Fujifilm EF-42 User Manual

For Your Safety
Thank you fo r your purchas e of this produ ct. For repair, inspection, or internal
testing, contact your FUJIFILM dealer.
• Make sure that you use your fl a s h correct ly. Read these safe ty notes and your Owner’s Manual carefully before use.
• After reading t hese safety no tes, store them in a safe p lace.
The icons sh own below are use d in this document to in dicate the severi ty of the injur y or damage that can resul t if the information in dicated by the icon is ignored a nd the product is us ed incorrectl y as a result.
The icons sh own below are used to indi cate the nature of the instructio ns which are to be o bserved.
Be sure to re ad these notes be fore use
Safety Notes
About t he Icons
This icon indi cates that death or serious i njury can re sult if
the inform ation is ignored.
This icon indicates that personal injury or material damage
can result if t he information is i gnored.
Triangular icons tel l you that this info rmation req uires attent ion (“Im­portant”).
Circular icons w ith a diagonal b ar tell you that th e action in dicated is prohibited (“Prohibited”).
Filled circles with an exclamation mark indicate an action that must be performed (“Required”).
Unplug from power socket
Do not use in the bat hroom
or shower
Do not
Do not touch inter nal parts
If a proble m arise s, turn t he fl a s h off , and remove the batteries. Con- tinued use of the fl a s h when it is emit tin g smo ke, i s emi tti ng an y unusual odo r, or is in any other abno rmal state can c ause a fi re or electr ic shock. Contact your F UJIFILM dealer.
Do not all ow water or for eign objec ts to enter the fl a s h . If water or foreign obj ects ge t inside the fl a s h , t urn the fl a s h off and re- move the batteries. Conti nued use of the fl a s h can caus e a fi re or elect ric shock. Contact yo ur FUJIFILM dealer.
Do not use th e fl a s h in the bathroom or shower. T his can caus e a fi re or electric shock.
Never at tempt to c hange or ta ke apar t the fl a s h (never open the case) Failure to obser ve this prec aution can c ause fi re or elec-
tric shock.
Should t he case break op en as the result o f a fall or other a ccident, do not touc h the expo sed part s. Failure to observe t his precaution
could result in electric shock or in injury from touching the dam­aged parts. Remove the batteries immediately, taking care to avoid injur y or electric sh ock, and take the pr oduct to the point of purchase for co nsultation.
Do not pla ce the fl a s h on an unstable surface. This ca n cause the
fl a s h to fall or tip ove r and cause injury.
Never at tempt to u se the fl a sh whil e in motion . Do not use the fl a s h
while walk ing or driving. This can result in y ou falling down or being involved in a traffi c accident.
Do not touc h any meta l parts o f the fl a s h during a thunderstorm. This can cau se an elect ric shock du e to induced cur rent from the lightni ng discharge.
Do not use th e batteries except as specifi ed. Load the batteries as shown by the in dicator.
Do not hea t, change or ta ke apart the batteries. Do not attempt to
charge non-rechargeable batteries. Do not drop or su bject the bat- teries to impacts. Do n ot store the batteries with metallic products.
Any of these a ctions can caus e the batteries to burst o r leak and cause fi re or injur y as a result.
Use only batteries specifi ed for use wi th this fl a s h . The use of ot her power source s can cause a fi re.
Do not use th e fl ash in t he vicini ty of conta iners hol ding cosm etics or drugs. Sh ould the contents s pill or overfl o w, they could enter the
fl ash and cause fi re, elec tric shock, o r other injury.
Do not dir ect the fl as h at the opera tor of a motor ve hicle. Failure to observe t his precaution cou ld result in accident s.
Do not use i n the prese nce of fl am mable or vo latile g ases.
If the batteries leak and fl uid get s in contact wi th your eyes, sk in or clothi ng, fl ush the aff ected ar ea with clean w ater and seek m edical attent ion or cal l an emerge ncy numb er right aw ay.
When discarding batteries, cover th e battery te rminals wi th insula-
tion tape. Contact with oth er metallic obje cts or batteri es could
cause the ba ttery to ignite or b urst.
Do not use this fl a s h in locations aff ec ted by oi l fume s, stea m, humi dity or dust. T his can cause a fi re or elec tric shock.
Do not leave this fl a s h in places subject to extremely high temperatures.
Do not leave the c amera in locations s uch as a sealed vehicle o r in direct s unlight. This can cause a fi re.
Keep out of t he reach of sma ll childre n. T his produc t could cause injury in t he hands of a child.
Do not pla ce heavy obj ects on the fl a s h . This can cause t he heavy object to t ip over or fall and caus e injury.
Do not cove r or wrap the fl a s h in a cl oth or blank et. This can cause heat to build up a nd distort the ca sing or cause a fi re.
When you ar e cleaning th e fl a s h or you do not plan to u se the fl a s h for an ex tended pe riod, remove t he batteries. Failure to do s o can
cause a fi re or ele ctric shock .
Using a fl as h too close to a pe rson’s eyes ca n cause temp orary visu al
impairment. Take p articul ar care when p hotograp hing infant s
and young chi ldren.
Reques t regular in ternal tes ting and cle aning for you r fl a s h . Build­up of dust in your fl a s h can cause a fi re or elect ric shock. Con­tact your FUJ IFILM dealer to reque st internal cleanin g every two years. Please note t hat this service is n ot free of charge.
Do not use a lcohol, thinn er, benzine, or ot her volatile c hemicals to clean th e fl ash. Failure to observe this p recaution can cause fi re
or electric shock.
The follo wing describ es the proper use o f batteries an d how to prolong the ir life. Incorr ect use can shor ten battery life o r cause leakage, over heating, fi r e, or explosion.
■ Cautions: Han dling the Ba tteries
• Do not expose to water, fl ame, or heat, or store in warm or humid condi­tions.
• Do not transpo rt or store with m etal objects s uch as necklaces or h airpins.
• Do not disasse mble or modif y the batteries o r battery casi ng.
• Do not subjec t to strong physica l shocks.
• Do not use bat teries that are leak ing, deformed, o r discolored.
• Keep out of reach o f infants and small c hildren.
• Insert in the co rrect orientat ion.
• Do not mix old and n ew batteries, b atteries with di ff erent char ge levels, or batteries of diff erent t ypes.
• If the fl a s h will not be used for an extended period, remove the batteries. Note that fl ash setting s will be reset.
• Th e batteri es may be warm to the touch immediately af ter use. Turn the
fl a s h off and allow the batte ries to cool before ha ndling.
• Bat tery cap acity tends to decreas e at low temper atures. Keep spare bat­teries in a pocket or other w arm place and e xchange as necessar y. Cold batteri es may recover some of t heir charge when war med.
• Fin gerprints and other stains on th e batter y terminals can impair b atter y performance. Thoroughly cl ean the terminals with a so ft, dr y cloth before inserting them in the fl a s h .
AA Alka line/Re charge able Ni-MH B atterie s
If the bat teries lea k, clean th e batter y chamber t horoughly before inserting new batteries.
If fl uid from the batter y comes into contact with sk in or clothing, fl ush the aff ected area with water. If fl uid enters you r eyes, immedi-
ately fl ush th e aff ec ted area with wat er and seek med ical attenti on. Do not rub yo ur eyes. Failu re to observe th is precautio n could result i n per­manent visual impairment.
■ Ni-MH Batter ies
The capa city of Ni-MH bat teries may be tempora rily reduced when new, af­ter long periods of disuse, or if they are repeatedly recharged before being fully dis charged. This is nor mal and does not ind icate a malfunct ion.
The fl a s h draws a small a mount of curre nt even when off . Ni- MH batterie s that have been left in the fl a s h for an extended period may be drawn down to the point that th ey no longer hold a charg e. Battery per formance may also drop if the bat teries are run dow n in a device such as a fl ashligh t. Batteries that no longer hold a charge even after repeatedly being discharged and recharged have reache d the end of their ser vice life and must b e replaced.
Ni-MH bat teries can be recharg ed in a battery charg er (sold sep arately). Bat­teries may be come warm to the touch af ter charging. R efer to the instruct ions provide d with the charger for mo re information. Use th e charger with compat­ible batteries only.
Ni-MH ba tteries gradua lly lose their charg e when not in use.
■ Disposal
Dispose o f used batteries i n accord with local re gulations.
In the event th at the display is damaged , care should be taken to av oid con­tact with liquid crystal. Take the urgent action indicated should any of the followin g situations aris e:
If liquid c rystal co mes in contac t with your sk in, clean the area wi th a cloth and then was h thoroughly with s oap and running water.
If liquid crystal enters your eyes, fl ush the a ff ected eye with c lean water for at least 15 minutes an d then seek medic al assistance.
If liquid crystal is swallowed, rinse your mouth thoroughly with water. Drink large quantities of water and ind uce vomiting, then seek medical assistance.
Liquid Crystal
Carin g for the Flas h
To ensure continue d enjoyment o f the produ ct, obse rve the fo llowing pre­cautions.
■ Storage and Use
If the fl ash will not be used for an extended period, remove batteries. Do not store or use the fl ash in locations that are:
• exposed to ra in, steam, or smoke
• very humid or e xtremely dus ty
• exposed to direct sunlight or very high temperatures, such as in a closed vehicle on a su nny day
• extrem ely cold
• subject to st rong vibration
• ex posed to st rong magne tic fi elds, such as near a broa dcastin g antenna, power line, r adar emitter, motor, trans former, or magnet
• in contact wit h volatile chemical s such as pesticid es
• next to rubb er or vinyl product s
■ Water and Sand
Exposure to water and san d can also dama ge the fl ash and its internal c ir­cuitr y and mechanisms. When usin g the fl ash at th e beach or seaside, avo id exposin g the fl ash to w ater or sand. Do not place the fl ash on a w et surface.
■ Condensation
Sudden increases in temperature, such as occur when entering a heated building o n a cold day, can cause cond ensation inside t he fl ash. If this occurs , turn the fl ash off and wai t for the condensati on to evaporate.
■ Cleaning
Use a blower to re move dust from the fl ash w indow, then gently wi pe with a soft, dry cloth. Any remaining stains can be removed by wiping gently with a piece of FUJIFILM lens-cleaning pa per to which a sm all amount of lens­cleaning fl uid has been ap plied. Care should be ta ken to avoid scr atching the fl ash, particularly the fl ash window. The body of fl ash can be cleane d with a sof t, dry cloth.
Thank you for your purchase of a FUJIFILM EF-42 clip-on fl ash unit. Please read this manual thoroughly before using the product.
■ Using the Flash
After mounting the fl ash on the camera, do not pick the camera up by the fl ash. The fl ash may become separated from the hot shoe, causing the camera to fall.
For information on compatible cameras, visit our website at http://
Table of Contents
For Your Safety ............................................................................................................................14
Table of Contents.......................................................................................................................16
Principal Features ......................................................................................................................16
Parts of the Flash ........................................................................................................................ 17
Inserting Batteries .....................................................................................................................18
Attaching the EF-42 .................................................................................................................18
Auto Power Off ...........................................................................................................................18
The LCD Display..........................................................................................................................19
Through-the-Lens (TTL) Flash Photography ............................................................20
Adjusting Settings ....................................................................................................................21
Manual Flash Photography .................................................................................................22
Using the Wide Panel ..............................................................................................................23
Bounce Lighting .........................................................................................................................23
Continuous Use .......................................................................................................................... 24
Specifi cations ...............................................................................................................................24
Principal Features
Ma xim um fl as h out put equ iva lent to a G N of 4 2/138 (ISO 100, m /f t): Auto zoom ( ) automatically matches fl ash angle to lens focal lengths in the 24–105 mm range (35 mm format equivalent).
Flexible bounce-fl ash lighting: The fl ash head can be rotated 90° ver- tically, 180° left, or 120° right to provide bounce-flash lighting in nearly all situations.
Exposure compensation: Exposure compensation of ±1.5 EV gives free rein to your creative powers. Choose from settings of –1.5, –1, –0.5, 0, +0.5, +1, and +1.5 EV.
Adjustable fl ash output: Manual fl ash level adjustment gives you a
choice of full output (
Adjustable focal length display: Lens focal can be displayed during shooting either in APS-C ( ) or 35 mm ( ) format.
Built-in wide panel: With coverage for focal lengths as short as 20 mm (35 mm format equivalent), the EF-42 can also be used for wide­angle shots.
) or /, /, /, /, /, / of full power.
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