Fujitsu LifeBook 420D User Guide

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Address: 598 Gibraltar Drive
Milpitas,CA 95035
Telephone: (408) 935-8800
Declares that product: Model:LifeBook 420D
Complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
This devi ce complies with Pa rt 15 of the FCC r Opera ti ons is su bj ect to the fo ll owing two con d i t (1) This devi ce must not be all owed to cause har i n terferen ce , (2) This devi ce must accept any inte en ce received , i n cluding interferen ce that may c u n de s i red opera ti on .
D avid Woo Fu j i t su 2 / 1 8 / 9 7
full na m e co m pa n y dat e
Fu j i t su PC Corpora ti on has made every eVort to en su re the acc u racy and com p l eteness of this doc u m en t . However, as on going devel opm ent eVorts are con ti nu­a lly improving the capabi l i ties of our produ ct s , we cannot guara n tee the acc u racy of the con tents of t h i s doc u m en t .We disclaim liabi l i ty for errors , om i s s i on s , or futu re ch a n ge s .
© Copyri ght 1996 Fu j i t su PC Corpora ti on .All ri gh t s re s erved .No part of this publ i c a ti on may be cop i ed , reprodu ced ,or tra n s l a ted ,wi t h o ut pri or wri t ten con s ent of Fu j i t su PC Corpora ti on .No part of t h i s p u bl i c a ti on may be stored or tra n s m i t ted in any el ectronic form wi t h o ut the wri t ten con s ent of Fu j i t su PC Corpora ti on .
according to FCC Part 15
Responsible Party Name: Fujitsu PC Corporat
Changes or modification not expressly appro v e d by Fujitsu PC Corporation could void this user’s authority to operate the equipment.
FCC Notices
Notice to Users of Radios and Television
These limits are de s i gn ed to provi de re a s on a ble pro tec­ti on against harmful interferen ce in a re s i den tial instal­l a ti on . This equ i pm ent gen era te s ,u s e s ,and can rad i a te radio frequ ency en er gy and,i f not install ed and used in accord a n ce with the instru cti on s ,m ay cause harm f u l i n terferen ce to radio com mu n i c a ti on s .However, t h ere is no guara n tee that interferen ce wi ll not occur in a p a rticular install a ti on .If this equ i pm ent does cause h a rmful interferen ce to radio or tel evi s i on recepti on , wh i ch can be determ i n ed by tu rning the equ i pm ent oV and on , the user is en co u ra ged to try to correct the i n terferen ce by one or more of the fo ll owing measu re s :
Reori ent or rel oc a te the receiving anten n a .
In c rease the sep a ra ti on bet ween the equ i pm ent and receiver.
Con n ect the equ i pm ent into an out l et that is on a diVerent circuit than the receiver.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
S h i el ded intercon n ect cables must be em p l oyed wi t h this equ i pm ent to en su re com p l i a n ce with the perti­n ent RF em i s s i on limits governing this devi ce .
If you experience trouble with this equipment please contact your support representative, toll free at 1-800­8FUJITSU (1-800-838-5487) or Fujitsu Computer Products of America (FCPA),7300 NE Evergreen Parkway, Hillsboro, OR 97124, telephone 503-681-7300.
DOC (Industry Canada) Notices
Notice to Users of Radios and Television
This Class B digital app a ra tus meets all requ i rem ents of the Ca n adian In terferen ce - Causing Equ i pm en t Reg u l a ti on s .
CET app a reil nu m é ri que de la class B re s pecte to utes les ex i gen ce du Régl em ent sur le matérial bro u i ll eur du Ca n ad a .
UL Notice(For Authorized Repair Technicians Only)
C AU T I O N : For con ti nu ed pro t ecti on against risk of fi re , rep l ace on ly with the same type and ra ting fuse.
C AU T I O N :D a n ger of ex p l o s i on if CMOS battery is incorrect ly rep l aced .Rep l ace on ly with the same or equ iva l ent type recom m en ded by the manu f actu r er. Di s pose of u s ed batteries according to the m a nu f actu rer ’ s instru cti on .
WA R N I N G : CMOS Ba t tery may ex p l ode if m i s tre a ted .Do not rech a r ge , d i s a s s em ble or dispose ofin fire .
T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s
T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi
Section One
Setting Up Your LifeBook 400 Series
Unpacking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Overview of Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Component Identification . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Power Sources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Data Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Starting Your Computer for the First Time . 10
User Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Learning About Your Operating System
and Application Software. . . . . . . . . . 14
Section Two
Using Your LifeBook 400 Series
Using your LifeBook 400 Series
from Fujitsu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Status Indicator Panel. . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Power Center by Fujitsu. . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Power On . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Special Operating System Features . . . 22
Power OV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Restarting the System . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Batteries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Integrated TouchPad Pointing Device . . . . 27
Using the Keyboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Floppy Disk Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
CD-ROM Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Hard Drive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Power-Saving Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Video and Audio Functions. . . . . . . . . . 40
File Transfers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Section Three
Configuring Your LifeBook 400 Series
Boot Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Identifying the Drives . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
BIOS Setup Utility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Navigating Through the Setup Utility . . . . 46
Main Menu – Setting System Parameters . . 48
Exiting from the Main Menu . . . . . . . . . 57
Advanced Menu – Setting Device Controls . 57
Exiting from the Advanced Menu . . . . . . 64
Security Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Exiting from the Security Menu . . . . . . . 67
Power Savings Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Exiting from the Power Savings Menu . . . . 69
Boot Menu – Selecting the
Operating System Source . . . . . . . . . 71
Exiting from the Boot Menu . . . . . . . . . 72
Exit Menu – Leaving the Setup Utility . . . . 72
Setting Up Your Save-To-Disk
File Allocation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s
Section Four
User Installable Features
RAM Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
PCMCIA Cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Installing a Theft Prevention Lock . . . . . . 82
Optional External Installation of
Floppy Disk Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Nickel Metal Hydride Battery Pack. . . . . . 83
Multi-function Bay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
CD-ROM Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Removable Floppy Disk Drive . . . . . . . . 86
Installing Devices on the LPT Port . . . . . . 86
Installing Devices on the COM Port . . . . . 86
Installing External Monitors . . . . . . . . . 86
Installing a Mouse or Keyboard . . . . . . . 86
Installing a Replicator Port or
Mini-Docking Station . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Installing Audio Input Devices . . . . . . . . 87
Installing Audio Output Devices . . . . . . . 87
Section Five
Identifying the Problem. . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Specific Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Power On Self Test Messages . . . . . . . . 110
Emergency CD-ROM Tray Release . . . . . 113
Installing and Removing the
Internal Hard Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Restoring Your Pre-installed Software
from CD-ROM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Section Six
Care and Maintenance
Care and Maintenance. . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Caring for Your Notebook. . . . . . . . . . 116
Increasing Battery Life . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Appendix A Specifications. . . . . . . . . .
Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
LifeBook 420D Specifications . . . . . . . .
Approvals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Appendix B Glossary. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Li feB ook 400 Ser ie s fr o m F u
P r e f a c e
The LifeBook 400 Series from Fujitsu PC Corporation is a powerful notebook computer. It is powered by an Intel Pentium microproces­sor, has a built-in color display,a CD-ROM drive and brings the computing power of desktop personal computers (PCs) to a portable environment.
This manual explains how to operate your LifeBook 400 Series’hardware and built-in system software. The LifeBook 400 Series is compatible with the IBM PC AT.® Depending on your model,it comes with Windows® 95, Windows for Workgroups™ Version 3.11 and MS-DOS Version 6.22 or only Windows 95 pre-installed.When you first start your note­book, you will be asked to select a single operating system if both are present. (See pages 11-13 for more information on selecting your operating system.)
Your LifeBook 400 Series is a completely self­contained unit with a passive-matrix (DSTN) color LCD display. It has a powerful interface that enables it to support a variety of optional features.(Figure P-1.)
When you first turn on your LifeBook 400 Series the Windows 95 Setup screen will appear. This is true even if you will be using Windows for Workgroups.
L i f e B o o k 4 0 0 S e r i e s f r o m F u j i t s u
e P-1 LifeBook 400 Se
with both Fujitsu
Third Party Opt
Life B ook 40 0 Ser ie s fr om F u
P r e f a c e
Conventions Used in the Guide
In this manual, figures which show screens are intended as examples only,and screen and file names may diVer in actual use.
Messages displayed by your LifeBook 400 Series appear in Courier type. Example: Starting MS-DOS
Commands that you enter into your notebook using the keyboard appear in Courier type. Example: C : > D I R / P
Keyboard keys are shown in boldface Helvetica type. Example: Fn, F1, Esc, and Ctrl.
Pages with additional information about a spe­cific topic are cross-referenced within the text. Example: (See page xx.)
The point icon highlights information that will enhance your understanding of the subject material.
The caution icon highlights information that is important to your safety, to the safe operation of your notebook, or to the integrity of your files. Please read all caution information carefully.
Setting Up Your LifeBook 400 Series
Unpacking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Overview of Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Component Identification . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Power Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Data Security. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Starting Your Notebook for the First Time . . 10
User Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Learning About Your Operating System
and Application Software. . . . . . . . . . . 14
S e c t i o n
S e c t i o n O n e
Section ONE Setting Up Your LifeBook 400
Series from Fujitsu
This section describes how to set up your LifeBook 400 Series from Fujitsu. We strongly recommend that you read it before using your notebook – even if you are already familiar with notebook computers.
When you receive your notebook,unpack it carefully, and compare the parts you have received with the items listed below.
For a standard configuration you should have:
L i fe Book 400 Series from Fu j i t su .( F i g u re 1-1.)
ACAdapter with AC power cord (located in the accessories box).(Figure 1-2.)
Modular 10-speed CD-ROM Drive (already installed in your notebook).
Modular 3.5" Floppy Disk Drive (located in the accessories box).(Figure 1-3.)
User’s Guide.
Registration card and customer information pack.
Microsoft Windows 95 Manual.
Additional equipment and documentation depending on the option package you have purchased.
Figure 1-1 LifeBook 400 Series Notebook
Figure 1-2 AC Adapter Unit
Figure 1-3 Floppy Disk Drive
S e t t i n g U p Y o u r L i f e B o o k 4 0 0 S e r i e s
Once you have checked and confirmed that your notebook system is complete, connect the AC Adapter and follow the instructions on page 9 to accept the conditions for using the LifeBook 400 Series and for selecting the oper­ating system you will use. When you have com­pleted that setup process please complete and send in your registration card.
Overview of LifeBook 400 Series Features
The LifeBook 400 Series is a compact, yet powerful notebook computer available with standard features including: (See Appendix A, pages 120–123, for detailed information.)
120 MHz Intel Pentium™ processor.
8MB EDO RAM standard, expandable to 72MB.
11.3" passive-matrix (DSTN) color display with 800 x 600 resolution.
1MB Video RAM.
Built-in 1.0GB hard drive.
Multi-function bay which supports warm swapping of the following:
3.5" floppy disk drive (included with all models).
10-speed CD-ROM drive (included with all models).
Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) Battery Pack.
1 6 - bit Sound Bl a s ter™ - com p a ti ble sound ch i p.
Zoom Video port for full motion video acceleration.
Built-in stereo speakers.
Two Type II or one Type III PCMCIA slot.
IrDA1.0 compatible infrared port for wire­less data transfer.
Integrated TouchPad Pointing Device for easy cursor control.
External monitor support.
Full size keyboard with three dedicated Windows 95 keys.
Hot swap connection for an external keyboard or an external mouse.
Stereo line input jack.
Stereo headphone/speaker jack.
Standard Pre-installed software:
Operating System.
LapLink 7.0 for file transfers via modem cable or infrared port.
PC Doctor for system diagnostics.
SoftPEG from CompCore,a MPEG-1 video player.
Some models may include additional software.
Li feB ook 400 Ser ie s fr o m F u
S e c t i o n O n e
Component Identification
For detailed specifications refer to Appendix A on pages 120–123.
Display Panel Latch
This latch locks and releases the display panel.
LCD Display Panel
This is a color LCD panel with back lighting for the display of text and graphics.
Brightness Control
The brightness control adjusts the overall inten­sity of the display screen back lighting.
Contrast Control
The contrast control adjusts the contrast of the display screen. It is located just below the brightness control.
Status Indicator Display
LCD display of the status of the power state and source, Suspend Mode, battery charge, floppy disk drive activity,hard drive activity,CD-ROM drive activity,PCMCIA card activity, Caps Lock, Num Lock and Scroll Lock.
Suspend/Resume Button
The Suspend/Resume Button allows you to suspend computer activity without turning oV your notebook power,and to return it to an active state. This feature saves power,and is particularly useful when your notebook is running only on battery power.(See pages
20–21, 36–40,and 67–69 for more information on Power Management.)
Display Latch
Figure 1-4 Top and Front Panel
e 1-5 LifeBook 400 Series with Display O
Display Latch
LCD Display
Brightness Control
Contrast Control
Status Indicator Display
Suspend/Resume Button
Closed Cover Switch
Stereo Speaker
Keyboard Removal Tab
Stereo Speaker
Multi-function Bay
TouchPad Pointing Device
Keyboard Removal Tab
S e t t i n g U p Y o u r L i f e B o o k 4 0 0 S e r i e s
Li feB ook 400 Ser ie s fr o m F u
S e c t i o n O n e
Be sure you know what settings are active for your Suspend/Resume Button before you use it because misuse can result in data loss. (See the Power
Savings Menu of the BIOS Setup Utility on page 68 for more information.)
Closed Cover Switch
This switch turns oV the LCD back lighting when the display panel is closed,thus saving power.
The built-in dual speakers output stereo sound from your notebook.
A full size keyboard with dedicated Windows 95 keys for input into your notebook.
Keyboard Removal Tabs
A pair of tabs which cover screws which hold
the front of the keyboard in place.Lifting the tabs is only necessary to access the Memory Expansion Chamber which is under the key­board. (See pages 76–79 for more information.)
Do not attempt to install or remove a RAM Module if your notebook has been recently used. The surface area under the keyboard can be very hot and may injure you.
TouchPad Pointing Device
A touch sensitive cursor control system with two click buttons.
Multi-function Bay
This bay accommodates:
10-speed CD-ROM drive.
3.5" floppy disk drive.
PCMCIA Card Slot
Eject Buttons
Figure 1-6 LifeBook 400 Series Left Side Panel
Optional External Floppy Disk Drive Adapter Connector
Built in Microphone
Battery Eject Button
PCMCIA Card Slot, with Cover, Lock and Eject Button
The PCMCIA Card Slot allows you to install two type I or II PCMCIA cards or one type III PCMCIA card.(See pages 79–81 for more information on PCMCIA cards.) The button to the left of the card slot locks the card in place, and the buttons to the right of the slot ejects the card(s) from the slot.
E x t e rnal Floppy Disk Drive Adapter Connector
A con n ector for attaching an opti onal ex tern a l floppy disk drive ad a pter.The ad a pter all ows you to use your modular floppy disk drive wh en the mu l ti - f u n cti on bay is being used for another p u rpo s e .
S e t t i n g U p Y o u r L i f e B o o k 4 0 0 S e r i e s
Main Battery Eject Button
This releases the Removable Main Nickel Metal Hydride Battery Pack for removal and installation.
Built-in Microphone
The built-in microphone allows mono audio input to your notebook.
Volume Control
This knob provides hardware control of sound level of audio outputs from your notebook.
Audio Input Jack
The Audio Input Jack allows you to connect an external audio source to your notebook,like an audio cassette player.This jack will not support an external microphone.
Headphone Jack
You can install headphones or powered external speakers in the Headphone Jack.
Multi-function Bay Release Button
This is the release to allow removal and installa­tion of devices in the Multi-function Bay.
Power Switch
This switch is the main power switch for your notebook.
PS/2 Connector
The connector allows you to connect an ext nal PS/2 keyboard,mouse, or numeric keypa
DC Power Input Connector
The DC Power Input Connector allows you t plug in the Fujitsu AC Adapter or the option Fujitsu Auto Adapter.
Theft Prevention Lock Slot
This is a slot that allows you to attach a phy lock down device.
Serial Interface Connector (COM Port)
The Serial Interface Connector allows you to connect serial RS-232C devices, such as a se printer or a serial scanner.
Expansion Bus Connector
This connector is for connection to an optio port replicator or docking station. The conne tor cover must be closed and the sliding pane opened to reveal only the Expansion Bus Connector when connecting a port replicato or docking station.
Li feB ook 400 Ser ie s fr o m F u
Volume Control
Audio Input Jack
Headphone Jack
Multi-function Bay Release Button
Figure 1-7 LifeBook 400 Series Right Side Panel
Power Switch DC Power
PS/2 Connector
There are software volume controls. The knob setting and the software set­tings will interact. Software volume Off will override the knob setting. (See Volume Control on page 41 for more information.)
Input Connector
Theft Prevention Lock Slot
S e c t i o n O n e
Parallel Interface Connector (LPT Port)
The Parallel Interface Connector allows you to connect parallel devices, such as a parallel printer to your notebook.
E x t e rnal SVGA or Hi Res Monitor Connector
This connector allows you to connect an exter­nal VGA or SVGA CRT or Hi-Res monitor.
I n f r a re d IrDA Compatible Communication Port
The IrDA compatible Communication Port allows you to communicate with another IrDA compatible device without a cable. (See page 41 for more information.)
Tilt Adjustment Feet
These are a pair of feet which flip down and hold the back of the keyboard approximately 6° higher than the front when resting on a flat surface.They are designed to make using your notebook keyboard more comfortable.
Main Unit Label
This label has the model number, serial number and other information about your notebook.
The cover which closes over the connec­tors on the rear of your notebook can be damaged if it is left open when your notebook is moved around.
COM Port
Expansion Bus Connector
LPT Port
Monitor Connector
Infrared Port
Figure 1-8 LifeBook 400 Series Back
Tilt Adjustment Foot Tilt Adjustment Foot
Configuration Label
Multi-function Bay
Figure 1-9 LifeBook 400 Series Bottom
Main Unit Label
Internal Hard Drive Chamber
Battery Chamber
Configuration Label
This label has manufacturer information that you will need to give your support representa­tive so that he or she can help you.It exactly identifies the version of various component parts of your notebook.
S e t t i n g U p Y o u r L i f e B o o k 4 0 0 S e r i e s
Internal Hard Drive Chamber
This chamber houses the internal hard drive. It should only be accessed for maintenance by an authorized maintenance provider.
Battery Chamber
This chamber houses the Nickel Metal Hydride Battery Pack or the optional Lithium ion Battery Pack.
Power Sources
Your notebook has three possible power sources: the Nickel Metal Hydride Battery Pack, the AC Adapter, or the optional Auto Adapter.
Connecting the Power Adapters
The AC Adapter or the AutoAdapter provides power for operating your notebook and charg­ing the battery pack.(Figure 1-10.)
To Connect the ACAdapter
1.Plug the DC output cable of the AC Adapter into the DC Power Input Connector on the right side panel of your notebook.
2.Plug the ACAdapter into an AC electrical outlet.
To Connect the Optional Auto Adapter
1.Plug the DC output cable into the DC Power Input Connector on the right side panel of your notebook.
2. P lug the Auto Con n ector into the c i ga ret te l i gh terof a car or other veh i cle with the ign i­ti on key in the On or the Acce s s ories po s i ti on .
Data Security
Your Life Book 400 Series has a built-in hardw con trol password sec u ri ty fe a tu re that all ows to pro tect the data stored in your notebook f u n a ut h ori zed acce s s .Your opera ting sys tem a s ome app l i c a ti ons have sof t w a re con trol p a s s word s ec u ri ty fe a tu res that all ows you to pro t a ll or porti ons of the data stored in your note book from unaut h ori zed acce s s .
Hardware Data Security Features
When you are using your notebook built-in hardware control password to gain access to your notebook the actual password will not appear on the screen. This is a safety precaution. The hardware control security parameters are set from the BIOS Setup Utili (See Security Menu on pages 65–67 for more
information on setting and clearing passwords and enabling and disabling built-in security features.)
The Nickel Metal Hydride Battery Pack is not charged when you purchase your note­book. Initially you will need to connect the AC Adapter or the Auto Adapter to use it. It can take up to 3 hours to charge a B a t t e ry Pack if your notebook is Off or in Suspend Mode. If your notebook is in use, it can take up to 9 hours or more to charg e a Battery Pack.
Li feB ook 400 Ser ie s fr o m F u
S e c t i o n O n e
Software Data Security Features
The operating system and some applications have security features that are independent of the built-in hardware protection features that are controlled from the BIOS. See your software documentation for more information about these features.
Software security feature passwords may not be the same as the hardware security passwords. Be sure you know which fea­tures are controlled from software and which from hardware or you may lock yourself out of your own data or lock up your hardware and not be able to operate your notebook.
Make sure you memorize your pass­words, both hardware and software. If you forget, you may not be able to use your notebook, and you will have to contact your service provider and arrange to have them reset the hardware system password. See your software manuals for what to do if you forget your software security password(s).
Starting Your Notebook for the First Time
Booting the System
The first time that you turn on your notebook you will need to attach your AC Adapter as the battery is not charged when it arrives.We strongly recommend that you do not attach any other external devices and do not put any CD or floppy disk in the drives until you have gone through the initial power on sequence.
When you turn on your notebook for the first time it will perform a power on self test and display some status information on the screen with a message Press <F2> for Setup, if you do nothing the system will read the hard drive for the operating system software and the Windows 95 Setup Screen will appear. (See Power On on pages 21–22 for additional help.) You will then be stepped through the condition of use and operating system selection process.You must complete this initial process before you will be able to use your notebook.
If you have purchased a system which allows you to use a choice of operating systems, the Operating System selection can only be made once. You cannot change your mind, the option will never be available again.
S e t t i n g U p Y o u r L i f e B o o k 4 0 0 S e r i e s
Conditions of Use
The first time you start your notebook you mu s t con firm your accept a n ce of the copyri ght limi­t a ti on s for your pre - i n s t a ll ed sof t w a re. If yo u h ave purch a s ed a unit wh i ch all ows you to use a ch oi ce of opera ting sys tems you mu s t ch oose bet ween Wi n dows 95 and Wi n dows for Work gro u p s.O n ce you have ch o s en your oper­a ting sys tem you cannot ch a n ge your mind,t h e o t h er sys tem wi ll not be ava i l a ble to yo u .P l e a s e dec i de caref u lly.Af ter your notebook com p l ete s the install a ti on of the opera ting sys tem it wi ll not ask you again for con firm a ti on of the con d i­ti ons of use nor to ch oose an opera ting sys tem.
Every LifeBook 400 Series Model has 10 screens to read carefully and/or answer questions by typing in information.If your notebook has a choice to use Windows forWorkgroups there will be three additional screens. All of the screens are Windows 95 Setup screens.
You cannot use your notebook until this setup process is completed. The bottom of each screen has a < B a c k Button, a N e x t > Button and a C a n c e l Button which are activated by the Integrated Touchpad Pointing Device cursor control and button click. The < B a c k Button will return you to the previous screen. The N e x t > Button activates any choices or informa­tion you have entered and takes you on to the next screen. The C a n c e l Button allows you to stop the setup process. If you stop the process your notebook will come back to the place in the Windows 95 Setup where you left oV the next time you start your machine. The screens you will be required to respond to are shown with the required action.
Welcome to Windows Setup
Read and then click on the N e x t > Button.
Regional Settings
Select language, number format, date format etc. for the operating system to use by movin cursor up and down the list to the desired world region shown in the table and then clic on the N e x t > Button. Use the up arrow Õ down arrow Ô keys to move down up and down the text one line at a time.
Keyboard Layout
Select the keyboard language and format you wish to use by moving cursor up and down t list to the desired selection shown in the tab and then click on the N e x t > Button. You can scroll through the text using the up arrow Õ and down arrow Ô keys to move down up an down the text one line at a time.
User Information – Software Licensing
Fill in your name and your company name a you would like to see it on the software licens and then click on the N e x t > Button. You m make an entry in order to continue.
When you first turn on your notebook the Windows 95 Setup screen will appear. This is true even if you will be using Windows for Workgroups.
Li feB ook 400 Ser ie s fr o m F u
S e c t i o n O n e
If your system comes with Windows 95 only, you will find a Recovery CD-ROM packet in your accessories box. Please store the packet in a safe place in case there is a loss of data. (See Restoring
Your Pre-installed Software from CD­ROM on page 114.)
License of Windows 95
Read carefully and then click on the N e x t > Button.
License Agreement
Read the agreement carefully.You can scroll through the text using the Integrated TouchPad Pointing Device to activate the scroll bar or use the up arrow Õ and down arrow Ô keys to move up and down the text one line at a time. When you finish reading simply point and click to accept or reject the terms of the agreement and then click on the N e x t > Button.
If you reject the terms of the license a g reement the operating system setup will a b o rt and shutdown your notebook. When you turn on the system the next time, it will begin the Setup process again.
Certificate of Authenticity
Look in the box that your notebook came in and you wi ll find a Wi n dows 95 Certi fic a te of Aut h en ti c i ty and a Wi n dows 95 Us ers manu a l .O n the certi fic a te and also on the back of the manu a l you wi ll find a bar- code with a nu m ber above it. These nu m bers should be the same.Th ey are yo u r produ ct code and the nu m ber you should en ter on the Certi fic a te of Aut h en ti c i ty screen .Wh en you have en tered the nu m ber ex act ly as shown t h en cl i ck on the Next> But ton .
If your system came with a choice of oper­ating systems, you will need to make back up disks. (See Create System Disks page
1 3 . )
*Windows Version
To sel ect Wi n dows for Work groups point and cl i ck on the C h a n g e But ton . To sel ect Wi n dows 95 point and cl i ck on the N e x t > But ton . ( If you sel ect Wi n dows 95 you wi ll go direct ly to the Con fig u ring the Com p uter Screen . )
*Operating System Choice
To selectWindows for Workgroups point and click on the Windows for Workgroups selection and then point and click on the N e x t > Button. To select Windows 95 point and click on the Windows 95 selection and then point and click on the N e x t > Button.
Configuring the Computer
If you have a unit with only Windows 95 or have selected Windows 95 this screen will appear when Windows 95 is ready to install. (If you purchased a LifeBook 400 Series which only comes with Windows 95 this screen will appear immediately after the Certificate of Authenticity Screen.) You may be prompted for time zone and printer.You do not need to select a printer at this time.
S e t t i n g U p Y o u r L i f e B o o k 4 0 0 S e r i e s
Installing Devices
This screen will appear while your notebook loads the operating system and when it finishes it will automatically go to the next screen.
If you have chosen Windows for Workgroups please fill out the fulfillment coupon that came in the box with your notebook and send it, and the Windows 95 manual, to the address provided. When the coupon and manual are received, you will be sent a set of Windows for Workgroups backup disks and manual.
1. Mail-in Registration – Fill in the registrat card provided in the box with your LifeBo 400 Series and mail it to Fujitsu.
2.On-line Electronic Registration – Fill out t registration form behind the Fujitsu Icon o your Desktop and send it by e-mail.
3. Internet Registration – Use the registratio utility on the Fujitsu PC Service and Supp Web Site at to register y notebook.
If you do not have enough floppy disks available during the setup process you can create system backup disks at any time. From the Start Menu, select Accessories, then System Tools, then Create System Disks.
Li feB ook 400 Ser ie s fr o m F u
*Create System Disks
If your system came with a choice of operating systems,you will be prompted to create system disks.We strongly recommend that you make a system backup so you can restore your factory
installed software in case of data loss. If you have chosen Windows 95 you will need to back­up your operating system and your factory installed applications and drivers. The backup will require 40 floppy disks. If you have chosen Windows forWorkgroups you only need to backup the factory installed applications and drivers.The backup will require 9 floppy disks.
Finishing Setup
Click on the Finish Button and your notebook will restart with the selected Windows operat­ing system ready for normal operation.
User Registration
There are three ways to register your noteb
S e c t i o n O n e
Learning About Your Operating System and Application Software
All operating systems and most application software have tutorials built-in. We highly recommend that you step through the tutorial before you use an application, even if you are familiar with the same application on a diVerent machine, an earlier version of the application, or with a similar product.
In the accessories box you will find manuals for Windows 95 and other pre-installed software. Some software manuals are available on-line and are not in the box.See the help screens of your software.We recommend that you review these manuals for general information on the use of these applications and to get a basic understanding of what is covered in the manu­al,and how it is organized,should questions arise as you use the applications.
Using Your LifeBook 400 Series from Fujitsu
Using Your LifeBook 400 Series from Fujitsu . 16
Status Indicator Panel. . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Power Center by Fujitsu . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Power On . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Special Operating System Features . . . . . . 22
Power Off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Restarting the System . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Integrated TouchPad Pointing Device. . . . . 27
Using the Keyboard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Floppy Disk Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
CD-ROM Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Hard Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Power-Saving Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Video and Audio Functions . . . . . . . . . . 40
S e c t i o n T w o
S e c t i o n T w o
Section TWO
Using Your LifeBook 400 Series from Fujitsu
This section describes the indicators, buttons, connections and operating modes of your LifeBook 400 Series and their use.
Opening the Unit
Lifting the latch releases the cover and allows your notebook to be opened.Lift the display backward until the screen is at a comfortable viewing angle.(Figure 2-1.)
Adjusting the Built-in Display
Wh en you tu rn on your noteboo k ,you may want to ad just the bri gh tness level of the screen for be s t vi s i bi l i ty. To do this, ad just the bri gh tness slider on the ri ght side ofthe built-in d i s p l ay screen.Yo u m ay need to ad just the bri gh tness peri od i c a lly for different opera ting envi ron m en t s .You wi ll prob a bly want to ad just the con tra s tas well as the bri gh tn e s s .To do this,use the con trast slider on the ri ght side of the built-in display screen just bel ow the bri gh tness con tro l . ( F i g u re 2-2.)
The higher the level of brightness, the m o re power your notebook will consume, and the faster the battery will d i s c h a rg e.
Figure 2-1 Opening the LCD Display
Less Bright
More Contrast
Less Contrast
Adjusting the Keyboard Angle
On the bottom of your notebook,near the back,are a pair of feet which flip down and hold the back of the keyboard about 6° higher than the front when resting on a flat surface.
Figure 2-2 Display Adjustments
They are designed to make using your note­book more comfortable when using the key­board. The feet must be folded flat against the bottom of your notebook when opening or using a CD-ROM or it will not open or operate properly. (Figure 1-9 on page 8.)
Status Indicator Panel
The Status Indicator LCD Display Panel is located in the recess just above the keyboard. (Figure 2-3.) The appropriate indicators become visible when you use your notebook.
Do not operate the CD-ROM drive o r attempt to open the tray unless your notebook is sitting on a flat surface and the adjustment feet are folded against the bottom of your notebook. Using a CD­ROM drive when it is not level may dam­age the drive or prevent proper operation.
When you are not using the adjustment feet be sure that they are folded flat against the bottom of your notebook. They could be broken off, or injure someone, if not used properly.
U s i n g Y o u r L i f e B o o k 4 0 0 S e r i e s
P o w e r
A d a p t e r
C h a rg i n g I n i d c a t o r
B a t t e ry L e v e l
B a t t e ry I d e n t i fie r
U n u s e dB a t t e ry
C D - R O M Drive A c c e s s I n d i c a t o r
H a rd D r i v e A c c e s s I n d i c a t o r
L i fe B o ok 4 0 0 S e r i es f ro m F uj i t s u
F l o p p y D i s k D r i v e A c c e s s I n d i c a t o r
P C M C I A C a rd Access I n d i c a t o r s
P C M C I A C a rd I d e n t i fie r
N u m L o c k I n d i c a t o r
S c roll Lock I n d i c a t o r
CAP Lock I n d i c a t o r
Figure 2-3 Status Indicators
S e c t i o n T w o
Power Indicator
The Power In d i c a tor tells you wh en the sys tem is opera ti on a l .It is on ste ady wh en there is power to your noteboo k ,and blinks wh en the sys tem is in Su s pend Mode.It goes owh en the sys tem has en tered Save - to - Disk Mode,has en tered the Wi n dows 95 shutdown inactivi ty state ,or the power is tu rn ed of rom the Power Swi tch .
wh en ei t h er of the ad a pters is active and O wh en power comes from the battery alon e .If a b a t tery is ch a r ging the power ad a pter is active rega rdless of the set ting of the Power Swi tch . The AC Ad a pter is also active in the Wi n dows s hutdown state ,rega rdless of the battery statu s . If t h ere is no battery ch a r gi n g, and the Power Swi tch is O,t h en the AC Ad a pter In d i c a tor and the Ba t tery Con d i ti on In d i c a tor wi ll all be O.
Battery Condition Indicator
This indicator shows wh et h er or not the Ni ckel Metal Hyd ri de Ba t tery Packis install ed and i n d i c a tes the con d i ti on .( F i g u re 2-3.) Ba t tery 0 is the Ni ckel Metal Hyd ri de Ba t tery Pack .Th e Ba t tery Status In d i c a tor is displayed on ly if t h e b a t tery is install ed .( Ba t tery 1 display wi ll fla s h wh en you power up but wi ll never be displayed . )
A small arrow icon appe a rs to the left ofthe bat­tery sym bol and above the nu m ber if the battery is ch a r gi n g. The ch a r ging indicator flashes if t h e b a t tery is too hot or too cold to ch a r ge . Th e ch a r ging indicator opera tes wh et h er the Power Swi tch is Oor On.The sym bols inside the bat-
When your notebook has been shut­down from Windows 95, it is the same as turned off from the Power Switch except that it can be turned on by press­ing the Suspend/Resume Button. It is not drawing current in this state.
tery outline indicate the opera ting level ava i l a bl e for the battery. ( F i g u re 2-4.) If t h ere is no bat­tery ch a r ging and the Power Swi tch is Ot h en the AC Ad a pter In d i c a torand the Ba t tery Con d i ti on In d i c a tor wi ll all be O.
AC Adapter Indicator
The AC Ad a pter In d i c a tor tells you wh et h er the s ys tem is opera ting on the AC or Auto Ad a pter, or running on battery alon e .The indicator is On
Low Battery 12%
Dead Battery
Shorted Battery
Figure 2-4 Battery Condition Indicator
U s i n g Y o u r L i f e B o o k 4 0 0 S e r i e s
Turning off the power with the Power Switch or using the Suspend/Resume Button when any of the Access Indicators are On may cause loss of data and/or system errors.
L i fe B o ok 4 0 0 S e r i es f ro m F uj i t s u
CD-ROM Drive Access Indicator
The CD-ROM Access Indicator tells you a CD-ROM is being accessed.
When using Windows 95, the C D - R O M automatic insertion function p e r i o d i c a l l y checks for a CD installed in the drive, causing the access indicator to flash. The CD automatic insertion function allows the system to automatically start a CD applica­tion as soon as a CD is inserted in the drive and the tray is closed. It will begin playing an audio CD or will start an appli­cation if the CD has an auto run fil e on it.
If you do not wish to have the CD auto­matic insertion function you can disable it.
In order to disable the CD automatic insertion function proceed as follows:
1. Save all data and close all applications.
2. Click on the Start Button.
3. Point to Settings.
4. Click on the Control Panel. The Control Panel window will be displayed.
5. Double click on the System icon. The System Properties dialogue box will be displayed.
6. Click on the Device Manager tab. The device list will be displayed.
7. Click on the + to the left of the CD-ROM icon.MATSUSHITA UJDCD6710 will be displayed.
8. Click on MATSUSHITA UJDCD6710.
9. Click on Properties. The MATSUSHITA
UJDCD6710 Properties dialogue box will be displayed.
10.Click on the Settings tab.
11.Click on the automatic insertion box to
toggle it O.
12.Click on OK.
13.Click on OK in the System Properties
dialogue box.
14.Restart your notebook according to the
message displayed.
You can re - en a ble the functi on by repe a ting the process except in step 11 ch a n ge the set ting to On.
S e c t i o n T w o
If you switch off power using the Power Switch or operate the Suspend/Resume Button while any of the access indicators are on, you may cause data to be lost and/or a system error to occur.
Hard Drive Access Indicator
The Hard Drive Access Indicator tells you when the internal hard disk is being accessed.
Floppy Disk Drive Access Indicator
The Floppy Disk Drive Access Indicator tells you a floppy disk is being accessed.
PCMCIA Card Access Indicators
The PCMCIA Card Access Indicator tells you an installed PCMCIA card is being accessed. Card 0 is the bottom connector and Card 1 is the upper connector in the card slot. Type III cards are always Card 0 only.
Windows 95 displays of PCMCIA slot numbers may be different than the Status Indicator slot numbers.
NumLock Indicator
The NumLock Indicator tells you the internal keyboard is set in ten-key numeric mode. (See
pages 29–30 for more information on the numeric keypad.) You can activate the NumLock Mode
by pressing the Scr Lk/Num Lk key while hold­ing down the Shift key. Deactivate the mode the same way that you activated it. This indicator is inactive if you are using an external keyboard.
CapsLock Indicator
The CapsLock Indicator tells you when the key­board is set for all capital letters. Activate the Caps Lock Mode by pressing the CapsLock key on the keyboard. Deactivate the mode the same way that you activated it. This indicator is inac­tive if you are using an external keyboard.
ScrollLock Indicator
The ScrollLock Indicator tells you when you are in Scroll Lock Mode. You can activate or deacti­vate the scroll lock mode by pressing the Scr Lk/Num Lk key.Deactivate the mode the same way that you activated it. This indicator is inac­tive if you are using an external keyboard.
Power Center by Fujitsu
Your notebook desktop has multiple power items. There is a Power Bar which automatically displays the charge condition of the battery and a set of control icons as the pointer moves along near it. There is a power icon in the task bar in the lower right of the display.There is a power management icon in the Startup Folder of the Program Folder of the Start Menu. There is a Power icon in the Control Panel. All of these desktop power items are related to the Power Savings Menu choices in the BIOS Setup Utility. (See pages 67–69 for explanations of each
of the BIOS Setup Utility power savings features and their default settings.)
The Power Bar icons allow you to go into Suspend Mode or Save-to-Disk Modeand to select power management features as well as accessing help screens. The AC Mode PM Setup allows you to set Power Savings parameters which your notebook will use whenever a power adapter is providing power.The Low Battery Mode PM Setup allows you to set Power Savings parameters which your notebook will use whenever the battery power reaches the low battery alarm level.The PM Setupallows you to set Power Savings parameters which your note­book will use whenever it is operating on bat­tery power only and the battery levels are above the alarm level.The alarm level is approximate­ly 10% of full power.Each of the three power condition power setups include the same para­meters as the BIOS Setup Utility except the Suspend/Resume Button enable and the Modem related settings.
The Power icon in the Control Panel allows you to enable or disable the AllowWindows To Manage Computer Powerfeature. When it is enabled the settings you choose from the Power
U s i n g Y o u r L i f e B o o k 4 0 0 S e r i e s
Bar icons will control the power saving features. When it is disabled the BIOS Setup Utility set­tings will control the power saving features.You can also choose power saving parameters for the internal hard drive and PCMCIA card slots. The saving parameters for the internal hard drive and PCMCIA card slots are not available from the BIOS Setup Utility.
You must restart your notebook for the Control Panel setting changes to take affect.
The Power Icon in the task bar in the lower right of the display shows the charge condition of the battery power and allows you to enable or disable the low battery warning. The warning is enabled if the check mark appears in front of the statement.
L i fe B o ok 4 0 0 S e r i es f ro m F uj i t s u
Figure 2-5 Power Switch
Power On
Facing the Keyboard and Built-in Display,move the Power Switchtowards the rear of your note­book. This is the On position. (See Figure 2-5.) When you are done working you can leave your notebook in Suspend Mode, (see pages 38 and
69), or you can turn it o. The Power Switch
moved toward the front of your notebook is in the Oposition. See the section Power O, (page 23), for recommended shutoprocedures.
S e c t i o n T w o
The Nickel Metal Hydride Battery Pack is not charged when you purchase your notebook. Initially you will need to connect the AC Adapter to use it.
After turning your notebook off, make sure that it has been off at least 10 sec­onds before turning the Power Switch to On. If you do not, it could cause a system error.
When you turn on your notebook be sure you have a power source.This means that the bat­tery is installed and charged, or that the AC Adapteror the AutoAdapter is connected and has power.
When the power is On, do not carry your notebook around, or subject it to shocks or vibration, as you risk damaging your notebook.
When the Power Switch is turned On, your notebook carries out a Power On Self Testto check the internal parts and configuration. If a fault is found a beep will sound and/or an error message will be displayed.(See Troubleshooting on pages 91–109) Depending on the nature of the problem, you may be able to continue by starting the operating system or by entering the Setup Utility and revising the settings.
After satisfactory completion of the Power On Self Test your notebook will load the operating system.(See Boot Menu on pages 71–72 to see which kind of disk will be the source.)
Never turn off your notebook during Power On Self Test or it will cause an error message to be displayed when you turn your notebook on the next time. (See the Trouble-shooting information on pages 110–112.)
Special Operating System Features
EveryWindows desktop has some standard icons. To learn about these iconssee the Windows manual or help screens.Your note­book desktop has some icons, such as a Fujitsu Icon,which are not standard Windows Icons. You can click on each one to see what is con­trolled. It will vary for dierent models.
Some special control features of your notebook are accessed from icons on the Windows Control Panel:PCMCIA card control; TouchPad cursor control adjustments; multimedia controls; and others.
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