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Preparing for Installation1
Server Overview1
Server Handling Precautions3
Input Power Information and Precautions3
Tools and Equipment Needed4
Optional Component Installation5
ESD Precautions5
Installation Overview6
Preparing for Installation8
Installing the Hardware8
Configuring the Service Processor9
Configuring the Host Software10
Cabling Notes for Both Servers10
Port, Connector, and LED Locations for Both Servers12
Slide Rail Assembly Notes for Both Servers15
Cable Management Notes for Both Servers18
Installing the SPARC Enterprise T5120 and T5220 Servers19
Installing the Servers in a Rack19
▼To Install the Slide Rail Assemblies20
▼To Insert and Lock the Server in the Rack26
Installing the Cable Management Arm for Both Servers27
▼To Install the Cable Management Arm28
▼To Verify the Operation of the Slide Rails and the CMA32
Connecting the Server Cables for Both Servers34
To Connect the Service Processor Serial Management Port35
▼To Connect the Service Processor Network Management Port36
▼To Connect the Ethernet Network Cables38
▼To Connect the AC Power Cable to the Server38
Managing Cables With the CMA39
▼To Secure the Server Cables in the CMA39
Dismounting the Servers40
Powering On the System43
Powering On the System for the First Time43
ILOM System Console43
ILOM Service Processor44
▼To Power On the System for the First Time44
Enabling the Service Processor Network Management Port49
Logging Into the Service Processor51
▼To Log Into the Service Processor Using the Serial Management Port
▼To Configure the Service Processor Network Management Port52
▼To Log Into the Service Processor Using the Network Management
Using the Service Processor for Common Operations56
▼To Power On the System56
▼To Connect to the System Console58
▼To Perform a Normal System Initialization58
Devices in the OpenBoot Device Tree60
Booting the Solaris Operating System61
viSPARC Enterprise T5120 and T5220 Servers Installation Guide • July 2009
▼To Boot the Solaris Operating System61
▼To Avoid Booting the Solaris Operating System at Startup63
▼To Reset the System63
▼To Power Cycle the System63
Verifying System Functionality65
Updating the Firmware67
flashupdate command67
▼To Update the Firmware68
Selecting a Boot Device71
Selecting a Boot Device71
▼To Select a Boot Device72
Installing the Servers With the Express Rail Rackmounting Kit73
Slide Rail Assembly Notes for the Express Rail Rackmounting Kit74
Installing the Servers in a Rack With Express Rails76
▼To Install the Slide Rail Assemblies76
▼To Insert and Lock the Server in the Rack81
Installing the Cable Management Arm83
Dismounting the Server84
Assembling and Installing DC Power Cables for the SPARC Enterprise T5120
Requirements for Servers With DC Input Power85
DC Supply and Ground Conductor Requirements86
Overcurrent Protection Requirements87
Assembling and Installing the DC Input Power Cables87
▼To Assemble the DC Input Power Cables88
▼To Install the Strain Relief Housings93
▼Connecting the DC Input Power Cords to the Server96
Assembling and Installing DC Power Cables for the SPARC Enterprise T5220
Requirements for Servers With DC Input Power99
DC Supply and Ground Conductor Requirements100
Overcurrent Protection Requirements100
Assembling and Installing the DC Input Power Cables101
▼To Assemble the DC Input Power Cables101
▼To Connect the DC Input Power Cords104
viiiSPARC Enterprise T5120 and T5220 Servers Installation Guide • July 2009
The SPARC Enterprise T5120 and T5220 Servers Installation Guide provides instructions,
background information, and reference material to help you install SPARC
Enterprise™ T5120 and T5220 servers.
The installation instructions in this document assume that a system administrator is
experienced with the Solaris™ Operating System (Solaris OS).
Note – All internal components except hard drives must be installed by qualified
service technicians only.
For Safe Operation
This manual contains important information regarding the use and handling of this
product. Read this manual thoroughly. Pay special attention to the section “Notes on
Safety” on page xvi. Use the product according to the instructions and information
available in this manual. Keep this manual handy for further reference.
Fujitsu makes every effort to prevent users and bystanders from being injured or
from suffering damage to their property. Use the product according to this manual.
Structure and Contents of This Manual
This manual is organized as described below:
■ Preparing for Installation
Provides an installation overview for the servers.
■ Installing the SPARC Enterprise T5120 and T5220 Servers
Provides instructions for installing the servers into a rack.
■ Powering On the System
Provides instructions for configuring and powering on the servers.
■ Updating the Firmwaree
Provides instructions for updating the service processor firmware and the system
■ Selecting a Boot Device
Provides instructions for selecting a boot device.
■ Installing the Servers With the Express Rail Rackmounting Kit
Provides instructions for installing the servers into a rack with the Express rail
rackmounting kit.
■ Assembling and Installing DC Power Cables for the SPARC Enterprise T5120
Provides instructions for assembling and installing DC power cables on SPARC
Enterprise T5120 servers with DC input power.
■ Assembling and Installing DC Power Cables for the SPARC Enterprise T5220
Provides instructions for assembling and installing DC power cables on SPARC
Enterprise T5220 servers with DC input power.
Related Documentation
The latest versions of all the SPARC Enterprise Series manuals are available at the
following Web sites:
Global Site
xSPARC Enterprise T5120 and T5220 Servers Installation Guide • July 2009
SPARC Enterprise T5120 Server
Getting Started Guide
SPARC Enterprise T5120 Server
Getting Started Guide For Models
That Run on DC Input Power
SPARC Enterprise T5220 Server
Getting Started Guide
SPARC Enterprise T5220 Server
Getting Started Guide For Models
That Run on DC Input Power
SPARC Enterprise T5120 and
T5220 Servers Product Notes
Important Safety Information for
Hardware Systems
SPARC Enterprise T5120 and
T5220 Servers Safety and
Compliance Guide
SPARC Enterprise/
Installation Planning Manual
SPARC Enterprise T5120 and
T5220 Servers Site Planning
SPARC Enterprise T5120 and
T5220 Servers Overview Guide
SPARC Enterprise T5120 and
T5220 Servers Installation Guide
SPARC Enterprise T5120 and
T5220 Servers Service Manual
SPARC Enterprise T5120 and
T5220 Servers Administration
Minimum steps to power on and boot the
server for the first time
Minimum steps to power on and boot the
server that run on DC input power for the
first time
Minimum steps to power on and boot the
server for the first time
Minimum steps to power on and boot the
server that run on DC input power for the
first time
Information about the latest product
updates and issues
Safety information that is common to all
SPARC Enterprise series servers
Safety and compliance information that is
specific to the servers
Requirements and concepts of installation
and facility planning for the setup of
Server specifications for site planningC120-H027
Product featuresC120-E460
Detailed rackmounting, cabling, power on,
and configuring information
How to run diagnostics to troubleshoot the
server, and how to remove and replace
parts in the server
How to perform administrative tasks that
are specific to the servers
TitleDescriptionManual Code
Integrated Lights Out Manager
2.0 User’s Guide
Integrated Lights Out Manager
2.0 Supplement for SPARC
Enterprise T5120 and T5220
Integrated Lights Out Manager
(ILOM) 3.0 Concepts Guide
Integrated Lights Out Manager
(ILOM) 3.0 Getting Started Guide
Integrated Lights Out Manager
(ILOM) 3.0 Web Interface
Procedures Guide
Integrated Lights Out Manager
(ILOM) 3.0 CLI Procedures Guide
Integrated Lights Out Manager
(ILOM) 3.0 SNMP and IPMI
Procedures Guide
Integrated Lights Out Manager
(ILOM) 3.x Feature Updates and
Release Notes
Integrated Lights Out Manager
(ILOM) 3.0 Supplement for
SPARC Enterprise T5120 and
T5220 Servers
External I/O Expansion Unit
Installation and Service Manual
External I/O Expansion Unit
Product Notes
Information that is common to all
platforms managed by Integrated Lights
Out Manager (ILOM) 2.0
How to use the ILOM 2.0 software on the
Information that describes ILOM 3.0
features and functionality
Information and procedures for network
connection, logging in to ILOM 3.0 for the
first time, and configuring a user account
or a directory service
Information and procedures for accessing
ILOM 3.0 functions using the ILOM web
Information and procedures for accessing
ILOM 3.0 functions using the ILOM CLI
Information and procedures for accessing
ILOM 3.0 functions using SNMP or IPMI
management hosts
Enhancements that have been made to
ILOM firmware since the ILOM 3.0 release
How to use the ILOM 3.0 software on the
Procedures for installing the External I/O
Expansion Unit on the SPARC Enterprise
T5120/T5140/T5220/T5240/T5440 servers
Important and late-breaking information
about the External I/O Expansion Unit
Note – Product Notes are available on the website only. Please check for the recent
update on your product.
xiiSPARC Enterprise T5120 and T5220 Servers Installation Guide • July 2009
UNIX Commands
This document might not contain information on basic UNIX®commands and
procedures such as shutting down the system, booting the system, and configuring
devices. Refer to the following for this information:
■ Software documentation that you received with your system
■ Solaris™ Operating System documentation, which is at
Text Conventions
AaBbCc123The names of commands, files,
and directories; on-screen
computer output
AaBbCc123What you type, when
contrasted with on-screen
computer output
AaBbCc123Book titles, new words or terms,
words to be emphasized.
Replace command-line
variables with real names or
Edit your .login file.
Use ls -a to list all files.
% You have mail.
% su
Read Chapter 6 in the User’s Guide.
These are called class options.
To delete a file, type rm filename.
* The settings on your browser might differ from these settings.
Prompt Notations
The following prompt notations are used in this manual.
ShellPrompt Notations
C shellmachine-name%
C shell superusermachine-name#
Bourne shell and Korn shell$
Bourne shell and Korn shell superuser#
ILOM service processor->
ALOM compatibility shellsc>
OpenBoot PROM firmwareok
Conventions for Alert Messages
This manual uses the following conventions to show alert messages, which are
intended to prevent injury to the user or bystanders as well as property damage, and
important messages that are useful to the user.
Warning – This indicates a hazardous situation that could result in death or serious
personal injury (potential hazard) if the user does not perform the procedure
Caution – This indicates a hazardous situation that could result in minor or
moderate personal injury if the user does not perform the procedure correctly. This
signal also indicates that damage to the product or other property may occur if the
user does not perform the procedure correctly.
Caution – This indicates that hazardous voltages are present. To reduce the risk of
electric shock and danger to personal health, follow the instructions.
xivSPARC Enterprise T5120 and T5220 Servers Installation Guide • July 2009
Tip – This indicates information that could help the user to use the product more
Alert Messages in the Text
An alert message in the text consists of a signal indicating an alert level followed by
an alert statement. A space of one line precedes and follows an alert statement.
Caution – The following tasks regarding this product and the optional products
provided from Fujitsu should only be performed by a certified service engineer.
Users must not perform these tasks. Incorrect operation of these tasks may cause
Also, important alert messages are shown in “Important Alert Messages” on
page xvi.
Notes on Safety
Important Alert Messages
This manual provides the following important alert signals:
Caution – This indicates a hazardous situation could result in minor or moderate
personal injury if the user does not perform the procedure correctly. This signal also
indicates that damage to the product or other property may occur if the user does
not perform the procedure correctly.
Deploy the antitilt feature on the rack before beginning an installation.
The SPARC Enterprise T5220 server weighs approximately 55 lb (25 kg).
Two people are required to lift and mount the system into a rack
enclosure when using the procedures in this book.
When completing a two-person procedure, always communicate your
intentions clearly before, during, and after each step to minimize
The weight of the server on extended slide rails can be enough to
overturn an equipment rack.
Caution – This indicates that hazardous voltages are present. To reduce the risk of
electric shock and danger to personal health, follow the instructions.
InstallationElectric shock
There is a potential for electric shock if the server and related equipment
are not properly grounded.
xviSPARC Enterprise T5120 and T5220 Servers Installation Guide • July 2009
Product Handling
Warning – Certain tasks in this manual should only be performed by a certified
service engineer. User must not perform these tasks. Incorrect operation of these
tasks may cause electric shock, injury, or fire.
■ Installation and reinstallation of all components, and initial settings
■ Removal of front, rear, or side covers
■ Mounting/de-mounting of optional internal devices
■ Plugging or unplugging of external interface cards
■ Maintenance and inspections (repairing, and regular diagnosis and maintenance)
Caution – The following tasks regarding this product and the optional products
provided from Fujitsu should only be performed by a certified service engineer.
Users must not perform these tasks. Incorrect operation of these tasks may cause
■ Unpacking optional adapters and such packages delivered to the users
■ Plugging or unplugging of external interface cards
Caution – Do not make mechanical or electrical modifications to the equipment.
Using this product after modifying or reproducing by overhaul may cause
unexpected injury or damage to the property of the user or bystanders.
Alert Label
The following is a label attached to this product:
■ Never peel off the label.
■ The following label provides information to the users of this product.
xviiiSPARC Enterprise T5120 and T5220 Servers Installation Guide • July 2009
Fujitsu Welcomes Your Comments
If you have any comments or requests regarding this document, or if you find any
unclear statements in the document, please state your points specifically on the form
at the following URL.
xxSPARC Enterprise T5120 and T5220 Servers Installation Guide • July 2009
Preparing for Installation
This chapter provides background information about the installation procedures for
both servers. This chapter contains these topics:
■ “Server Handling Precautions” on page 3
■ “Input Power Information and Precautions” on page 3
■ “Tools and Equipment Needed” on page 4
■ “Optional Component Installation” on page 5
■ “ESD Precautions” on page 5
■ “Installation Overview” on page 6
■ “Preparing for Installation” on page 8
■ “Installing the Hardware” on page 8
■ “Configuring the Service Processor” on page 9
■ “Configuring the Host Software” on page 10
■ “Cabling Notes for Both Servers” on page 10
■ “Port, Connector, and LED Locations for Both Servers” on page 12
■ “Slide Rail Assembly Notes for Both Servers” on page 15
■ “Cable Management Notes for Both Servers” on page 18
Server Overview
The SPARC Enterprise T5120 server is a 1 rack unit (1U) server. The SPARC
Enterprise T5220 server is a 2 rack unit (2U) server.
FIGURE:SPARC Enterprise T5120 Server
FIGURE:SPARC Enterprise T5220 Server
Related Information
■ SPARC Enterprise T5120 and T5220 Servers Getting Started Guide
■ SPARC Enterprise T5120 and T5220 Servers Getting Started Guide (DC)
2SPARC Enterprise T5120 and T5220 Servers Installation Guide • July 2009
Server Handling Precautions
Caution – Deploy the antitilt bar on the equipment rack before beginning an
Caution – The SPARC Enterprise T5220 server weighs approximately 55 lb (25. kg).
Two people are required to lift and mount this 2U server into a rack enclosure when
using the procedures in this document.
Caution – When completing a two-person procedure, always communicate your
intentions clearly before, during, and after each step to minimize confusion.
Related Information
■ “Input Power Information and Precautions” on page 3
■ SPARC Enterprise T5120 and T5220 Servers Getting Started Guide
■ SPARC Enterprise T5120 and T5220 Servers Getting Started Guide (DC)
Input Power Information and
The SPARC Enterprise T5120 and T5220 servers are available in the following input
power configurations:
■ Two redundant, hot-swappable AC power supplies
■ Two redundant, DC power supplies
Preparing for Installation3
Note – Safety agency requirements prohibit manufacturers from changing a product
from AC input to DC input or from DC input to AC input after the product has been
removed from the agency approved manufacturing site.
Note – The DC version of the server must be installed in a restricted-access location.
According to the intent of the National Electrical Code, a restricted-access location is
an area intended for qualified or trained personnel only and has access controlled by
a locking mechanism, such as a key lock or an access card system.
When each power supply is connected to a separate power source, the server
continues to operating under the following fault conditions:
■ A power source failure that removes input power from one of the power supplies.
■ Failure of one of the power supplies.
■ Service actions which require removal of one of the power supplies.
Refer to the SPARC Enterprise T5120 and T5220 Servers Site Planning Guide for input
power specifications.
Note – Input AC/DC power cables: To avoid missing initialization messages, do not
attach power cables to the power supplies until you have finished connecting the
data cables, and have connected the server to a serial terminal or a terminal emulator
(PC or workstation). The server goes into Standby mode and the ILOM service
processor initializes as soon as the input power cables are connected to the power
Related Information
■ SPARC Enterprise T5120 and T5220 Servers Site Planning Guide
Tools and Equipment Needed
To install the system, you must have the following tools:
■ No. 2 Phillips screwdriver
■ ESD mat and grounding strap
In addition, you must provide a system console device, such as one of the following:
■ ASCII terminal
4SPARC Enterprise T5120 and T5220 Servers Installation Guide • July 2009
■ Workstation
■ Terminal server
■ Patch panel connected to a terminal server
Related Information
■ “Optional Component Installation” on page 5
Optional Component Installation
The standard components of the server are installed at the factory. However, if you
ordered options such as additional memory or PCI cards, these options will be
shipped separately. If possible, install these components prior to installing the server
in a rack.
If you ordered any options that are not factory-installed, see the SPARC EnterpriseT5120 and T5220 Servers Service Manual for installation instructions.
Note – The list of optional components can be updated without notice. See the
product web pages for the most current list of components supported in the server.
Related Information
■ SPARC Enterprise T5120 and T5220 Servers Getting Started Guide
■ SPARC Enterprise T5120 and T5220 Servers Getting Started Guide (DC)
■ SPARC Enterprise T5120 and T5220 Servers Service Manual
ESD Precautions
Electronic equipment is susceptible to damage by static electricity. Use a grounded
antistatic wriststrap, footstrap, or equivalent safety equipment to prevent
electrostatic damage (ESD) when you install or service the servers.
Preparing for Installation5
Caution – To protect electronic components from electrostatic damage, which can
permanently disable the system or require repair by service technicians, place
components on an antistatic surface, such as an antistatic discharge mat, an antistatic
bag, or a disposable antistatic mat. Wear an antistatic grounding strap connected to a
metal surface on the chassis when you work on system components.
Related Information
■ “Installation Overview” on page 6
Installation Overview
This installation guide provides procedures that are to be performed in the following
6SPARC Enterprise T5120 and T5220 Servers Installation Guide • July 2009
FIGURE:Installation Overview
Figure Leg end
1Preparing for installation
2Installing the hardware
3Configuring the service processor
4Configuring the host software
Preparing for Installation7
Preparing for Installation
1. Verify that you have received all of the components that ship with your server.
2. Gather configuration information for your system. See your system administrator
for specific details, including these parameters:
■ Netmask
■ IP address for the service processor
■ Gateway IP address
3. Install any optional components shipped with your system. If you have purchased
other optional components such as additional memory, install them prior to
mounting the server in a rack.
Related Information
■ “Optional Component Installation” on page 5
Installing the Hardware
1. Mount the server into a rack or cabinet. See “Installing the Servers in a Rack” on
page 19 for both the 1U and 2U servers. Or, if you ordered the express rail
rackmounting kit, which has the same rack rail assemblies for both servers, see
“Installing the Servers in a Rack With Express Rails” on page 76.
Note – In the rest of this manual, the term rack means either an open rack or a closed
2. Connect the server to a serial terminal or a terminal emulator (PC or workstation)
to display system messages. See “Powering On the System for the First Time” on
page 43.
8SPARC Enterprise T5120 and T5220 Servers Installation Guide • July 2009
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