Explains the Functioning and Set-up of the BACnet MSTP Communications Module as a supplement to
the Fuji Electric Frenic-Eco VFD.
The instructions are effective as of July 2012
Related publications can be found on Fuji’s website at www.americas.fujielectric.com
FECA-IN-112 07/2012
Fuji BACnet (OPC-F1-BAC) Start-Up Guide
For the
Fuji Electric FRENIC-Eco VFD
1 Equipment Set-Up .......................................................................................................................3
1.1 Supplied equipment ....................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Installing the Card ........................................................................................................................... 3
2 Operation ...................................................................................................................................5
2.1 Steps to set up communication with the Driver. ........................................................................... 5
3 Using BACnet/MSTP ....................................................................................................................6
3.1 Binary Points ................................................................................................................................... 6
3.1.1 Notes applicable to the binary points: .................................................................................... 7
3.2 Analog points .................................................................................................................................. 8
3.2.1 Notes applicable to the analog points: ................................................................................. 10
Appendix A. Reference ..................................................................................................................... 11
Appendix A.1. Address Dipswitch Settings .............................................................................................. 11
Appendix A.2. Baud Rate Dipswitch Settings .......................................................................................... 21
Mount BACnet Card on the
1.1 Supplied e qui p m e nt
BACnet MSTP Communications Module, Part Number OPC-F1-BAC
1.2 Installing t h e Card
Remove VFD cover and install OPC-F1-BAC BACnet MSTP com card into option port A of the VFD.
This may require the removal of the OPC-F1-RS option card.
Terminating and bias resistor dip switches.
Address Baud
Set the BACnet device instance and baud rate using the address dipswitches. (Refer to Appendix
If required, set the terminating resistor and bias resistor dipswitches on.
Connect the RS-485 port of the com card to the BACnet MSTP network.
Reinstall the VFD cover.
Power up the VFD.
2.1 Steps to set u p communicatio n with the Driver .
Press the “PRG” button.
Scroll to “1. Data Set Press FUNC/DATA”
Scroll till the screen says Y01
Press FUNC key.
To set a parameter, scroll to the desired parameter, press FUNC, scroll to the desired selection
and press FUNC again. To cancel press PRG.
The settings are as follows:
Set H30 to appropriate Frequency and Run Command Sources. E.G. Setting H30=-8 allows
Frequency and Run Command control over Bacnet.
After setting these correctly, restart the drive.
After the restart, the MODBUS RX and TX lights should be flashing.
This section describes the points that are available through the BACnet/MSTP interface.
3.1 Binary Point s
3.1 . 1 Notes appli cab le to the binar y points:
BV 16-22 is the state of the X1-XR in the communications register(S06) where BI 0-6 contains the
state of X1-XR as sent to the drive. To change the value sent to the drive by communications,
the new value must be written to the communications registers (BV 16-22).
Typically either BV22 OR BI6 will be used, they won't both be used at the same time. BV14 will
be used in case X1 needs to be controlled through communications or BI0 will be used to
monitor the value of the terminal.