Fujitsu Sparc Enterpise M8000, Sparc Enterpise M9000 Product Notes

SPARC Enterprise
M8000/M9000 Servers
Product Notes
For XCP Version 1092
Manual Code C120-E619-01EN Part No. 875-4650-10 April 2010, Revision A
Copyright 2010 Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, California 95054, U.S.A. and FUJITSU LIMITED, 1-1, Kamikodanaka 4-chome, Nakahara-ku, Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa-ken 211-8588, Japan. All rights reserved.
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Preface ix
Technical Support ix
Software Resources x
Accessing Documentation x
Fujitsu Welcomes Your Comments xi
General Information About XCP 1092 1
What’s New in XCP 1092 1
Supported Firmware and Software 2
Solaris OS Patch Information 3
Patches for Solaris 10 5/08 3
Patches for Solaris 10 8/07 4
Patches for Solaris 10 11/06 4
Patches for Emulex PCI Express (PCIe) Cards 4
Updating to XCP 1092 4
Resetting the XSCF Firmware 5
Updating from a Version Earlier Than XCP 1050 5
Updating from a Version Earlier Than XCP 1070 5
Functionality Issues and Limitations 5
Limitations for SPARC64 VII Processors 6
Notes on Active Directory 6
Notes on LDAP/SSL 6
Notes on Airflow Indicator 6
Notes on NTP Server 7
Notes on the NTP Server Referring to the Local Clock 7
Notes on XSCF Web 8
General Functionality Issues and Limitations 9
Information About Hardware 11
Antistatic Precautions 11
Method of Removing Static Electricity 12
Removing Static Electricity on a CMU and an IOU 13
Grounding Port Connection Locations 16
Notes on DVD Drive and Discs 18
Notes on the Use of USB Memory 18
Power Control and Operator Panel Mode Switch 19
Hardware Issues and Workarounds 19
DVD Drives and cfgadm 19
Sun Crypto Accelerator 6000 Cards 20
Hardware Documentation Updates 20
Updates of the SPARC Enterprise M8000/M9000 Servers Site Planning
Guide 22
Cooling (Air-Conditioning) Requirements 22
Electrical Specification 23
CPU Types and Server Maximum Power Consumption 24
Updates of the SPARC Enterprise M8000/M9000 Servers Overview Guide
Electrical Specifications 25
Cabinet Stabilization Measures 26
Vibration-proof bracket 26
vi SPARC Enterprise M8000/M9000 Servers Product Notes for XCP Version 1092 • April 2010
Vibration-proof feet 26
Information About Software 28
Active Directory and LDAP/SSL 28
Configuring XSCF for Active Directory Support 30
Configuring XSCF for LDAP/SSL Support 30
Notes on User Account Name and UID 31
New proxyuser System Account 31
XCP Issues and Workarounds 31
Known Issues and Workarounds in XCP 1092 31
XCP Issues Fixed in XCP 1092 33
XCP Issues Fixed in Releases Earlier Than XCP 1092 34
Solaris OS Issues and Workarounds 50
Solaris Issues and Workarounds for All Supported Releases 50
Solaris OS Issues Fixed in Solaris 10 10/09 54
Solaris OS Issues Fixed in Solaris 10 5/09 56
Solaris OS Issues Fixed in Solaris 10 10/08 57
Solaris OS Issues Fixed in Solaris 10 5/08 60
Solaris OS Issues Fixed in Solaris 10 8/07 64
Software Documentation Updates 69
Identifying Degraded Memory in a System 73
Identifying Different Memory Sizes in a System Board 73
Using the showdevices Command 73
Using the prtdiag Command to Identify Memory Size 74
Identifying Permanent Memory in a Target Board 75
Contents vii
viii SPARC Enterprise M8000/M9000 Servers Product Notes for XCP Version 1092 • April 2010


These product notes contain late-breaking information about the SPARC Enterprise™ M8000/M9000 servers hardware, software, or documentation that became known after the documentation set was published.
Note – Once an XCP version newer than the XCP version supported by this manual
is released, only the manuals related to the new XCP version are subsequently updated. You must therefore check the manuals for the latest XCP version in addition to those related to the XCP version you are using.
Global Site
Japanese Site
North American Site
Technical Support
If you have technical questions or issues that are not addressed in the SPARC Enterprise M8000/M9000 servers documentation, contact a sales representative or a certified service engineer.
Software Resources
The Solaris™ Operating System and Sun Java™ Enterprise System software are preinstalled on your SPARC Enterprise M8000/M9000 servers.
Contact a sales representative or a certified service engineer for software resources for your SPARC Enterprise M8000/M9000 servers.
Note – For latest patch information go to:
Global Site
Japanese Site
North American Site
Installation information and README files are included in the patch download.
Accessing Documentation
Note – Information in these product notes supersedes the information in the SPARC
Enterprise M8000/M9000 servers documentation set.
Instructions for installing, administering, and using your SPARC Enterprise M8000/M9000 servers are provided in the SPARC Enterprise M8000/M9000 servers documentation set. The documentation set is available for download from the following website:
Global Site
Japanese Site
North American Site
x SPARC Enterprise M8000/M9000 Servers Product Notes for XCP Version 1092 • April 2010
Sun Microsystems Software (for Solaris OS, etc.) Related Manuals
Fujitsu Welcomes Your Comments
If you have any comments or requests regarding this document, or if you find any unclear statements in the document, please state your points specifically on the form at the following URL.
For Users in U.S.A., Canada, and Mexico: pport/servers
For Users in Other Countries: SPARC Enterprise contact
Preface xi
xii SPARC Enterprise M8000/M9000 Servers Product Notes for XCP Version 1092 • April 2010

General Information About XCP 1092

This section describes the general information about XCP 1092.
“What’s New in XCP 1092” on page 1
“Supported Firmware and Software” on page 2
“Updating to XCP 1092” on page 4
“Functionality Issues and Limitations” on page 5

What’s New in XCP 1092

In XCP version 1092, the following new feature is introduced:
The following new XSCF commands are supported:
For detail, see the man pages for each command.
The following options for specifying a proxy server and a login user name are
supported in the loadcert operand of setad(8) and setldapssl(8):
-p proxy
-t proxy_type
-u username
For detail, see the man pages for each command.
The websites which can download the latest files of XCP firmware are changed as
Global Site:
old: new:
Japanese Site:
old: ware/

Supported Firmware and Software

The following firmware and operating system (OS) are supported depending on the processors being installed on the SPARC Enterprise™ M8000/M9000 servers.
TABLE 1 Supported Firmware and Operating System Versions
Installed Processors XCP Version Operating System Version
SPARC64 VI processors XCP 1040 or later Solaris 10 11/06 or later, with required
SPARC64 VII processors
2.52GHz XCP 1070 or later Solaris 10 8/07 or later, with required patches
2.88GHz XCP 1090 or later Solaris 10 8/07 or later, with required patches
Note – 8GB DIMM is supported in XCP 1081 or later.
Note – You cannot boot a domain mounted with the SPARC64™ VII processors
using the Solaris™ 10 8/07 installation DVD. Use the Solaris 10 5/08 or later installation DVD to boot a domain mounted with the SPARC64 VII processors.
For XCP, you can download the latest files of firmware at the following websites.
Global Site:
Japanese Site:
2 SPARC Enterprise M8000/M9000 Servers Product Notes for XCP Version 1092 • April 2010
Many web browsers support the XSCF Web. The browsers in TABLE 2 have demonstrated compatibility with the XSCF Web through testing. For other information about XSCF Web, see “Notes on XSCF Web” on page 8.
TABLE 2 Tested Web Browser Versions
Web Browser Application Version
Microsoft® Internet Explorer
Firefox (Solaris 10) 2.0
*. Microsoft and Internet Explorer are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the
United States and/or other countries.
†. The Firefox 3 is not supported in XSCF Web.
6.0, 7.0, or 8.0

Solaris OS Patch Information

This section lists mandatory patches for the SPARC Enterprise M8000/M9000 servers.
For additional Solaris Operating System information, see “Solaris OS Issues and
Workarounds” on page 50.
Note – See “Software Resources” on page x for information on how to find the latest
patches. Installation information and README files are included in the patch download.
Note – Apply the patches in the following order. For the procedures of CPU
upgrade including the patches, see SPARC Enterprise M8000/M9000 Servers Service Manual.
Patches are not required for servers running Solaris 10 10/08 OS or later.
Patches for Solaris 10 5/08
The following patch is required for Solaris 10 5/08 OS only on servers containing SPARC64 VI processors or SPARC64 VII 2.52GHz processors:
For Solaris 10 5/08 OS on servers containing SPARC64 VII 2.88GHz processors, apply all patches contained in the PTF R10021 or later. For more information on the PTF, contact a sales representative or a qualified service engineer.
General Information About XCP 1092 3
Patches for Solaris 10 8/07
The following patches are required for Solaris 10 8/07 OS only on servers containing SPARC64 VII 2.52GHz processors:
119254-51 or later
125891-01 or later
127755-01 or later
For Solaris 10 8/07 OS on servers containing SPARC64 VII 2.88GHz processors, apply all patches contained in the PTF R10021 or later. For more information on the PTF, contact a sales representative or a qualified service engineer.
Patches for Solaris 10 11/06
The following patches are required for Solaris 10 11/06 OS. Note that Solaris 10 11/06 OS does not support SPARC64 VII processors, even with these required patches:
118833-36 (Install 118833-36 before 125100-04.)
125100-04 or later
120068-03 or later
123839-07 or later
125424-01 or later
125075-01 or later
125670-02 or later
Patches for Emulex PCI Express (PCIe) Cards
The following Emulex cards require drivers supplied in patch 120222-26:
XSEFC402AF Sun StorageTek Enterprise Class 4Gb Dual-Port Fibre Channel PCI-
XSEFC401AF Sun StorageTek Enterprise Class 4Gb Single-Port Fibre Channel PCI-

Updating to XCP 1092

To update your XCP to XCP 1092, please pay attention to the following points depending on your current XCP version.
4 SPARC Enterprise M8000/M9000 Servers Product Notes for XCP Version 1092 • April 2010
You can upgrade to XCP 1092 from XCP version 1050 or later. Refer to the SPARC Enterprise M3000/M4000/M5000/M8000/M9000 Servers XSCF User’s Guide for

Resetting the XSCF Firmware

After updating the XCP firmware to 1092, do not fail to reset the XSCF by using the rebootxscf(8) command.

Updating from a Version Earlier Than XCP 1050

You cannot update to XCP 1092 directly.
If you are currently running a version earlier than XCP 1050, you must first update to an interim version of XCP between 1050 and 1070 (inclusive) before updating to XCP 1092. Refer to the product notes document for the interim version for instructions.
Delete any accounts named "admin".
Any accounts named admin must be deleted prior to updating to XCP 1050 or later. This account name is reserved in XCP 1050 and later. Use the deleteuser(8) command to delete the account.

Updating from a Version Earlier Than XCP 1070

On a domain which has been in operation during the XCP update to 1092, when you perform Dynamic Reconfiguration (DR) to add or replace the SPARC64 VII processors, you need to update the OpenBoot™ PROM firmware. The OpenBoot PROM™ firmware is updated as you update the XCP and restart the domain. For this reason, it is strongly recommended to restart all the domains after you update the firmware to XCP 1092, regardless of whether you added or replaced the SPARC64 VII processors.

Functionality Issues and Limitations

This section describes the known issues and limitations at the time of this release.
General Information About XCP 1092 5

Limitations for SPARC64 VII Processors

Caution – You must complete the upgrades to the XCP firmware and to Solaris OS
before inserting the CPU/memory board unit of SPARC 64 VII processors into the chassis.

Notes on Active Directory

While Active Directory is enabled, when you attempt to login to XSCF via the
telnet, you might fail to login due to timeout of the query to secondary alternated server or later.
If the specified timeout is too brief for the configuration, the login process or
retrieval of user privilege settings could fail. In such case, specify larger value for the timeout and then execute again.

Notes on LDAP/SSL

If the specified timeout is too brief for the configuration, the login process or retrieval of user privilege settings could fail. In such case, specify larger value for the timeout and try again.

Notes on Airflow Indicator

The amount of exhaust air might not be indicated correctly in the MIB
information, in the showenvironment air command output, and on the XSCF Web in the following cases; and you should wait for one minute and check the value again.
During the server powering on or powering off, or for a while after the power-
on or power-off complete
During the active replacement of power supply unit, or for a while after the
active replacement complete
The figures on the airflow indicator represent the volume of air exhausted from
the server. The figures of peripheral devices are not included.
6 SPARC Enterprise M8000/M9000 Servers Product Notes for XCP Version 1092 • April 2010

Notes on NTP Server

We recommend the domain to use the XSCF Unit as NTP server. In this case, pay
attention to the following points:
XSCF must be connected to an external NTP server
When you connect one or more NTP servers in addition to XSCF, connect the
same NTP server as XSCF is using
For details on NTP server, contact a service engineer. For details on NTP settings, refer to the SPARC Enterprise M3000/M4000/M5000/M8000/M9000 Servers XSCF User’s Guide.
Notes on the NTP Server Referring to the Local Clock
When the NTP server which XSCF refers to is referring to the server's own system time (local clock), and when the address of "" is set to that local clock, time synchronization in XSCF might fail.
The address of the XSCF's own local clock is fixed to "" On the other hand, when the address of the local clock of the NTP server which XSCF refers to is set to "," the address of the clock source (refid) has the same value as the address of the XSCF's own local clock. An NTP server like this is excluded from the target of XSCF time synchronization.
You can execute the showntp -l command to refer to the address of the NTP server's own clock source which is set in XSCF and the address of the XSCF's own local clock.
XSCF> showntp -l remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter ============================================================================== LOCAL(0) 3 u 10 1024 377 0.000 0.000 0.000 * .LOCL. 5 l 28 64 377 0.000 0.000 0.008
Of the two NTP server outputs, the upper ( indicates the NTP server which is set by using the setntp(8) command. The refid is LOCAL(0), which means that the local clock which has the address of "" is set to the clock source of this NTP server. On the other hand, the lower indicates the XSCF's own local clock. The address of the XSCF's own local clock is fixed to "" Due to this, the NTP server ( is excluded from the target of XSCF time synchronization; which results in the XSCF synchronizes with its own local clock.
With any of the following measures to avoid the trouble, time can be correctly synchronized with the NTP server which is set by using the setntp(8) command.
General Information About XCP 1092 7
Change the clock source that the NTP server being set in XSCF refers to
Use the showntp -l command and check the clock source of the NTP server which is set in XSCF. An NTP server which indicates the refid of LOCAL(0) in the output is referring to the local clock which has the address of "," and you should change it to refer to another clock source.
When you change the clock source of an NTP server, make sure in advance that it has no impact on other NTP clients.
Change the address of the local clock of the NTP server
Of the NTP server which XSCF refers to, change the address of the local clock to "," "," or "" Change /etc/inet/ntp.conf of Solaris OS. To enable the change, restart of the NTP daemon is required.
When you change the address of the local clock of an NTP server, make sure in advance that it has no impact on other NTP clients.
Change the stratum value of the NTP server
Of the NTP server which XSCF refers to, change the stratum value to "1." An NTP server which has the stratum value of "1" becomes the most significant clock source and has no refid. Therefore, there is no chance that it will have the same address as the XSCF's own local clock.
When you change the stratum value of an NTP server, make sure in advance that it has no impact on other NTP clients.
Change the address of the XSCF's own local clock
By using the setntp -m localaddr=value command, change the address of the XSCF's own local clock. In value, specify the least significant byte of the clock address of the local clock 127.127.1.x for value. A numeric from 0 to 3 can be specified. By specifying either from 1 to 3, the address of an NTP server which is referring to the local clock does not correspond to the address of the XSCF internal local clock anymore, and a server which is referring to the local clock can also be set as the NTP server of XSCF.

Notes on XSCF Web

Under the Windows 7
not support the use through the built-in Administrator account.
On Internet Explorer 8.0, when you move the on-screen horizontal frame up or
down to change the frame height and use the [Monitor Msg Show/Hide] button, the screen background color may turn black. In this case, click Refresh on the View menu or press F5 key to refresh the display, to go back to the screen right after the login.
*1. Windows is either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States
and/or other countries.
8 SPARC Enterprise M8000/M9000 Servers Product Notes for XCP Version 1092 • April 2010
and Internet Explorer 8.0 environment, XSCF Web does
When you moved the on-screen horizontal frame up or down to change the frame height, do not use the [Monitor Msg Show/Hide] button.
To use XSCF Web on the SPARC Enterprise M8000/M9000 servers which are
installed the XCP 1080, disable the cache function of your browser. If you leave the browser cache function enabled, the old cached data might be displayed. To disable the cache funtion:
Internet Explorer 6 and 7
[Tools] -> [Internet Options...] -> [Advanced] tab and check the "Do not save encrypted pages to disk" box.
Netscape 7.1 or later
[Edit] -> [Preferences] -> [Advanced] -> [Cache] -> [Compare the page in the cache to the page on the network] setting and select the "Every time I view the page" radio button.
Firefox 2
Type "about:config" in address box, then type "cache" in filter box. Change the "browser.cache.check_doc_frequency" settings value to "1."
Using the XSCF Web, when you import XCP or update the firmware, Session ID
error may be displayed on the web browser. And Internal Server Error might be displayed when you perform the firmware update. Please close the current browser and open the new browser to reconnect to XSCF Web.
When you use the XSCF Web, if a plug-in such as the search tool installed with
the browser, remove the plug-in or disable the pop-up blocking.

General Functionality Issues and Limitations

Caution – For dynamic reconfiguration (DR) and hot-plug issues, see “Solaris OS
Issues and Workarounds” on page 50.
Do not use the internal CD-RW/DVD-RW drive unit and the TAPE drive unit at
the same time.
For this XCP release, the XSCF browser user interface (XSCF Web) does not
support the External I/O Expansion Unit Manager feature.
The log archive feature by the setarchiving(8) and the showarchiving(8)
commands, and the Log Archives menu of XSCF Web is not supported.
When you use the external power control interface of the external power
controller, the following notification signals are not supported:
The OS panic or the server hardware error signal (*CPUN/RTNU)
General Information About XCP 1092 9
The server hardware error signal (power fail, temperature error, and fan error)
For 1027A-Z/X1027A-Z, PCIe Dual 10 Gigabit Ethernet Fiber XFP cards, these
limits apply:
Do not use more than two cards per domain.
Do not use these cards in an External I/O Expansion Unit.
No more than four 4447A-Z/X4447A-Z, PCIe Quad-port Gigabit Ethernet
Adapter UTP cards in an External I/O Expansion Unit (two per PCIe I/O boat).
On the SPARC Enterprise M8000/M9000 servers with XCP 1050 or later, the dual
XSCF Unit feature is working. Therefore, you can not downgrade SPARC Enterprise M8000/M9000 servers with XCP 1050 or later to XCP 1040 or XCP 1041, which does not support dual XSCF Unit feature.
You cannot use the following user account names, as they are reserved for system
use: root, bin, daemon, adm, operator, nobody, sshd, rpc, rpcuser, ldap, apache, ntp, admin, proxyuser, and default.
XSCF-LAN is compliant with auto-negotiation. When you connect XSCF-LAN
and the network device which has been fixed to the full-duplex mode, according to the IEEE 802.3 rule, XSCF-LAN communicates in the half-duplex mode. Due to this, network communication speed may slow down or communication error may occur. Do not fail to set the network device which connects with XSCF-LAN to the auto-negotiation mode.
While you are performing DR operation to a COD board, do not execute the
addcodlicense(8)/deletecodlicense(8)/setcod(8) command.
At this time the restoredefaults(8) command is not supported.
■ At this time the -e, -l, -P options of the snapshot(8) command are not
10 SPARC Enterprise M8000/M9000 Servers Product Notes for XCP Version 1092 • April 2010

Information About Hardware

This section describes the special instructions and the issues about the SPARC Enterprise M8000/M9000 servers hardware.
“Antistatic Precautions” on page 11
“Notes on DVD Drive and Discs” on page 18
“Notes on the Use of USB Memory” on page 18
“Power Control and Operator Panel Mode Switch” on page 19
“Hardware Issues and Workarounds” on page 19
“Hardware Documentation Updates” on page 20
“Cabinet Stabilization Measures” on page 26

Antistatic Precautions

Caution – Before handling FRUs, be sure to connect an antistatic wrist strap clip
and an antistatic conductive mat to a cabinet grounding port and attach the band of the wrist strap to one of your wrists. Remove static electricity on the FRUs before installation by placing the FRUs on a grounded antistatic conductive mat while wearing the wrist strap. Failure to do so might result in serious damage.
Be sure to observe the precautions when handling the FRUs described in the below chapters in the SPARC Enterprise M8000/M9000 Servers Service Manual.
Chapter 6: Replacement of CPU/Memory Board Unit (CMU), CPU, and DIMM
Chapter 7: I/O Unit (IOU) Replacement
Information About Hardware 11
Caution – Do not touch the CMU, IOU, or the dummy unit without wearing an
metallic surface
antistatic wrist strap. Failure to do so might result in serious damage to operating domains.

Method of Removing Static Electricity

This section provides the information on the method of removing static electricity.
1. Connect an antistatic conductive mat to a server grounding port. See “Grounding
Port Connection Locations” on page 16.
Note – Do not use antistatic bags or packaging materials in place of a grounded
antistatic conductive mat when handling the FRUs.
2. Connect an antistatic wrist strap clip to a server grounding port. See “Grounding
Port Connection Locations” on page 16.
3. Ensure that the metallic underside of the wrist strap is in direct contact with your skin.
The wrist strap should be snug around the wrist so that it does not rotate.
FIGURE 1-1 Antistatic Wrist Strap Showing the Metallic Underside
12 SPARC Enterprise M8000/M9000 Servers Product Notes for XCP Version 1092 • April 2010
4. To mount a FRU, place it on the grounded antistatic conductive mat. With your bare hand wearing the antistatic wrist strap, touch the metallic FRU chassis for 5 or more seconds.
When touching the FRU, take care not to damage the parts such as the connector on the edge of the unit.
Caution – Do not touch the CMU, IOU, or the dummy unit without wearing an
antistatic wrist strap. Failure to do so might result in serious damage to operating domains.
Removing Static Electricity on a CMU and an IOU
a. Prior to mounting a new CMU or IOU, place it on the grounded antistatic
conductive mat.
Information About Hardware 13
b. Touch the metallic chassis for 5 or more seconds with your bare hand wearing
Touch for 5 or more seconds.
Touch for 5 or more seconds.
the antistatic wrist strap. (See
FIGURE 1-2 or FIGURE 1-3)
You cannot remove static electricity by touching the label.
FIGURE 1-2 Metallic Chassis (CMU)
FIGURE 1-3 Metallic Chassis (IOU)
14 SPARC Enterprise M8000/M9000 Servers Product Notes for XCP Version 1092 • April 2010
c. Touch each of the designated points on the guide blocks for 5 or more seconds
Touch for 5 or more seconds.
Touch 5 or more seconds.
with your bare hand wearing the antistatic wrist strap. (See
FIGURE 1-4 Guide Block (CMU)
Guide block
FIGURE 1-5 Guide Block (IOU)
FIGURE 1-4 or
Information About Hardware 15
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