Fluke Ti450 SF6 Specifications

Built with
Ti450 SF6 Gas Leak Detector and Infrared Camera
Fluke Connect® compatible
Infrared mode
Gas detection mode
SF6 (Sulfur hexafluoride)
≤ 0.025 °C at 30 °C target temp (25 mK)
320 x 240 in both infrared and gas modes 640 x 480 with SuperResolution mode, only in infrared mode
SF6 gas leak detector combined with Fluke’s top performing pistol grip infrared camera
Detects and pinpoints the exact location of the SF6 leak–without shutting down equipment
320 x 240 resolution for gas and infrared images; SuperResolution increases to 640 x 480, only in infrared mode.
Get in-focus images in both infrared and gas modes with a touch of a button with LaserSharp® Auto Focus
Wirelessly connect your camera to the Fluke Connect® system to make faster decisions. Team members can see the same data and collaborate on identifying the problem or authorize work before you’ve left the inspection site.
No need for pencil and notebook:
- IR-PhotoNotes™ annotation system–captures digital images of
equipment details, e.g. serial numbers and surrounding area conditions
- Record any additional notes with voice annotation and save them
with the image
Compatible with smart lenses that require no calibration when swapping them between compatible cameras
Optimize images, perform analytics, generate quick, customizable reports and export images to the format of your choice with Smart­View® desktop software, included with your purchase
Capture clear, accurate infrared images focused throughout the entire field of view with MultiSharp™ Focus
Small and lightweight, fits easily into your tool box
100 % Focused–Every object. Near and far. MultiSharp Focus.
Manua l focus–only front pipe in focus MultiSharp™ Focus produces an image
focused throughout the field of view
Ti450 S F6 Gas Le ak Dete ctor a nd Inf rared C amera
Key features
Detector resolution 320 x 240 (76,8 00 pixels)
Gas detection Yes, SF6 g as only
SF6 gas leak detection conditions
<10 lbs a nnua l gas los s rate
10 to 50 lbs annual g as loss rate
>50 lbs annual g as loss rate Easy detection in moderate cond itions
IFOV w ith st anda rd lens (spati al res oluti on) 1.31 mRad, D:S 753:1
Field of view 24 °H x 17 °V
Minimum fo cus d ista nce 15 cm (approx. 6 in)
IR Fu sion® technology Yes, on camera–f ull screen
MultiSharp™ Focus Yes, focused nea r and fa r, thro ughout the field of view
LaserSharp® Auto Foc us Yes, in-focus i mages w ith the touch of a button
Laser distance meter
Advanced manual focus Yes
Wireless connectivity
Fluke Connect® app compatible
Fluke Connect Assets opt ional s oftware
Fluke Connect Instant Upload
Fluke Connect tool compati ble
IR Fu sion® technology Yes, adds t he context of the v isi ble deta ils to your infrar ed imag e
AutoBlend™ mode
Picture -in-picture (PIP) Yes
IR/ Visible Al arm Yes
Ful l IR Yes
Ful l Visi ble light Yes
Ruggedized touchscreen display 3.5 inch (land scape) 640 x 480 LCD
Rugged, ergonomic design for one-handed use Yes
Thermal sen sitivity (NET D) ≤ 0.025 °C at 30 ° C target temp (25 mK )
Filter mode (N ETD i mprovement) Yes
Level and spa n Smooth auto and manual scal ing
Fast auto toggle between manua l and auto modes Yes
Fast auto-res cale i n manual mode Yes
Minimum span (in m anua l mode) 2.0 °C (3.6 ° F)
Minimum span (in auto mode) 3.0 °C (5.4 °F)
Built-in digital camera (visible light) 5 megapixel industrial performance
Frame rate 60 Hz
Laser pointer Yes
LED light (torc h) Yes
Digital zoom 2x and 4x
Data storage and image capture
Extensive memory options
Image c apture, review, save mechan ism One-h anded i mage capture, review, and save c apabi lity
Image fi le formats
Memory review Thumbnail and ful l scre en review
Export file formats with SmartView® desktop software
Voice annotation Yes
IR PhotoNotes™ Yes (save up to 5 notes per IR im age)
Text annotation Yes
Video recording Standard and radiometric
320 x 240 (76,8 00 pixels)
on gas mode
Excellent outdoor condition s necessary–large temperature di fference
Good outdoor conditions–moderate temperature difference between gas
Yes, calculates dis tance to the ta rget for precisely foc used images a nd
Yes, to PC, i Phone® and iPad® (iOS 4s a nd later), Android™ 4.3 and up, and
Yes*, connect you r camera to your smar tphone, and images tak en automati-
Yes*, assign images to as sets and create work order s. Easily compare mea-
Yes*, connect you r camera to your build ing’s WiFi network , and im ages
taken automatically upload to t he Fluke Connect sy stem for v iewi ng on your
Yes*, connects w irelessly to s elect F luke Connec t® enabled tools a nd dis -
Yes, Min , Mid, M ax IR plus fu ll visible on camera; conti nously variable
Remova ble 4 GB micro SD memory card, 4 GB i nternal flas h memory, save to
USB flash drive capa bility, upload to F luke Connect® Cloud s torage
Non-radiomet ric (.bmp) or (.jpeg) or ful ly-rad iometric (.is2); no analysis
soft ware requi red for non-radiometr ic (.bmp, .jpg and .avi) files
Smar tView de sktop s oftware—ful l analysis and reporting soft ware w ith
between gas and backg round, no wind
and backgrou nd, no w ind
displays di stance on screen
WiFi to LAN (where availa ble)
cally upload to t he Fluke Connect app for s aving and sha ring
surement types in one location
smar tphone or PC
plays measur ements on c amera s creen
in software
access to the F luke Connect system
Bitmap (.bmp), GI F, JPEG, PNG , TIF F
640 x 48 0 (307,200 pi xels)
on infrared mode
2 Fluke Corporation Ti450 SF6 Gas Leak Detector and Infrared Camera
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