FujiFilm FINEPIX S8600 Series Owner's Manual

FINEPIX S8600 Series
Owner’s Manual
For information on related products, visit our website at
Before You Begin
First Steps
Basic Photography and Playback
More on Playback
Technical Notes
Tro ubl esh oot ing
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For Your Safety
Be sure to read this notes before using
Safety Notes
• Make sure th at you use your camera corr ectly. Read these Saf ety Notes and your Owner’s Manual carefully before use.
• After reading these Safet y Notes, store them in a safe place.
About t he Icons
The icons sh own below are used in this do cument to indicate the se verity of the injury or damage that can result if the information indicated by the icon is ignored and the produc t is used incorrectly as a result.
This icon indicates that death or serious injury can result if the infor­mation is ignored.
This icon indicates that personal injury or material damage can result if the infor mation is ignored.
The icons shown below are used to indicate the nature of the information which is to be observed.
Triangular icons tell you that this info rmation re quires attention (“im ­portant”).
Circular icons w ith a diagonal bar tell you that the ac tion indicated is prohibited (“Prohibited”).
Fill ed circl es with an excla mation m ark tell you an ac tion th at must b e performed (“Required”).
from power
If a prob lem arises, turn the c amera off, remove the battery, di sconnect and unplu g the AC power ad apter.
Continued use of the camera when it is emitting smoke, is emitting any unusual odor, or is in any other abnormal s tate can cause a fire or electric shock.
• Contact your FUJIFILM dealer.
Do not al low water or f oreign o bjects t o enter the c amera.
If water or foreign objects get inside the camera, turn the camera off, remove the battery and disconnect and unp lug the AC power adapter. Continued us e of the camera can caus e a fire or electric shock.
• Contact your FUJIFILM dealer.
Do not use in
the bathroom
or shower.
Do not us e the camer a in the bath room or sh ower.
This can cause a fire or electric shock .
Do not disas-
Never at tempt to di sassem ble or modi fy (never op en the cas e).
Failure to obser ve this precaution can cause fire or elec tric shock.
Do not touch
Should the case break open a s the result of a f all or other acciden t, do not touch t he expose d parts.
Failure to obser ve this precaution could result in electr ic shock or in injury from touching the damaged parts. Remove the battery im­mediately, taking care to avoid injury or electric shock, and take the produc t to the point of purchase for consultation.
Do not ch ange, heat or un duly t wist o r pull the conn ecti on cor d and do not place h eavy obje cts on the c onnect ion cord.
These ac tions could damage the cord and cause a fire or electric shock.
• If the cord is damaged, contact your FUJIFILM dealer.
Do not pl ace the cam era on an uns table su rface.
This can cause the camera to fall or t ip over and cause injury.
Never at tempt to ta ke pictu res while i n motion.
Do not use th e camera while you ar e walking or drivi ng a vehicle. This can result in yo u falling down or bein g involved in a traff ic accident.
Do not to uch any met al parts o f the camer a during a t hunders torm.
This can cause an elec tric sho ck due to induced current f rom the lightning discharge.
Do not us e the batte ry excep t as specif ied.
Load the battery as aligned with the indicator.
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For Your Safety
Do not he at, change o r take apar t the batte ry. Do not dro p or subjec t the bat­tery t o impacts. Do n ot store the b attery wit h metallic pr oducts. Do n ot use charg ers othe r than the sp ecifie d model to ch arge the b attery.
Any of these a ctions can cause the battery to burst or leak and cause fire or injur y as a result.
Use onl y the batter y or AC power adap ters speci fied for use w ith this cam era. Do not us e voltage s other tha n the power su pply volt age shown .
The use of ot her power sources can cause a fire.
If the ba ttery leak s and fluid g ets in contac t with your eye s, skin or clo thing. Flush th e affec ted area wit h clean wat er and seek me dical at tention or c all an emerg ency num ber righ t away.
Do not us e the charg er to char ge batter ies other t han those s pecif ied here.
The supplied battery charger is for use only with th e type of battery supplied with the camera. Using the charger to charge conventional batteries or other t ypes of rechargeable bat teries can cause the bat­tery to leak f luid, overheat or bur st.
Danger of explosio n if bat tery i s incorrec tly re placed. Replace only with the same.
Do not us e in the pres ence of fl ammable o bject s, explosi ve gases, o r dust.
When ca rrying th e battery, in stall it in a di gital came ra or keep it in th e hard case. When sto ring the battery, keep it in th e hard c ase. Wh en discarding, cover th e batter y termina ls with in sulatio n tape.
Contact with other metallic objects or battery could cause the bat­tery to ignite or burst .
Keep Mem ory Car ds out of the r each of sm all child ren.
Because M emory Cards are small, they can be swallowed by children. Be sure to store Memory Cards out of the reach of small children. If a child swallows a Memory Card, seek medical attention or call an emergency number.
Do not us e this camer a in location s affecte d by oil fumes, s team, humid ity or dust.
This can cause a fire or electric shock .
Do not le ave this cam era in pla ces subjec t to extr emely hi gh temper atures.
Do not leave the camera in l ocations such as a sealed vehicle or in direct sunlight. This can cause a fire.
Keep out o f the reac h of small ch ildren.
This produ ct could cause injur y in the hands of a child.
Do not pl ace heavy o bjects o n the came ra.
This can cause the heav y object to tip over or f all and cause injury.
Do not mov e the camer a while the AC po wer adapte r is still con nected. D o not pull on t he connec tion cor d to discon nect the AC p ower adapte r.
This can damage the power cord or cables and c ause a fire or elect ric shock.
Do not us e the AC power ada pter when t he plug is dam aged or the pl ug socket connection is loose.
This could cause a fire or electr ic shock.
Do not cov er or wrap th e camera o r the AC power ad apter in a cl oth or blan ket.
This can cause heat to build up and distort the casing or caus e a fire.
When you are cle aning the camera or you do not p lan to use the ca mera f or an exte nded period , remove the bat tery and dis connect and unplug the AC power adapter.
Failure to do so can cause a fire or e lectric shock .
When ch arging en ds, unplu g the char ger from th e power soc ket.
Leaving the charger plugged into the power socket can cause a fire.
Using a f lash too cl ose to a per son’s eyes may t emporar ily affe ct the eye sight.
Take particular care when photographing infants and young chil­dren.
When a me mory ca rd is remo ved, the ca rd could c ome out of t he slot too q uick­ly. Use you r finger t o hold it and g ently rel ease the c ard.
Injury could result to those stru ck by the ejected card.
Reque st regula r interna l testing a nd clean ing for you r camera.
Build-up of dust in your camera can cause a f ire or electric shock.
Contact yo ur FUJIFILM dealer to reques t internal cleaning ever y 2 years.
• Please note this is n ot a free of charge service.
Remove yo ur finge rs from t he flash wi ndow bef ore the fl ash fire s.
Failure to obser ve this precaution could result in burns.
Keep the f lash window clean and do not use the f lash if the wi ndow is o b­structed.
Failure to obser ve these preca utions could cause s moke or discolorat ion.
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For Your Safety
Power Supp ly and Batter y
* Confirm you r batter y typ e before read -
ing the foll owing description s.
The following explains proper use of batteries and how to prolong their life. Incorrect use of batteries can cause shor ter battery life, as well as leakage, e xcessive heat, fire or exp lo­sion.
Camera uses the Rechargeable
Lithium-ion Battery
* When shipped, the batter y is not
fully charged. Always charge the battery before using it.
* When carrying the bat tery, install it
in a digital camera or keep it in the soft case.
Battery Features
• The battery gradually loses its charge even when not used. Use a batter y that has been charged recently (in the last day or two) to take pictures.
• To maximize the life of the batter y, turn the camera of f as quickly as possible when it is not being used.
• Th e number of availabl e frames will be lower in cold locations or at low temperatures. Take along a spare fully charged battery. You can also increase the amount of power pro­duced by put ting the batter y in your pocket or another warm place to heat it and then loading it into the camera just before you take a picture.
If you are using a heating pad, take
care not to place the battery di­rectly against the pad. The camera may not operate if you use a de­pleted battery in cold conditions.
C harging th e Batter y
• Charging times will increase at am­bient temperatures below +10 °C (+50 °F) or above +35 °C (+95 °F). Do not attempt to charge the bat­tery at temperatures above 40 °C (+104 °F); at temperatures below 0 °C (+32 °F), the battery will not charge.
• The Rechargeable Lithium-ion Bat­tery does not need to be fully dis­charged or exhausted f lat before being charged.
• The bat tery may feel warm after it has been charged or immediately after being used. This is perfectly normal.
• Do not recharge a fully charged battery.
Battery Life
At normal temperatures, the bat­tery can be used at least 300 times. If the time for which the battery provides power shortens markedly, this indicates that the battery has reached the end of its ef fective life and should be replaced.
Notes on storage
• If a batter y is stored for lo ng periods while charge d, the performance of the battery can be impaired. If the battery will not be used for some time, run the battery out before storing it.
• If you do not intend to use the camera for a long period of time, remove the bat tery from the cam­era.
• Store the batter y in a cool place.
- The battery should be stored in
a dry location with an ambient temperature b etween +15°C and +25°C (+59°F and +77°F).
- Do not leave the batter y in hot or
extremely cold places.
H andling th e Batter y
Cauti ons for Your Sa fety:
• Do not carr y or store battery with metal objects such as necklaces or hairpins.
• Do not heat the batter y or throw it into a fire.
• Do not attempt to take apart or change the battery.
• Do not recharge the battery with chargers other those specified.
• Dispose of used battery promptly.
• Do not drop the battery or other­wise subjec t it to strong impacts.
• Do not expose the battery to wa­ter.
• Always keep the batter y terminals clean.
• Do not store batteries in hot plac­es. Also, if you use the battery for a long period, the camera body and the bat tery itself will become warm. This is normal. Use the AC power adapter if you are taking pictures or viewing images for a long period of time.
Camera uses AA Alkaline,
Rechargeable Ni-MH (nickel-metal hydride) or AA lithium batteries
* For details on the batteries that
you can use, refer to the Owner’s Manual of your camera.
C autions fo r Using Bat tery
• Do not heat the batteries or throw them into a fire.
• Do not carry or store batteries with metal objects such as necklaces or hairpins.
• Do not expose the batteries to wa­ter, and keep bat teries from get ting wet or stored in moist locations.
• Do not attempt to take apart or change the batteries, including battery casings.
• Do not subject the bat teries to strong impacts.
• Do not use bat teries that are leak­ing, deformed, discolored.
• Do not store bat teries in warm or humid places.
• Keep the batteries out of reach of babies and small children.
• Make sure that the battery polarit y (C and D) is correct.
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For Your Safety
• Do not use new with used batter­ies. Do not use charged and dis­charged batteries together.
• Do not use dif ferent types or brands of bat teries at the same time.
• If you do not intend to use the camera for a long period of time, remove the bat teries from the camera. Note if the camera is lef t with the batteries removed, the time and date set tings are cleared.
• The bat teries feel warm right after being used. Before removing the batteries, turn the camera off and wait for the batteries to cool down.
• Since bat teries do not work well in cold weather or locations, warm the batteries by placing them in­side your garments before use. Batteries do not work well when cold. They will work again when the temperature returns to normal.
• Soil (such as fingerprints) on the batter y terminals makes the bat­teries charge less reducing the number of images. Carefully wipe the battery terminals with a soft dry cloth before loading.
If any liquid at all leaks from the batteries, wipe the bat tery compartment thoroughly and then load new batteries.
If any battery fluid comes into contact with your hands or clothing, f lush the area thor­oughly with water. Note that battery fluid can cause loss of eyesight if it gets into your eyes. If this occurs, do not rub your eyes. Flush the fluid out with clean water and contac t your physician for treatment.
Us ing the AA-s ize Ni-MH bat teries
• Ni-MH bat teries left unused in storage for long periods can be­come “deactivated”. Also, repeat­edly charging Ni-MH batteries that are only par tially discharged can cause them to suffer from the “memory effect”. Ni-MH batteries that are “deactivated” or af fected by “memory” suffer from the prob­lem of only providing power for a short time after being charged. To prevent this problem, discharge and recharge them several times using the camera’s “Discharging rechargeable batteries” function.
Deactivation and memory are spe-
cific to Ni- MH batteries and are not in fact battery faults.
See Owner’s Manual for the proce-
dure for “Discharging rechargeable batteries”.
Do not use the “Discharging re­chargeable batteries” function when alkaline bat teries being used.
• To charge Ni-MH batteries, use the quick battery charger (sold sepa­rately). Refer to the instructions supplied with the charger to make sure that the charger is used cor­rectly.
• Do not use the battery charger to charge other batteries.
• Note that the batteries feel warm after being charged.
• Due to the way the camera is con­struc ted, a small amount of current is used even when the camera is turned off. Note in particular that leaving Ni-MH batteries in the camera for a long period will over­discharge the batteries and may render them unusable even after recharging.
• Ni-MH bat teries will self-discharge even when not used, and the time for which they can be used may be shortened as a result.
• Ni-MH batteries will deteriorate rapidly if over-discharged (e.g. by discharging the batteries in a flashlight). Use the “Discharging re­chargeable batteries” function pro­vided in the camera to discharge the batteries.
• Ni-MH batteries have a limited service life. If a bat tery can only be used for a short time even after repeated discharge-charge cycles, it may have reached the end of its service life.
Disposing of Batteries
CAUTION: When disp osing of batter-
ies, do so in accordance with your local waste disposal regulations.
Notes on both models (1, 2)
AC Po wer Adapter
Always use the AC Power Adapter with the camera. The use of an AC Power adapter other than FUJIFILM AC Power Adapter can be damaged to your digital camera. For details on the AC power adapter, refer to the Owner’s Manual of your camera.
• Use the AC power adapter for in­door use only.
• Plug the connection cord plug se­curely into the DC input terminal.
• Turn of f the FUJIFILM Digital cam­era before disconnec ting the cord from the DC input terminal. To dis­connect, pull out the plug gently. Do not pull on the cord.
• Do not use the AC power adapter with any device other than your camera.
• During use, the AC power adapter will become hot to the touch. This is normal.
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For Your Safety
• Do not take apar t the AC power adapter. Doing so could be dan­gerous.
• Do not use the AC power adapter in a hot and humid place.
• Do not subject the AC power adapter to strong shock s.
• The AC power adapter may emit a humming. This is normal.
• If used near a radio, the AC power adapter may cause static. If this happens, move the camera away from the radio.
Befor e Using the Came ra
Do not aim the camera at ex tremely bright light sources, such as the sun in a cloudless sky. Failure to observe this precaution could damage the camera image sensor.
Tes t Shots Prio r to Photogr aphy
For important photographs (such as weddings an d overseas trips), always take a test shot and view the im­age to make sure that the camera is working normally.
• FUJIFILM Corporation cannot ac­cept liabilit y for any incidental losses (such a s the costs of photog ­raphy or the loss of income from photography) incurred as a result of faults with this product.
N otes on Copyr ight
Images recorded using your digital camera system cannot be used in ways that infringe copyright laws without the consent of the owner,
unless intended only for personal use. Note that some restrictions ap­ply to the photographing of stage performances, entertainments and exhibits, even when intended purely for perso nal use. Users are also asked to note that the transfer of Memory Card containing images or data pro­tected under copyright laws is only permissible within the restrictions imposed by those copyright laws.
H andling Your D igital Ca mera
To ensure that images are recorded correctly, do not subjec t the camera to impact or shock while an image is being recorded.
Liquid Crystal
If the LCD monitor is damaged, take particular care with the liquid crystal in the monitor. If any of the follow­ing situations arise, take the urgent action indicated.
• If liquid crystal comes in contact with your skin:
Wipe the area with a cloth and
then wash thoroughly with soap and running water.
• If liquid crystal gets into your eye:
Flush the af fected eye with clean
water for at least 15 minutes and then seek medical assistance.
• If liquid crystal is swallowed:
Flush your mouth thoroughly with
water. Drink large quantities of wa­ter and induce vo miting. Then see k medical assistance.
Although the LCD panel is pro duced with highly sophisticated technolo­gies, there may be black sp ots or permanently lit spots. This is not a malfunction, and does not affect re­corded images.
Trademark Information
xD-Picture Card and E are trade- marks of FUJIFILM Corporation. The typefaces included herein are solely developed by DynaComware Tai­wan Inc. Macintosh, QuickTime, and Mac OS are trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S.A. and other countries. Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, and the Windows logo are trademarks of the Microsof t group of companies. Adobe and Adobe Reader are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Adobe Sys­tems Incorporated in the U.S.A. and/ or other countries. The SDHC and SDXC logos are trademark s of SD-3C, LLC. The HDMI logo is a trademark. YouTube is a trademark of Google Inc. Facebook is a trademark of Facebook , Inc. All other trade na mes mentioned in this manual are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
Notes on Electrical Interference
If the camera is to be used in hos­pitals or aircrafts, please note that this camera may cause interference to other equipment in the hospital or aircraft. For details, please check with the applicable regulations.
E xif Print (E xif ver. 2.3)
Exif Print Format is a newly revised digital camera file format that con­tains a variety of shooting informa­tion for optimal printing.
Using th e Softwar e
Direct or indirect expor t, in whole or in part, of licensed software without the permission of the applicable governing bodies is prohibited.
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About This Manual
Before using the camera, read this manual and the warnings on pages ii–vi. For information on specific topics, consult the sources below.
Memory Cards
Pictures can be stored in an optional SD, SDHC, and SDXC memory cards (P 9), referred to in this manual as “memory cards”.
✔✔ Warning Messages and Displays
Warning Messages and Displays
.....................P P
Find out what’s behind that flashing icon or error message in the display.
✔✔ Troubleshooting
..............................................P P 9999
Having a specific problem with the camera? Find the answer here.
✔✔ Table of Contents
Table of Contents
............................................P P
The “Table of Contents” gives an overview of the entire manual. The principal camera operations are listed here.
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For Your Safety ................................................................................. ii
Safety Notes .....................................................................................ii
About This Manual ........................................................................ v ii
Before You Begin
Before You Begin
Introduction ....................................................................................... 1
Symbols and Conventions .......................................................... 1
Supplied Accessories .................................................................... 1
Parts of the Camera ....................................................................... 2
Camera Displays ..........................................................................4
The Mode Dial ..............................................................................5
First Steps
First Steps
The Strap and Lens Cap ................................................................ 6
Inserting the Batteries .................................................................. 7
Inserting a Memory Card ............................................................. 9
Turning the Camera On and Off .............................................. 12
Shooting Mode ............................................................................. 12
Playback Mode ..............................................................................12
Basic Setup ....................................................................................... 13
Basic Photography and Playback
Basic Photography and Playback
Taking Pictures in
(Scene Recognition) Mode
... 14
Viewing Pictures ............................................................................ 19
More on Photography
More on Photography
Shooting Mode ...............................................................................20
M SCENE RECOGNITION..................................................20
B AUTO ..........................................................................................20
I CONTINUOUS SHOOTING ...................................................20
Adv. ADVANCED ...........................................................................21
SP SCENE POSITION ....................................................................24
N MOTION PANORAMA .....................................................25
P: PROGRAM AE ............................................................................27
S: SHUTTER PRIORIT Y AE ...........................................................28
M: MANUAL ....................................................................................29
Intelligent Face Detection .........................................................30
Focus Lock.........................................................................................32
F Macro and Super Macro Modes (Close-ups) ................34
N Using the Flash (Intelligent Flash) .....................................35
J Using the Self-Timer ...............................................................37
Z INSTANT ZOOM ........................................................................39
d Exposure Compensation .....................................................42
Table of Contents
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Table of Contents
More on Playback
More on Playback
Playback Options ...........................................................................4 4
Playback Zoom ..............................................................................45
I Favorites: Rating Pictures ....................................................45
Viewing Photo Information ......................................................46
Multi-Frame Playback .................................................................47
Viewing Panoramas ......................................................................48
k PhotoBook Assist ....................................................................49
Creating a PhotoBook ................................................................49
Viewing PhotoBooks ..................................................................50
Editing and Deleting PhotoBooks .........................................50
b Image Search ............................................................................ 51
A Deleting Pictures ....................................................................52
F Recording Movies ...................................................................53
Movie Frame Size .........................................................................54
a Viewing Movies ........................................................................55
Viewing Pictures on TV ...............................................................56
Connecting the Camera to High Definition (HD) TVs ....56
Printing Pictures via USB ............................................................57
Connecting the Camera ............................................................57
Printing Selected Pictures ........................................................57
Printing the DPOF Print Order .................................................58
Creating a DPOF Print Order ....................................................60
Viewing Pictures on a Computer ............................................63
Copying Pictures to a Computer ............................................63
Windows: Downloading and Installing MyFinePix Studio
to a Computer ...............................................................................63
Windows: Installing MyFinePix Studio .................................64
Windows: Uninstalling MyFinePix Studio ..........................66
Connecting the Camera ............................................................66
Using the Menus: Shooting Mode .........................................68
Using the Shooting Menu .........................................................68
Shooting Menu Options ............................................................69
N ISO ............................................................................................71
O IMAGE SIZE ............................................................................71
T IMAGE QUALITY ..................................................................72
P FINEPIX COLOR ....................................................................73
D WHITE BALANCE .................................................................73
C PHOTOMETRY ......................................................................74
F AF MODE ................................................................................75
F MOVIE AF MODE .................................................................76
J AE BKT EV STEPS .................................................................76
I FLASH ......................................................................................76
Using the Menus: Playback Mode ..........................................77
Using the Playback Menu..........................................................77
Playback Menu Options .............................................................77
j MARK FOR UPLOAD TO ....................................................78
I SLIDE SHOW .........................................................................80
B RED EYE REMOVAL .............................................................81
D PROTECT ................................................................................82
G CROP........................................................................................83
O RESIZE .....................................................................................84
C IMAGE ROTATE .....................................................................85
J DISP. ASPECT ........................................................................86
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Table of Contents
The Setup Menu .............................................................................87
Using the Setup Menu................................................................87
Setup Menu Options ...................................................................88
N TIME DIFFERENCE ...............................................................90
K FORMAT..................................................................................91
A IMAGE DISP. ..........................................................................91
B FRAME NO. ............................................................................92
I PLAYBACK VOLUME ...........................................................92
J LCD BRIGHTNESS ................................................................92
h LCD POWER SAVE ...............................................................92
M AUTO POWER OFF ..............................................................93
R INTELLIGENT DIGITAL ZOOM .........................................93
P DISCHARGE (Ni-MH Batteries Only) ............................94
S DATE STAMP .........................................................................95
Technical Notes
Technical Notes
Optional Accessories ....................................................................96
Accessories from FUJIFILM .......................................................97
Caring for the Camera ................................................................. 98
Tro ub les ho oti ng
Tro ubl es hoo tin g ............................................................................99
Warning Messages and Displays ..........................................107
Memory Card Capacity ............................................................. 111
Specifications ................................................................................ 112
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Before You Begin
Symbols and Conventions
Symbols and Conventions
The following symbols are used in this manual: 3 Caution: This information should be read before use to ensure correct operation. 1 Note: Points to note when using the camera. 2 Tip: Additional information that may be helpful when using the camera. P: Other pages in this manual on which related information may be found.
Menus and other text in the camera monitor are shown in bold. In the illustrations in this manual, the monitor display may be simplified for explanatory purposes.
Supplied Accessories
Supplied Accessories
The following items are included with the camera:
AA alkaline (LR6) batteries (×3) Lens cap Strap
• Basic Manual
* A USB cable is not included. Use a Mini USB cable (available from third-party suppliers) that is no longer than 60 cm (1.9 ft.).
Before You Begin
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Parts of the Camera
Parts of the Camera
For more information, refer to the page listed to the right of each item.
G Lens ......................................................... 16, 112
H Flash ..................................................................35
I Flash pop-up button..............................35
J AF-assist illuminator ...............................33
Self-timer lamp ..........................................38
A M icrophon e .................................................53
B Strap eyelet .................................................... 6
C Zoom control ...............................15, 45, 47
D Shutter button ...........................................17
E G button .........................................12
F Mode dial ........................................................5
* Illustrations in this manual may be simplified for explanatory purposes.
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Before You Begin
R Indicator lamp ..................................18
S Sp eaker .................................................55
T t (movie recording) button .............53
U Terminal cover ..................56, 57, 66
V Memory card slot ...........................10
W HDMI Mini Connector ................56
X USB connector (Mini-B type)
........................................................... 57, 66
K Selector button (see bel ow)
L M onitor ................................................... 4
M DISP (d isplay) /BACK button
...........................................................16, 4 6
N a (playback) button ................19, 44
O Tr ipod mo unt
P Battery-chamber latch ..................7
Q Battery-chamber cover ................7
The Selector Button
MENU/OK button
(P 13, 68, 77, 87)
Move cursor left
F (mac ro) button (P 34)
Move cursor righ t
N (fla sh) button (P 35)
Move cursor up
d (exposure compensation) button (P 42) b (del ete) button (P 19)
Move cursor down
J (self-timer) button (P 37)
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Camera Displays
Camera Displays
The following indicators may appear during shooting and playback. The indicators displayed vary with camera settings.
■■ Shooting
3. 1250
M Focus frame .................................................32
N Blur warning ........................... 35, 103, 107
O Date and time ............................................. 13
P Shutter speed and aperture .............27
Q S ensitivit y ...................................................... 71
R Image size/Image quality ...........71, 72
S FinePix color ................................................73
T White balance ............................................73
U Battery level .................................................15
V IS mode ..........................................................16
W Exposure indicator ..................................42
X Exposure compensation
indicator .........................................................42
A Number of available frames ............111
B Movie mode ................................................53
C Focus warning ...........................................17
D Date stamp ...................................................95
E Silent mode .................................................88
F Burst mode ..................................................20
G M etering ........................................................74
H Intelligent Face Detection
indicator .........................................................30
I Shooting mode .........................................20
J Flash mode...................................................35
K Macro (close-ups) mode .....................34
L Self-timer indicator .................................37
■■ Playback
G Protected image .......................................82
H DPOF print indicator ..............................60
I Photobook assist indicator ................49
J Mark for upload to ...................................78
K Frame number ...........................................92
L Rating ...............................................................45
A Gift image ....................................................44
B Silent mode .................................................88
C Advanced Filter .........................................22
D Red-eye removal indicator.................81
E Intelligent Face Detection
indicator .........................................................30
F Playback mode indicator ............19, 44
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Before You Begin
The Mode Dial
The Mode Dial
To select a shooting mode, align the mode icon with the mark next to the mode dial.
P, S, M : Select for full control over cam­era settings, including aperture (M) and/ or shutter speed (M and S) (P 27).
N (MOTION PANORAMA): Take a series of photographs and combine them to form a panorama (P 25).
SP1/SP2 (SCEN E POSITIO N): Choose a scene suited to the subject or shooting con­ditions and let the camera do the rest (P 24).
Adv. (ADVANCED): Sophisticated tech- niques made easy (P 21).
B (AUTO): A simple “point-and-shoot” mode recommended for first-time users of digital cameras (P20).
I (CONTINUOUS SHOOTING): The camera takes photographs while the shutter button is pressed (P 20).
M (SCENE RECOGNITION): A “point­and-shoot” mode in which the camera automatically adjusts settings to suit the scene (P 14).
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First Steps
The Strap and Lens Cap
Attaching the Strap
Attaching the Strap
Attach the strap to the two strap eyelets as shown below.
3 Caution
To avoid dropping the camera, be sure the strap is cor­rectly secured.
The Lens Cap
The Lens Cap
Attach the lens cap as shown.
To avoid losing the lens cap, pass the supplied string through the eyelet (q) and secure the lens cap to the strap (w).
First Steps
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First Steps
Inserting the Batteries
The camera takes three AA alkaline, lithium, or rechargeable Ni-MH batteries. A set of three alkaline batteries is supplied with the camera. Insert the batteries in the camera as described below.
Open the battery-chamber cover.
Slide the battery­chamber latch in the direction shown and open the battery­chamber cover.
1 Note
Be sure the camera is off before opening the bat­tery-chamber cover.
3 Cautions
• Do not open the battery-chamber cover when the camera is on. Failure to observe this pre­caution could result in damage to image files or memory cards.
• Do not use excessive force when handling the battery-chamber cover.
Insert the batteries.
Insert the batteries in the orientation shown by the “+“ and “–“ marks inside the battery chamber.
3 Cautions
• Insert the batteries in the correct orientation.
Never use batteries with peel-
ing or damaged casing or mix old and new batteries, batter­ies with dif ferent charge levels, or batteries of different types.
Failure to observe these precautions could result in the batteries leaking or overheating.
Never use man ganese or Ni-Cd batteries.
• The capacity of alkaline batteries varies with the manufacturer and drops at temperatures below 10 °C/50 °F; Ni-MH batteries are recommended.
• Fingerprints and other soil on the battery termi­nals can shorten battery life.
Battery casing
Battery casing
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Inserting the Batteries
Close the battery-chamber cover.
Close the battery-cham­ber cover and slide it in until the latch clicks into place.
3 Caution
Do not use force. If the battery-chamber cover does not close, check that the batteries are in the correct orientation and try again.
2 Tip: Using an AC Power Adapter
The camera can be powered by an optional AC power adapter and DC coupler (sold separately).
Choosing the Batter y Type
After replacing the batteries with batteries of a different type, select the battery type using the T BATTERY TYPE option in the setup menu (P 89) to ensure that the battery level is displayed correctly and the camera does not turn off unexpectedly.
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First Steps
Inserting a Memory Card
The camera can store pictures on SD, SDHC, and SDXC memory cards (sold separately).
■■ Compatible Memory Cards
Compatible Memory Cards
FUJIFILM and SanDisk SD, SDHC, and SDXC memory cards have been approved for use in the camera. A complete list of approved memory cards is available at http://www.fujifilm.com/products/digital_cameras/index.html. Operation is not guaranteed with other cards. The camera can not be used with xD-Picture Cards or MultiMediaCard (MMC) devices.
3 Caution
Memory cards can be locked, making it impossible to format the card or to record or delete images. Before inserting a memory card, slide the write-protect switch to the unlocked posi­tion.
Write -protect
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Inserting a Memory Card
■■ Inserting a Memory Card
Inserting a Memory Card
Open the battery-chamber cover.
1 Note
Be sure the camera is off before opening the battery-chamber cover.
Insert the memory card.
Holding the memory card in the orientation shown below, slide it in until it clicks into place at the back of the slot.
Be sure card is in correct orienta­tion; do not insert at an angle or use force.
Close the battery-chamber cover.
Close the battery­chamber cover and slide it in until the latch clicks into place.
Removing Memory Cards
After confirming that the camera is off, press the card in and then release it slowly. The card can now be removed by hand.
3 Cautions
• The memory card may spring out if you remove your finger immediately after pushing the card in.
• Memory cards may be warm to the touch after be­ing removed from the camera. This is normal and does not indicate a malfunction.
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First Steps
Inserting a Memory Card
3 Cautions
Do not turn the camera off or remove the memory card while the memory card is being formatted or data are being recorded to or deleted fro m the card. Failure to observe this precaution could damage the card.
• Format SD/SDHC/SDXC memory cards before first use, and be sure to reformat all memory cards after using them in a computer or other device. For more information on formatting memory cards, see page 91.
• Memory cards are small and can be swallowed; keep out of reach of children. If a child swallows a memory card, seek medical assistance immediately.
• miniSD or microSD adapters that are larger or smaller than the standard dimensions of an SD/SDHC/SDXC card may not eject normally; if the card does not eject, take the camera to an authorized service representative. Do not forcibly remove the card.
• Do not affix labels to memory cards. Peeling labels can cause camera malfunction.
• Movie recording may be interrupted with some types of SD/SDHC/SDXC memory card. Use a G card or better when shooting HD movies.
• Formatting a memory card in the camera creates a folder in which pictures are stored. Do not rename or delete this folder or use a computer or other device to edit, delete, or rename image files. Always use the camera to delete pictures from memory cards; before editing or renaming files, copy them to a computer and edit or re­name the copies, not the originals.
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Turning the Camera On and Off
Shooting Mode
Shooting Mode
Press the G button to turn the camera on. The lens will extend automatically.
Press G again to turn the camera off.
2 Tip: Switching to Playback Mode
Press the a button to start playback. Press the shutter button halfway to return to shooting mode.
3 Cautions
• Be sure that the lens cap is removed before turning the camera on.
• Forcibly preventing the lens from extending could cause damage or product malfunction.
• Pictures can be affected by fingerprints and other marks on the lens. Keep the lens clean.
• The G button does not completely disconnect the camera from its power supply.
Playback Mode
Playback Mode
To turn the camera on and begin playback, press the a button for about a second.
Press the a button again or press the G button to turn the camera o .
2 Tip: Switching to Shooting Mode
To exit to shooting mode, press the shutter button halfway. Press the a button to return to playback.
2 Tip: Auto Power Off
The camera will turn off automatically if no operations are performed for the length of time selected in the
AUTO POWER OFF menu (see page 93).
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First Steps
Basic Setup
A language-selection dialog is displayed the first time the camera is turned on. Set up the camera as described below (for information on resetting the clock or changing languages, see page 88).
Choose a language.
1.1 Press the selector up or down to highlight a language.
1.2 Press MENU/OK.
Set the date and time.
2016 2015
2013 2012
1. 1 12 : 00 AM
2.1 Press the selector left or right to highlight the year, month, day, hour, or minute and press up or down to change. To change the order in which the year, month, and day are displayed, high­light the date format and press the selector up or down.
2.2 Press MENU/OK. A battery type message will be displayed; if the type differs from the type inserted in the camera, use the setup menu
T BATTERY TYPE option (P 89)
to specify the correct
2 Tip: The Camera Clock
If the batteries are removed for an extended period, the camera clock and battery type will be reset and the lan­guage-selection dialog will be displayed when the camera is turned on. If the batteries are left in the camera for about 10 hours, the battery can be removed for about 24 hours without resetting the clock, language, or battery type.
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Basic Photography and Playback
Taking Pictures in M (Scene Recognition) Mode
This section describes how to take pictures in M mode.
Turn the camera on.
Press the G button to turn the camera on.
Select M mode.
Rotate the mode dial to M.
In this mode, the camera au­tomatically analyzes the com­position and selects a scene according to shooting condi­tions and the type of subject:
b (PORTRAIT): Human portrait subject.
c (LANDSCAPE): Man-made or natural landscape.
d (NIGHT): Poorly-lit landscape.
e (MACRO): Subject close to camera.
f (NIGHT PORTR AIT): Poorly-lit portrait subject.
g (BACKLIT PORTRAIT): Back-lit portrait subject.
a (AUTO) is selected if none of the above are detected.
Selected scene
Basic Photography and Playback
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Basic Photography and Playback
Taking Pictures in M (Scene Recognition) Mode
Check the battery level.
Check the battery level in the display.
NO ICON Batteries are partially discharged.
B (red )
Batteries are low. Replace as soon as possible.
A (blinks red)
Batteries are exhausted. Turn cam­era off and replace batteries.
1 Note
A battery warning may not be displayed before the camera turns off, particularly if batteries are reused after having once been exhausted. Power consumption varies greatly from mode to mode; the low battery warning (B) may not be dis­played or may be displayed only briefly before the camera turns off in some modes or when switching from shooting to playback mode.
Frame the picture.
Use the zoom control to frame the picture in the display.
Select W to zoom out Select T to zoom in
Zoom indicator
2 Tip: Focus Lock
Use focus lock (P 32) to focus on subjects that are not in the focus frame.
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Taking Pictures in M (Scene Recognition) Mode
Holding the Camera
Hold the camera steady with both hands and brace your elbows against your sides. Shaking or unsteady hands can blur your shots.
To prevent pictures that are out of focus or too dark (un­derexposed), keep your fin­gers and other objects away from the lens and flash.
Shooting Information
To choose the shooting information and guides dis­played, press the DISP/BACK button.
Indicators displayed/indicators hidden/best framing/ HD framing/histogram
To use best framing, position the main subject at the intersection of two lines or align one of the horizontal lines with the horizon. When HD framing is used, 16:9 aspect ratio guide lines are displayed to make it easy to frame HD shots. Use focus lock (P 32) to focus on subjects that will not be in the center of the frame in the final photograph.
Avoiding Blurred Pictures
If the subject is poorly lit, blurring caused by camera shake can be reduced using the L IS MODE option in the setup menu (P 89). Note that blurring may still occur depending on the scene.
1 Note
Choose OFF to turn image stabilization off when us­ing a tripod.
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Basic Photography and Playback
Taking Pictures in M (Scene Recognition) Mode
Press the shutter button halfway to focus.
1 Note
The lens may make a noise when the camera fo­cuses; this is normal. In M mode, the cam­era continuously adjusts focus, increasing the drain on the batteries.
If the camera is able to focus, it will beep twice and the indicator lamp will glow green.
If the camera is unable to focus, the focus frame will turn red, s will be displayed, and the indicator lamp will blink green. Change the composition or use focus lock (P 32).
Smoothly press the shutter button the rest of the way down to take the picture.
2 Tip: The Shutter Button
The shutter button has two positions. Pressing the shutter button halfway (q) sets focus and exposure; to shoot, press the shutter button the rest of the way down (w).
Press halfway
Press the rest of
the way down
1 Note
If the subject is poorly lit, the AF-assist illuminator may light to assist focus (P 33). For information on using the flash when lighting is poor, see page 35.
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Taking Pictures in M (Scene Recognition) Mode
The Indicator Lamp
Indicator lamp
The indicator lamp shows camera status as follows:
Indicator lamp
Indicator lamp
Camera status
Camera status
Glows green Focus locked.
Blinks green
Blur, focus, or exposure warning. Pic­ture can be taken.
Blinks green
and orange
Recording pictures. Additional pic­tures can be taken.
Recording pictures. No additional pic­tures can be taken at this time.
Blinks orange
Flash charging; flash will not fire when picture is taken.
Blinks red
Lens or memory error (memory card full or not formatted, format error, or other memory error).
2 Tip: Warnings
Detailed warnings appear in the display. See pages 107–110 for more information.
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Basic Photography and Playback
Viewing Pictures
Pictures can be viewed in the monitor. When taking important photographs, take a test shot and check the results.
Press the a button.
The most recent picture will be displayed in the monitor.
View additional pictures.
Press the selector right to view pictures in the order recorded, left to view pictures in reverse order.
Press the shutter button to exit to shooting mode.
Deleting Pictures
To delete the picture currently displayed in the monitor, press the selector up (
The following dialog will be displayed.
• Select FRAME and press MENU/ OK.
• To delete the picture, press MENU/OK.
To exit without deleting the picture, press DISP/BACK.
2 Tip: The Playback Menu
Pictures can also be deleted from the playback menu (P 77).
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More on Photography
Shooting Mode
Choose a shooting mode according to the scene or type of subject. To choose a shooting mode, rotate the mode dial to the desired setting (P 5). The following modes are available:
The camera automatically analyzes the composi­tion and selects the appropriate scene mode ac­cording to the subject and shooting conditions (P 14).
Choose for crisp, clear snapshots. This mode is recommended in most situations.
Capture motion in a series of pictures. Use the R CONTINUOUS option in the shooting menu to choose a continuous mode.
c Cautions
• Focus and exposure are determined by the first frame in each series. The flash turns off automatically; the previously-selected flash mode is restored when the shooting mode is changed.
• Frame rate varies with shutter speed, shooting condi­tions, and the number of pictures in each burst.
• The number of pictures that can be taken in a single burst varies with the scene and camera settings. The number of pictures that can be recorded depends on the memory available.
• If the self-timer is used when L and N are selected, only one picture will be taken when the shutter but­ton is pressed.
• At a setting of J, white lines may appear in bright areas of the image; these can be avoided by choosing K mode.
More on Photography
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