Ford 7S7J-19A285-DA Owner's Handbook Manual

Feel the difference
Owner's handbook
Navigation system
The information contained in this publication was correct at the time of going to print. In the interest of development the right is reserved to change specifications, design or equipment at any time without notice and without incurring any obligations. This publication, or part thereof, may not be reproduced nor translated without our approval. Errors and omissions excepted.
© Ford Motor Company 2007
All rights reserved.
Part number: 7S7J-19A285-DA (CG3537en) 12/2006 20070207104045
General information..........................3
Road Safety........................................4
Navigation Quick start
Navigation unit
Using the touchscreen...................10
Loading the navigation disc............11
System settings
Navigation system
Security code..................................20
Lost security code..........................20
Entering a security code................20
Incorrect security code..................20
Disabling a security code...............20
Audio operation
Radio operation...............................21
CD operation...................................22
Navigation system
Navigation system controls...........25
Menu structure................................26
Route options menu.......................27
Entering a destination....................28
Route displays.................................28
Traffic Message
Principle of operation......................31
Using TMC........................................31
Map updates
Navigation telephone
General information........................33
Telephone setup.............................33
Using the telephone.......................33
Navigation voice
Principle of operation.....................36
Using voice control.........................37
Audio unit commands....................39
Telephone commands...................43
Navigation system
Climate control commands..........50
Navigation climate
Automatic climate control..............51
Table of contents
The system has many features including a full range of audio and climate control functions. To access these functions, press the relevant button on the unit bezel. This will take you into the selected mode.
One hour mode
To conserve battery power, the system can be operated in one hour mode. If the ignition is off, press the ON/OFF button to switch on the system. The system will automatically switch off again after one hour if not switched off by the user.
System notes
The Ford Navigation System is recommended for use when the ignition key is turned to the accessory position, or when the engine is running. If the system is used extensively when the engine is not running, care needs to be taken to avoid draining the battery.
To clean the navigation system, please use a soft cloth that is moist, but not wet. Do not use any liquid or aerosol cleaning agents.
The front glass on the liquid
crystal display may break when hit with a hard surface. If the glass breaks, do not touch the liquid crystalline material. In case of contact with skin, wash immediately with soap and water.
The Ford Navigation System is a highgrade laser product which uses a visible laser beam. If this is handled incorrectly it can emit dangerous rays. Do not attempt to look through any openings in the equipment into the interior.
Navigation introduction
Do not clean the system with solvents or aerosol cleaning
agents. Use only a damp cloth.
Do not apply excessive force to the screen.
Do not insert foreign objects into any of the system disc drives or media card slots.
Do not insert more than one disc into the navigation system disc drive.
Use only 12 cm discs, or 8 cm discs with a suitable adaptor.
Do not attempt to open up the device itself – your Ford Dealer will be happy to assist you if the equipment should develop any faults.
Improper use of other settings and connections than those presented here can cause damage to the equipment.
Do not turn the ignition key or start the engine while the software is updating.
The Ford Navigation System
provides you with information designed to help you reach your destination quickly and safely. For reasons of safety, the driver should only program the system when the vehicle is stationary.
The Ford Navigation System provides no assistance with respect to stop signs, traffic lights, areas under construction or other important safety information. This always remains the personal responsibility of the driver.
Do not use the system until you have familiarised yourself with its operation.
While driving under route guidance, only follow an instruction when it is safe to do so, as the system cannot be aware of changing conditions, for example turn restrictions, roadworks or diversions. Use voice guidance as much as possible, and only view the display when driving conditions permit.
The road safety caution is displayed each time the ignition is switched on, and the navigation system is selected. To use the system, read the caution and touch Ok.
Navigation introduction
Functions available whilst driving
For safety reasons, not all functions may be available whilst the vehicle is on the move.
The driver must not attempt to operate any detailed operation of the navigation system while the vehicle is in motion. Give full attention to driving and to the road. Pull off the road and park in a safe place before performing detailed operations.
Safety information
Please read and follow all stated safety precautions. Failure to do so may increase your risk of collision and personal injury. Ford Motor Company shall not be liable for any damages of any type arising from failure to follow these guidelines.
The navigation system is not a substitute for your personal judgement.
Route suggestions should not supersede local traffic regulations or safe driving practices.
Do not follow route suggestions if they direct you to perform an unsafe or illegal manoeuver, would place you in an unsafe situation, or would route you into an area that you consider unsafe.
Let the voice guide you. If detailed viewing is necessary, pull off the road to a safe location.
Do not use the navigation system to locate emergency services.
The map database does not reflect road detours, closures or construction, road characteristics such as rough road surface, slope or grade, weight or height restrictions, traffic congestion, weather or similar conditions.
To use the system as effectively and safely as possible, obtain updates to the map database whenever they become available.
Navigation introduction
The Ford Navigation System has a large range of features, yet is easy and intuitive to use. Route guidance can be given by voice prompts and is also shown on the display screen. The screen provides full information for operating the system through the use of menus, text screens and map displays. Screen selections are made by touching the required button on the screen.
Basic touchscreen operation
There are some common basic methods of entering data and making option selections. These are briefly described below.
Selection lists
Back/return buttonA
Selection list buttonsB
Further informationC
Scroll bar movement arrow buttons.
Various screens are presented which offer a selection list of available options. Press the option which you require, or if it is not shown on the screen you may need to scroll the selection using the up/down arrow buttons to the right of the display.
Press the back button to return to the last screen.
You can press and hold the up/down arrow button for continuous scrolling if required.
Some options within a list have text that does not fit completely on the button. In these cases a separate button is shown next to the main button. This button has three dots and when selected provides more details.
Alphanumeric keypad entry
When it is necessary to enter an address, a keypad will appear prompting you to enter a postcode, city, or street. Press the letter and number digits to spell your entry. The system will limit your entries to only those characters which spell a valid entry. It will automatically predict your entry if possible so it will not always be necessary to enter the full details.
Navigation Quick start
As you spell the entry the results will appear in the top line. Once the desired entry is shown press OK. If only part of the name appears highlighted you can press LIST and this will show a selection list screen showing all available entries which match. Select your required entry from this list.
If there is more than one entry with the exact same name a selection list will appear showing the various different options.
You may also press the MAP button to display each option represented on a map.
Select the correct option.
Return to previous screen display
Touch the back button to return to the previously displayed screen. This is a useful button if you need to only go back one step. The back button may appear on many different screens and will always be on the left side of the screen display.
Route setting example
This is a simple example explaining how to use the basic features of the system to set a route. For information relating to the other features of the system, see the relevant section in this guide.
Please follow this step by step procedure to familiarise yourself with the system.
Navigation main screen
To select the navigation system, push the NAV button adjacent to the touch screen panel. The road safety caution will be displayed. To use the system, read the caution and touch OK.
Destination input screen
Touch the destination input button to enter the destination you wish to navigate to.
The destination input screen is now displayed. Starting from the top button first, select the country followed by either postcode if available or city and street name. Use the alphanumeric keypad and selection lists to select your address details.
Navigation Quick start
Once enough information has been entered touch the CALCULATE button to proceed.
If you only need to navigate to a city centre for example, full address details are not required. Touch the CALCULATE button once it becomes available.
The route is now calculated and the screen returns to the main navigation screen with instructions on how to proceed. Follow the screen and audio prompts to reach your destination.
Navigation Quick start
CD eject/apertureA
Touchscreen displayB
Map displayC
Navigation position information/repeat last navigation voice promptD
Home menu selectE
Sound settings/Equalizer settings select. See Audio operation (page 21).
Seek downG
Seek upH
Face level ventilation controlI
Navigation unit overview
Front screen ventilation controlJ
Air conditioning/right hand temperature controlK
Footwell ventilation controlL
Climate control menuM
On/off and volume control. See Audio operation (page 21).
Recirculate airO
Blower decrease speedP
Climate control/left hand temperature controlQ
Screen maximum defrostR
Blower increase speedS
Menu select. See System settings (page 12).
Phone menu selectU
Traffic/TMC menu select. See Traffic Message Channel (page
Radio source select/waveband change. See Audio operation (page 21).
CD/CD-MP3/CD Changer/AUX source select. See Audio operation (page 21).
Navigation main screen. See Navigation system (page 25).
Your navigation unit is equipped with a high quality touch sensitive screen. Where instructed, touch the various buttons shown on the screen. These buttons can be text or icon based and will be enclosed within a box. The button will appear to move when touched to indicate it has been pressed correctly.
In some cases the button will change colour after a successful button press. This is normally to indicate a feature has been activated.
Buttons will normally appear highlighted and will stand out on the display. If the button option is not available then it will not be highlighted. You cannot select the button in these cases and touching it will have no effect.
Navigation unit overview
Scroll bars may not be dragged or selected. Use the arrow buttons to move the bar as necessary. An arrow button may be pressed and held for continuous movement.
Under normal operating conditions access to the navigation disc will not be necessary. This is a dealer/service only operation.
For map updates and system upgrades please refer to your dealer.
Navigation unit overview
Most of the important settings for your navigation unit can be accessed via the MENU button. The following section describes the various options and how to use them.
Press the MENU button to display the settings screen. The following diagram shows an overview of the menu structure within the settings screen:
System settings
View 2D / 3D
Orientation Lane Nav arrows Map view
Map content
Position Destination Overview
Auto / North up / Head up
On / Off
On / Off On / Off
On / Off
On / Off
Off / Temp. / Always
Off / Temp. / Always
Selection list
Day / Night / Auto
Display mode
View Brightness Calibrate touch screen
Colour 1 / Colour 2
Time Set speed profile
Nav arrows Nav demo Start manual calibration
Enter position manually
Alternative freq.
Rest / Arrival
Off / One / Loop
Manual set screen
Nav voice output Nav mix
Sys Min AVC
Display off
Volume settings
System settings
Voice control
Factory settings
Anti-theft protection
Enable anti-theft protection
Reset radio settings to default Reset CD/AUX settings to default Reset NAV/MAP settings to default
Reset system settings to default
Reset destination memory
Preferred country
Selection list
Selection list Selection list
Enter VIN
Touch the button required as shown in the first column of the menu tree. A description of the various functions and options available are given here:
Map button
This accesses features to customise the map display.
The view option changes the map display from 2D to 3D view.
Select 2D for a plan view (this is closest to a paper map).
Select 3D for a forward facing view (simulated view through vehicle windscreen).
This changes the way in which the 2D map is displayed.
Select NORTH UP to display the map with north always at the top of the screen.
Select HEAD UP to display the map with the direction of the vehicle always at the top of the screen. The display will rotate as your vehicle changes direction.
Select AUTO to select a combination of the above two options. For lower map scales, the system will use a HEAD UP display, and for higher scales it will switch to a NORTH UP display.
System settings
You can also select these
functions via a shortcut button on the map screen. See Route displays (page 28).
Navigation arrows
This feature enables a graphic inset on the map display screen which shows the next turn or direction to travel in.
Select OFF to disable.
Select TEMP. to activate. This option will only display the inset graphic when there is a direction change/turn approaching.
Select ALWAYS to turn this on constantly. A graphic inset will always be shown even if there is no direction change or turn approaching.
Map view
Select POSITION to show the map with the current location of the vehicle in the centre.
Select DESTINATION to show the map centred on the entered destination address.
Select OVERVIEW to show the map automatically scaled to display the entire route.
Map content
This feature enables various categories of information to be included on the map display. You may select and de-select the different categories by scrolling through the options.
Multiple categories can be
Navigation button
This feature changes the way in which the journey time is shown in navigation mode.
Select REST to display the remaining estimated driving time to reach the destination.
Select ARRIVAL to display the estimated time of arrival.
Set speed profile
This feature allows personal adjustment of average speeds assumed for a given category of road. This allows you to customise the system to your individual driving style. This should make the estimated travel time calculations more realistic.
Navigation arrows
This feature enables a graphic inset on the audio and phone displays which shows basic navigation information. The graphic will be an arrow showing the next turn or direction to travel in and the distance to that turn.
System settings
Select OFF to disable.
Select TEMP. to activate. This option will only display the inset graphic when there is a direction change/turn approaching.
Select ALWAYS to leave this on constantly. A graphic inset will always be shown even if there is no direction change or turn approaching.
Navigation demo
This feature allows you to set any vehicle start position, and to begin a demonstration route guidance scenario if required. Your GPS position is ignored when activating this feature and your vehicle does not need to be moving to begin a route.
Select OFF to deactivate. The system will operate normally using the GPS sensor and display the true vehicle position.
Select ONCE to enable and run through a simulated route guidance plan one time only.
Select LOOP to enable a continuous demonstration mode. The simulated route will keep repeating by returning to the start point once the destination has been reached.
To enter a simulated vehicle position, select the manual position button. This will allow entry of an address in the usual manner.
Manual calibration
It may be necessary to periodically calibrate the navigation system, in order to maintain position accuracy. Touch this button to re-calibrate the navigation system. Follow the on screen instructions.
AM/FM button
This feature will interrupt normal reception to broadcast news bulletins from stations on the FM waveband, in the same way as traffic information is provided. News interrupts are broadcast at the same preset volume level as traffic announcements. You can turn this on and off.
System settings
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