Instruction Manual for FD5000 Ser ies UV-33681e 12/12
Instruction Manual for FD5000 Ser ies 1/12
FD 5 X X X - X X
(1) Do not apply a voltage or current exceeding the maximum allowable
value; otherwise, it may damage the equipment.
Use a power voltage within the operation range; otherwise, it may result
in a fire, electrical shock, or malfunction.
(3) The contents of this manual are subject to change without notice.
Although the contents of this manual have been prepared with extra
care, if you have any questions, or find errors or missing information,
contact the sales agent from which you purchased the product or Fuji
Electric Instruments Co.,Ltd.
After reading this manual thoroughly, keep it in a convenient place for
future reference.
The mark on a label shows the measurement tail range of the input
specification of 8.1. clause.
1. Before Using the Product
Thank you for purchasing the FD5000 series. This manual should be passed on to
the person who operates the product. Examine the product for damage caused by
transportation or any other defects. If you find any damage or defects, contact
the sales agent from which you purchased the product or Fuji Electric Instru-
ments Co., Ltd.
1.1 Model Codes
The model lineup of the FD5000 series is shown below. Check that the model
code and specifications of your product match those you specified when order-
2. Mount ing the Product
2.1 Dimensions for Cutting Panel
Cut the panel for mounting according to the following dimensions.
Input unit
01: DC voltage measuring unit
(range 11: ±99.99 mV)
02: DC voltage measuring unit
(range 12: ±999.9 mV ; range 13: ±9.999 V)
(range 14:±99.99 V ; range 15: ±600.0 V)
03: DC current measuring unit
(range 23: ±9.999 mA; range 24: ±99.99 mA)
(range 25: ±999.9 mA)
04: AC voltage measuring unit (average rms)
(range 11: 99.99 mV; range 12: 999.9 mV)
(range 13: 9.999 V)
05: AC voltage measuring unit (average rms)
(range 14: 99.99 V; range 15: 600.0 V)
06: AC voltage measuring unit (true rms)
(range 11: 99.99 mV; range 12: 999.9 mV)
(range 13: 9.999 V)
07: AC voltage measuring unit (true rms)
(range 14: 99.99 V; range 15: 600.0 V)
08: AC current measuring unit (average rms)
(range 23: 9.999 mA; range 24: 99.99 mA)
(range 25: 999.9 mA)
09: AC current measuring unit (average rms)
(range 26: 5 A)
10: AC current measuring unit (true rms)
(range 23: 9.999 mA; range 24: 99.99 mA)
(range 25: 999.9 mA)
11: AC current measuring unit (true rms)
(range 26: 5 A)
12: Resistance measuring unit
13: Temperature measuring unit (TC)
14: Temperature measuring unit (RTD)
15: Frequency measuring unit
(inputs: open collector, logic, and magnet)
16: Frequency measuring unit(input: 50 to 600 Vrms)
17: Strain gauze input unit (load cell)
18: Process signal measuring unit (4 to 20 mA or 1 to 5 V)
e-Front runners
Fuji Electric Systems Co.,Ltd.
International Sales Dept.
No.1,Fuji-machi,Hino-city,Tokyo,191-8502 Japan
Phone +81-42-585-6201,6202
Fax +81-42-585-6187
FD 5 X X X - X X
Power unit
1: 100 to 240 V AC ±10%
2: 9 to 60 V DC
Display unit
1: Single display
2: Multi display
Output unit
0: None
1: Comparison
2: Analog
3: RS-232C
4: RS-485
5: Comparison and analog
6: Comparison, analog, and RS-232C
7: Comparison, analog, and RS-485
70 mm
120 mm min.
2.2 Mou nting the Prod uct to the Panel
To mount the FD5000 to the panel, remove its fittings and insert it through the
hole in the front of the panel. From the back of the panel, fix the product to the
panel with the fittings.
(UU-33 554e)
2006.0 3
Fuji Electric Systems Co.,Ltd

Instruction Manual for FD5000 Ser ies 2/12
Instruction Manual for FD5000 Ser ies
(1) Mount the product to a panel that is strong enough to hold the product.
If the panel is not strong enough or the product is not fixed tightly, it
may fall down and cause injury.
(2) The FD5000 does not have a power switch, and will thus be immediately
ready for operation upon connecting it to a power supply.
(3) If the product is installed inside other equipment, provide sufficient heat
dissipation to ensure that the temperature inside the equipment does
not exceed 50℃.
3. Terminal Arrangement
12 13 14 15 1 6 1 7 1 8 19
6 7 8 9 10 11
Input (the shape depends on the unit.)
3.1 Power
No. Name Description
Power terminal without polarity for both
DC and AC
Power terminal without polarity for both
DC and AC
10 11
3.2 Ext ernal Cont rols
Name Description
6 7 8 9
7 DZ
Control for hold function. Enabled when
short-circuited or at the same potential as
Control for digital zero function. Enabled
when short-circuited or at the same
potential as COM.
Control for peak hold function. Enabled
when short-circuited or at the same
potential as COM.
Common for all external control terminals.
3.3 Input Signa ls
3.3.1 DC Volta ge Measu ring Unit (Range 11)
Name Description
1 HI Positive input terminal
1 2 3
3.3.2 DC Volt age Measur ing Unit (Ra nge 12)
1 2 3 4 5
2 NC Do not connect this terminal.
3 LO
1 12
2 13
3 14
4 15
5 LO Negative input terminal
Negative input terminal
Name Description
Positive input terminal for range 12
(±999.9 mV)
Positive input terminal for range 13
(±9.999 V)
Positive input terminal for range 14
(±99.99 V)
Positive input terminal for range 15 (±300
Analog output
24 2 5 26
3.3.3 DC Cur rent Measur ing Unit
Name Description
Positive input terminal for range 23
(±9.999 mA)
Positive input terminal for range 24
(±99.99 mA)
Positive input terminal for range 25
(±999.9 mA)
LO5Negative input terminal
1 2 3 4 5
1 23
2 24
3 25
3.3.4 AC Volta ge Measu ring Unit (Ranges 11 to 13)
Name Description
Positive input terminal for ranges 11
(99.99 mV) and 12(999.9 mV)
Positive input terminal for range 13 (9.999
Common input terminal
1 2 3
1 11-12
2 13
3.3.5 AC Volta ge Measu ring Unit (Ranges 14 and 15)
Name Description
Positive input terminal for range 14 (99.99
Positive input terminal for range 15 (300
Common input terminal
1 2 3
1 14
2 15
3.3.6 AC Cur rent Measur ing Unit (Ranges 23 t o 25)
Name Description
Positive input terminal for range 23 (9.999
Positive input terminal for range 24 (99.99
Positive input terminal for range 25 (999.9
LO5Negative input terminal
1 2 3 4 5
1 23
2 24
3 25
3.3.7 AC Cur rent Measur ing Un it (Range 26)
Name DescriptionNo.
1 HI Input terminal
1 2
2 LO Input terminal
Applicable solderless terminals
5.8 mm
3.3.8 Resistan ce Measurin g Unit
Name Description
1 HI Input terminal for all ranges
1 2 3 4 5
2 LO
3 +S
Input terminal for all ranges
Constant current for four-wire resistance
Constant current for four-wire resistance
Common terminal (grounding terminal for
input circuit)
※Set to the 4-wire system when shipped.
When changing to the 2-wire system, locate
the ST1 socket on the resistance measurement
unit to the “2” positions.
8.3.2 Analog Output
8.4 Exter nal Dimensions
Output type Load resistance Accuracy Ripple
0 to 1V
0 to 10V
1 to 5V
4 to 20mA
10kΩ or more
10kΩ or more
10kΩ or more
550Ω or less
±(0.5% of FS)
Note: The ripple ratings for the 4-20 mA output are when the load resistance of
250Ω and the output current of 20 mA are applied.
Conversion system:PWM conversion
Equivalent to 13 bitsResoluton
Scaling:Digital scaling
Response speed:About 0.5 second
8.3.3 Communicating F unct ion
RS-232C RS-485
Synchronization system
Start and stop synchronization
Full duplexCommunication system
(Polling selecting system)
Two-wire half duplex
Communication rate 38400bps/19200bps/9600bps/4800bps/2400bps
Start bit 1bit
Data length
Error detection
Even parity/odd parity/non-parity
7 bits/8 bits
BCC (block, check, and character)
check sum
Stop bit
Character code
Communication control
Signal name used TXD,RXD,SG
Number of connectable
Line length 15m
Delimiter CR+LF/CR
1 bit/2 bits
ASCII code
No procedure
Non-inversion (+)
and inversion (-)
1 Up to 31 meters
Up to 500 m (total)
In EN/IEC conformity,it is unber 30m.
9. War r anty and After-service
9.1 War r anty
The warranty period shall be one year from the date of delivery. Any failure that
arises during this period and the cause thereof is judged to be obviously attribut-
able to Fuji Electric Instruments Co., Ltd. shall be remedied at no cost.
9.2 After-service
This product is manufactured, tested, inspected, and then shipped under
stringent quality control. Should the product fail, however, contact (or send
the product to) your vendor or Fuji Electric Instruments directly. (It is
5.8 mm
advisable that you send a memo describing the failure in as much detail as
possible along with the product returned.)