Fujitsu SPARC Enterprise T1000 Getting Started Manual

SPARC® Enterprise T1000 Server Getting Started Guide

This guide describes the minimum steps you must perform to power on and boot your server for the first time using the preinstalled Solaris™ Operating System (Solaris OS).
FIGURE 1 SPARC Enterprise T1000 Server

Shipping Contents

Quantity Item
1 Rackmounting kit with cable
management assembly
2 RJ-45 Ethernet cable
1 RJ-45 to DB-25 adapter (crossover)
1 RJ-45 to DB-9 adapter (crossover)
1 Wrist strap
1Power cord (packaged separately)

Before You Begin

For quick installation and configuration, follow these steps. For more detailed information, refer to the complete online product documentation set at:
Understand the following information before you set up the server for the first time:
configure and boot the host server. To properly configure the host server and view SC messages, do not apply AC power to the server until the SC and host networking connections are made, as described in this guide.
Choose the best instructions for your situation – The quick setup instructions in this guide work for any
networking environment, and require the use of a terminal device for connection to a serial port. If you have a networking environment running DHCP, you can configure your system using the Ethernet management port. To take advantage of the DHCP setup method, refer to the online installation guide in the online product documentation set at:
Set aside sufficient time – Installation times vary, but if you are performing these setup instructions for the
first time, plan to spend about 45 to 75 minutes to complete all of these instructions. Additional time might be required for installing optional hardware and rackmounting kits.
Obtain a terminal device – You configure this rackmountable server through the SC using the built-in serial
management and network management ports, and not through a graphical interface and keyboard. To communicate with the SC, you will need a terminal device, which can be a terminal, terminal server, or laptop running terminal emulation software.
Gather your configuration information – During the configuration, you are prompted for time zone and
networking parameters for your environment. Use
TAB LE 1 Configuration Information
Parameter Description Your Ent r y
Language Select a number from the displayed language list.
Locale Select a number from the displayed locale list.
Term i na l Typ e Select a terminal type that corresponds with your terminal device.
Network? Select Yes.
Multiple Network Interfaces
DHCP? Select Yes or No according to your network environment.
Host Name Enter the host name for the server.
IP Address Enter the IP address for the selected Ethernet interfaces.
Subnet? Select Yes or No according to your network environment.
Subnet Netmask (If subnet was Yes) Enter the netmask for the subnet for your network
IPv6? Specify whether or not to use IPv6. If you are not sure, select No to
Security Policy Select either standard UNIX security (No) or Kerberos Security (Yes). If you
Confirm Review the onscreen information and change it if needed. Otherwise,
Name Service Select the name service according to your network environment.
NFSv4 Domain Name
Time Zon e (Continent)
Time Zon e (Country or Region)
Time Zon e Select the time zone.
Date and Time Accept the default date and time, or change the values.
root Password Enter the root password twice. This password is for the superuser account
Select the network interfaces that you plan to configure. If you are not sure, select the first one in the list.
configure the Ethernet interface for IPv4.
are not sure, select No.
Note – If you select a name service other than None, you will be prompted for additional name service configuration information.
Select the type of domain name configuration according to your environment. If you are not sure, select Use the NFSv4 domain derived by the system.
Select your continent.
Select your country or region.
for the Solaris OS on this server. This password is not the SC password.
TABLE 1 to record your configuration information.

Quick Setup Instructions

1. Unpack the server, and check that you received all of the shipping contents.
2. Place the server in its intended location for verification.
For rackmounting instructions, refer to the instructions included with the rail kit, the service label on the server, and to the online SPARC Enterprise T1000 Server Installation Guide.
3. Connect a serial cable between the server’s SER MGT port (
FIGURE 2) and a terminal device.
This connection provides your initial communication with the system controller (SC). The device must be set up to communicate using 9600 baud, 8 bit, no parity, 1 stop bit. A null modem configuration is needed, meaning the transmit and receive signals are reversed (crossed over) for DTE to DTE communications. You can use the supplied RJ-45 crossover adapters with a standard RJ-45 cable to achieve the null modem configuration.
FIGURE 2 Server Connections
4. (Optional) Connect an Ethernet cable between the server’s NET MGT port (FIGURE 2) and the network to which future connections to the SC and host will be made.
After the initial configuration of the system using the SER MGT port, communication with the SC and host is usually performed through this Ethernet interface. To enable this port you must configure it (configure IP addresses and so forth). Refer to the SPARC Enterprise T1000 Server Installation Guide for instructions.
5. Connect an Ethernet cable between one of the server’s NET ports (
FIGURE 2) and the network to which the
server will communicate.
6. Plug the power cord into the power supply and into a power source.
When power is applied, the SC initializes and power supply LEDs illuminate. After a few minutes, the SC login prompt appears on the terminal device. Note that the system is in standby mode and the host is not initialized or powered on yet.
7. At the terminal device, log in to the SC as admin.
Please login: admin sc>
After a brief delay, the SC prompt (sc>) is displayed. admin is a factory default account that does not have a password until you establish one.
8. Set a password for the ALOM CMT admin account.
sc> password password: Changing password for admin Setting password for admin. New password: ******** Re-enter new password: ******** sc>
Subsequent access to the ALOM CMT admin account will require the password. Additional information, such as how to set up the NET MGT port, is available in the online documentation
9. Power on the server and redirect the host output to display on the serial terminal device.
sc> poweron ASC Alert: Host System has Reset sc> console
After you run the console command, the input and output displays messages from the host. The host initialization process takes approximately 20 minutes to complete.
10. When prompted, follow the onscreen instructions and enter the configuration information.
Refer to
TABLE 1 for the list of configuration information and your entries. You will be prompted to confirm
the configuration several times, enabling confirmation and changes. If you are not sure how to respond to a particular value, you can accept the default and make future changes when the Solaris OS is running.
When the configuration menus are completed, the server reboots and displays the Solaris login prompt.
11. Log in to the server and explore the capabilities.
The following commands provide information about the system:
showrev – Displays the hostname and system architecture information. Use the -a option with this
command to see the patches that are installed.
psrinfo – Displays information about the number and status of the processors and cores in the host.
Review the Solaris OS man pages and documentation for more details.
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