Fluke TiX1000, TiX660, TiX640 Specifications

Detailed specifications
TiX1000 TiX660 TiX640
General specifiations (continued)
Viewfinder Tiltable LC oS color view finder d isplay, 800 × 600 pixel resolution No
Dimen sions (L x W x H, with sta ndard 30 mm lens)
Weight (with standard 30 mm len s) 1.95 kg (4.3 lb) 1.4 kg (3.1 lb)
Measurement functions (selection) Multiple meas urement spots & regions of interest (ROIs), hot/cold sp ot detec tion, isotherms, profiles, di fferences
Automatic functions (selection) Focus, image, level, range, N UC, len s recognit ion, image optimi zation, ala rm seq uence
SmartView® software Yes
Supported languages Czech, Dutch, Engl ish, F inn ish, French, Germ an, Hugarian, Italia n, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Port uguese, Russia n, Simplifie d Chinese,
210 mm × 125 mm × 155 mm
(8.25 in x 4.9 in x 6.1 in)
Span ish, S wedi sh, Traditional C hine se and T urkish
(8.1 in x 4.9 in x 5.5 in)
Available optional lenses*
with I P54-proof bayonet mount
1024 x 768 640 x 48 0
Fluke Model Lens description Focal d istance (m m) Focus (m) iFOV (m Rad) FOV (°) iFOV (mRad) FOV (°)
FLK-Xlens/Wide Wide-angle lens 15 0.47 1.1 67.8 x 50.7 1.7 62.3 x 4 6.4
FLK-Xlens/Stan Normal lens 30 0.72 0.6 32.4 x 24.7 0.8 30.9 x 23.1
FLK-Xlens/Tele Telephoto lens 60 1.99 0.3 16.4 x 12.4 0.4 14.9 x 11.3
FLK-Xlens/SupTele Super telephoto lens 120 6.58 0 .1 8.1 x 6.2 0.2 7.5 x 5.7
Fluke Model Lens description Focal d istance (m m) Focus (mm) FOV (°) (m Rad) Resolution (μm) FOV (°) (m Rad) Resolution (μm)
FLK-Xlens/Macro1 Close-up 0.2x For 30 137.4 85.5 x 63.2 81 78.1 x 57.9 119
FLK-Xlens/Macro2 Close-up 0.5x For 30 47.4 34.3 x 25. 3 32 31.3 x 23.2 47
FLK-Xlens/Macro3 Close up 0.5x For 60 100 35.1 x 26.5 35 32.3 x 24.4 50
Super wide-angle
7.5 0.17 2.3 135.8 x 101.4 3.3 128.9 x 92.7
1024 x 768 640 x 48 0
*Optional lenses mu st be ca librated to t he individual camera. If lens purchase is pos t camera purchase, t he camera will need to be returned for cal ibrat ion with the lens.
3 Fluke Corporation TiX1000, TiX660 and TiX640 Infrared Cameras: The Fluke Expert Series