This manual contains important information for using this product. Read thoroughly before using
the product. Use this product only after thoroughly reading and understanding especially the
section "Important Alert Items" in this manual. Keep this manual handy, and keep it carefully.
FUJITSU makes every effort to prevent users and bystanders from being injured or from suffering
damage to their property. Use the product according to this manual.
This product is designed and manufactured for use in standard appl ic ations such as off ice work,
personal devices and household appliances. This product is not intended for special uses (atomic
controls, aeronautic or space systems, mass transport vehicle operating controls, medical devices for
life support, or weapons firing controls) where particularly high reliability requirements exist,
where the pertinent levels of safety are not guaranteed, or where a failure or operational error could
threaten a life or cause a physical injury (hereafter referred to as "mission-critical" use). Customers
considering the use of these products for miss ion-c rit ica l appl ica tio ns mus t have safe ty-ass u ran ce
measures in place beforehand. Moreover, they are requested to consult our sales representative
before embarking on such specialized use.
First Edition July 2001
The contents of this manual may be revised without prior notice.
The contents of this manual shall not be disclosed in any way or reproduced in any media without
the express written permission of Fujitsu Limited.
All Rights Reserved, Copyright ! FUJITSU LIMITED 2001
Revision History
Revised section (*1)
*1Section(s) with asterisk (*) refer to the previous edition when those were deleted.
This page is intentionally left blank.
This manual describes the MCJ3230AP 90 mm (3.5-in ch) optica l disk dri ve.
This manual provides an overview of the above optical disk drives, and explains
their specifications, the requ ir em ents and procedures for installing them in a
system, and how to clean them.
The manual is intended for users who have a basic understanding of optical disk
drives and their use in computer systems.
See "Manual Organization" for details of the organization of manuals related to
optical disk drives and the scope of this manual. Use the other manuals shown in
"Manual Organization" together with this manual when necessary.
The organization of this manual, related reference manual and conventions for
alert messages follow.
Overview of Manual
This manual consists of the following six chapters, glossary, and abbreviation:
Chapter 1 General Description
This chapter introduces the MCJ3230AP optical disk drive and describes its
features, drive configuration, and system configuration.
Chapter 2 Specifications
This chapter describes the specificat ions of the MCJ323 0AP optica l disk drive and
the specifications of optical disk cartridges.
Chapter 3 Installation Requirements
This chapter describes the basic environmen ta l, mount ing, power supp ly, and
connection requirements for insta lling the MCJ32 30AP optic al disk drive in a user
Chapter 4 Host Interface
This chapter describes the host interface of the MCJ3230AP optical disk drive.
Chapter 5 Diagnostics and Maintenance
This chapter describes how to operate and clean the MCJ3230AP optical disk
drive. This chapter also describes how to operate and clean optical disk cartridges.
Chapter 6 Diagnostics and Maintenance
This chapter describes the self-dia gnos ti cs func tio ns and main tenance of the
MCJ3230AP optical disk drive.
The glossary describes the technical terms that need to be understood to read this
Acronyms and Abbreviations
This manual contains a list of the abbreviations used in this manual and their
Throughout this manual, the MCJ3230AP optical disk drive are described as an
"ODD," "drive," "unit," "target (TARG)," or "device."
Decimal values are indicated without any modifiers added.
Hexadecimal values are indicated as X'17B9', 17B9h, 17B9H, and 17B9H.
Binary values are indicated as "010" and 010b.
Conventions for Alert Messages
This manual uses the following conventions to show the alert messages. An alert
message consists of an alert signal and alert statements. The alert signal consists
of an alert symbol and a signal word or just a signal word.
The following are the alert signals and their meanings:
This indicates a hazardous situation likely to result in
serious personal injury if the user does not perform
the procedure correctly.
This indicates a hazardous situation could result in
serious personal injury if the user does not perform
the procedure correctly.
This indicates a hazardous situation could result in
minor or moderate personal injury if the user does
not perform the procedure correctly. This alert signal
also indicates that damages to the product or other
property, may occur if the user does not perform the
product correctly.
This indicates information that could hel p the user
use the product more efficiently.
In the text, the alert signal is centered, followed below by the indented message.
A wider line space precedes and follows the alert message to show where the alert
message begins and ends. The following is an example:
Low temperature burns:
on the printed circuit board unit in the optical disk drive exceed
55°C while operating. Be careful of low tenperature burns.
The main alert messages in the text are also liste d in the “Important Alert Items.”
Please forward any comments you may have regarding this manual.
To make this manual easier for users to understand, opinions from readers are
needed. Please write your opinions or requests on the Comment at the back of this
manual and forward it to the address described in the sheet.
The surface temperatures of some ICs
Failure of the MCJ3230AP optical disk drive is defined as a failure requiring
adjustment, repair, or replacement. Fujitsu is not responsible for failure due to
misuse, operation outside the specified environment conditions, power line
trouble, controller problems, cable failure, or other failure not caused by the
optical disk drive itself.
Important Alert Items
Important Alert Messages
The important alert messages in this manual are as follows:
A hazardous situation could result in minor or moderate personalinjury if the user does not perform the procedure correctly. Also,
damage to the product or other property, may occur if the user does not
perform the procedure correctly.
TaskAlert messagePage
Low temperature burns:
some ICs on the printed circuit board unit in the optical disk
drive exceed 55°C while operating. Be careful of low
tenperature burns.
Device damage:
1)Shock or vibration applied to the drive that exceeds the
values defined in the standard damage the drive. Use
care when unpacking.
2)Do not leave the drive in dirty or contaminated
3)Since static discharge may destroy the CMOS devices in
the drive, pay attention to the following points after
Use an antistatic mat and wrist strap when handling
the drive.
Hold the mounting frame when handling the
drive. Do not touch the PCA except when setting
the switches.
4)When handling the drive, hold both sides of the
mounting frame. When touching other than both sid es o f
the mounting frame, avoid putting force.
The surface temperatures of
5)Do not forcibly push up the end of the header pin of the
printed circuit board unit when handling or setting the
Important Alert Items
TaskAlert messagePage
Cleaning cartridge
Device Damage:
Be sure to turn on the power supply
before inserting your cartridge for the first time. It releases
the device from transport protection and enables you to insert
the cartridge.
The device may be damaged if you insert the cartridge
without releasing the protection. From the next time, you
don't need to turn on the power supply beforehand.
Before moving the drive, remove the optical disk cartridge. If
the drive is moved with the optical disk cartridge loaded in it,
the head may move back and forth in the drive to damage the
head or disk and reading the data may fail.
1)Make sure that the system power is off.
2)Do not connect or disconnect any cable when the power
is on.
Device Damage:
Before demounting the optical disk drive,
turn off the system power. Do not remove screws securing
the cables and drive when the power is on.
Device Damage:
Be sure to use the dedicated head cleaner
described above.
Damage for disk medium:
Use the cleaning solution and
cleaning cloth specified in Table 5.2. If other than the
specified items is used, disk media surface may be damaged.
Damage for date medium:
Do not use this cleaning kit
for the floppy disk or the optical disk cartridge used for other
optical disk drive.
Maintenance and Repair
Damage for disk medium:
Clean the cartridge at clean
place. Put a disposable groves at cleaning so that the
fingerprint does not put on the disk media (recommendation).
Damage for disk medium:
At setting the cartridge to the
setting case, do not apply the heavy shock and push hardly.
Eye inflammation:
In case of contact with eyes,
immediately flush eyes with water.
Data loss:
In case of regular repair, the optical disk
cartridge should not be attached except where the cartridge
causes the error. And before having the drive repaired, save
the data in the cartridge. Fujitsu is not responsible for data
last during maintenance or repair.
<This manual>
The product specifications and functions described in this manual conform to the
following standards:
(document) number
Revision 2
Revision 1.2
ISO/IEC 1009090mm Optical Disk Cartridges, rewritable and
ISO/IEC 13963Data Interchange on 90mm Optical Disk
ISO/IEC 15041Data Interchange on 90mm Optical Disk
Cherry BookGIGAMO 1.3GB 90mm Magneto-Optical Disk
Cherry Book 2GIGAMO 2.3GB 90mm Magneto-Optical Disk
AT Attachment with Packet Interface-5
ATAPI Rmovavle Rewritable MediaSmall From Factor
read only, for data interchange.
cartridges Capacity: 230 megabytes per
Cartridges Capacity: 640 megabytes per
NameConcerned organization
American National
Standards Institute
Committee (SFF)
ISO/IEC (*1)
ISO/IEC (*1)
*1ISO=International Organization for Standardization
IEC=International Electrical for Commission
JTC1= Joint Technical Committee 1
Figure 4.1Power mode 4-19
Figure 4.2Register/PIO data transfer 4-78
Figure 4.3Multiword DMA data transfer 4-80
Figure 4.4Ultra DMA data in transfer (initialization timing) 4-82
Figure 4.5Ultra DMA data in transfer (continuous transfer timing) 4-82
Figure 4.6Ultra DMA data in transfer (host stop timing) 4-83
Figure 4.7Ultra DMA data in transfer (device end timing) 4-83
Figure 4.8Ultra DMA data in transfer (host end timing) 4-84
Figure 4.9Ultra DMA data out transfer (initialization timing) 4-85
Figure 4.10 Ultra DMA data out transfer (continuous transfer timing) 4-85
Figure 4.11 Ultra DMA data out transfer (device stop timing) 4-86
Figure 4.12 Ultra DMA data out transfer (host suspend timing) 4-87
Figure 4.13 Ultra DMA data out transfer (device end timing) 4-88
Figure 4.14 Power-on and reset timing 4–90
Figure 5.1Optical disk drive front view (with panel) 5-2
Figure 5.2Inserting cartridge 5-4
Figure 5.3Removing cartridge 5-5
Figure 5.4Optial disk cartridge 5-7
Figure 5.5Write protect tab 5-8
Figure 5.6How to stick an index label on the MO cartridge 5-9
Figure 5.7Cleaning procedure (1) 5-12
Figure 5.8Cleaning procedure (2) 5-13
Figure 5.9Cleaning procedure (3) 5-13
Figure 5.10 Cleaning procedure (4) 5–14
Figure 6.1Revision label 6-4
Figure 6.2Revision number indication 6-4
Table 2.1Model and order number 2-1
Table 2.2Specifications 2-2
Table 2.3Environmental and power requirements 2-4
Table 2.4Recommended optical disk cartridge specifications 2-7
Table 2.5Disk specifications 2–10
Table 3.1Temperature requirements at measurement points 3-3
Table 3.2Temperature at each measuring point (Reference) 3-4
Table 3.3Cable connector specifications 3–13
Table 4.1Connector pin assignments 4-2
Table 4.2Signal description 4-4
Table 4.3I/O port functions and mapping 4-6
Table 4.4Bit definitions of Alternate Status register 4-7
Table 4.5Bit definitions of Device Control register 4-7
Table 4.6Bit definitions of Drive Address register 4-8
Table 4.7Bit definitions of ATAPI Byte Count register 4-8
Table 4.8Bit definitions of ATAPI Block Device Select register 4-9
Table 4.9Bit definitions of Error register 4-9
Table 4.10Bit definitions of ATAPI Features register 4-10
Table 4.11Bit definitions of ATAPI Interrupt Reason register 4-10
Table 4.12IO and Cod 4-11
Table 4.13Bit definitions of ATAPI Status register 4-11
Table 4.14
Table 4.15
Table 4.16LED indications 4-20
Table 4.17Command codes and parameters 4-21
Table 4.18CHECK POWER MODE command 4-22
Table 4.19Power mode indication 4-22
Table 4.20DEVICE RESET command 4-23
Table 4.21EXECUTE DEVICE DIAGNOSTIC command 4-23
Table 4.22Self-diagnosis detailed code 4-24
Table 4.23FLUSH CACHE command 4-25
Table 4.24GET MEDIA STATUS command 4-25
Table 4.25Error register 4-26
Table 4.26IDENTIFY PACKET DEVICE command 4-26
Table 4.27Device parameter informat ion (1/ 5) 4-27
Table 4.28IDLE IMMEDIATE command 4-33
Table 4.29NOP command 4-33
Table 4.30PACKET command 4-34
Table 4.31SET FEATURES command 4-35
Table 4.32FR register setting value 4-35
Table 4.33Transfer setting values in the SC register 4-36
Table 4.34Cylinder Low register 4-36
Table 4.35Cylinder High register 4-36
Table 4.36SLEEP command 4-37
Table 4.37STANDBY IMMEDIATE command 4-38
Table 4.38Packet command codes and parameters 4-39
Table 4.39ERASE command 4-40
Table 4.40FORMAT UNIT command 4-41
Table 4.41FORMAT UNIT parameter list 4-41
Table 4.42Defect list header 4-41
Table 4.43INQUIRY command 4-42
Table 4.44INQUIRY data 4-43
Table 4.45MODE SELECT (6) command 4-44
Table 4.46Mode parameters 4-44
Table 4.47Mode parameter list 4-45
Table 4.48Mode parameter header 4-45
Table 4.49 Block descriptor 4-45
Table 4.50Mode Page Format 4-46
Table 4.51Read-Write error recovery page 4-46
Table 4.52Changeable values in the read-write recovery page 4-47
Table 4.53Default values for the read-write recovery page 4-47
Table 4.54Flexible disk page 4-48
Table 4.55Changeable values in flexible disk page 4-49
Table 4.56Default values in flexible disk page 4-49
Table 4.57Caching page 4-50
Table 4.58Changeable values in the caching page 4-50
Table 4.59Default values for the caching page 4-50
Table 4.60Power Condition Page 4-51
Table 4.61Power Condition Page Variable 4-51
Table 4.62Power Condition Page Default value 4-52
Table 4.63Verify Control Page 4-52
Table 4.64Verify Mode 4-52
Table 4.65Verify Control Page variable 4-53
Table 4.66 Verify Control Page default value 4-53
Table 4.67Mode Select (10) command 4-53
Table 4.68Mode Parameter List 4-54
Table 4.69Mode Parameter Header 4-54
Table 4.70MODE SENSE (6) command 4-55
Table 4.71Page Control field 4-55
Table 4.72Mode parameter list 4-56
Table 4.73Mode parameter header 4-56
Table 4.74Block descriptor 4-57
Table 4.75Mode Page Format 4-57
Table 4.76 MODE SENSE (10) command 4-57
Table 4.77Mode Parameter List 4-58
Table 4.78Mode Parameter Header 4-58
Table 4.80Response to Prevent/Allow/Eject 4-59
Table 4.81READ (10) command 4-60
Table 4.82READ CAPACITY command 4-60
Table 4.83READ CAPACITY data 4-61
Table 4.84READ FORMAT CAPACITIES command 4-61
Table 4.85READ FORMAT CAPACITIES data format 4-61
Table 4.86Capacity list header 4-61
Table 4.87Current/Maximum capacity descriptor 4-62
Table 4.88Descriptor code definition 4-62
Table 4.89READ DEFECT DATA (10) command 4-62
Table 4.90Defect List Format - READ DEFECT DATA (10) 4-63
Table 4.91Defect List Header - READ DEFECT DATA (10) 4-63
Table 4.92Defect Descriptor 4-63
Table 4.93Sector Address Format 4-64
Table 4.94READ DEFECT DATA (12) command 4-64
Table 4.95Defect List Format - READ DEFECT DATA (12) 4-64
Table 4.96Defect List Header - READ DEFECT DATA (12) 4-65
Table 4.97READ LONG command 4-65
Table 4.99REQUEST SENSE command 4-66
Table 4.100 Request sense data 4-67
Table 4.101 Error code 4-67
Table 4.102 Sense key 4-68
Table 4.103 Logical block address format 4-68
Table 4.104 ASC/ASCQ list (1/2) 4-69
Table 4.105 Format Progress Indication Bytes 4-70
Table 4.106 SEND DIAGNOSTIC command 4-71
Table 4.107 SEEK command 4-71
Table 4.108 START/STOP UNIT command 4-72
Table 4.109 START/STOP/EJECT processing 4-72
Table 4.110 SYNCHRONIZE CACHE command 4-73
Table 4.111 TEST UNIT READY command 4-73
Table 4.112 VERIFY command 4-74
Table 4.113 WRITE (10) command 4-74
Table 4.114 WRITE AND VERIFY command 4-75
Table 4.115 WRITE BUFFER command 4-76
Table 4.116 WRITE LONG command 4-77
Table 4.117 Register/PIO data transfer timing parameters 4-79
Table 4.118 Multiword DMA data transfer timing parameters 4-81
Table 4.119 Ultra DMA data out transfer parameter 4-89
Table 4.120 Power-on and reset timing 4–91
This chapter describes the features and configuration of the optical disk drives.
The MCJ3230AP (hereafter, the optical disk drive) is the successor model to the
MCE3130AP. This optical disk drive, which maintains compatibility with the
MCE3130AP, offers high performance and high capacity. Supporting 2.3 GB of
storage capacity, this device delivers superior performance with a 5,455-rpm
rotational speed, and supports security functions.
The optical disk drive is high-performance, 90 mm (3.5-inch) commutative
rewritable optical disk drive which incorporates an ATAPI controller.
The interface connecting the optical disk drive to the host system complies with
the ATA/ATAPI-4.
The flexibility and expandability through ATAPI I/F, the high performance of the
optical disk drive, and the drive's commands set enable the user to construct highreliability, high-performance disk subsystems with advanced functions and largescale storage.
1.1 Features
This section describes the following driv e feat ure s:
(1) Half-height standard 90 mm (3.5-inch) size (25.4 mm height)
The ATAPI controller can be directly connected to the system EIDE bus. The
controller meets the specifications of the standard 25.4 mm height 90 mm
(3.5-inch) fixed disk drive form factor.
(2) 2.3 GB capacity
The optical disk drive conforms to the 2.3 GB GIGAMO standard. It also
supports read and write accesses to 128 MB, 230 MB, 540 MB, 640 MB, and 1.3
GB disks.
(3) High-speed data transfe r
The optical disk drive supports a disk media rotational speed of 3,637 rpm when
using 2.3 GB disks. The device supports a rotational speed of 5,455 rpm (ZCAV)
when using a 128 MB, 230 MB, 540 MB, or 640 MB disks. When using 1.3 GB
disks, the optical disk drive supports ZCAV mode with a rotational speed of 3,637
rpm, and ZCLV mode that controls the speed at three levels: 3,637/4, 138/4,801
rpm, in accordance with the position of the optical head.
In ZCLV mode, the optical disk drive speeds up by detecting continuous accessing
of inner disk tracks to prevent a reduction of inner disk rotation.
For random accesses, the optical disk drive switches to ZCAV mode that is fixed
to 3,637 rpm to prevent access performance degradation.
In the disk unit, high-speed data transfers at rates of 4.62 to 8.26 MB/s (2.3 GB)
are realized. The data transfer rate on the EIDE bus is 16.6 MB/s in PIO mode 4,
16.6 MB/s in Multi-word DMA mode, and 33.3 MB/s in Ultra DMA Mode 2.
The EIDE bus high-speed data transfer capacity can be used effectively through
the optical disk unit's large capacity data buffer.
(4) High-speed mean seek ti me
This drive features a linear voice-coil motor for high-speed head positioning. The
average seek time is the average of 1,000 random seeks and is 19 ms. (However,
this does not include command overhead or address check.)
(5) Compatible with international standards (media interchangeability)
90 mm (3.5 inch) type optical disks as well as ISO standards compatible 128 MB,
230 MB, 540 MB and 640 MB format optical disk media can be used in the optical
disk unit.
(6) Direct-overw ri te med iu m suppor t
The drive can use an optic modulation direct-overwrite disk that does not perform
an erase operation; 230-MB disk, 540-MB disk with the ISO standard.
(7) Dust resistance
The optical disk unit provides low-power consumption, eliminating the need for a
cooling fan. The top of the cartridge is sealed with film, and the bottom of the
optical disk unit is sealed with sheet metal, providing prot ect ion that is not
The optical disk drive needs class 5 millions or less of the dust particles.
(8) Lower power consumption
The power consumption of the optical disk drive is 5.6 W (These power
consumption values are typical values during read and write operation.) These
drives do not use a fan.
The minimum power consumption is 0.7 W (typical value) during power save.
(9) Automatic spindle stop function
If access is not made within a certain time, this function stops disk rotation to
minimize dust accumulation on the disk. This function can be set that time by the
MODE SELECT command.
1.1 Features
1.1.2 Reliability
(1) Mean time between failu res (MT BF)
This drive features a 120,000 hour MTBF.
(2) Error recovery
For the error depending on the optical disk drive, recovery process is made by a
suitable retry. This drive features Reed-Solomon error correction (ECC) to assure
error-free operation.
(3) Automatic allocation of alternate data blocks
This drive features a function which automatically allocates alternate data blocks
to defective data blocks detected while data is being read from or written to an
optical disk.
1.1.3 Maintainability/operability
(1) Diagnostic function
This drive has a diagnostic function to check optical disk drive operations. The
diagnostic function facilitates test and restoration.
(2) Five-year service li fe (no overh aul )
This drive will not require overhaul within the first five years of installation if
appropriately handled, maintained, and cleaned as recommended.
General Description
1.1.4 Adaptability
(1) Wide operating environment
An LSI circuits reduce power consumption. This drive features a wide operating
environment (5 to 45°C, general office environment). Dust particles are class 5
millions or less.
(2) Vibration resistance (shock resistance)
Rubber vibration isolators protect the drive against external shock or vibration.
(3) Safety standards
UL1950 (U.S.A., safety)
CDRH class 1 (U.S.A., laser)
CSA C22.2 No. 950 (Canada, safety)
EN60950 (Europe, safety)
EN60825 Class 1 (Europe, laser)
(4) Various radio wave standards
This optical disk device is installed in a host system, and meets the following
EN55022 class B, EN55024 (European wave standards)
AS/NZS3548 class B (Australian wave standards)
CNS13438 (Taiwanese radio interference standard)
1.1.5 Interface
This drive supports the basic ATA/ATAPI-4 specifications.
ATAPI commands enable operation using logical block addresses that are
independent of the physical attributes of the drive, enabling software flexibility in
terms of system expansion.
Supports PIO Mode 4 Multi-word DMA Mode 2, and Ultra DMA Mode 2.
(2) Continuous block processing
Logical block addresses are used for data block addressing. Withou t cons ide ration
of the physical attributes of track boundaries, the host can access data by
specifying a block number in logically continuous data space.
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