Fujitsu Sparc Enterprise T2000 Installation Manual

Enterprise T2000 Server
Installation Guide
Manual Code : C120-E376-01EN Part No. 875-4035-10 April 2007
Copyright 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, California 95054, U.S.A. All rights reserved. FUJITSU LIMITED provided technical input and review on portions of this material. Sun Microsystems,Inc. andFujitsu Limited eachown orcontrol intellectualproperty rights relating to products andtechnology described in
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Preface xiii
1. Preparing for Installation 1
Tools and Equipment Needed 2
Optional Component Installation 2
ESD Precautions 2
Installation Overview 3
Data Ports and Cabling Notes 5
Port Locations 5
Cabling Notes 6
Slide Rail Assembly Notes 7
Safety Precautions 10
2. Installing the Server 11
Installing the Server in a Rack 11
To Install the Slide Rail Assemblies 12
To Install the Cable Management Kit 19
To Verify the Operation of the Slide Rails and the CMA 22
Dismounting the Server 24
Connecting Cables to the Server 25
Connector Locations 25
To Connect the Ethernet Network Cables 26
To Connect the SC Serial Management Port 27
To Connect the SC Network Management Port 28
AC Power Cables 29
TTYA Serial Port 29
USB Ports 30
Managing Cables With the CMA 30
To Open and Close a Cable Clip 30
To Move a Cable Clip 31
3. Powering On the System 33
Powering On the System for the First Time 33
Power On Overview 33
System Console 33
ALOM CMT System Controller 34
Passwords 34
To Power On the System for the First Time 35
Enabling the System Controller Network Management Port 37
Logging Into the System Controller 38
To Log Into the System Controller Using the Serial Management Port 38
To Configure the System Controller Network Management Port 39
To Reset the System Controller 42
To Log Into the System Controller Using the Network Management Port 43
Using the System Controller for Common Operations 44
To Power On the System 44
To Connect to the System Console 44
To Perform a Normal System Initialization 45
Booting the Solaris Operating System 46
vi SPARC Enterprise T2000 Server Installation Guide • April 2007
To Boot the Solaris Operating System 46
To Reset the System 48
To Power Cycle the System 48
Verifying System Functionality 49
A. Updating the Firmware 51
Updating the Firmware 51
To Update the Firmware 51
B. Selecting a Boot Device 55
To Select a Boot Device 55
Index 57
Contents vii
viii SPARC Enterprise T2000 Server Installation Guide • April 2007


FIGURE 1-1 SPARC Enterprise T2000 Server 1
FIGURE 1-2 Rear Panel Features 5
FIGURE 1-3 Front Panel USB Ports 6
FIGURE 1-4 Sections of the Slide Rail Assembly 8
FIGURE 1-5 Locating the Locks on the Slide Rail Assembly 9
FIGURE 2-1 Unlocking the Slide Rail Assembly 12
FIGURE 2-2 Location of the Mounting Bracket Release Button 13
FIGURE 2-3 Unlocking the Slide Rail Middle Section 14
FIGURE 2-4 Attaching a Mounting Bracket to the Chassis 15
FIGURE 2-5 Mounting a Slide Rail 16
FIGURE 2-6 Using the Slide Rail Spacing Tool to Adjust the Distance Between the Slide Rails 17
FIGURE 2-7 Mounting the Chassis on the Slide Rails 18
FIGURE 2-8 Inserting the CMA Rail Extension Into the Rear of the Left Slide Rail 19
FIGURE 2-9 Mounting the Inner CMA Connector 20
FIGURE 2-10 Attaching the Outer CMA Connector 21
FIGURE 2-11 Mounting the Left Side of the Slide Rail 22
FIGURE 2-12 Unlocking the Slide Rail Assembly 23
FIGURE 2-13 Slide Rail Release Button 24
FIGURE 2-14 Rear Panel Features 26
FIGURE 2-15 Front Panel USB Ports 26
FIGURE 2-16 Ethernet Network Connections 27
FIGURE 2-17 System Controller Serial Connection 27
FIGURE 2-18 System Controller Network Connection 28
FIGURE 2-19 Serial Port 30
FIGURE 2-20 Opening a Cable Clip 31
FIGURE 2-21 Removing a Cable Clip 32
FIGURE 2-22 Mounting or Moving a Cable Clip 32
FIGURE 3-1 Rear Panel Power Connectors 36
x SPARC Enterprise T2000 Server Installation Guide • April 2007


TABLE 1-1 Ethernet Connection Transfer Rates 6
TABLE 3-1 Map of Devices, OpenBoot Path Names, and Locations 46
xii SPARC Enterprise T2000 Server Installation Guide • April 2007


The SPARC Enterprise T2000 Server Installation Guide provides instructions, background information, and reference material to help you install a SPARC Enterprise T2000 server.
Instructions for installation in the document assume that a system administrator is experienced with the Solaris
Note – All internal components except hard drives must be installed by qualified
service technicians only.
This manual contains important information regarding the use and handling of this product. Read this manual thoroughly. Pay special attention to the section “Notes on Safety” on
page xix. Use the product according to the instructions and information available in this
manual. Keep this manual handy for further reference. Fujitsu makes every effort to prevent users and bystanders from being injured or from suffering damage to their property. Use the product according to this manual.
Operating System (Solaris OS).
Structure and Contents of This Manual
This manual is organized as described below:
CHAPTER 1 Preparing for Installation
Provides an installation overview for the SPARC Enterprise T2000 server.
CHAPTER 2 Installing the Server
Provides instructions for installing the SPARC Enterprise T2000 server into a rack.
CHAPTER 3 Powering On the System
Provides instructions for configuring and powering on the server and for installing additional software.
APPENDIX A Updating the Firmware
Provides instructions for updating the system controller firmware and the host firmware.
APPENDIX B Selecting a Boot Device
Provides instructions for selecting a boot device.
Provides keywords and corresponding reference page numbers so that the reader can easily search for items in this manual as necessary.
Related Documentation
The latest versions of all the SPARC Enterprise Series manuals are available at the following Web sites:
Global Site
Japanese Site
xiv SPARC Enterprise T2000 Server Installation Guide • April 2007
Title Description Manual Code
SPARC Enterprise T2000 Server Product Notes
SPARC Enterprise T2000 Server Site
Information about the latest product
updates and issues
Server specifications for site planning C120-H017
Planning Guide
SPARC Enterprise T2000 Server Getting Started Guide
Information about where to find documentation to get your system
installed and running quickly
SPARC Enterprise T2000 Server Overview
SPARC Enterprise T2000 Server Service Manual
Provides an overview of the features of this server
How to run diagnostics to troubleshoot the server, and how to remove and
replace parts in the server
SPARC Enterprise T2000 Server Administration Guide
Advanced Lights out Management (ALOM) CMT v1.x Guide
SPARC Enterprise T2000 Server Safety and Compliance Guide
How to perform administrative tasks that are specific to this server
How to use the Advanced Lights Out Manager (ALOM) software
Safety and compliance information about this server
Note – Product Notes is available on the website only. Please check for the recent update on
your product.
Manuals included on the Enhanced Support Facility CD-ROM disk
Remote maintenance service
Title Manual Code
Enhanced Support Facility User's Guide for REMCS C112-B067
Preface xv
Using UNIX Commands
This document might not contain information about basic UNIX® commands and procedures such as shutting down the system, booting the system, and configuring devices. Refer to the following for this information:
Software documentation that you received with your system
SolarisOperating System documentation, which is at:
Text Conventions
This manual uses the following fonts and symbols to express specific types of information.
Typeface* Meaning Example
AaBbCc123 The names of commands, files and
directories; on-screen computer output
AaBbCc123 What you type, when contrasted
with on-screen computer output
Edit your.login file. Use ls -a to list all files.
% You have mail.
% su
AaBbCc123 Book titles, new words or
terms, words to be emphasized.
Replace command-line variables with real names or values.
* The settings on your browser might differ from these settings.
xvi SPARC Enterprise T2000 Server Installation Guide • April 2007
Read Chapter 6 in the User’s Guide.
These are called class options. You must be superuser to do
this. To delete a file, type
Prompt Notations
The following prompt notations are used in this manual.
Shell Prompt Notations
C shell machine-name%
C shell superuser machine-name#
Bourne shell and Korn shell $
Bourne shell and Korn shell and Korn shell superuser #
Conventions for Alert Messages
This manual uses the following conventions to show alert messages, which are intended to prevent injury to the user or bystanders as well as property damage, and important messages that are useful to the user.
Warning – This indicates a hazardous situation that could result in death or serious
personal injury (potential hazard) if the user does not perform the procedure correctly
Caution – This indicates a hazardous situation that could result in minor or moderate
personal injury if the user does not perform the procedure correctly. This signal also indicates that damage to the product or other property may occur if the user does not perform the procedure correctly.
Tip – This indicates information that could help the user to use the product more
Preface xvii
Alert messages in the text
An alert message in the text consists of a signal indicating an alert level followed by an alert statement. Alert messages are indented to distinguish them from regular text. Also, a space of one line precedes and follows an alert statement.
Caution – The following tasks regarding this product and the optional products provided
from Fujitsu should only be performed by a certified service engineer. Users must not perform these tasks. Incorrect operation of these tasks may cause malfunction.
Unpacking optional adapters and such packages delivered to the users
Also, important alert messages are shown in “Important Alert Messages” on
page xix
xviii SPARC Enterprise T2000 Server Installation Guide • April 2007
Notes on Safety
Important Alert Messages
This manual provides the following important alert signals:
Caution – This indicates a hazardous situation could result in minor or moderate
personal injury if the user does not perform the procedure correctly. This signal also indicates that damage to the product or other property may occur if the user does not perform the procedure correctly.
Task Warning
Installation Electric shock
There is a potential for electric shock if the server and related equipment are not properly grounded.
Deploy the antitilt bar on the rack before beginning an installation.
The server weighs approximately 40 lb (18 kg). Two people are required to lift and mount the system into a rack enclosure when using the procedures in this chapter.
When completing a two-person procedure, always communicate your intentions clearly before, during, and after each step to minimize confusion.
The weight of the server on extended slide rails can be enough to overturn an equipment rack.
Preface xix
Product Handling
Caution – Certain tasks in this manual should only be performed by a certified
service engineer. User must not perform these tasks. Incorrect operation of these tasks may cause electric shock, injury, or fire.
Installation and reinstallation of all components, and initial settings
Removal of front, rear, or side covers
Mounting/de-mounting of optional internal devices
Plugging or unplugging of external interface cards
Maintenance and inspections (repairing, and regular diagnosis and maintenance)
Caution – The following tasks regarding this product and the optional products
provided from Fujitsu Siemens Computers should only be performed by a certified service engineer. Users must not perform these tasks. Incorrect operation of these tasks may cause malfunction.
Unpacking optional adapters and such packages delivered to the users
Plugging or unplugging of external interface cards
Caution – Do not make mechanical or electrical modifications to the equipment.
Using this product after modifying or reproducing by overhaul may cause unexpected injury or damage to the property of the user or bystanders.
xx SPARC Enterprise T2000 Server Installation Guide • April 2007
Alert Labels
The followings are labels attached to this product:
Never peel off the labels.
The following labels provide information to the users of this product.
Attach stabilizer
For reinstall:
tighten to 7 in/lbs
LABELP N 6 6 0
M6 Screws and Cage Nuts
Sample of SPARC Enterprise T2000
Preface xxi
Reader's Comment Form
xxii SPARC Enterprise T2000 Server Installation Guide • April 2007
Preface xxiii
xxiv SPARC Enterprise T2000 Server Installation Guide • April 2007

Preparing for Installation

This chapter provides background information about the SPARC Enterprise T2000 server installation procedures that are provided in Chapter 2.
This chapter contains these topics:
“Tools and Equipment Needed” on page 2
“Optional Component Installation” on page 2
“ESD Precautions” on page 2
“Installation Overview” on page 3
“Data Ports and Cabling Notes” on page 5
“Slide Rail Assembly Notes” on page 7
“Safety Precautions” on page 10
FIGURE 1-1 SPARC Enterprise T2000 Server
+ 61 hidden pages