Fujifilm FCR ID-T741 User manual

5th Edition
ID Terminal Operation Manual
009-021-40 Fuji Photo Film Co., Ltd.
2001. 02
TOKYO 106-8620
ID Terminal Operation Manual
1. No part or all of this manual may be reproduced in any form without prior permission.
2. The information contained in this manual may be subject to change without prior notice.
3. Fuji Photo Film shall not be liable for malfunctions and damages resulting from installation, relocation, remodeling, maintenance, and repair performed by other than dealers specified by Fuji Photo Film.
4. Fuji Photo Film shall not be liable for malfunctions and damages of Fuji Photo Film products due to products of other manufacturers not supplied by Fuji Photo Film.
5. Fuji Photo Film shall not be liable for malfunctions and damages resulting from remodeling, maintenance, and repair using repair parts other than those specified by Fuji Photo Film.
6. Fuji Photo Film shall not be liable for malfunctions and damages resulting from negligence of precautions and operating methods contained in this manual.
7. Fuji Photo Film shall not be liable for malfunctions and damages resulting from use under environment conditions outside the range of using conditions for this product such as power supply, installation environment, etc. contained in this manual.
8. Fuji Photo Film shall not be liable for malfunctions and damages resulting from natural disasters such as fires, earthquakes, floods, lightning, etc.
009-021-40 Fuji Photo Film Co., Ltd.
2001. 02
Thank you for purchasing the ID Terminal.
For users to understand the functions of the ID Terminal and use them to the fullest, this manual ID TERMINAL OPERATION MANUAL describes in detail how to operate the unit, precautions in operations, etc.
Users using the unit for the first time should read this manual carefully before beginning use. After using the manual, keep it nearby carefully for future reference.
ID Terminal Operation Manual
2001 by Fuji Photo Film Co., Ltd.
009-021-40 Fuji Photo Film Co., Ltd.
2001. 02
ID Terminal Operation Manual


INTRODUCTION _____________________________________________ "
1. PRECAUTIONS BEFORE USE _______________________________ #
2. INTRODUCING ID TERMINAL ________________________________ %
3. OPERATIONS (BASIC) _____________________________________
1. Outline of the Unit ...................................................................................................... %
2. Name and Function of Each Part ................................................................................ &
3. Precaution for Installation .......................................................................................... 
1. Starting Up/Ending the Unit .......................................................................................
Step1. Starting Up the Unit .......................................................................................
Step2. Ending the Unit .............................................................................................. "
2. Selection Operation .................................................................................................... #
3. Input Operation ........................................................................................................... $
Step1. Software Keyboard ......................................................................................... $
Step2. Text Box and Cursor ...................................................................................... &
Step3. Inputting/Deleting Characters ........................................................................ '
4. Operation Screen ........................................................................................................
5. Operation Flow Chart ................................................................................................. "
4. OPERATIONS (PROCESSING) _______________________________ $
1. Basic Operation .......................................................................................................... $
Step1. Inputting the Patient Information ................................................................... $
Step2. Inputting the Exposure Information ............................................................... !
Step3. Registering the IP Number ............................................................................. !
2. Applied Operations ..................................................................................................... !$
Step1. Step2. Step3. Step4.
Step5. Retrieving/Deleting the ID information ......................................................... "
3. Setting Various Parameters ........................................................................................ ""
Step1. Image Inversion .............................................................................................. ""
Step2. Film Output Format ........................................................................................ "$
Step3. EDR mode ...................................................................................................... "&
Step4. IP Reading Size .............................................................................................. #
Step5. C-Shift/S-Shift ................................................................................................ #
Step6. Filing Mode .................................................................................................... #
Step7. Number of Films Output ................................................................................ #!
Step8. Function ......................................................................................................... #"
Step9. Film Mark ....................................................................................................... ##
Step10.Distribution Code ........................................................................................... #$
Step11.Pixel Density .................................................................................................. #%
Inputting the Exposure Information with the Routine Menu Selection Method ............
Exposing Several Patients with the Same Exposure Information (Changing the Patient Information) .. Taking Several Exposures with the Same Patient Information and Exposure Information ...
Exposing with the Same Patient Information but with Different Exposure Information .....
!$ !& " "
009-021-40 Fuji Photo Film Co., Ltd.
2001. 02
ID Terminal Operation Manual
5. TROUBLE SHOOTING ______________________________________ #&
1. Method to Deal with Errors ........................................................................................ #&
2. When These Happen................................................................................................... #'
6. MAINTENANCE ___________________________________________ $
1. Maintenance by Users ................................................................................................ $
2. Periodic Inspection ..................................................................................................... $
009-021-40 Fuji Photo Film Co., Ltd.
2001. 02
ID Terminal Operation Manual


This operation manual provides detailed information required for using this unit. To make full use of available functions, read the following sections carefully.
The manual contains the following sections:
Contains basic precautions to be read before using the unit.
Gives basic information useful before operating the unit.
Describes the basic operations of starting/ending the unit, selecting/inputting, etc.
Describes the operations in the routine processing mode.
Describes the measures to be taken when errors occur.
Describes daily maintenance of the unit.
Describes operations in the service mode.
009-021-40 Fuji Photo Film Co., Ltd.
2001. 02
ID Terminal Operation Manual


This chapter lists the precautions required to use the ID Terminal safely. Before starting use, read this chapter very carefully and understand its operations thoroughly first.
Safety precautions consist of WARNING, CAUTION, and NOTE which is a supplementary explanation. Differing in nature, each have the following meanings.
Indicates hazardous situations which may lead to serious injuries or even death if the precaution is not or could not be followed.
Indicates hazardous situations which may lead to mild or medium injuries if the precaution is not or could not be followed. Precautions against accidents causing only physical damages.
Gives procedures requiring special attention, instructions which must be followed, supplementary explanations, etc.
This model supplies high voltage to the inside of unit, etc. The following instructions must be carefully followed to prevent an electrical shock.
 No one other than service engineers should open the unit cover. Do not touch the high
voltage portion of the above-mentioned parts with your hand, or you may get an electric shock.
The supply voltage of the units comprising this system is AC100V to 120V or AC200V to 240V.
The instructions below must be followed to prevent an electrical shock.
 Install the unit where no water may subject the units.  Check that the ground of each unit has been perfectly connected.  Check that all the cables have been properly and perfectly connected.
009-021-40 Fuji Photo Film Co., Ltd.
2001. 02
ID Terminal Operation Manual
009-021-40 Fuji Photo Film Co., Ltd.
2001. 02


Outline of the Unit

The ID terminal is a unit that registers the ID information and various parameters of images in the FCR Image Reader when using IPs (imaging plates) to take radiographs.
When radiographs are taken using IPs, the images will be read by the FCR Image Reader. At the same time, the FCR Image Reader will perform processings for obtaining the best images for reading according to the exposure technique used. To make this possible, the information shown below must be registered with this unit.
Patient Information
Information concerning the patient (ID number, name, etc.).
ID Terminal Operation Manual
Exposure Information
Exposure menu of the image.
IP Number
IP number used for exposure.
Various Parameter
Parameters concerning image processings (image inversion, film output format, etc.).
This unit is capable of registering the above information collectively at the time of exposure, so that smooth processings with FCR Image Reader are possible. As a result, the operation/ performance efficiency will be improved.
009-021-40 Fuji Photo Film Co., Ltd.
2001. 02
ID Terminal Operation Manual

Name and Function of Each Part

8 9
009-021-40 Fuji Photo Film Co., Ltd.
2001. 02
ID Terminal Operation Manual
Starting/ending button
Button to start/end the unit.
Touch-panel type color LCD display to display operation screen. If the unit is not operated for a certain period of time, the screen saver will function, and the screen will be undisplayed. In this case, check the indicator to ensure the unit is started, and lightly touch the display. The screen display will be restored.
Card reader
Reads the patient information when the ID card is inserted.
Bar-code reader
Reads the IP number from the bar-code label of the IP.
Keyboard (Option)
Inputs characters and numerical values.
Power switch
Power switch of the unit. Always leave it at ON (press I side).
Indicators to show the state of the unit. There are two indicators: upper indicator and lower indicator. The lower indicator will light when the power of the unit is turned on. The upper indicator will light when the unit is started.
Adjustment knobs
Knobs for adjusting the display luminance and beep sound. Refer to page $.
Floppy disk drive
Drive of 3.5-inch floppy disk. Used in the service mode operation.
 Although the color LCD adopted for the display is manufactured using considerably high
degree of technology, there may be a malfunctioning dot in a part of a display. Despite the effort made to minimize the number of those malfunctioning dots, it is extremely difficult to completely eliminate the malfunctioning dots even if the most advanced technology is used. And also, although temperature change may cause a little unevenness of display, it is due to the characteristics of color LCD and not a failure by any means.
 To prevent the bar code reader from being damaged due to dropping, etc., place the bar-code
reader on the holder when not used. In addition, placing the bar-code reader on the display may result in the scratch on the display.
 The floppy disk drive is not used in the routine processing mode. Do not mount anything in
the floppy disk drive except when required in the service mode.
009-021-40 Fuji Photo Film Co., Ltd.
2001. 02
ID Terminal Operation Manual

Precautions for Installation

This unit is designed for the general office use. The use in an extreme environment may lead to malfunction.
Avoid installing the unit in the following places, where considered to be unsuitable for operating the unit.
 Places where strong magnetic fields are present.  Places where the unit may be exposed to direct sunlight, the heat from heating equipment, or
drastic temperature change.  Places where corrosive gases may be generated.  Places where strong vibrations are present.  Dusty places such as the surface of a floor.  Places where the unit may be exposed to water leakage, water droplet, or extremely high
009-021-40 Fuji Photo Film Co., Ltd.
2001. 02
ID Terminal Operation Manual
009-021-40 Fuji Photo Film Co., Ltd.
2001. 02
ID Terminal Operation Manual


The following explains the various basic operations required for using this unit. Understand each section thoroughly to efficiently perform actual operations.

Starting Up/Ending the Unit

Ensure the followings before starting up the unit.
 Cables, etc. of each device are firmly connected.  The power switch at the back of the unit is ON.  The floppy disk drive is not mounted with anything.
Press starting-up/ending button. Starting-up processing will be started.
Starting Up the Unit
009-021-40 Fuji Photo Film Co., Ltd.
2001. 02
ID Terminal Operation Manual
After a while, the following screen will be displayed. The starting up is completed. (Normally, starting up takes a few minutes from the start to completion.)
If there is an IP which is not read by FCR Image Reader even though its ID information was registered in the last operation, the number and information of unprocessed IP will be listed as shown below.
to delete all the information, and press to continue the operation.
 While the unit is starting and after it is started, do not operate the starting/ending button nor
the power switch. If the power is turned off while the unit is running, it may cause trouble to the unit.
009-021-40 Fuji Photo Film Co., Ltd.
2001. 02
ID Terminal Operation Manual
Ensure that the unit is not running, and press starting/ending button. The unit will end.
 Be sure to shut-down the unit with the procedure shown above. Shutting down the unit with
 It takes a while for ending processing of the unit. Do not restart (pressing starting/ending
Ending the Unit
the power switch at the back of the unit may result in malfunction. (Always leave the power
switch at the back of the unit turned on.)
button) until the unit is completely ended (indicator is turned off).
009-021-40 Fuji Photo Film Co., Ltd.
2001. 02
Selection Operation
Select the button on the screen (touch panel).
Press the button to select. The button is selected and the corresponding processing will be executed. When selecting a button, lightly touch a button with the tip of a finger. Pressing the button with a finger flat down or pressing the button too hard may result in the malfunction.
ID Terminal Operation Manual
 Buttons whose characters and icons are grayed out (displayed in a light color) cannot be
 Do not place any objects on the touch panel screen. If an object is placed on the screen, it
may cause malfunction and the screen may not respond for a while (10 seconds or so) even after the object is removed.
009-021-40 Fuji Photo Film Co., Ltd.
2001. 02
ID Terminal Operation Manual

Input Operation

Characters (letters/number/symbols) and numerical values are input using the software keyboard displayed on the screen (touch panel).
If the unit is provided with an optional keyboard (hardware keyboard, hereafter) as an option. The hardware keyboard can be used in the same manner as the software keyboard. Refer to the following explanation. In the explanation (including other chapters), keys shown in the parentheses along with the name of the button on the software keyboard indicate the alternative keys on the hardware keyboard.
Normally, the software keyboard is automatically displayed when inputting characters is required.
The following shows function of each button on the software keyboard.
Software Keyboard
Input mode changing button
Changes input mode ( letter mode) each time this button is pressed.
: number mode, : upper-case letter mode, : lower-case
Cursor moving button
Moves cursor (described later) in the text box to left/right.
Letter/number/symbol button
Inputs characters/numbers/symbols according to the input mode.
Number mode : 0 to 9 Upper-case letter mode : A to Z, * / [ ] Lower-case letter mode : a to z, * / [ ]
When inputting successively the character assigned to the same button in the upper-case letter/lower-case letter mode, use the cursor moving button along with the letter/number/ symbol button as shown in the example below.
Example> High ®
009-021-40 Fuji Photo Film Co., Ltd.
2001. 02
Symbol button
Inputs symbols according to the input mode.
Number mode : . Upper-case letter mode : . ,  : Lower-case letter mode : . ,  :
AC button
Clears all the characters in the text box.
- button
Inputs - (hyphen).
BS button
Deletes the character on the left of the cursor.
SP button
Inputs a space.
ID Terminal Operation Manual
ENTER button
Enters the input.
 When simultaneously using the software keyboard and the hardware keyboard, release Caps
Lock of the hardware keyboard, otherwise, the input mode of the software keyboard and the input characters are reversed as shown below.
Upper-case letter mode : Lower-case letters are input. Lower-case letter mode : Upper-case letters are input.
009-021-40 Fuji Photo Film Co., Ltd.
2001. 02
ID Terminal Operation Manual
The text box refers to the box to which characters are input. The cursor  |  blinking in the box indicates the point of starting input or inserting characters.
Text Box and Cursor
Text box
When inputting/deleting characters, move the cursor to the desired point as shown below.
Moving the cursor between the text boxes:
Press the desired text box or press ( Tab / Enter key). The cursor will move between the text boxes.
Moving the cursor in the character string:
Press / ( ¬ / ® key). The cursor will move in the character string.
009-021-40 Fuji Photo Film Co., Ltd.
2001. 02
ID Terminal Operation Manual
Inputting/Deleting Characters
Move the cursor to the desired point, and input the appropriate character. The character will be input (insert) on the left of the cursor. Exercise care that inputting inappropriate characters are regarded as invalid (e.g., inputting letters in the numerical value input box).
 * and @ are invalid characters. Do not input these characters when using the hardware
Move the cursor to the desired point, and press ( Back Space key) or . When is pressed, the character on the left of the cursor will be deleted. When characters will be deleted.
When using the hardware keyboard, the character on the right of the cursor will be deleted when Delete is pressed.
is pressed, all the
009-021-40 Fuji Photo Film Co., Ltd.
2001. 02
+ 47 hidden pages