Specifications and Applications
Set a tray
Remote controlled
Sample is placed on a tray
Chemiluminescence Mode
Chemifluorescence Mode
Digitize Mode
blue LED
green LED
red LED
UV transilluminator
White light
White transilluminator
Image Capturing Unit (Camera Head and Controller)
CCD chip Fujifilm Super CCD Area Type chip
Number of pixels 3.2M pixels
Pixel size 10.75 x 10.75µm
Cooling Two-stage thermoelectric module with air circulation
Cooling temperature -30°C (when room is below 28°C)
Focusing Power focusing; remote and preset control
Exposure time 1/100 second to 30 hrs (2 hrs to 30 hrs to be set manually)
Dynamic range Four orders of magnitude
Gradation 16 bits (65,536)
Image size 12.6MB Max.; 49.2KB Min.
Maximum sample size 25 x 25cm (wide angle lens); 14 x 21cm (Fujinon VRF43LMD lens)
Binning 1 x 2, 2 x 4, 4 x 8, and 8 x 16 pixels
Interface USB1.1
and Windows®)
Image capture Fujifilm Image Reader (Mac
Image analysis Fujifilm Image Gauge (Mac™); Fujifilm MultiGauge (Windows®)
Dimensions and Weights
Camera head 180 (W) x 170 (H) x 250mm (D) 3.4kg
Dark Box IV 510 (W) x 730 (H) x 480mm (D) 49.0kg
Analyzing Unit
Operating system Windows
Applicable Reagents and/or Samples
Chemiluminescence CDP-Star
Fluorescence EtBr (W/UV light), SYBR® Green I & II, SYPRO® Orange,
GFP, DY-458XL (blue LED)
Cy™5, DY-647 (red LED)
Chemifluorescence *AttoPhos
Digitization CBB-stained gel, Silver stained gel (Transilluminator)
NBT/BCIP-stained membrane. MW marker (Epi-illuminator)
Intelligent Dark Box IV
EPI-illuminator for fluorescence blue LED (470nm), green LED (520nm), red LED (630nm)
EPI-illuminator for digitization White-light source
Transilluminator - for digitization of
stained gels and autoradiographic films White LED
UV transilluminator** UV-light source (312nm)
Filter turret Five positions
Pictrography 3500
Lens Lens
High-sensitivity lens (FUJINON VRF43LMD) Wide-view lens
F-number 0.85 F-number 2.0
Focal length 43mm Focal length 24mm
Focus Remote power focusing Focus Manual
Mount Bayonet Mount Adapter to Nikon F mount
*No license is granted for use of AttoPhos™ to detect nucleic acid on a nylon membrane.
**No license is granted for pre-labeling gel electrophoresis method with the UV transilluminator.
XP or Mac™ OS 9 & X
, ECL™, ECL Plus™, SuperSignal, ImmunoStar, CSPD
Diamond, Cy™3, RFP, DY-520XL (green LED), Alexa Fluor 633,
The binning mode of the LAS-3000 allows researchers to select from four
binning settings to enhance both imaging sensitivity and image resolution.
The image analysis process captures images in three modes:
chemiluminescence, fluorescence/chemifluorescence and digitization.
S u p e r C C D
R e m o t e C o n t r o l l e d
S c i e n c e I m a g i n g S y s t e m
Fuji Photo Film Co., Ltd. 26-30, Nishiazabu 2-Chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-8620, Japan, Tel: +81-3-3406-2201, Fax: +81-3-3406-2158 • http://lifescience.fujifilm.com • E-mail: sginfo@tokyo.fujifilm.co.jp
Fujifilm Medical Systems U.S.A., Inc. 419 West Avenue, Stamford, CT 06902, U.S.A., Tel: +1-203-324-2000 ext. 6112 (1-800-431-1850 ext. 6112 in the U.S.), Fax: +1-203-351-4713 • http://www.fujimed.com • E-mail: SSG@fujimed.com
Fuji Photo Film (Europe) GmbH, Heesenstr. 31, 40549 Düsseldorf, Germany, Tel: +49-211-5089-174, Fax: +49-211-5089-139 • http://www.fujifilm.de • E-mail: mkaling@fujifilmeurope.de
Specifications and system con figuration subject to change for i mprovement without notice. All other product na mes mentioned here in are the trad emarks of their respective owners.
Ref. No. BB-204E (04,09)
Luminescent image analyzer (LAS) for applications requiring high
sensitivity and a wide range of fluorescent capabilities
GFP expression in tobacco leaf
Detection of EPO as doping substance in sports
Isoelectric profiles of natural EPO found in normal
human urine (B) and the bands found in urine after
injections of epoetin or darbepoetin.
Data courtesy of Dr. Françoise Lasne.
Laboratoire National de Dépistage du Dopage,
Châtenay-Malabry, France
The LAS-3000 imaging system combines
Fujifilm’s high-sensitivity Super CCD
camera technology with the added versatility of white, blue, green and red EPI
illuminators. The Super CCD imaging
chip, binning mode and specially designed
camera lens allow researchers to capture
faint-light luminescent images with
unprecedented sensitivity and resolution.
Multicolor illuminator options enlarge
application area in fluorescent imaging.
More sensitivity for
chemiluminescent detection
Western blotting, Southern blotting and
Northern blotting detection by chemiluminescence is a widely accepted method. The
use of a cooled CCD camera system enables
the generation of a digital image and quantitative analysis of the image’s signal strength.
Several state-of-the-art technologies were
incorporated to make the LAS-3000 system
as sensitive as the conventional film method:
• The newly designed F0.85 high-sensitivity Fujinon lens gathers as much light as
possible onto the CCD.
• The CCD is a 3.2M-pixel Super CCD
having large octagonal-shaped CCD pixels
10.75 x 10.75µm in size.
• The CCD is cooled to -30°C by peltier
when the environment is below 28°C.
• Pixel binning in the LAS-3000 electronically increases the pixel area to increase
sensitivity. The binning mode includes
four binning levels: 1 x 2 (Standard),
2 x 4 (High), 4 x 8 (Super) and 8 x 16
(Ultra). In the Ultra mode, the exposure
time is nearly 60 times faster than
Standard. An image smoothing function
increases the pixels to make the image
size the same as the Standard.
• Long exposure times are required to
capture images of extremely low-light
samples. The low-noise design of the
LAS-3000 system includes default settings
for a two-hour exposure and a 15-hour
exposure in addition to manual settings
for exposures as long as 30 hours.
• A non-parallax (NP) tray is used to eliminate the parallax effect when imaging
chemiluminescence in the 96-well plate.
Up to two plates can be placed.
More versatility for
fluorescent detection
More and more fluorescent dyes are introduced into the biochemistry and molecular
biology fields for staining proteins and
nucleic acids in gels, membranes and well
plates. Expression analysis using green fluorescent protein (GFP) and red fluorescent
protein (RFP) can be detected by blue excitation or green excitation respectively.
The LAS-3000 includes multiple LED
options for various fluorescence applications,
including blue LED (470nm), green LED
(520nm) and red LED (630nm) for epi-illumination and a UV (312nm) light source for
The five-position filter turret holds 77mm
filters, such as Y515 (general purpose for
blue LED excitation), 510DF10 (GFP, etc.),
575DF20 (RFP, Cy
etc.), R670 (Cy
3, Pro-Q™Diamond,
5, ALEXA Fluor® 633, etc.)
and 605DF40 (EtBr, etc.).
Digitizing functions
Capturing images as we see them is called
digitizing. For CBB-stained gel or silverstained gel, use of the white LED DIAilluminator at iris f2.8 without any filter is
recommended. For digitizing the molecular
weight standard on blotted membrane, white
light epi-illuminator, which is located in the
center part of the blue, green and red LED
epi-illuminator unit, is used.
NP Tray
The five filter options available
for the LAS-3000.
Easy-to-use operation
Samples are placed on the appropriate tray
and placed in the intelligent dark box.
After closing the door, all the functions are
controlled remotely from the Image Reader
software. The software automatically recognizes the type of illuminator installed or
changed during operation.
Users are able to control the LAS-3000
with the Image Reader software in either
the user-friendly Lite mode or the more
advanced Pro mode. The modes are
selected with the click of a mouse.
Super CCD - By rotating pixels 45 degrees
to form an interwoven layout, the Super
CCD’s pixel pitch in the horizontal and
vertical directions is narrower than in the
diagonal direction, achieving higher horizontal and vertical resolution.
Quantitative image
analysis function
The 16-bit signal accumulated on each
CCD pixel is processed through an A/D
converter to form a digital image. The
image data obtained at the closed shutter
condition is the dark frame. The image
data of an even, flat sample is the flat
frame. To analyze the image data, the dark
frame and flat frame data are subtracted
from the original image. This correction function is included in the Image
Reader software. MultiGauge software
for Windows
for Mac
software included in the ScienceLab
software provided by Fujifilm.
and ImageGauge software
are the standard image analysis
LED units
Fujifilm Super CCD Area
Type imaging chip
five-position filter turret
ECFP AttoPhos™
HEX™ Alexa Fluor
Alexa Fluor
Pro-Q™ Diamond Rhodamine Red™
R-phycoerythrin RFP
Alexa Fluor
NBT / BCIP X-ray film
ECL™ ECL Plus ™
ECL Advance
Super Signal
CSPD ® Renaissance™
Green I & II SYBR
Tangerine FITC
Red Cy ™3
546 Deep Purple
576/589 NED™
Alexa Fluor ® 633 Alexa Fluor® 635
Ethidium Bromide SYPRO
Silver stained CBB
647 Cy ™5
650/665 DiD
-3 DDAO phosphate
™ Lumi-Light Plus
C H E M I L U M I N E S C E N C E • F L U O R E S C E N C E / C H E M I F L U O R E S C E N C E • D I G I T I Z A T I O N