BACnet Object_Name BACnet Object Type Object Instance Active Text Inactive Text R/W Modbus Address Linked to Offset BACnet Object Name BACnet Obect Type Object Instance Units Modbus Address Parameter R/W
Forward_Command BV 0 Forward Inactive R/W 1 S06 0 Frequency_Command_Setpt AV 0 Hz 0x0705 S05 R/W
Reverse_Command BV 1 Reverse Inactive R/W 2 S06 1 PID_cmd AV 1 % 0x070D S13 R/W
Alarm_Reset BV 2 Reset Inactive R/W 16 S06 15 Frequency_Command AV 2 Hz 0x805 M05 R
Forward_Rotation BV 3 Forward Inactive R 17 M14 0 Output_Torque AV 3 % 0x807 M07 R
Reverse_Command BV 4 Reverse Inactive R 18 M14 1 Input_Power AV 4 % 0x80A M10 R
DC_Braking/Pre_exiting BV 5 Braking Inactive R 19 M14 2 Output_Current AV 5 % 0x80B M11 R
Inverter_Shut_Down BV 6 Shutdown Inactive R 20 M14 3 Output_Voltage AV 6 V 0x80C M12 R
Braking BV 7 Braking Inactive R 21 M14 4 Latest_Alarm AV 7 0x810 M16 R
DC_Voltage_Est BV 8 Established Inactive R 22 M14 5 Operation_Time AV 8 h 0x814 M20 R
Voltage_Limiting BV 9 Limiting Inactive R 24 M14 7 DC_Link_Voltage AV 9 V 0x815 M21 R
Current_Limiting BV 10 Limiting Inactive R 25 M14 8 Inverter_Air_Temp AV 10
0x83D M61 R
Acceleration BV 11 Accelerating Inactive R 26 M14 9 Inverter_Heat_Sink_Temp AV 11
0x83E M62 R
Deceleration BV 12 Decelerating Inactive R 27 M14 10 PID_Feedback AV 12 0x848 M72 R
Alarm_Relay BV 13 Alarm Inactive R 28 M14 11 PID_Output AV 13 0x849 M73 R
Communications_Act BV 14 Effective Inactive R 29 M14 12 S_Parameter_Select AV 14 R/W
Busy BV 15 Busy Inactive R 32 M14 15 S_Parameter_Value AV 15 0x7XX SXX R/W
X1_Communications BV 16 Active Inactive R/W 3 S06 2 M_Parameter_Select AV 16 R/W
X2_Communications BV 17 Active Inactive R/W 4 S06 3 M_Parameter_Value AV 17 0x8XX MXX R
X3_Communications BV 18 Active Inactive R/W 5 S06 4 F_Parameter_Select AV 18 R/W
X4_Communications BV 19 Active Inactive R/W 6 S06 5 F_Parameter_Value AV 19 0x0XX FXX R/W
X5_Communications BV 20 Active Inactive R/W 7 S06 6 E_Parameter_Select AV 20 R/W
XF_Communications BV 21 Active Inactive R/W 14 S06 13 E_Parameter_Value AV 21 0x1XX EXX R/W
XR_Communications BV 22 Active Inactive R/W 15 S06 14 C_Parameter_Select AV 22 R/W
C_Parameter_Value AV 23 0x2XX CXX R/W
X1_Final BI 0 Active Inactive R M13 2 P_Parameter_Select AV 24 R/W
X2_Final BI 1 Active Inactive R M13 3 P_Parameter_Value AV 25 0x3XX PXX R/W
X3_Final BI 2 Active Inactive R M13 4 H_Parameter_Select AV 26 R/W
X4_Final BI 3 Active Inactive R M13 5 H_Parameter_Value AV 27 0x4XX HXX R/W
X5_Final BI 4 Active Inactive R M13 6 J_Parameter_Select AV 28 R/W
XF_Final BI 5 Active Inactive R M13 13 J_Parameter_Value AV 29 0xDXX JXX R/W
XR_Final BI 6 Active Inactive R M13 14 Output_Current_Real AV 30 A 0xF05 W05 R
Y_Parameter_Select AV 31 R/W
Y1_Communications BO 0 Active Inactive R/W S07 0 Y_Parameter_Value AV 32 0xEXX YXX R/W
Y2_Communications BO 1 Active Inactive R/W S07 1 W_Parameter_Select AV 33 R/W
Y3_Communications BO 2 Active Inactive R/W S07 2 W_Parameter_Value AV 34 0xFXX WXX R/W
Y5_Communications BO 3 Active Inactive R/W S07 4 X_Parameter_Select AV 35 R/W
30_Communications BO 4 Active Inactive R/W S07 8 X_Parameter_Value AV 36 0x10XX xXX R/W
Z_Parameter_Select AV 37 R/W
Z_Parameter_Value AV 38 0x11XX ZXX R/W
Capacitor_Life AV 39 % 0xF4B W75 R
Cooling_Fan_Time AV 40 h 0xF4D W77 R
Motor_Run_Time AV 41 h 0xF4F W79 R
Energy_Usage AV 42 0xF51 W81 R
Latest_Fault AV 43 0x811 M17 R
Complete Start Up Guide, FECA-IN-112, and related documentation can be downloaded from Fuji's website at: Second_Fault AV 44 0x812 M18 R
www.americas.fujielectric.com/components/drives-inverters/frenic-eco Third_Fault AV 45 0x813 M19 R
Universal_AO AO 0 0x70C S12 R/W
FECA-TE-124 (Supplement to Fuji BACnet Start-Up Guide, Publication Number - FECA-IN-112) 7/19/2012
Typically either BV14 OR BI6 will be used, they won't both be used at the same time. BV14 will be used in case X1 needs to be controlled through communications
or BI0 will be used to monitor the value of the terminal.
The Parameter_Select AV's are used to enter the number of the parameter required from the specific function group, ex. AV14 set
to 5 to read S05.
The Parameter_Value AV's are used to read/write the value of the parameter specified by the Parameter_Select AV, ex. if AV14 is
set to 5, AV15 will contain the value of S05. Writing to AV15 will set a new value for S05.
If a requested parameter is not supported by the Eco, ex AV14 is set to 4 to read S04, AV15's reliability will be set to fault and a
value of zero will be returned.
BV 16-22 is the state of the X1-XR in the communications register(S06) where BI 0-6 contains the state of X1-XR as sent to the drive. To change the value sent to
the drive by communications, the new value must be written to the communications registers (BV 16-22)