Fortinet, Inc. - EULA v14 - September 2015iv
1. License Grant.
This is a license, not a sales agreement, between you and Fortinet. The term "Software", as
used throughout this Agreement, includes all Fortinet and third party firmware and software
provided to you with, or incorporated into, Fortinet appliances and any stand-alone software
provided to you by Fortinet, with the exception of any open source software contained in Fortinet’s Products which is discussed in detail in section 15 below, and the term “Software”
includes any accompanying documentation, any updates and enhancements of the software
or firmware provided to you by Fortinet, at its option. Fortinet grants to you a non-transferab le
(except as provided in section 5 ("Transfer") and section 15 ("Open Source So ftware") below ),
non-exclusive, revocable (in the event of your failure to comply with these terms or in the
event Fortinet is not properly paid for the applicable Product) license to use the Software
solely for your internal business purposes (provided, if a subst antial portion of your business is
to provide managed service provider services to your end-customers, you may use the Software embedded in FortiGate and supporting hardware appliances to provide those services,
subject to the other restrictions in this Agreement), in accordance with the terms set forth in
this Agreement and subject to any further restrictio ns in Fortinet documen tation , and solely on
the Fortinet appliance, or , i n the case of b lades, CPUs or da tabases, on the sin gle blade, CPU
or database on which Fortinet installed the Software or, for stand-alone Software, solely on a
single computer running a validly licensed cop y of the operating system for which the Sof tware
was designed, or, in the case of blades, CPUs or databases, on a single blade, CPU or database. For clarity, notwithstanding anything to the contrary, all licenses of Software to be
installed on blades, CPUs or databases are licensed on a per single blade, solely for one
blade and not for multiple blades that may be installed in a chassis, per single CPU or per single database basis, as applicable. The Softwa re is "i n use" on a ny Fortinet appl iances when it
is loaded into temporary memory (i.e. RAM). You agree that, except for the limited, specific
license rights granted in this section 1, you receive no license rights to the Software.
2. Limitation on Use.
You may not attempt to, and, if you are a corporation, you are responsible to prevent your
employees and contractors from attempting to, (a) modify, translate, reverse engineer , decompile, disassemble, create derivative works based on, sublicense, or distribute the Sof tware; (b)
rent or lease any rights in the Software in any form to any third party or make the Software
available or accessible to third parties in any other manner; (c) except as provided in section
5, transfer assign or sublicense right to any other person or entity, or (d) remove any proprietary notice, labels, or marks on the Software, Products, and containers.
3. Proprietary Rights.
All rights, title, interest, and all copyrights to the Software and any copy made thereof by you
and to any Product remain with Fortinet. You acknowledge that no title to the intellectual property in the Software or other Products is transferred to you and you will not acquire any rights
to the Software or other Products except for the specific license as expressly set forth in section 1 (“License Grant”) above. You agree to keep confidential all Fortinet