Fujitsu SPARC T5440 User Manual

SPARC Enterprise T5440 Server
Product Notes
Manual Code C120-E508-07EN Part No. 875-4384-16 December 2010, Revision C
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Preface ix
1. New Information About the SPARC Enterprise T5440 Server 1
Important New Information About the SPARC Enterprise T5440 Server 2
RFID Tag 2
New Information About Known Issues 3
Hardware and Mechanical Issues 3
Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) Issues 4
The ILOM Event Log Indicating Power Failure May Be Collected on the
T5440 Server (6979608) 4
Service Required LED May Turn On Due To False Recognition of Fan
Speed (CR 6989852) 5
Firmware and General Software Issues 7
2. Important Information About the SPARC Enterprise T5440 Server 9
Task Map 9
Notes on DVD Drive and Discs 10
Supported Versions of Solaris and System Firmware 10
System Firmware Update 11
Support for Windows 7 and Internet Explorer 8 11
Change and Functional Enhancement in System Firmware 7.2.8 11
About the Change of Host Console Target 11
About the Addition of Protocols for Firmware Update 12
Preinstalled Software 13
Cool Tools for T5440 Server With CoolThreads Technology 14
Logical Domains 15
Sun Java Enterprise Server and Solaris OS 15
Enable the WebConsole SMF Service 15
Solaris Live Upgrade 16
Sun Studio - C, C++, and Fortran Compilers and Tools 16
Supported Sun Explorer Utility Version 16
Patch Information 17
Mandatory Patch Information for the Solaris 10 8/07 OS 17
Mandatory Patch Information for the Solaris 10 5/08 OS 18
Mandatory Patch Information for the Solaris 10 10/08 OS 18
To Download Patc hes 19
Installing the Solaris 10 8/07 OS and Required Patches 19
Install the Solaris 10 8/07 OS and Required Patches 19
Patches for Option Cards 21
Solaris 10 5/08 Recovery DVD 21
General Functionality Issues and Limitations 22
Cryptographic Function 22
RAID Function 22
Addition or Degradation of CMP/Memory Modules 22
Precaution to Follow Concerning a CMP/Memory Module Failure 23
Cable Management Arm 23
Support for SSD Storage 24
Using a SSD as a Boot Device 24
About the Cache Setting of SSDs 24
vi SPARC Enterprise T5440 Server Product Notes • December 2010
About the Estimated Usable Period of SSDs 25
About the Preventive Replacement Monitoring Function of SSD 25
Changed Behavior When Operating the Solaris OS With Logical Domains 25
Results from Halting or Rebooting the Control Domain 26
Processor Identification 26
Notes on the Use of 200V Power Supply 27
3. Known Issues 29
Task Map 29
Hardware and Mechanical Issues 30
Solaris OS Issues 32
Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) Issues 34
Firmware and General Software Issues 46
4. Documentation Errata 49
Task Map 49
SPARC Enterprise T5440 Server Getting Started Guide 50
Location of Rack Rail Installation Instructions (CR 6747034) 50
SPARC Enterprise T5440 Server Service Manual 50
Erroneous Explanation in Table 1-3, "Ethernet Port LEDs" (CR 6726293) 51
Integrated Lights Out Manager 2.0 User's Guide 51
Incorrect ILOM Command Related to IP Address Assignment 51
Integrated Lights Out Manager 2.0 Supplement for SPARC Enterprise T5440 Server 52
Notes on the Connection of ILOM (CR 6806789) 52
Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) 3.0 CLI Procedures Guide 52
Erroneous Default Value for /SP/clients/dns 52
Erroneous Description in "Collect SP Data to Diagnose System Problems"(CR
6806800) 53
Erroneous Description about Collecting SP Data 53
New URL for Downloading System Firmware 54
Contents vii
Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) 3.0 Web Interface Procedures Guide 54
Erroneous Description about Collecting SP Data 54
New URL for Downloading System Firmware 55
Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) 3.0 Supplement for SPARC Enterprise T5440
Server 55
Notes on "ILOM Information Stored on the SCC" 55
A. Fixed Issues 57
Hardware and Mechanical Issues 57
Solaris OS Issues 58
Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) Issues 62
Firmware and General Software Issues 76
viii SPARC Enterprise T5440 Server Product Notes • December 2010


These product notes contain late-breaking information about the SPARC Enterprise T5440 server hardware, software, or documentation errata that became known after the documentation set was published.

Support for the SPARC Enterprise T5440 Server

Technical Support

If you have technical questions or issues that are not addressed in the SPARC Enterprise T5440 server documentation, contact a sales representative or a certified service engineer.

Downloading Documentation

Instructions for installing, administering, and using your servers are provided in the SPARC Enterprise T5440 documentation set. The entire documentation set is available for download from the following web site:
Global Site
North American Site
Japanese Site
Note – Information in these product notes supersedes the information in the SPARC
Enterprise T5440 documentation set.
Note – For Sun Oracle software-related manuals (Oracle Solaris OS <Solaris OS>,
and so on), go to:

Fujitsu Welcomes Your Comments

Fujitsu Welcomes Your Comments If you have any comments or requests regarding this document, or if you find any unclear statements in the document, please state your points specifically on the form at the following URL.
For Users in U.S.A., Canada, and Mexico:
For Users in Other Countries:
SPARC Enterprise contact
x SPARC Enterprise T5440 Server Product Notes • December 2010

New Information About the SPARC Enterprise T5440 Server

This chapter describes new information about the SPARC Enterprise T5440 server that was not documented in the previous edition of the SPARC Enterprise T5440 Server Product Notes.
Description Links
Important new information about the T5440 server
Issues that were identified after the previous edition was published
“Important New Information About the SPARC Enterprise T5440 Server” on page 2
“New Information About Known Issues” on page 3
Information that was documented in the previous edition of this document is provided in the following locations:
Chapter 2 provides important information about what software is preinstalled on
your server, how to obtain support, and how to determine system configuration.
Chapter 3 provides important information about hardware, software, and
firmware issue and available workarounds.
Chapter 4 provides updates to existing system documentation.
Appendix A describes fixed technical issues.
Important New Information About the


SPARC Enterprise T5440 Server
This section describes new capabilities that are supported on the SPARC Enterprise T5440 server.
“RFID Tag” on page 2
For information about the capabilities that have been supported at the release of the previous edition, see the following sections.
“RAID Function” on page 22
“Support for SSD Storage” on page 24
RFID tags are attached to the servers shipped after August 2010 in stages. Note that the servers with and without the RFID tag may temporarily exist.
FIGURE 1-1 shows the location of the RFID tag.
FIGURE 1-1 SPARC Enterprise T5440 Server Appearance (Front View)
FIGURE 1-2 shows the appearance of RFID tag.
2 SPARC Enterprise T5440 Server Product Notes • December 2010
FIGURE 1-2 RFID Tag Appearance
Asset ID written in the RFID tag

New Information About Known Issues

This section describes issues that were discovered since the previous edition of these product notes was published.

Hardware and Mechanical Issues

TABLE 1-1 Hardware and Mechanical Issues
CR ID Description Workaround
6581309 To use the XVR-300 as a console of the SPARC
Enterprise T5xx0, patch 137111-01 or later must be applied.
If the patch is applied after the OBP variable has been changed to use the XVR-300 as the console, console output will revert to the default ILOM console during the Solaris boot sequence.
To use the XVR-300 as a console, apply patch 137111-01 or later to the Solaris OS before changing the OBP variable.
Alternatively, install the Solaris OS (or reinstall it) with ILOM set as the console used, and then apply the patch.
No GUI can be used during that time. After the patch has been applied, the XVR-300
can be used as the console as soon as the OBP variable is changed.
Chapter 1 New Information About the SPARC Enterprise T5440 Server 3

Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) Issues

TABLE 1-2 Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) Issues
CR ID Description Workaround
6979608 On the T5440 server mounted with PSU of a
certain version or later, when you power on the system, the ILOM event log indicating the power failure may be collected and be output in the Solaris OS system log (/var/adm/messages). For details, see “The
ILOM Event Log Indicating Power Failure May Be Collected on the T5440 Server (6979608)” on page 4.
6989852 ILOM firmware falsely recognizes the fan speed
as "0" and the Service Required LED may turn on. In that case, ILOM event log is output. For details, see “Service Required LED May Turn On
Due To False Recognition of Fan Speed (CR
6989852)” on page 5.
The ILOM Event Log Indicating Power Failure May Be Collected on the T5440 Server (6979608)
Note - Fixed in System Firmware 7.2.10.a or later.
None. ILOM firmware's way of referring to the sensor
is wrong. This is just an issue of message display at the system start, and this message can be safely ignored.
None. Reset ILOM to recover. If the error is cleared,
then it corresponds to this event and the fan replacement is unnecessary. ILOM reset has no impact on the system.
This issue is resolved by updating the system firmware to 7.2.10.a or later.
On the T5440 server mounted with PSU of a certain version or later (*), when you power on the system, the following ILOM event log indicating the power failure may be collected and be output in the Solaris OS system log (/var/adm/messages).
System start completes normally and no LEDs turn on. This is just an issue of message output.
Event log example:
Chassis |major : "/SYS/PSx/STATUS_OK: asserted failure" Chassis |minor : "/SYS/PSx/STATUS_OK: reading is OK"
(*): To check whether or not the relevant PSU is mounted on your server, use the following command.
[ILOM command]
4 SPARC Enterprise T5440 Server Product Notes • December 2010
When referring to the target PSU with /SYS/PSx command, check whether the following part number is included in the command output.
fru_part_number = 3002249
[ALOM CMT compatible shell command]
When referring to the target PSU with showfru /SYS/PSx command, check whether the following part number is included in the command output.
/Sun_Part_Number_DataR/Sun_Part_No: 3002249
Wor ka ro un d:
None. ILOM firmware's way of referring to the sensor is wrong. This is just an issue of message display at the system start, and this message can be safely ignored.
Service Required LED May Turn On Due To False Recognition of Fan Speed (CR 6989852)
ILOM firmware falsely recognizes the fan speed as "0" and the Service Required LED may turn on. In that case, the following event log is output.
The ILOM event log example:
IPMI | critical: "ID = 9a : 08/17/2010 : 00:39:17 : Fan : /FB0/FM0/F0/TACH : Lower Non-recoverable going low : reading 0 <= threshold 2400 RPM" IPMI | critical: "ID = 9a : 08/17/2010 : 00:39:22 : Fan : /FB0/FM0/F1/TACH : Lower Non-recoverable going low : reading 0 <= threshold 2400 RPM" IPMI | critical: "ID = 9a : 08/17/2010 : 00:39:26 : Fan : /FB0/FM1/F0/TACH : Lower Non-recoverable going low : reading 0 <= threshold 2400 RPM" IPMI | critical: "ID = 9a : 08/17/2010 : 00:39:30 : Fan : /FB0/FM2/F1/TACH : Lower Non-recoverable going low : reading 0 <= threshold 2400 RPM"
The showenvironment command output example:
------------------------------------------------------------------­ Fan Status:
------------------------------------------------------------------­ Fans (Speeds Revolution Per Minute): Sensor Status Speed Warn Low
Chapter 1 New Information About the SPARC Enterprise T5440 Server 5
/SYS/FANBD0/FM0/F0/TACH FAILED 0 4000 2400 /SYS/FANBD0/FM0/F1/TACH FAILED 0 4000 2400 /SYS/FANBD0/FM1/F0/TACH FAILED 0 4000 2400 /SYS/FANBD0/FM1/F1/TACH OK 6400 4000 2400 /SYS/FANBD0/FM2/F0/TACH OK 7000 4000 2400 /SYS/FANBD0/FM2/F1/TACH FAILED 0 4000 2400
The showenvironment command output example:
sc> showfaults Last POST Run: Mon Jul 12 00:08:46 2010
Post Status: Passed all devices ID FRU Fault 1 /SYS/FANBD0/FM0 SP detected fault: TACH at /SYS/FANBD0/FM0/F0 has reached low non-recoverable threshold. 2 /SYS/FANBD0/FM0 SP detected fault: TACH at /SYS/FANBD0/FM0/F1 has reached low non-recoverable threshold. 3 /SYS/FANBD0/FM1 SP detected fault: TACH at /SYS/FANBD0/FM1/F0 has reached low non-recoverable threshold. 4 /SYS/FANBD0/FM2 SP detected fault: TACH at /SYS/FANBD0/FM2/F1 has reached low non-recoverable threshold.
Wor ka ro un d:
None. Reset ILOM to recover. If the error is cleared, then it corresponds to this event and the fan replacement is unnecessary. ILOM reset has no impact on the system.
6 SPARC Enterprise T5440 Server Product Notes • December 2010

Firmware and General Software Issues

TABLE 1-3 Firmware and General Software Issues
CR ID Description Workaround
6581309 Console behavior on the control domain is
inconsistent when a graphics device and keyboard are specified for console use. This situation occurs when the OpenBoot variables input-device and output-device are set to anything other than the default value of virtual-console.
If the control domain is set this way, some console messages are sent to the graphics console and other messages are sent to the virtual console. This situation results in incomplete information on either console. In addition, when the system is halted, or a break is sent to the console, control is passed to the
virtual console, which requires keyboard input over the virtual console. As a result, the graphics console appears to hang.
Note - Fixed in Solaris 10 10/08 and patch ID 137137-09 or later.
Use the virtual console only. From the ok prompt, ensure that the default
value of virtual-console is set for both the input-device and output-device variables.
If input-device and output-device are set to graphics console and the graphics console appears to be hung, connect to the virtual console from the service processor in order to provide the required input. Press Return on the virtual console keyboard once to see the output on the virtual console.
Chapter 1 New Information About the SPARC Enterprise T5440 Server 7
8 SPARC Enterprise T5440 Server Product Notes • December 2010

Important Information About the SPARC Enterprise T5440 Server

This chapter describes important information about the SPARC Enterprise T5440 server.

Task Map

Top ic Li nks
Notes on DVD Drive and Discs “Notes on DVD Drive and Discs” on page 10
Minimum supported versions of Solaris and system firmware
Updating System Firmware “System Firmware Update” on page 11
Software included with your system “Preinstalled Software” on page 13
Obtaining patches “Patch Information” on page 17
Solaris Recovery DVD “Solaris 10 5/08 Recovery DVD” on page 21
General Functionality Issues and Limitations “General Functionality Issues and
Information about support for SSD storage “Support for SSD Storage” on page 24
Information about system behavior with LDoms enabled
Identifying processors in the system “Processor Identification” on page 26
Notes on the Use of 200V Power Supply “Notes on the Use of 200V Power Supply”
“Supported Versions of Solaris and System Firmware” on page 10
Limitations” on page 22
“Changed Behavior When Operating the Solaris OS With Logical Domains” on page 25
on page 27

Notes on DVD Drive and Discs

See the "Notes on DVD Drive and Discs in SPARC Enterprise" on the website below before using the CD/DVD discs in the standard DVD drive mounted in this server.

Supported Versions of Solaris and System Firmware

Your server is preinstalled with the OS, patches, and firmware but you can install the same or another supported version. Be aware that some versions of the OS require installation of mandatory patches. See “Patch Information” on page 17.
If you install the OS, you will not have access to the additional software that was preinstalled at the factory. See “Preinstalled Software” on page 13.
The following are the supported and minimum versions of firmware and software for this release of the SPARC Enterprise T5440 server:
TABLE 2-1 Supported Versions of the OS and Firmware
Supported Versions
OS Solaris 10 8/07 OS plus patches – Minimum supported OS
Solaris 10 5/08 OS plus patches
Solaris 10 10/08 OS plus patches
Solaris 10 5/09 OS
Solaris 10 10/09 OS – Latest supported OS
Firmware System Firmware 7.1.8.a – Minimum supported System Firmware
System Firmware 7.2.10.a – Latest supported version (as of December 2010)
For systems equipped with the 1.6-GHz processor, a minimum level of 7.2.2.e of System Firmware and the Solaris 10 8/07 OS plus the mandatory patches is required.
10 SPARC Enterprise T5440 Server Product Notes • December 2010

System Firmware Update

The System Firmware controls various aspects of the host and the service processor. The System Firmware comprises the following individual firmware components.
Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) 2.0 firmware
OpenBoot firmware
POST firmware
Hypervisor firmware
VBSC firmware
Firmware updates are available from the following web site through patch releases.
When you update the System Firmware, all of the individual firmware components are updated. You cannot update firmware components individually. Refer to the SPARC Enterprise T5440 Server Installation and Setup Guide for more information about updating the server firmware.

Support for Windows 7 and Internet Explorer 8

As of System Firmware 7.2.7, the Remote Console feature in ILOM supports Microsoft Windows 7 and Internet Explorer 8 operating system clients.

Change and Functional Enhancement in System Firmware 7.2.8

About the Change of Host Console Target
In System Firmware 7.2.8 or later, the host console target in ILOM has been changed to /HOST/console. However, by directly specifying the conventional target /SP/console, you can obtain the host console as before. Also, the properties under the host console target can be used in the same way as /SP/console.
Chapter 2 Important Information About the SPARC Enterprise T5440 Server 11
How to obtain the host console in System Firmware 7.2.8 or later is as follows.
-> show /HOST/console
/HOST/console Targets: history
Properties: escapechars = #. line_count = 0 pause_count = 0 start_from = end
Commands: cd show start stop
-> start /HOST/console Are you sure you want to start /HOST/console (y/n)? y
Serial console started. To stop, type #.
XXXXXX console login:
About the Addition of Protocols for Firmware Update
In System Firmware 7.2.8 or later, three protocols which can be used in the firmware update via the ILOM CLI interface have been added. In addition to the conventional tftp, you can use ftp, sftp, and scp.
The scp protocol execution example:
-> load -source scp://xxxxx:xxxxxx@XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX//mnt1/Firmware_Update/Huron/7.2.8/
NOTE: An upgrade takes several minutes to complete. ILOM will enter a special mode to load new firmware. No other tasks can be performed in ILOM until the firmware upgrade is complete and ILOM is reset.
Are you sure you want to load the specified file (y/n)? y Do you want to preserve the configuration (y/n)? y
12 SPARC Enterprise T5440 Server Product Notes • December 2010
Firmware update is complete. ILOM will now be restarted with the new firmware.

Preinstalled Software

This section lists and describes the preinstalled and preloaded software on your server. The preinstalled software is ready to use. The preloaded software must first be installed from the preloaded location.
Note – The Solaris OS is preinstalled both in root disk Slice 0 for normal operations,
and in Slice 3 along with Live Upgrade software to provide an Alternate Boot Environment (ABE). The ABE allows upgrading the OS or performing system maintenance tasks without reducing performance. An identical (bootable) copy of the root partition (including the OS, EIS, and applications) is installed as an ABE in Slice 3.
The following table lists the software preinstalled on your server.
TABLE 2-2 Preinstalled Software
Software Location Function
Solaris 10 5/09 Root disk Slice 0 (and on Slice 3 in the ABE) with
patches (see “Patch Information” on page 17)
Operating system
Sun Studio /opt/SUNWspro C, C++, and Fortran compiler
LDoms Manager /opt/SUNWldm/ Manages Logical Domains
LDoms MIB /opt/SUNWldmib LDoms Management Information Base
CMT Tools /opt/SUNWspro/extra/bin Sun Studio Developer Tools
Sun Code Generator for SPARC Systems
/opt/gcc and /opt/SUNW0scgfss GCC compiler for SPARC Systems
Chapter 2 Important Information About the SPARC Enterprise T5440 Server 13
The following table lists the software preloaded on your server. To use this software you must first install it from the preloaded location.
TABLE 2-3 Preloaded Software
Software Location Function
Sun Java Enterprise Server
/var/spool/stage/JES5U1/Solaris_sparc Software that provides
middleware services that optimize software investment

Cool Tools for T5440 Server With CoolThreads Technology

Cool Tools provide a collection of freely available tools designed to enable fast and efficient development and deployment of optimally configured software solutions on CoolThreads servers. These tools significantly improve performance and time-to-market for applications running on these servers.
An overview of the Cool Tools and full documentation is available at the following URL:
Not all of the Cool Tools listed on the Cool Tools web page are preinstalled on your server. The following are not included:
Consolidation Tool
Cool Stack
Application Porting Assistant
Note – The Sun Code Generator GCC compiler is preinstalled. For lists of
preinstalled and preloaded software, see TAB LE 2- 2 and TA BLE 2 -3.
14 SPARC Enterprise T5440 Server Product Notes • December 2010

Logical Domains

Using Logical Domains (LDoms) increases your server usage, efficiency, and return on investment. LDoms also reduce your server footprint. The LDoms Manager software creates and manages logical domains, and maps logical domains to physical resources.
Note – The LDoms MIB must be configured before it is ready to use. A README file
with configuration instructions is located in the LDoms MIB installation directory, /opt/ldoms_mib.
For more information on LDoms, go to: erprise/products/software/ldoms/

Sun Java Enterprise Server and Solaris OS

The Sun Java Enterprise Server is a comprehensive set of software and lifecycle services that make the most of your software investment.
For an overview and documentation, go to:
The Solaris OS and Sun Java Enterprise Server software are preinstalled.
Note – Due to an issue that arises from the installation of the Java Enterprise System
5 Update 1 on your system (CR 6644798), it might be necessary to enable the WebConsole SMF service.
Enable the WebConsole SMF Service
Log into a terminal as root then type the following command:
# svcadm enable svc:/system/webconsole:console
# svcadm enable svc:/system/webconsole:console
If it becomes necessary to reload the software, go to the following web site for download and installation instructions:
Chapter 2 Important Information About the SPARC Enterprise T5440 Server 15
Note – If you download a fresh copy of software, that software might not include
patches that are mandatory for your server. After installing the software, see “Patch
Information” on page 17 for a procedure to check for the presence of patches on the

Solaris Live Upgrade

Solaris Live Upgrade technology significantly reduces service outage during an OS upgrade. This technology enables the Solaris OS to run normally during an upgrade or normal maintenance on an inactive boot environment.
Your server is configured with a liveupgrade partition on Slice 3 on the boot disk that contains an exact duplicate of the root partition (including the OS, Enterprise Installation Services (EIS), and applications). This liveupgrade partition is an Alternate Boot Environment (ABE).
For more information about Solaris Live Upgrade, go to:

Sun Studio - C, C++, and Fortran Compilers and Tools

Sun Studio delivers high performance by optimizing C, C++, and Fortran compilers for the Solaris OS on multicore systems.
For an overview and documentation, go to:

Supported Sun Explorer Utility Version

The SPARC Enterprise T5440 server is supported by the Sun Explorer 5.10 (or later) data collection utility, but is not supported by earlier releases of the utility. Installing Sun Cluster or Sun Net Connect software from the preinstalled Java ES package could automatically install an earlier version of the utility on your system. After installing any of the Java ES software, determine whether an earlier version of the Sun Explorer product has been installed on your system by typing the following:
# pkginfo -l SUNWexplo
16 SPARC Enterprise T5440 Server Product Notes • December 2010
If an earlier version exists, uninstall it and install version 5.10, or later. For information on how to get the Sun Explorer Utility, please contact a certified service engineer.

Patch Information

Patches are available at
Global Site ts-s/patch-info/
North American Site
Japanese Site
Before contacting support, ensure that all mandatory patches are installed on your server. In addition to installing these patches, check the above web site on a regular basis for the availability of new patches.
To determine if a patch is present, see “To Download Patches” on page 19.
Note – The mandatory patches might not be included in some versions of the
preinstalled or preloaded software on your server. If the patches are missing from your server, download them as described in “To Download Patches” on page 19.

Mandatory Patch Information for the Solaris 10 8/07 OS

The following patches are mandatory for systems installed with the Solaris108/07OS:
124235-02 or later
Chapter 2 Important Information About the SPARC Enterprise T5440 Server 17
127111-08 or later
119254-51 or later
137111-03 or later
137291-01 or later
138048-05 or later
Note – See “Installing the Solaris 10 8/07 OS and Required Patches” on page 19 for
the correct installation procedure.

Mandatory Patch Information for the Solaris 10 5/08 OS

The following patches are mandatory for systems installed with the Solaris105/08OS:
137111-03 or later
137291-01 or later
138048-05 or later

Mandatory Patch Information for the Solaris 10 10/08 OS

The following patch is mandatory for systems installed with the Solaris 10 10/08 OS:
18 SPARC Enterprise T5440 Server Product Notes • December 2010
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