0 to 1 sec. 1 to 2 sec. More than 2 sec.
0 sec. 1 sec. 2 sec.
Press and Hold time
No function
With TM-8
(not included in this set)
To set the F/S
position(No re-link)
Re-link(ID set) and to
set the F/S position
No function
With TM-10, TM-14
(not included in this set)
Re-link(ID set)
0 to 1 sec. More than 1 sec.
0 sec. 1 sec.
Press and Hold time
Turn on the receiver.
No function
Showing the CURRENT
mode with blink.
Red Blink = Normal
Green/Red Blink =
High Speed
Solid as the mode changed.
Red Solid = Normal
Green/Red Solid = High
(Become Red after one (1)
To change the mode between
Normal and High Speed
Thank yo u fo r pu rchasin g t h e
FASST receiver. These models have
two(2) operation mode as shown below.
Normal mode/High Speed mode
The "Normal mode" accepts any type of servos
or the peripherals as the frame rate of the output
is 14ms. The "Hig h Speed mo de" only accept
the digital servos for outputs from 1ch to 6ch,
inc l udin g BL S se r ies, a nd most p e r iph e r al
(on 8ch mode)
Usage condition on "High Speed mode"
Outputs from 1ch to 6ch accept the
digita l ser vos only or most type of
• If any analog servos connected to these output
Link/Mode Switch
Compliance Information Statement
(for U.S.A.)
This device, trade name Futaba Corporation of America, model
number R6008HS/R6014HS, complies with part15 of the FCC
Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) This device must accept any interference received, including
interference that may cause undesiredoperation.
The responsible party of this device compliance is:
Futaba Service Center
3002 N Apollo Drive Suite 1, Champaign, IL 61822 U.S.A.
TEL (217)398-8970 or E-mail: support@futaba-rc.com (Support)
TEL (217)398-0007 or E-mail: service@futaba-rc.com (Service)
, TM10
(on 10ch mode)
equipments such as the gyros or brushless ESCs.
The frame rate of the outputs is 7ms. The outputs
for other channels indicated below allow to use
any type of servos as th e frame rat e of these
outputs are still 14ms on the High Speed mode.
R6008HS - 7ch and 8ch
R6014HS - 7ch to 12ch, DG1, DG2
R6008HS, R6014HS
are compatible with
the FASST transmitters as shown below.
, TM14
as it will cause malfunction. Please check the
peripherals if there's any malfunction with whole
stick lever throw. If any malfunction occur please
change the operation mode to "Normal mode."
• Output of other channels shown below allow to
use any type of servos.
R6008HS - 7ch and 8ch
R6014HS - 7ch to 12ch, DG1, DG2
(on multi-ch mode)
R6008HS/R6014HS Specications
• Dual antenna diversity
• Power requirement: 4.8V or 6.0V battery
or regulated output from ESC, etc. (*1)
• Size: R6008HS: 0.98 x 1.86 x 0.56 in.
(24.9 x 47.3 x 14.3 mm)/R6014HS: 2.06 x
1.48 x 0.63 in. (52.3 x 37.5 x 16.0 mm)
• Wei ght: R 60 08H S: 0.4 8 o z. (13 .5g)/
R6014HS: 0.72 oz. (20.8g)
(*1) Be sure that when using ESC's regulated
output the capacity of the ESC must meet
your usage condition.
Operation Mode Select
The operation mode is on "Normal mode" from
fa ctory shi pping . Whe n t o c hange the mode,
please follow the steps shown below.
Turn off the receiver.
Press and hold the link/mode switch and
Re-adjust the F/S position (only
for TM-8)
P ress and ho ld the Link/ Mod e swi tch
between one(1) and two(2) seconds.
turn on the receiver. Keep the switch hold
more than one(1) second. The LED starts
flashing with the current status.
Release the switch.
Turn off the receiver.
By d oi ng this st ep, the mode ca n switch over
between two(2) modes.
Do not perform the linking procedure
with motor's main wire is connected
or the engine is operating as it may result in
serious injury.
Wh ile the lin king is do ne, please
cycl e receiver power and c heck i f
the receiver to be linked is really under the
control by the transmitter to be linked.
Please check the operation mode by observing
the LED when turning on the receiver. If possible
there's no FASST transmitter turned on around you
in order to make rmer check.
When turn on the receiver, the LED will be;
• Red when on "Normal mode"
• Green and Red (makes Orange) when on "High
Speed mode". (After two(2) seconds, change to Red.)
If there are some FASST transmitter turned on
around the receiver, the LED may show the above
MPDX-1 application(R6014HS
When to use th e
exclusive short-plug shown below.
Ple ase i n ser t th e short - plu g to
"DATA" port.
, please prepare the
(sold separately)
R60 1 4HS
status for a brief moment then chan ged to the
status indication as shown in the "LED indication"
LED Indication
Green Red Status
Solid Solid Initializing
Off Solid No signal reception
Solid Off Receiving signals
Blink Off Receiving signals but ID is unmatched
Link to the transmitter
Press and hold the Link/Mode switch more
than two(2) seconds.
FUTABA CORPORATION Phone: (043) 296-5118 Facsimile: (043) 296-5124
Makuhari Techno Garden Bldg., B6F 1-3 Nakase, Mihama-ku, Chiba 261-8555, Japan
1M23N17413 ©FUTABA CORPORATION 2009, 01 (1)
CH11 and CH12 are valid to use of MPDX-1 .
Other channels can not use the MPDX-1.
• When not to use the MPDX-1, do not plug the
short-plug to the "DATA" port.
• Please note that when the short-plug is plugged
to the "DATA" port, both CH11 and CH12 become
acceptable for MPDX-1. CH11 or CH12 can not
separately set as the "MPDX-1-ready-output."