Fujitsu S130 Operation Manual

1 Introduction
The range of BS2000/OSD servers has been extended b y the addition of the S130 series. The spectrum of user facilities of the new models lies between the S110 and H130 server series. They are powerful systems for scientific and commercial applications.
The S130 Business Server (or cluster) has a modular structure and can easily be upgraded on site.
The main memory can be expanded by up to 8 Gbytes . Global stor age (GSP or SSU) can be upgraded to a maximum of 32 Gbytes and if desired can have a battery buffer.
The input/output system consists of 1 or 2 input/output processors. Up to 248 channels can be configured for connecting peripheral de vices with channel interfaces. LAN netw orking is possible via the 3970-SKP service/console processor, a connection to the TRANSDATA network world via front-end processors.
The service processor (SVP) and the external 3970-SKP service/console processor support common operation, monitoring, diagnosis and maintenance of the computer as well as TELESERVICE.
The models can easily be integrated into a HIPLEX network. Like all computers in the 7.500 system family, the business server uses the BS2000
operating system. This offers the portability and compatibility of BS2000 programs.
1.1 Objectives and target group
This manual provides you with all the inf ormation you require to operate the S130 Business Server via the service/console processor, and is thus intended for operators and system managers.
Knowledge of BS2000 system operation and management as well as basic knowledge of SINIX are required.
Further manuals with information on the operation of BS2000, SINIX and TELESERVICE are listed under “Related publications” at the end of this manual.
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Summary of contents Introduction
1.2 Summary of contents
This operating manual covers the hardware operating functions of the S130 Business Server with the 3970-SKP service/console processor.
The chapters “Overview”, “Controls and indicators” and “Standard processing in SVP mode” provide information on hardware and the operating concept. You should read these chapters first.
The chapter entitled “Troubleshooting” provides valuable assistance in recognizing and solving problems.
A keyword inde x at the end of the man ual helps you to find the rele v ant inf ormation quickly.
1.3 Notational conventions
Some text passages are marked using the following symbols:
Information that is particularly important for the function of the product.
Important instructions, e.g. warnings.
Reference to the “SINIX-2000 V7.0” [1] manual.
Ê The input symbol indicates actions which must be carried out (e.g. keyboard input).
Ë This character represents a blank in keyboard input.
[ ... ] References to relevant literature or optional parameters in commands are giv en in
square brackets.
This typewriter font is used for names, commands and messages (e.g. the
/DETË*CHA(xx) command).
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2 Important instructions
This chapter covers the most important safety instructions. It also includes some manufac­turer instructions and notes on radio interference.
2.1 Safety instructions
This device fulfills the pre vailing saf ety requirements for inf ormation technology equipment, including electrical office machines.
In emergencies (e.g. damaged housing, operating elements or network cables, entry of
liquid or foreign objects), s witch off the de vice immediately (EMERGENCY STOP) and contact our service department.
S130 Business Server Global storage Battery unit
Figure 1: EMERGENCY STOP switch on the S130 Business Server, global storage and battery unit
The system must have a direct po wer supply f or safety reasons . The systems ma y only
be installed by authorized trained personnel.
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Manufacturer instructions Important instructions
The cables must be laid in such a way that there is no danger of anyone tripping over
them and they cannot be damaged.
Data transmission lines must not be connected or disconnected during electrical
Ensure that no foreign bodies (e.g. necklaces, paperclips etc.) or liquids find their way
into the device (danger of electric shock, short circuit).
Repairs to the device may only be carried out b y authorized and trained personnel. All
areas which are secured by locks or can only be opened using tools are maintenance areas and may only be accessed by trained personnel. Unauthorized opening of the maintenance area and improper repairs can be dangerous for the user (electric shock, danger of fire).
2.2 Manufacturer instructions
This product complies with the EC guideline 89/336/EEC "Electronic Compati­bility". The product bears the EC certificate.
2.3 RFI suppression
WARNING: This is a class A equipment. This equipment may cause interference to
The devices generate and emit high-frequency energy. If the devices are installed and used other than as instructed in the manual, failures in the
devices or other electric systems may occur. If failures of this type occur it is the task of the user to carry out measurements and implement measures to solve the problem. Only the cables supplied with the system or recommended by SNI may be used.
All other devices which are connected to the present product must be radio interference suppressed in accordance with BMPT Order No. 1046/84 and Order No. 243/91 or EU Directive 89/336/EEC . Products which satisfy this requirements are provided with an appro­priate certificate by the manuf acturer and bear the CE mark or the interference suppression symbol.
radio and television reception in a residential installation. If it does cause inter­ference, the user may be requested to take appropriate corrective measures at his or her own cost.
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3 Overview
This chapter provides information on the configuration levels and the configuration of the S130 Business Server series and the concept of system operation.
S130 Business Server Global storage Battery unit
Figure 2: S130 Business Server, global storage and battery unit
The S130 Business Server comprises two cabinets together with an additional cabinet for channel extensions.
Two global storage units can be connected, each of which is located in a separate cabinet. The battery unit for global storage consists of three cabinets.
3.1 Configuration levels of the S130 Business Server
The S130 Business Server series consists of five models. Upgrading of the individual models can easily be carried out on site, so that system downtime is not extended due to hardware installation.
All the S130 models have multiple processing units, I/O processors and channel groups. Thus a reconfiguration is possible for these models if there is a partial failure. If a processing unit fails, the other processors tak e ov er its tasks during operation (dynamic reconfiguration).
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Configuration levels of the S130 Business Server Overview
If the HVZ (high-availability f eature) option S130K-1H is availab le, a defective processor can be replaced with the high-availability processor (the high-a vailability feature is only a vailable for the models S130-C, S130-E and S130-P).
Model Number of processors Performance factor
S130-C 2 processing units 1.0 S130-E 3 processing units 1.4 S130-K 4 processing units 1.9 S130-P 6 processing units 2.6 S130-T 8 processing units 3.1
Radio-controlled clock/
Figure 3: Hardware overview of the S130 Business Server system with 3970-SKP
I/O channel
On/off facility
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Overview Concept of system operation
3.2 Concept of system operation
System operation is described in the chapter “Basics of system operation“ of the
The following section lists the most important hardware and software components f or S130 operation.
3.2.1 Hardware
“SINIX-2000 V7.0“ [1] manual.
I/O channel
Radio-controlled clock/
On/off facility
The following hardware and software components are important for the operation of S130:
Service processor (SVP) in the S130 CPU.
This is responsible for the following tasks in the S130 CPU: – initialization – monitoring – controlling – hardware diagnosis
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Concept of system operation Overview
The service/console processor (3970-SKP) with the SINIX operating system.
Operation of the S130 system takes place via a local PC: the 3970-SKP service/console processor.
S130 and 3970-SKP communicate with one another in three ways: – serial line (V.24)
type-2 I/O channel (KT2) or type-S I/O channel – LAN connection
The following components can be oper ated via the local 3970-SKP screen and remote secondary consoles:
the 3970-SKP itself – the SVP of the S130 – the BS2000 running on the S130
Consoles can be set up and operated directly for up to 15 VM2000 guest systems.
Automatic Operator (ATOP).
The ATOP is a device which is connected to the 3970-SKP via a serial line. It makes the following functions possible: – automatic switching on and off of the S130 – automatic operation of the BS2000 system
The customer can program the ATOP to specify which operating functions should be executed for which conditions.
automatic shutdown of the system in the case of fan failure. – automatic command entry in reaction to certain BS2000 console messages.
It is possible to connect a radio-controlled clock or Global Time Server (GTS).
On/off facility (optional) makes it possible to switch the S130 on and off from the
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Overview Concept of system operation
3.2.2 Software
The following software components play an important role in S130 operation:
Window interface
The SINIX operating system is run on the 3970-SKP. One component of SINIX is the window interface based on the X Window system (see the ”SINIX-2000 V7.0” [1] manual).
A brief introduction to the window system can be found in the chapter entitled
The following system components use the window system: – BS2000 (e.g. CONS0 or EM9750 window, see page 34)
SVP (e.g. SVPST0 window, see page 34) – SINIX (e.g. SINIX or EVENT window, see page 34)
"Brief introduction to the window system" in the "SINIX-2000 V7.0" [1] manual. Further information can be found in the "SINIX/windows User Environment V3.0" [3] manual.
The system provides preconfigured windows for operation which are opened automat­ically when the 3970-SKP is started up.
The number of windows for operating BS2000 and SINIX, the order of the
Console distribution program KVP (German acronym)
The operation of the BS2000 from the 3970-SKP is controlled by the Console Distri­bution Program. KVP carries out the following tasks:
authorization controls – distribution of the BS2000 tasks to several consoles – short and long term logging of the console traffic
KVP requires parameters that are stored in the KVP parameter file of the built-in disk of the 3970-SKP. The KVP parameters are created in SINIX when the system is generated and can be changed with the help of the SINIX configuration.
windows on the screen, their size and some other properties can be changed using the relevant configuration functions.
Information on this can be found in the chapter entitled "Configuring the system", in the sections "X screens" and "Virtual screens", in the "SINIX-2000 V7.0" manual.
Information on configuring the KVP can be found in the chapter entitled “Configuring
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the system”, in the section “KVP”, in the “SINIX-2000 V7.0” manual.
Concept of system operation Overview
3.2.3 Authorization control
The access to operation of the BS2000, SVP and SINIX system components is protected:
Access to the BS2000 console
If you try to make an entry in a BS2000 control window after the system has been started up for the first time, you will be requested to enter a password.
The password is specified when the system is installed and is identical to the pass word for the corresponding SINIX user ID (e.g. cons0 for the CONS0 console window). For further information, see chapter “Operating the BS2000 console” on page 89.
Access to the BS2000 system administration
If you want to work as a system administrator in BS2000, y ou must use a type EM9750 window, fill in the welcome screen, and log in by entering a BS2000 user ID (i.a. tsos) and - if agreed - a BS2000 password for BS2000.
Access to the SINIX system administration
If you want to carry out system administration tasks under SINIX you must log into a SINIX window by entering a SINIX user ID (i.a. admin, root or sysadm) and password.
Access to the EVENT window
Certain functions can be executed using the EVENT window. If you try to make an entry in this window after the system has been started up for the
first time, you will be requested to enter the password for the SINIX user ID.
Access to the SVP operation
After you have filled out and sent off the welcome screen in the window for SVP operation, the system requests you to enter the pass word. The passw ord is specified at the installation of the system and is identical to the password for the corresponding SINIX user ID (e.g. the ID svpst0 for the SVPST0 window).
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4 Controls and indicators
The following controls and indicators are provided for the S130 Business Server: – control panel on the Business Server cabinet, page 12 – control panel on the global storage cabinet, page 12 – EMERGENCY STOP switch, page 19 The S130 is operated using the operator terminals on the service/console processor.
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Control panel on the Business Server cabinet Controls and indicators
4.1 Control panel on the Business Server cabinet
The control panel is connected with the service processor (SVP) in the S130 Business Server.
The physical structure of the control panel is illustrated in the following diagram:
9999 35
Figure 4: Control panel on the cabinet of the S130 Business Server
The function of the indicators and control elements on the control panel is described below .
4.1.1 Function of the indicators
The STATUS indicator is an LCD display and can show alphanumeric characters. The codes change when the Business Server and the IMPL are switched on. No P codes should be displayed if POWER ON or IMPL has been run without errors (see next page). If this is not the case, this indicates a malfunction and you should contact the service department.
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Controls and indicators Control panel on the Business Server cabinet
Information is displayed on the LCD display in the following format:
Line 1
Line 2
Displays in line 1
Line Display field Display Meaning Line 1 Maintenance
none User mode CE Maintenance mode CM Hot system maintenance mode
Displays in line 2
Test mode none Normal mode
T Test mode
Cluster status Pnnn S130 switched off: P000
P codes during the switching on and initial­ization phase as well as when switching off: P001 to P379
DOWN Display for the output of a WRITE-CONSOL
message (e.g. SHUTDOWN COMPLETED) RUN CPUs in RUN status WAIT CPUs in WAIT status STOP CPUs in STOP status LOAD IPL is being executed
Line 2 FLAG code none Normal state
FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Message or error code:
this display is for the purposes of the service
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Control panel on the Business Server cabinet Controls and indicators
This green light illuminates after the system power controller has terminated the switching on sequence without errors. The light is e xtinguished when the PO WER OFF key is pressed.
This green light illuminates when the processing units are active.
This yellow light illuminates when the service processor has decoded a machine error or an error in the power supply modules of the Business Server . A buzzer sounds at the same time. The light also illuminates when a WRITE-CONSOL message is output (e.g. SHUTDOWN COMPLETED) at the operating terminal. Illumination of the CHECK light in this case, the simultaneous display of DOWN on the LCD display, and the sounding of the buzzer can be configured by the service department.
Potentiometer for volume
This is used to set the volume of the buzzer.
Potentiometer for brightness
This is used to set the brightness of the LCD display.
Operation hours counter
The operation hours counter is on the right-hand side of the control panel. The counter has an LCD display. The time is displayed in hours and is accurate to 0.01 hours. The time counter is active if the following two conditions are fulfilled: – the system is in user mode – one of the processing units within the system configuration is in the RUN state.
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Controls and indicators Control panel on the Business Server cabinet
4.1.2 Button functions
The LCD display STATUS (backg round) is illuminated for five minutes when y ou press this button. The lights go out immediately when you press this button again.
When this button is pressed, the power supply of the entire system is switched on sequentially. The order is predetermined. It begins with the Business Server system components and ends with the peripheral devices connected to the PCI (P ower Control Interface). Then an IMPL is carried out. The system is ready for operation when the display of P codes on the LCD display is extinguished. If POWER ON IPL is configured, the operating systems is subsequently loaded (see LOAD PRESET1-Frame on page 70).
This is the button for s witching off the power supply f or the entire system. The sequence begins with the peripheral devices connected to the PCI and ends with the Business Server system components. The button is protected by a flap so that the system cannot be switched off unintentionally.
When this button is pressed, the buzz er in the control panel is stopped and the CHECK light is extinguished (same function as the key in SVP console windo w). If another malfunction occurs after the light is extinguished, e.g. a machine error or a malfunction in the power supply, the buzzer and the CHECK light are reactivated.
When this button is pressed twice, the IMPL is executed and confirmed. The S130 is initialized and the firmware is loaded in the individual components (CPU, IOP). Furthermore, the IORSF selected in the IORSF Control Frame is activated. After the IMPL is terminated, the P codes in the LCD display are extinguished. Afterwards an IPL (Initial Program Load) of the BS2000 can be executed on the SKP. If POWER ON IPL is configured, the operating system is loaded automatically (see LOAD PRESET1-Frame on page 70).
This button loads another configuration or activates another IORSF.
The system will crash if an IMPL is executed during operation.
After you press the IMPL button f or the first time the questionARE YOU SURE? is displayed on the LCD display.
–Ifno IMPL is to be ex ecuted, the CANCEL / ALARM STOP button must be
If the IMPL is to be started, the IMPL button must be pressed a second time.
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Control panel on the global storage cabinet Controls and indicators
4.2 Control panel on the global storage cabinet
The control panel is connected to the service processor in global storage. The physical structure of the control panel is illustrated in the following diagram:
Figure 5: Control panel on the global storage cabinet
The functions of the indicators and control elements are described in the control panel.
4.2.1 Function of the indicators
The STATUS indicator is an LCD display and can show alphanumeric characters. The codes change when global storage and the IMPL are switched on. No P codes should be displayed if PO WER ON or IMPL has been e x ecuted without errors . If this is not the case, this indicates a malfunction and you should contact the service department.
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Controls and indicators Control panel on the global storage cabinet
The information is shown on the LCD display in the following format:
Pnnn Bnnn CHK
Line 1
Line 2
Displays in line 1
Line Display field Display Meaning Line 1 Maintenance
Test mode none Normal mode
none User mode CE Maintenance mode CM Hot system maintenance mode
T Test mode
Displays in line 2
SSU status Pnnn SSU switched off, battery not active: P000
SSU switched off, battery active: P001 P codes during the switching on and initial-
ization phase as well as when switching off: P002 to P379
Bnnn nnn shows the time in hours since the backup
battery became active after the network
failure. CHK SSU in check stop state CNCT SSU connected to a cluster
Line 2 FLAG Code none Normal state
FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Message or error code:
this display is f or the purposes of the service
U25339-J-Z126-1-7600 17
Control panel on the global storage cabinet Controls and indicators
This green light is lit up after the system power controller has terminated the switching on sequence without any errors. The light is e xtinguished when the POWER OFF button is pressed.
The display illuminates if there is an error in global storage. The buzzer sounds at the same time.
These indicators indicate the state of the backup battery:
Name Color Meaning Measure BS green Backup battery is installed BBON green Backup battery is active BI green Backup battery is not available DI green Data in the global memory are invalid DS green Indicator is not in use BE yellow Error in backup battery operation Call service dept. BF yellow Error in the backup battery Call service dept.
Potentiometer for volume
This is used to set the volume of the buzzer.
Potentiometer for brightness
This is used to set the brightness of the LCD display.
4.2.2 Button functions
The LCD display STATUS (backg round) is illuminated for five minutes when y ou press this button. The lights go out immediately when you press this button again.
When this button is pressed, the buzzer in the control panel is stopped and the SSU CHECK light is extinguished. If another malfunction occurs after the light is extin­guished, e.g. a machine error or a malfunction in the power supply, the buzzer and the SSU CHECK light are reactivated.
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Controls and indicators EMERGENCY STOP switch
Not only the Business Server cabinet, but also the global storage and battery cabinets each have an EMERGENCY STOP switch.
If the EMERGENCY STOP switch on the S130 is pressed, global storage is also switched off. If you wish to cut power to the entire system, the EMERGENCY STOP switch on the battery cabinet must also be pressed.
S130 Business Server Global storage Battery unit
Figure 6: EMERGENCY STOP switch on the Business Server cabinet, global storage and battery unit
This switch should only be used in emergencies. It can only be reset b y the service
department. The system can only be switched back on after the switch has been reset. The system data is not saved when the switch is pressed.
Use the EMERGENCY STOP switch as follows:
Ê Open the transparent switch cover and press the red switch downwards to the O
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Eine Dokuschablone von Frank Flachenecker
5 Switching the S130 Business Server on and off
This chapter describes the various technical options for switching the S130 Business Server on and off, depending on the hardware.
5.1 Switching the S130 on and off using the control panel
I/O channel
If the SKP is not linked to the S130 via the on/off facility (optional), the S130 must be switched on and off using the control panel.
Switching on
T o s witch on the entire system via the control panel, the SKP must first be switched on using the on/off button (see also the operating instructions for the SKP [2]). Afterw ards the S130 can be switched on by pressing the POWER ON on the control panel of the S130.
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Switching the S130 on and off using the control panel
When both systems are ready , i.e. all windo ws on the 3970-SKP have been opened and the LCD display on the S130 no longer shows any P codes, you can log in on the SVP (see page 34ff) and start the BS2000 system via PROGRAM LOAD FRAME: DETAIL-1 (see page 51). If a POWER ON IPL is configured, the system is loaded automatically (see page 70 AUXILIARY FRAME: LOAD PRESET1).
Switching off
After BS2000 has been shut down, the S130 can be switched off by pressing the POWER OFF button on the S130 control panel (see page 15) or by selecting the menu item POWER OFF in AUXILIARY FRAME: P-OFF/IMPL (see page 69).
The SKP is switched off as follows: There are three options for terminating the SINIX system of the SKP: a) You call the basic menu of your window administration program b y clicking on the gray
window background using the right mouse button. This menu contains the item “Exit system”. Selecting this item allows you to initiate the termination of the system. As a result of this selection, “<computer name>: shut down” is output. Then carry out the following actions:
Ê Activate the root pass word field using the left mouse button and enter the pass word
for the user ID root.
Ê Select the Init status by
Ê positioning the cursor over the “Shut down” button, Ê pressing the <BSelect> mouse button (by default the left-hand mouse button), Ê holding the mouse button down, positioning the cursor on the desired entry of
the opened menu (“Shut down” or “Restart”) and
Ê releasing the mouse button.
Ê Carry out the desired function by clicking the “Start” button.
b) You can also terminate the SINIX system by
Ê logging in as the system administrator, Ê entering the shell command shutdown (for shutting down the system) or Ê the shutdown -i6 command (for shutting down and restarting the system).
22 U25339-J-Z126-1-7600
Switching the S130 on and off from the SKP
c) You can also terminate the SINIX system using the on/off button on the SKP. However,
please make note of the following:
If the SKP is switched off using the button, it sends the command /shutdown or a
self-defined /run xxxx command to any running BS2000 system before it switches itself off after a certain wait time has expired.
You can define the shutdown command and the length of the wait period using the
sysadm forms.
Ê Select the menu item “sinix_2000 - System Administration SINIX-2000“ on the
UNIX System V, Administration menu.
Ê Select the menu item “up_down - Startup/shutdown settings“ on the SINIX-2000
system administration menu.
You will find a detailed description of how to configure time-controlled startup/shutdown in the section “up_down” of the “SINIX-2000 V7.0” manual.
5.2 Switching the S130 on and off from the SKP
Channel type 2
LAN V.24
On/off facility
To switch the S130 on and off from the SKP, it must have the optional on/off facility. The on/off facility is linked to the SKP via the COM2 V.24 interface.
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Switching the S130 on and off from the SKP
You access the “Switching on / off the host” form via the sysadm menu:
Ê Select or open a SINIX screen Ê Login: root or sysadm Ê Enter password Ê For login with root: enter sysadm
The SINIX system administration window is displayed.
Ê Select the menu item “sinix_2000” on UNIX System V, Administration menu:
24 U25339-J-Z126-1-7600
Ê Select the menu item “host”:
Switching the S130 on and off from the SKP
Ê Select the menu item “host - The Power ON/OFF of the Host”:
U25339-J-Z126-1-7600 25
Switching the S130 on and off from the SKP
The “Switching on / off the host” form is displayed:
Information on operation of the FMLI interfaces can be f ound in the “SINIX-2000
V7.0” manual [1].
By entering YES for one of the two questions at the bottom of the form f ollo w ed b y the
(CHOICES) key, you can specify whether the S130 can be s witched on or off immedi-
ately. Press the (SAVE) key after filling out the form.
On no account should both questions be answered with YES . If a direct switching action is initiated by the reply YES, another message appears, which should again be confirmed with YES:
26 U25339-J-Z126-1-7600
Switching the S130 on and off from the SKP
The switching operating is performed after you press the (SAVE) key.
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Automatic switching on/off of the S130 via the SKP
5.3 Automatic switching on/off of the S130 via the SKP
Type-2 channel
On/off facility
To switch the S130 on and off from the SKP, it must have the optional on/off facility. The on/off facility is linked to the SKP via the V.24 interface COM2. You access the “Switching on / off the host” form for switching on or off via the sysadm f orms
(see also the “SINIX-2000 V7.0“ [1] manual).
Ê Select the menu item “sinix_2000” on the UNIX System V, Administration menu. Ê Select the menu item “host” on the System Administration SINIX-2000 menu.
28 U25339-J-Z126-1-7600
Automatic switching on/off of the S130 via the SKP
The “Switching on / off the host” form is displayed:´
By entering YES for the two questions at the top of the window , y ou can specify whether the S130 should be switched on automatically if the 3970-SKP is s witched on or SINIX is started on the 3970-SKP, and whether the S130 should be automatically switched off if the SINIX system is shut down or the 3970-SKP is switched off.
However, it is only switched off automatically if the SINIX system is shut down using shutdown. If it is shut down and restarted using shutdown -i6, no switching action is carried out.
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Time-driven switching on and off of the SKP and S130
5.4 Time-driven switching on and off of the SKP and S130
The SKP can switch itself and the S130 on and off at a certain time.
Definition of the time at which the SKP and the S130 are to be switched on/off, a
In order to switch the S130 on or off from the SKP, y ou must hav e the optional on/off f acility. Furthermore, the S130 must be configured to switch on and off automatically as part of the starting and shutting down procedure for the SKP.
shutdown command, and the length of the wait time before the SKP and S130 are switched off can be specified using the sysadm forms.
Ê Select the menu item “sinix_2000 - System Administration SINIX-2000“ on the
UNIX System V, Administration menu.
Ê Select the menu item “up_down - Startup/shutdown settings“ on the SINIX-2000
system administration menu.
You will find a detailed description of how to configure time-controlled startup/shutdown in the section “up_down” of the “SINIX-2000 V7.0” manual.
The SKP switches the S130 on. After the IMPL, the BS2000 system is started by the POWER ON IPL function of the SVP.
When the SKP and S130 are switched off, the shutdown command is sent to the system. You must ensure that the system has completed all its task. BS2000 can terminate during the wait period before the S130 is s witched off. Once this wait period has e xpired, the S130 is switched off, the SINIX system is shut down, and the SKP is switched off.
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+ 81 hidden pages