common) connection and a W/BK insulated
conductor for the 8- or 16-ohm connection.
The 60028-101 3-conductor cable is recommended where the Model 13314 series speaker driver is used
in order to take advantage of the driver’s ground connection.
Positive voltage applied on the positive loudspeaker terminal will move the diaphragm forward. Wire all
speakers in a system so that all diaphragms move in the same direction. To simplify wiring, each
loudspeaker terminal is labeled. Some speakers are labeled 8
COM or 16 COM. These labels
correspond to the labels inside the speaker amplifiers. For those loudspeaker terminals labeled
differently, use the following wiring guideline:
If marked with L1 and L2: L1 is the common terminal. L2 is positive and is connected to either 8 or
16, depending on the speaker rating.
If the loudspeaker has attached cables: The white conductor is common. The black conductor is
positive and is connected to either 8 or 16, depending on the speaker rating.
Normally, only one high power horn-type speaker is connected to a GAI-Tronics Page/Party
If two 16-ohm speakers are to be operated from one amplifier, wire them in parallel and connect them to
the 8-ohm output.
In many applications, multiple cone-type or smaller horn-type speakers may be driven from one GAITronics Page/Party
amplifier. Figure 1 illustrates how two, three, or four 8-ohm units may be wired to
one amplifier. Figure 2 illustrates 16-ohm unit connections to one amplifier.
Do not connect loudspeakers in series when installing them in critical broadcast areas as the failure of one
speaker renders the remaining speakers inoperable. Parallel speaker wiring installations are preferred
ensuring that if a single speaker fails, the remaining speakers connected to that amplifier will continue to
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Figure 1. Cone Speaker Connections
Figure 2. 16-ohm Speaker Connections
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