Fujitsu LifeBook A3210 BIOS Guide

Fujitsu LifeBook
A Series
BIOS Guide
LifeBook A Series Model:
Document Date: 01/17/2008
Document Part Number: FPC58-1821-02
LifeBook A Series BIOS
A Series BIOS
The BIOS Setup Utility is a program that sets up the operating environment for your notebook. Your BIOS is set at the factory for normal operating conditions, therefore there is no need to set or change the BIOS environment to operate your notebook.
The BIOS Setup Utility configures:
Device control feature parameters, such as changing I/O addresses and boot devices.
System Data Security feature parameters, such as passwords.
Entering the BIOS Setup Utility
To enter the BIOS Setup Utility, do the following (or use the TrustedCore Menu, as detailed in the next section):
1. Turn on or restart your notebook.
2. Press [F2] once the Fujitsu logo appears on the screen. This will open the main menu of the BIOS Setup Utility with the current settings displayed.
3. Press the [RIGHT ARROW] or [LEFT ARROW] key to scroll through the other setup menus to review or alter the current settings.
Using the TrustedCore Menu
When the Fujitsu logo appears on the screen. press the [Enter] key or click on the left mouse or touchpad button; the TrustedCore Menu will appear.
The TrustedCore Menu provides shortcuts to the following menus and information screens:
BIOS Setup
Diagnostic Screen
Boot Menu
Patent Information
System Information
Continue Booting
Clicking on any of the fields will invoke the screen, information, or action described.
The Boot Menu can also be invoked by pressing the
[F12] key when the Fujitsu logo appears on the screen.
Navigating through the Setup Utility
The BIOS setup utility consists of six menus: Info, System, Advanced, Security, Boot, and Exit. This docu­ment explains each menu in turn, including all submenus and setup items.
The following procedures allow you to navigate the setup utility menus:
1. To select a menu, use the cursor keys:
[ ], [ ]
2. To select a field within a menu or a submenu, use the
cursor keys:
[ ], [ ].
3. To select the different values for each field, press the [Spacebar] or [+] to change to the next lower selection and [F5] or [-] to go to the next higher selection.
4. To activate a submenu press the [Enter] key.
5. To return to a menu from a submenu, press the [Esc] key.
6. To go to the Exit menu from any other menu, press the [Esc] key.
Selecting a field causes a help message about that field to be displayed on the right-hand side of the screen.
Pressing the Enter key with the highlight on a selection that is not a submenu or auto selection will cause a list of all options for that item to be displayed. Pressing the Enter key again will select the highlighted choice.
7. Pressing the [F9] key resets all items in the BIOS to the default values.
8. Pressing the [F10] key saves the current configura­tion and exits the BIOS Setup Utility. You will be asked to verify this selection before it is executed.
9. Pressing the [F1] key gives you a general help screen.
Entering the Setup Utility After a Configuration Change or System Failure
If there has been a change in the system configuration that does not agree with the parameter settings stored in your BIOS memory, or there is a failure in the system, the system beeps and/or displays an error message after the Power On Self Test (POST). If the failure is not too
severe, it will give you an opportunity to modify the setup utility settings, as described in the following steps:
1. When you turn on or restart the computer there is a beep and/or the following message appears on the screen:
Error message - please run SETUP program Press <F1> key to continue, <F2> to run SETUP
2. If an error message is displayed on the screen, and you want to continue with the boot process and start
the operating system anyway, press the [F1] key.
If your notebook emits a series of beeps that sounds like a code and the display is blank, please refer to the Troubleshoot­ing Section in the system User’s Guide. The Troubleshooting Section includes a list of error messages and their meanings.
If your data security settings require it, you may be asked for a password before the operating system will be opened.
3. If an error message is displayed on the screen, and you want to enter the setup utility, press the [F2] key.
4. When the setup utility starts with a fault present, the system displays the following message:
Warning! Error message [Continue]
5. Press any key to enter the setup utility. The system will then display the Info Menu with current param­eters values.
Main Menu
LifeBook A Series BIOS
The Main Menu allows you to set or view the current system parameters. (See Navigating through the Setup
Utility on page 2 for more information.)
The following tables show the names of the menu fields for the Main menu and its submenus, all of the options for each field, the default settings and a description of
BIOS Setup Utility
Main Advanced Security Boot Info Exit
System Time: [HH:MM:SS]
System Date: [MM/DD/YYYY]
Language: [English (US)]
the field’s function and any special information needed to help understand the field’s use.
System Time and System Date can also be set from your operating system without using the setup utility. Use the Date and Time icon on your Windows Control panel or type time or date from the MS-DOS prompt.
Adjust calendar clock.
<Tab>, <Shift-Tab>, or <Enter> selects field.
F1: Help Esc: Exit
v02.59 (C)Copyright 1985-2007, American Megatrends, Inc.
Figure 1. Main Menu
Table 1: Fields, Options and Defaults for the Main Menu
Note that the parameters listed in the following table may vary depending upon your system’s configuration.
Menu Field Options Default Description
System Time: –— –— Sets and displays the current time. Time is in a 24 hour for-
mat of hours:minutes:seconds with 2 digits for each. (HH:MM:SS). Example: 16:45:57. You may change each segment of the time separately. Move between the seg­ments with the [Tab] key and/or [Shift] + [Tab] keys.
Main Menu
Table 1: Fields, Options and Defaults for the Main Menu
Note that the parameters listed in the following table may vary depending upon your system’s configuration.
Menu Field Options Default Description
System Date: –— –— Sets and displays the current date. Date is in a month/day/
year numeric format with 2 digits each for month and day and 4 digits for year. (MM/DD/YYYY) for example: 03/20/
2006. You may change each segment of the date sepa­rately. Move between the segments with the [Tab] key and/ or [Shift] + [Tab] keys.
Drive0 Selects the
Drive0 Serial ATA drive submenu
The product number of the hard drive.
Display the type of device on this ATA/IDE interface. Press­ing the Enter key selects the Serial ATA Drive0 submenu which displays the default values and settings for this inter­face.
Drive1: Selects the
Drive1 Serial ATA drive submenu
The product number of the CD-ROM drive.
Display the type of device on this ATA/IDE interface, if there is one. Pressing the Enter key selects the Serial ATA Drive1 submenu which displays the default values and set­tings for this interface.
English (US)
Japanese (JP)
[English (US)] The default setting differs between the US/European and
the Japanese model. Selects the display language for the BIOS.
LifeBook A Series BIOS
Drive0 Submenu of the Main Menu
The Drive0 submenu identifies what ATA devices are installed and the default values and settings of the devices.
BIOS Setup Utility
Main Advanced Security Boot Info Exit
Device :Hard Disk Vendor :FUJITSU MHU2100AT Maximum Capacity :100.0GB S.M.A.R.T. :Supported
Select Serial ATA/IDE drive installed here.
[Auto] The BIOS auto-types the drive on boot time.
[None] The drive is disabled.
Type [Auto]
F1: Help Esc: Exit
v02.59 (C)Copyright 1985-2006, American Megatrends, Inc.
Figure 2. Drive0 Master Submenu
Table 2: Fields, Options and Defaults for the Drive0 Submenu of the Main Menu
Note that the information displayed on this screen may differ from that which appears on your screen, depending upon your system configuration.
Menu Field Options Default Description
The fields that appear on this screen are for display only, and reflect the default settings for the Drive0 device.
Device --- Hard Disk Displays the type of Drive0 ATA/IDE drive.
Vendor --- (Device Name) Displays the maker of the Drive0 device.
--- (HDD Size) The maximum capacity of your hard disk
S.M.A.R.T. --- Supported Displays whether Self-Monitoring Analysis Reporting Technology is
supported. (MSART is a hard drive feature; warns of problems before total failure).
Typ e:
Auto None
[Auto] Selects the hard drive device type. Select Auto to have the type
automatically identified by the BIOS at POST. If None is selected, all of the Setup items above do not appear.
Drive1 Submenu of the Main Menu
The Drive1 submenu allows you to configure secondary ATA devices.
BIOS Setup Utility
Main Advanced Security Boot Info Exit
Main Menu
Select Serial ATA/IDE
drive installed here. Device :ATAPI CDROM Vendor :MATSHITADVD-RAM UJ-850S LBA Mode :Supported PIO Mode :4
The BIOS auto-types the
drive on boot time. Async DMA :MultiWord DMA-2 Ultra DMA :Ultra DMA-2
The drive is disabled.
Type [Auto]
F1: Help Esc: Exit
v02.59 (C)Copyright 1985-2006, American Megatrends, Inc.
Figure 3. Drive1 Submenu
Table 3: Fields, Options and Defaults for the Drive1 Submenu of the Main Menu
Menu Field Options Default Description
The fields that appear on this screen are for display only, and reflect the default settings for the Drive1 device.
Device --- Hard Disk Displays the type of Drive1 ATA/IDE drive.
Vendor --- (Device Name) Displays the maker of the Drive1 device.
LBA Mode --- Supported Displays whether Logical Block Addressing is supported by the
PIO Mode --- 4 Displays the method for moving data to/from the Drive1
Async DMA --- Multiword DMA-2 Displays the Multiword DMA method for moving data to/from
the Drive1 device.
Ultra DMA --- Ultra DMA-5 Displays the Ultra DMA method for moving data to/from the
Drive1 device.
LifeBook A Series BIOS
Table 3: Fields, Options and Defaults for the Drive1 Submenu of the Main Menu
Menu Field Options Default Description
Typ e:
Auto None
[Auto] Selects the hard drive device type. Select Auto to have the type
automatically identified by the BIOS at POST. If None is selected, all of the Setup items above do not appear.
Exiting from Main Menu
When you have finished setting the parameters on this menu, you can either exit from the setup utility, or move to another menu. If you wish to exit from the setup utility, press the [Esc] key or use the cursor keys to go to the Exit menu. If you wish to move to another menu, use the cursor keys.
Advanced Menu
The Advanced Menu allows you to:
Set the keyboard and mouse features.
Select between the display panel and an external CRT or flat panel display.
Enable or disable compensation for your display.
Enable or disable the IDE, Bluetooth, and LAN controllers.
BIOS Setup Utility
Main Advanced Security Boot Info Exit
Configure CPU and USB features in your system.
The following tables show the names of the menu fields for the Advanced Menu and its submenus, all of the options for each field, the default settings and a descrip­tion of the field’s function and any special information needed to help understand the field’s use.
▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲
Keyboard/Mouse Features Video Features
Configures keyboard/ mouse features.
Internal Device Configurations CPU Features USB Features
▲ ▲
Miscellaneous Configurations
Event Logging
F1: Help Esc: Exit
v02.59 (C)Copyright 1985-2006, American Megatrends, Inc.
Figure 4. Advanced Menu
Table 4: Fields, Options and Defaults for the Advanced Menu
Menu Field Description
Keyboard/ Mouse Features
Video Features Opens the Video Features submenu, which allows setting of the display parameters, including routing
Opens the Keyboard/Mouse Features submenu, which allows setting external and internal keyboard and mouse parameters.
of video signals to different displays.
Internal Device Configurations
Opens the Internal Device Configuration submenu, which allows enabling or disabling the IDE, Blue­tooth, and LAN Controllers.
CPU Features Opens the CPU Features submenu to allow you to enable or disable AMD Virtualization™.
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